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Victor Fernandez III cyberphor
Security Analyst

United States

ashish ashish111333
contributing to OSS / Golang /


JSun mgllc

@GovDOSS Raleigh, NC

Anwar C anwarchk
#Kotlin #Java #Go #Python, CTO, Software Engineer, Cloud Architect #Spring Boot #K8s #OSS #LLMs #AI/ML #AWS #GCP #Azure #Istio #GKE # AKS #EKS


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Joshua D Davis, PhD JoshDavisChem
I am a PhD Chemist from Michigan State University that has optimized and scripted quantum chemistry software packages in a Linux environment.


April Rieger aprilrieger
A seasoned Software Engineer with 12+ yrs in design, full-stack dev, and DevOps. Passionate about innovation, collaboration and inclusivity for everyone.

Chula Vista, Ca.

Amber Irene Smith GeekyDragonfly
I've worked in all areas of IT for years but have recently decided to go back to school remotely/online to update my skills and obtain that degree.

Deer Park, Texas

Joshua Bonebrake JMBoneB

@defenseunicorns Arizona

Melek Sabit meleksabit
♞♚♟️Always curious, always building, and always levelling up♟️🏁
Dan Clawson clawson
Geek and sometimes dishwasher.
Jeremy Meiss jerdog
#Community, #DevEx, and #DevRel. Recently DevRel at @circleci; formerly at @SolaceDev, @auth0 and @xda. Organizer at @devopsdays-kc.

Open to work Remote

Brad Voris bvoris
Wubba Lubba Dub Dub Security Stuff! Bourbon and Donuts!

Cyber Forge Security, Inc. Houston, Texas

Richard Kaufman DU-RichardKaufman
Junior IT Security Engineer

Defense Unicorns Superior, WI

Arijit Ray itsarijitray

@twilio & @segmentio Kolkata, India

Alexander L. de Goeij aldegoeij
Architect, Cloud Engineer, AWS Guru. Co-Founder @skyleague.

@SkyLeague Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Simon Holm Frandsen sfrandsen

OCN Consult Aps Odense, Denmark

Jeff Rescignano JeffResc
DevSecOps Engineer @ Defense Unicorns 🦄 | CNCF Kubestronaut

@DefenseUnicorns Tampa, FL

Nic Acton tuffacton
Guru of Grokking 🧠 Constant Consumer of Caffeine ☕️ Crafter of Clouds ☁️, Code 💻, and Containers 🐋

Harness Arlington, VA