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Bin Emmanuel binemmanuel
As a software engineer, I am passionate about developing efficient and effective solutions to complex problems.

Softkodes Gwainpa, Abuja, Nigeria

MMB michelmb
Software Eng, Data Science, Economist, Investiments, Enterprise Finance, Machine Learning. Agile, Oracle EPM.

Extreme Value Software Eng Ltda São Paulo, Brazil

Kry Sobothty Sobothty
I am a Junior student at RUPP.

Phnom Penh

Ron Sheely RonSheely
Husband, father, grandfather, retired Cal Poly Electronic, Software, Embedded Systems Engineer, hp, Tektronix lifelong learner, really old photo ...

Retired Pacific Northwest

Leonard sllllz
better log,less bug


Sam LABBE slabbdev
Full-stack dude !

S//ABB Inc. Zanzibar, TZ

Hansana Sandun hansanasandun2001
Undergraduate student Institute of Technology University of Moratuwa
Sérgio Campos Silvério campos-sergio
DDD(Dollar Driven Developer) • Ruby on Rails developer • Skilled feature builder • Fierce bug slayer o/

Mamute TI Tech Caraguatatuba - SP, Brazil

Boniface Sitati bit-worm

Nairobi, Kenya

Rafael smorigo

São Paulo, Brasil

Aryan Jha jhaaryan597
Full Stack Flutter Developer | CSE (AI & DS) @ IIIT Manipur '26 | UI/UX | Flutter | FlutterFlow | Node.js | Express.js | SQL | Firebase | REST APIs

Freelancer Indore, Madhya Pradesh

Hamid M4RZB4Ni
Mobile Developer and Team Lead with 8 years of experience. Skilled in Flutter, Dart, Java and Kotlin, Love to Shape Software's Architecture

CPU's ALU Unit

Guoxiong Li lgxbslgx
OpenJDK Reviewer/Committer

2013 JNU China

Kyrillos Maher Fekry Fanous Ikyrillos
Mid-Senior Mobile app Developer | Flutter Developer | Software Developer, I'm passionate about building beautiful and high-performance Cross-platform applicatio

@toctive-com Cairo, Egypt

Stan stan-at-work
I'm stan and i work with dart and Flutter
Y.Nanthachai thecoachingonline
I'm hope my Skills and Abilities benefit the Growth of the Organization. SMEs | StartUp | Corporate #5G #Cloud #DevSecOps #RemoteWork #WorkFromAnywhere

Singapore, ASEAN

Lam Thanh Nhan lamnhan066
Keep going, keep dreaming, keep believing, keep hoping. You'll get there before you know it.
Eugene Letenkov letenkov
Software Engineer Expert (DevOps)

@letenkov Moscow

Al Duncanson alDuncanson

@mhs Grand Rapids, Michigan

Braulio Valencia BraulioValencia64
Developer (Back-end) | Data Engineer | AI Engineer

Braulio Valencia Perú

Natã Martins natamartinscodedev
There is no easy way, just only hard work So don't think, just do it!

... moon...🚀

João V. Sanches joaovictorsanchesandrade
Se você pode imaginar, você pode criar.

Bugs City Embu-Guaçu - São Paulo