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Hisashi Yamaguchi hisashiyamaguchi
Thoughtful cyber security leader and pre-sales engineering professional with over 25 years of experience.
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


lee colleton leecolleton
I'm a privacy and ethics enthusiast.

Pacific Northwest

this is the way.
Brandon Ly branberry
Dog Dad. he/him

@mongodb Minneapolis, Minnesota

Frank Fruityloops Olsen frankfruityloops
There he goes, one of God's own prototypes, a high powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live and too rare to die


Niraj Kumar Panda nirajKpanda
An inquisitive techie

Dell Technologies Bengaluru

kaliyappan R Kaliyappan1
Building web solutions with React.js and Express.js. Focused on user-centric applications and continuously refining my skills in full-stack development.
Donel Adams/Donadamassociates DonelAdam
Consultant fostering business development through my associate networks to maximize any platform's growth potential utilizing AI and cloud with data analysis.

Donel Adams Youngstown Ohio

Joseph Womack jwomack

Costco Wholesale Renton, WA

fangstar fangstar

Orange County, CA

JL commandline-be
cognisant security

cognisec Belgium

Carl Brahms cbrahms

@chronosphereio USA

Ben de Haan bendehaan
Freelance security consultant & engineer

ENACT-IT Netherlands

Justin Hamblin blacknight659
Solution Engineer in the Observability, Secuirty, and Monitoring space. I love technology and am always looking for a fun project! Indianapolis

Jean Hewetson jeanthink
A curious developer

@microsoft interweb cloud clusters

Abbas Mashayekh abbasatcribl
Senior Software Engineer @ Cribl

@criblio Toronto, Canada

phil philipgeraldtaylor

Walnut Apartment Tamahere

Benji York benji-york
Disciple, engineering leader, and live production tech


Mohammad D. userdehghani
Security Eng, DevSecOps Enthusiast
Praveen 1Pravi
Student | Passionate contributing to open source projects.


Emma Doyle emmeowzing
Lead DevOps Engineer @ SBE Vision

SBE Vision, Inc. Boston, MA