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Zachary Smith smithzach-md
Behavioral Scientist at the National Center for Health Statistics.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention New York, NY

Emily Hulya Dogan hdogan1
Data Scientist/Database Manager

CDC Atlanta

Rubi Baral xbu2-cdc
Sr. QA Analyst and Business Analyst for the project PRS WEB Application.

CDC Atlanta, GA

Matthew Pooser mppoos

CDC Atlanta, GA

Lyndsay Bottichio lbottichio

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention Atlanta, GA

Kathy Sward ksward
Faculty at U of Utah College of Nursing and Dept of Biomedical Informatics

Utah DCC Salt Lake City UT

Elisha B. Are ElishaBayode

Simon Fraser University Burnaby, BC, Canada


National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, CDC

Alexandra (Ali) Ruth aruth-cdc
Statistician | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | National Center for Health Statistics

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Hyattsville, Maryland

Anthony Early ABEarly12

Health and Human Servicecs Atlanta GA.

Nick Tietz njtietz
I'm a software developer with significant work experience is in small/medium enterprises. I adapt well to changing environments


Young erinyoung
Bioinformatician in public health

Utah Public Health Laboratory Salt Lake City, UT

Jessica Rowell jessicarowell
Epidemiologist / Bioinformatics Scientist

Deloitte Atlanta, GA

Steven Nguyen hfi5

Atlanta, Georgia

John Jacquay jacquayj

@bioteam Denver, CO

Megha Ganewatta rvp5cdc
Senior Informatician - Surveillance, Information Management and Statistics Office, Division of Foodborne, Waterborne and Environmental Diseases (DFWED)


Dustin Harrell oharrell
Systems Architect

Peraton Contractor + Personal Work Springdale, AR