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Thiago Silva tsrsilva

Universidade Federal do Parana Brasil

Tom Klein kleintom

Madison, WI, USA

Jakob Jilg weevil-see
Entomologist, into weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) with the aim to do taxonomy.


Erdong edx903
X Supports Life.

E.D. X

Ethernal Serenade ethernal-serenade
Explain my name: Ethernal (like Eternal but add "H" - Human). Serenade (Translation: start by "Nocturne" and follow with flow "en-vn-en"). Thanks ❤️

Viet Nam

Nathan P. Havill nphavill
Evolutionary Biologist. Forest Entomologist.

USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station

Colin Favret ColinFavret

University of Montreal Montreal, Canada

Lily Hart lvhart2
Insect Collection assistant & Aquatic Entomology lab assistant @ Illinois Natural History Survey
Klaus Riede klausriede
see my projects on ResearchGate I will now leave github because I am not willing to enable 2FA.

Global Register of Migratory Species Uruguay

Debbie Paul debpaul
@tdwg biodiversity data standards geek, fostering digitization and empowering #taxonomists. Please try #yesAnd instead of yesBut.

@SpeciesFileGroup UI Champaign, Illinois

Louis Nastasi louisfnastasi
PhD Candidate @ Penn State's Frost Entomological Museum

Penn State Frost Entomological Museum

Natalia Maritza LL natantlad
Biology | Entomology | Myrmecology
Davide Dal Pos DavideDalPos
I am a morphologist and taxonomist working on the family Ichneumonidae

University of Central Florida Orlando, FL

José Luis Pereira jlpereira

La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina