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Jelle Haandrikman jhaand
General purpose hacker of hardware and software. Advocate of Freedom Software. Member of hackerspace TDvenlo.

Venlo, The Netherlands

Alan アラン AlanB74
Just an enthusiastic tinkerer with a passion for pocketable and portable computer gadgets and gizmos

Nuneaton UK

Alexander Salas Bastidas ajsb85
Global citizen, coder with good taste, workaholic and ubergeek 👨🏻‍💻

@firechip Barcelona, Spain

Dale Ianni daleianni

Coventry, CT, USA

Charles Cai charles-cai

Socialogix Limited London, UK

Mikkel Rask mikkelrask
garlic bread expert

@krypteringinfo Copenhagen, Denmark

Kyle Tuft tuftkyle
Data something something. I play with numbers.
Anne Jan Brouwer annejan
Started programming age 6, professionally since 2001 Now Head of Engineering @minvws Badger @badgeteam Hacker @IJHack @NURDspace @idiopolis @Hack42

@IJHack Netherlands

arturo182 arturo182
Founder of @solderparty

Solder Party AB Malmö, Sweden

Alex killergeek
just doing tech stuff
Robot robotman2412
Hi Ther.


cumsoft cumsoft
CLT, XR & Hybrid Kernel Dev

cumsoft New York, NY

Jana Marie Hemsing Jana-Marie

Augmental Tech Germany

Jobit Joseph jobitjoseph
Electronics Engineer

Semicon Media @Circuit-Digest

Ken hrhertz
I enjoy tackling challenging problems and finding solutions.
Divya Pujara Divyastra

Leicester Hackspace Leicester

Alireza laserayaneh

LaSeR Rayaneh Iran, Tabriz

Elvin elvinristi

@vaimo Tallinn, Estonia

Christian W. CWCorrea

Medellin, Colombia

Backwoods Bob BOBBYWY
I have no idea what I am doing here.
Dave Proffer deepcoder

Tamada Technologies California and beyond