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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Issam LAGHA issamlagha
Hi, I'm a Meteorologist, but I'm more interested in Numerical Weather Prediction modelling and Data Assimilation.

ONM Algeria Algeria

wade wilson WadeWinstonWilsons
my humor is almost a comical
Yucheng Wang wangyc2320
Grad student [email protected] Geophysics, Geodynamics

Stony Brook University Stony Brook, New York State, U.S.

Guangpu Yi GuangpuYi
turth and love

Arizona State University, School of Earth and Space Exploration Tempe, AZ

Robson Robson-Passos

Federal University of Itajubá Itajubá/MG - Brazil

_ivaquero_ ivaquero
Minimalism Follower & Fan of Command Lines
Erdong edx903
X Supports Life.

E.D. X

Luqian Jiang jianglq6

University of Science and Technology of China Shenzhen, China

Nicolas TORO toro-nicolas
A French student at Epitech Nice learning development.

@Epitech Nice, France

Yana Pinheiro YanaPinheiro
I'm an undergraduate student in Geophysics focusing on Seismic Processing in the group of Dr. Ellen de Nazaré, PhD, at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA).

Universidade Federal do Pará Belém-Pa-Brasil

Oscar de León odeleongt

CDC (work) + personal projects Atlanta, Georgia

Always zzuwpf
An ordinary graduate student

Zhengzhou University

Yang Chen cyloveyou

西安科技大学测绘学院 陕西西安

Daniel Camarena DanielCamarena
[computer ∪ stats] ∩ [math ∪ science]

Imarpe Callao, Perú

SANADA Euki Desert-sabaku
