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Anthony Djoewanda蔡富明 adjoewanda
Software Engineer in New York City.

New York, US

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Swarnendu Halder swarnenduhalder20
Driving Global Talent @Metaphysic-ai | Emerging Technologies | Previously @facebook @facebookresearch @betterworldtech @directi @media-net London/Mumbai

Martins zambujo
"quite good with computers and jq"


Pain cheungfujai

@Citi London

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Pratima Pore Pratima4003

COEP Technological University Pune, Maharashtra, India

Nishith Savla Nishith-Savla
Intern at Citi | Computer Engineering Student | Backend Development Enthusiast | VJTI'an

Maharashtra, India

Anushka Gurav Anushka-Gurav
2nd Year Computer Engineering Student

Masur Maharashtra

Laukik laukik-target
An engineer who relentlessly innovates to unravel complex challenges. India

I love to explore . I know how to blend hard work with smart work.

Citi Pune

Sarvesh Mankar SarveshMankar
Python Developer | CP Enthusiast

College of Engineering, Pune (COEP) Pune

Mrunmayee Babhulkar Bhat mrunub
Data Scientist

@Citi Pune

yaWhitekali Dawju9
wh1t3k4li | Innowacyjne rozwiązania technologiczne 🔧 Tworzymy przyszłość technologii 💡 Specjalizacja: [Programowanie] 🌐

Spark | POLAND Poland

Tanweer Ali tanweeralii
App Developer at Citi


Ashesh Kumar Sinha AsheshSinha
VP @ Citi India | Distributed Systems(Back-End)
Will Slattum wrslatz
Software engineer in the OSPO @capitalone ☕ 💻 ⛰️

Capital One Asheville, NC

Aneesh Damle aneeshdamle11
Bazballing CS at COEP!

COEP Technological University Pune, Maharashtra, India

Bayu Wicaksono wicaksonobayu
Reference Data Analyst @jpmorganchase

@jpmorganchase Jakarta

SVP Citi :- Architect for Generative AI Systems | Specialisation in ML Implementation
Jamie Slome JamieSlome
Operations Lead, Open Source Program Office @Citi | Co-founder @418sec (acquired by @protectai)

@Citi London, United Kingdom

Harshil shah harshilshah99
Ex-Summer Intern at Citi | SIH '23 Finalist | VJTI CSE'24
ANKIT SHARMA AnkittSharmaa
Just a teenager playing with CODE.