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Commit fc53259

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committedAug 17, 2020
Remove label dependency from bundle docs.
The user story for arbitrary bundle properties hasn't solidified yet. The label type should remain unadvertised for now, in order to avoid user confusion, while still available for use as an escape hatch.
1 parent 018a040 commit fc53259

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@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ annotations:

The dependencies of an operator are listed as a list in `dependencies.yaml` file inside `/metadata` folder of a bundle. This file is optional and only used to specify explicit operator version dependencies at first. Eventually, operator authors can migrate the API-based dependencies into `dependencies.yaml` as well in the future. The ultimate goal is to have `dependencies.yaml` as a centralized metadata for operator dependencies and moving the dependency information away from CSV.

The dependency list will contain a `type` field for each item to specify what kind of dependency this is. There are two supported `type` of operator dependencies. It can be a package type (`olm.package`) meaning this is a dependency for a specific operator version. For `olm.package` type, the dependency information should include the `package` name and the `version` of the package in semver format. We use `blang/semver` library for semver parsing ( For example, you can specify an exact version such as `0.5.2` or a range of version such as `>0.5.1` ( In addition, the author can specify dependency that is similar to existing CRD/API-based using `olm.gvk` type and then specify GVK information as how it is done in CSV. The author can also specify CSV labels as dependency constraints using `olm.label` type. The value of `olm.label` type will be matched against labels in CSV with the key starting with the phrase `olm.label`. This is a path to enable operator authors to consolidate all dependencies (API or explicit version) to be in the same place.
The dependency list will contain a `type` field for each item to specify what kind of dependency this is. There are two supported `type` of operator dependencies. It can be a package type (`olm.package`) meaning this is a dependency for a specific operator version. For `olm.package` type, the dependency information should include the `package` name and the `version` of the package in semver format. We use `blang/semver` library for semver parsing ( For example, you can specify an exact version such as `0.5.2` or a range of version such as `>0.5.1` ( In addition, the author can specify dependency that is similar to existing CRD/API-based using `olm.gvk` type and then specify GVK information as how it is done in CSV. This is a path to enable operator authors to consolidate all dependencies (API or explicit version) to be in the same place.

An example of a `dependencies.yaml` that specifies Prometheus operator and etcd CRD dependencies:

@@ -84,9 +84,6 @@ dependencies:
kind: EtcdCluster
version: v1beta2
- type: olm.label
label: lts

### Bundle Dockerfile

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