- Mini-summit issue: #99
- Recording: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TY5uirDq1SI
- Minutes doc: https://hackmd.io/mW7rTTYvREOwGRpOYkXc4w
- Michael Dawson (@mhdawson)
- Tierney Cyren (@bnb)
- Michael Zasso (@targos)
- Orta Therox (@orta)
- Richard Lau (@richardlau)
- Igor (@igorklopov)
- Max Schmitt (@maxibanki)
- Gireesh Punathil (@gireeshpunathil)
- Joyee Cheung (@joyeecheung)
- Joe Sepi (@joesepi)
- Erick Wendel
- Bethany Nicolle Griggs (@BethGriggs)
- Simon Schick (@SimonSchick)
- Ruben Bridgewater (@BridgeAR)
- Steven (@styfle)
- Parris Lucas (@groovecs)
- Jean Burellier (@sheplu)
- Joyee Cheung (@igalia)
- Quick introductions
- Suitable types for end-users - 90 mins
- Break 15 mins
- Single Executable Applications - 90 mins
- Break 15 mins
- Wrap up and capture next actions
Orta (@orta)
- From TypeScript team, advantages to being in
Definitely Typed
- Easier to make minor fixes
- Changes to node types tested across the vast ecosystems for breaks
- We can support multiple versions of TS and node in the same place
- Automation could help improve things
- Simon has something that extracts docs from Node.js
- From TypeScript team, advantages to being in
Definitely Typed
Simon (@SimonSchick)
- A tool that tries to match types with documentation
- Fairly incomplete
- Pulls in docs tags, also help identify where types are missing
Orta (@orta)
- Web, all have specs generated from that
- Reach into Mozilla repos, using JSON data to extract doc, and append those to types
- Maybe there is an excellent way to get a JSON dump of functions in Node.js to provide richer types inside the type system
Tierney (@bnb), the discussion is getting closer to my pref, which is to mirror what electron does. Electron structure is sort of patterned on Node.js, they have docparser, which creates JSON rep, and they can generate types off that. Node.js dumps into a text property were as the Electron one is more structured.
Tierney (@bnb) spent some time getting docparser working with Node.js, which does not appear due to legacy. Json representation of APIs would be good.
Orta (@orta), one of the parts of the tension is that the more profound the integration, the more node maintainers need to know about typescript. Advanced TS syntax makes it hard, and we want to avoid maintainers having to understand how to make it all work in those more advanced cases. This work best left for contributors in DT.
Today's flow
- API is added/documented in Node.js codebase
- Node.js publish JSON content on doc site for example
- Simon runs his tool manually. It tries to match
documentation in JSON files published on the Node.js
the site to the tree that already exists in DT.
It checks for missing definitions, mostly output warnings.
- The tool will actively pull docs for with a match and update the docs.
- New methods require additional new APIs.
- Pull Requests(PRs) reviewed and landed.
Ideal flow
- API is added/documented in machine-consumable way to Node.js codebase.
- An automated script in DT runs, generates new PR.
- PRs reviewed and landed
Challenges with consuming existing data
- Current JSON data is reasonably inaccurate, words are accurate, but struct is not. This function tries to match things up - github.com/SimonSchick/DefinitelyTyped/.../node-doc-processing.ts#L112
- Often generated JSON docs do not represent actual documentation.
- How do we model complex generics overload?
- e.g., return types differ depending on argument values currently not modeled at doc assumes these functions return type unions.
- Many methods in the child process module take the same types, but docs redefine. So we are just documenting function arguments.
Example of converting Node.js doc to work with electron parser
- github.com/bnb/node-docs-parser
- Info in comments and YAML would need need conversation to raw markdown (for example introduced in) style guide - Electron Documentation Style Guide
Possible MVP
- Discuss if we can use the electron style guide
- Explore DocsParser, perform multiple exports fix allow generations for "enough stuff."
- Would need to move metadata into markdown to be visible (type systems require this).
- It would require a change to the HTML generator.
- Actions, validation jobs for docs that have generated
- Would it change how the existing markdown looks?
- Do we have any commitments on the structure of that?
- Is stuff used in comments/YAML used in types?
- What issues around backporting to earlier versions exist?
Current solutions
Steven (@styfle)
- 3 different ways of bundling
- Benefit is that those who are unfamiliar with Node.js ecosystem can easily run binary. cli is a good example
- Easy to download, easy to run
Michael (@mhdawson) does size of binary matter?
Tierney (@bnb) all three might be interesting but for what we are discussing here pkg most related
Steven (@styfle) - Awesome Desktop JS > Packaging, list of implementations.
Tierny (@bnb) quite a few shows interest.
Today common challenges include:
- Igor
- compile time
- traverse require calls, would be good if nft and pkg combined efforts.
- runtime
- how do we store the assets needed to run
- pkg has its own binary format that indexes them
- pkg attaches to the Node.js executable
- Michael (@mhdawson) both pkg and BoxedNode require that you
compile Node.js.
- For pkg, hidden source code requires compilation
- pkg required patches - github.com/.../99#issuecomment-970674910
- Igor, self-extracting archive
- Each platform has its own way of
- Igor
Issues around adding signatures (macOS)
Obfuscation, how important is that?
- Is one of the reasons people would want single binary verus just using script.
Signature issues
Executables have their own format on each platform
They have sections, one more section added to end with signature.
Cannot just blindly buffer contact, need to make their payload a proper section of the binary
Without signature OS does not care if you have added to the binary, signature tools may strip out a section if it is a simple concat.
Packer would need to
- Strip signature from Node.js
- Add the new section in manner that complies with OS exe structure
- Use signing tools to add new signature
Flow that might makes sense is
- On startup Node.js checks for section in exe
- Load options from known offset in section
- Load JS file from known offset in section
Michael Z, be able to run single file in binary format. Then second feature is to bundle single file.
- Joyee can you not already do that with bundlers like Webpack
- Michael Z, Ideal if Node.js was its own bundler.
Joyee makes sense for Node.js to be able to patch itself, just the simple case of patching itself and staring binary js file.
Richard, Issue/PR already to provide framework to allow a virutal file system to be provide
Joyee, bundlers can generate single file
Michael Z, there are limitations, cannot support native modules, or include additional files
Michael, need to define more than just block of JS
Joyee, don't want to contrain what we put in section
Structure needs to have a least 3 sections
- options (ex allow --js-flags)
- arguments for Node.js (-e allows js to be specified)
- data section to be passed to js file
Command line args, additional arg to add options to Node.js arguments (--js-flags). Force to be the first argument.
Still would not support native addons
- pkg ended up placing native modules as dlls shipped along with binary
- boxednode includes native addons, we should ask Anna how you do that.
- Richard believes boxednode handles native addons by including them in like core modules
- Compile with node, into exe (boxnode)
- Bundled onto exising Node.js exe (pkg approach)
Richard used to be
third party main
, I think we took that out, how do you start something else. Good prior art to consider. -
Joyee we could add into list of conditions checked in startup before others.
was implemented because it was easy (just checking for the existence of it). The bundling solution would be more sophisticated. -
Michael Z, In which mode (esm or cjs) should we run the next section
- Michael D, probaly need an option for that
- Ask Anna if there are things still needed in Node.js to support "Compile with node" approach
- Write up an overview of what we discussed in terms of potential addition to Node.js
- Share what we discussed with @jesec with respect to what we discussed to support bundled onto Node.js exe approach
- Reach out to V8 team to see if it's possible to rely on the compilation cache (which includes the bytcode) for compilation and not require sources (Yang had previously said it was doable, prior art: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/v8/v8/+/1462961).
- Document target flow for Node.js type generation
- Staring discussion on adopting Electron style guide
- Further explore Electron TypesParser to see if it can be used to generate JSON for Node.js project
- Explore how we'd move metadata from comments/YAML to markdown as they are currenlty not rendered and it would also help exposing through TypesParser
- Rethink how doc is structured with respect to API documentation versus other things. Should JavaScript API docs and other topics be more separated?