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Marco Edward Gorelli edited this page Aug 13, 2024 · 28 revisions

Release process

Fetch the latest changes

After you've merged everything you'd like to include, please make sure you're up-to-date with upstream/main:

git checkout main
git fetch upstream
git reset --hard upstream/main

Release process

  1. Copy the release notes: go to, click "edit" on the latest (draft) release notes, copy all the content, and paste it somewhere. You'll need this later.
  2. Make sure that bump-version branch doesn't appear in - if it does, delete it.
  3. Make a new bump-version branch: git checkout -b bump-version
  4. Run python utils/ patch. Replace 'patch' with either 'minor' or 'major', depending on by how much you want to bump the version. In general, we try to mirror Polars release for major and minor versions, but not for patch versions - so:
    • if the latest Polars release is 3.4.2 and the latest Narwhals release is 3.3.4, you should bump Narwhals to 3.4.0
    • if the latest Polars release is 3.4.2 and the latest Narwhals release is 3.4.5, you should bump Narwhals to 3.4.6
    • if the latest Polars release is 4.0.1 and the latest Narwhals release is 3.4.5, you should bump Narwhals to 4.0.0
  5. Go to the latest release in, and paste in the release notes which you copied in step 1.

NOTE: if you see a message like bypassed rule violations, don't worry about it - we block people from creating tags (as they trigger releases) so if you see it, it's because you have permission to bypass that rule 😇

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