A technology preview how to manage a fleet of autonomous vehicles with Kafka
get insights from kafka:
docker run -it --net=host --rm confluentinc/cp-ksql-cli:5.3.0 http://localhost:8088
show topics;
print `topic`;
exit ksql cli: CTRL+d
start kafka and ksql server
docker-compose up
docker exec -it kfleet_broker1_1 bash `
kafka-topics --zookeeper zookeeper:2181 --list
kafka-topics --zookeeper zookeeper:2181 --describe --topic cars
kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server broker1:29092 --topic cars --from-beginning --property print.key=true
docker run --tty \
--network kfleet_default \
edenhill/kafkacat:1.5.0 \
kafkacat -b broker:29092 \
-t test_output_stream -C \
-f '\nKey (%K bytes): %k
Value (%S bytes): %s
Timestamp: %T
Partition: %p
Offset: %o
Headers: %h\n'
docker run --tty \
--network kfleet_default \
edenhill/kafkacat:1.5.0 \
kafkacat -b broker:29092 \
-t cars -C -s value=avro -r http://registry:8081\
-f '\nKey (%K bytes): %k
Value (%S bytes): %s
Timestamp: %T
Partition: %p
Offset: %o
Headers: %h\n'
"id": "1",
"state": "FREE",
"geoPosition": {
"lat": 59.83977184696787,
"lng": 10.70939965449577
"stateOfCharge": 49.76350057919342
- *In domain-driven design (DDD), an aggregate defines a consistency boundary" [3]
- "Both the sender and the receiver of a command should be in the same bounded context. You should not send a command to another bounded context because you would be instructing that other bounded context, which has separate responsibilities in another consistency boundary, to perform some work for you." [3]
- "Commands should be processed once, by a single recipient." [3]
- "When source code is executed sequentially, the code is easier to understand and debug. When concurrency is used, code may get executed in parallel or in some irregular order." [5]
- "Tell don't ask!"
Kafka Streams provide a ReadOnlyKeyValueStore that is a thread safe way to access a state store. The store is
available through Spring Cloud Streams InteractiveQueryService. We can use this service to find a specific record by
key, all records in the store, or a range of records - if we are querying for a range of keys (lexicographically). This
sounds great. But we should remind our self that a state store is bound to the current streaming application instance
and if we want to scale our application we need to start more instances of our application (up to the number of
partitions our topic has). If we provide the host and port of our application (application.server
-property) we can
query all hosts that are part of our streaming app cluster, or we can determine the host a given key is stored.
To conclude: if we have only one streaming application instance we can query a record by key in the easiest possible way:
override fun findByIdLocal(id: String): Mono<Car> {
return carsStore().get(id)?.toMono() ?: Mono.error(Exception("car with id: $id not found"))
private fun carsStore(): ReadOnlyKeyValueStore<String, Car> = interactiveQueryService
.getQueryableStore(CarStateCountProcessorBinding.CAR_STORE, QueryableStoreTypes.keyValueStore<String, Car>())
If we have more than one instance of our streaming application running we need to decide whether the record is stored locally or can only be queries from another application instance. If the key is stored locally we query the local store. If not, we need a remote call to query the record:
override fun findById(id: String): Mono<Car> {
val hostInfo = interactiveQueryService.getHostInfo(CarStateCountProcessorBinding.CAR_STORE, id, StringSerializer())
if (hostInfo == interactiveQueryService.currentHostInfo) {
log.debug { "find car by id local: $id" }
return findByIdLocal(id)
log.debug { "find car by id remote: $id" }
val webClient = WebClient.create("http://${hostInfo.host()}:${hostInfo.port()}")
return webClient.get().uri("/$CARS_RPC/$id")
The WebClient uses a special rest endpoint that queries the local store directly. The provided solution is the fastest one because it runs a local key lookup in the local store if the key is processed by the same application instance. Only if the key is processed by another application instance a remote call is necessary. The disadvantage is that the provided code is more complicated and not very concise.
How to overcome this disadvantage?
We could provide a REST-Proxy that can determine the streaming application for a given key. To achieve this the REST-Proxy must be very smart because he needs to know how to extract the key for a REST-Call and query the host of the streaming application that processes the given key. This is possible but also not a simple solution.
Another way would be to run the remote call in any case. E.g. a http call is necessary for each key lookup. The advantage is a more readable code:
override fun findById(id: String): Mono<Car> {
val hostInfo = interactiveQueryService.getHostInfo(CarStateCountProcessorBinding.CAR_STORE, id, StringSerializer())
val webClient = WebClient.create("http://${hostInfo.host()}:${hostInfo.port()}")
return webClient.get().uri("/$CARS_RPC/$id")
- maintain state
- register query for a state
- push state changes to the query initializer (client)
- this can be used to throttle the changes - e.g the client can set a throttle by himself
- but how to distribute the state maintenance on multiple nodes and combine it to answer queries on one node
[1] Should You Put Several Event Types in the Same Kafka Topic?
[2] 1 Year of Event Sourcing and CQRS
[4] Every Company is Becoming a Software ~~
[5] How To Write Less Code and Get More Done.
[6] https://github.com/Yolean/kubernetes-kafka
[8] Sinusoidal