@module ember
@submodule ember-views

import jQuery from "ember-views/system/jquery";
import Ember from "ember-metal/core";
import create from 'ember-metal/platform/create';
import environment from "ember-metal/environment";
import { normalizeProperty } from "morph/dom-helper/prop";

// The HTML spec allows for "omitted start tags". These tags are optional
// when their intended child is the first thing in the parent tag. For
// example, this is a tbody start tag:
// <table>
//   <tbody>
//     <tr>
// The tbody may be omitted, and the browser will accept and render:
// <table>
//   <tr>
// However, the omitted start tag will still be added to the DOM. Here
// we test the string and context to see if the browser is about to
// perform this cleanup, but with a special allowance for disregarding
// <script tags. This disregarding of <script being the first child item
// may bend the official spec a bit, and is only needed for Handlebars
// templates.
// http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/syntax.html#optional-tags
// describes which tags are omittable. The spec for tbody and colgroup
// explains this behavior:
// http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/tables.html#the-tbody-element
// http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/tables.html#the-colgroup-element
var omittedStartTagChildren;
var omittedStartTagChildTest = /(?:<script)*.*?<([\w:]+)/i;

function detectOmittedStartTag(dom, string, contextualElement) {
  omittedStartTagChildren = omittedStartTagChildren || {
    tr: dom.createElement('tbody'),
    col: dom.createElement('colgroup')

  // Omitted start tags are only inside table tags.
  if (contextualElement.tagName === 'TABLE') {
    var omittedStartTagChildMatch = omittedStartTagChildTest.exec(string);
    if (omittedStartTagChildMatch) {
      // It is already asserted that the contextual element is a table
      // and not the proper start tag. Just look up the start tag.
      return omittedStartTagChildren[omittedStartTagChildMatch[1].toLowerCase()];

function ClassSet() {
  this.seen = create(null);
  this.list = [];

ClassSet.prototype = {
  add: function(string) {
    if (this.seen[string] === true) { return; }
    this.seen[string] = true;


var BAD_TAG_NAME_TEST_REGEXP = /[^a-zA-Z0-9\-]/;
var BAD_TAG_NAME_REPLACE_REGEXP = /[^a-zA-Z0-9\-]/g;

function stripTagName(tagName) {
  if (!tagName) {
    return tagName;

  if (!BAD_TAG_NAME_TEST_REGEXP.test(tagName)) {
    return tagName;

  return tagName.replace(BAD_TAG_NAME_REPLACE_REGEXP, '');

var BAD_CHARS_REGEXP = /&(?!\w+;)|[<>"'`]/g;
var POSSIBLE_CHARS_REGEXP = /[&<>"'`]/;

function escapeAttribute(value) {
  // Stolen shamelessly from Handlebars

  var escape = {
    "<": "&lt;",
    ">": "&gt;",
    '"': "&quot;",
    "'": "&#x27;",
    "`": "&#x60;"

  var escapeChar = function(chr) {
    return escape[chr] || "&amp;";

  var string = value.toString();

  if (!POSSIBLE_CHARS_REGEXP.test(string)) { return string; }
  return string.replace(BAD_CHARS_REGEXP, escapeChar);

// IE 6/7 have bugs around setting names on inputs during creation.
// From http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ie/ms536389(v=vs.85).aspx:
// "To include the NAME attribute at run time on objects created with the createElement method, use the eTag."
var canSetNameOnInputs = (function() {
  if (!environment.hasDOM) { return false; }

  var div = document.createElement('div');
  var el = document.createElement('input');

  el.setAttribute('name', 'foo');

  return !!div.innerHTML.match('foo');

  `Ember.RenderBuffer` gathers information regarding the view and generates the
  final representation. `Ember.RenderBuffer` will generate HTML which can be pushed
  to the DOM.

   var buffer = new Ember.RenderBuffer('div', contextualElement);

  @method renderBuffer
  @namespace Ember
  @param {String} tagName tag name (such as 'div' or 'p') used for the buffer

var RenderBuffer = function(domHelper) {
  this.buffer = null;
  this.childViews = [];

  Ember.assert("RenderBuffer requires a DOM helper to be passed to its constructor.", !!domHelper);

  this.dom = domHelper;

RenderBuffer.prototype = {

  reset: function(tagName, contextualElement) {
    this.tagName = tagName;
    this.buffer = null;
    this._element = null;
    this._outerContextualElement = contextualElement;
    this.elementClasses = null;
    this.elementId = null;
    this.elementAttributes = null;
    this.elementProperties = null;
    this.elementTag = null;
    this.elementStyle = null;
    this.childViews.length = 0;

  // The root view's element
  _element: null,

  // The root view's contextualElement
  _outerContextualElement: null,

    An internal set used to de-dupe class names when `addClass()` is
    used. After each call to `addClass()`, the `classes` property
    will be updated.

    @property elementClasses
    @type Array
    @default null
  elementClasses: null,

    Array of class names which will be applied in the class attribute.

    You can use `setClasses()` to set this property directly. If you
    use `addClass()`, it will be maintained for you.

    @property classes
    @type Array
    @default null
  classes: null,

    The id in of the element, to be applied in the id attribute.

    You should not set this property yourself, rather, you should use
    the `id()` method of `Ember.RenderBuffer`.

    @property elementId
    @type String
    @default null
  elementId: null,

    A hash keyed on the name of the attribute and whose value will be
    applied to that attribute. For example, if you wanted to apply a
    `data-view="Foo.bar"` property to an element, you would set the
    elementAttributes hash to `{'data-view':'Foo.bar'}`.

    You should not maintain this hash yourself, rather, you should use
    the `attr()` method of `Ember.RenderBuffer`.

    @property elementAttributes
    @type Hash
    @default {}
  elementAttributes: null,

    A hash keyed on the name of the properties and whose value will be
    applied to that property. For example, if you wanted to apply a
    `checked=true` property to an element, you would set the
    elementProperties hash to `{'checked':true}`.

    You should not maintain this hash yourself, rather, you should use
    the `prop()` method of `Ember.RenderBuffer`.

    @property elementProperties
    @type Hash
    @default {}
  elementProperties: null,

    The tagname of the element an instance of `Ember.RenderBuffer` represents.

    Usually, this gets set as the first parameter to `Ember.RenderBuffer`. For
    example, if you wanted to create a `p` tag, then you would call

    Ember.RenderBuffer('p', contextualElement)

    @property elementTag
    @type String
    @default null
  elementTag: null,

    A hash keyed on the name of the style attribute and whose value will
    be applied to that attribute. For example, if you wanted to apply a
    `background-color:black;` style to an element, you would set the
    elementStyle hash to `{'background-color':'black'}`.

    You should not maintain this hash yourself, rather, you should use
    the `style()` method of `Ember.RenderBuffer`.

    @property elementStyle
    @type Hash
    @default {}
  elementStyle: null,

  pushChildView: function (view) {
    var index = this.childViews.length;
    this.childViews[index] = view;
    this.push("<script id='morph-"+index+"' type='text/x-placeholder'>\x3C/script>");

  hydrateMorphs: function (contextualElement) {
    var childViews = this.childViews;
    var el = this._element;
    for (var i=0,l=childViews.length; i<l; i++) {
      var childView = childViews[i];
      var ref = el.querySelector('#morph-'+i);

      Ember.assert('An error occurred while setting up template bindings. Please check ' +
                   (childView && childView._parentView && childView._parentView._debugTemplateName ?
                        '"' + childView._parentView._debugTemplateName + '" template ' :
                   )  + 'for invalid markup or bindings within HTML comments.',

      var parent = ref.parentNode;

      childView._morph = this.dom.insertMorphBefore(
        parent.nodeType === 1 ? parent : contextualElement

    Adds a string of HTML to the `RenderBuffer`.

    @method push
    @param {String} string HTML to push into the buffer
  push: function(content) {
    if (typeof content === 'string') {
      if (this.buffer === null) {
        this.buffer = '';
      Ember.assert("A string cannot be pushed into the buffer after a fragment", !this.buffer.nodeType);
      this.buffer += content;
    } else {
      Ember.assert("A fragment cannot be pushed into a buffer that contains content", !this.buffer);
      this.buffer = content;
    return this;

    Adds a class to the buffer, which will be rendered to the class attribute.

    @method addClass
    @param {String} className Class name to add to the buffer
  addClass: function(className) {
    // lazily create elementClasses
    this.elementClasses = (this.elementClasses || new ClassSet());
    this.classes = this.elementClasses.list;

    return this;

  setClasses: function(classNames) {
    this.elementClasses = null;
    var len = classNames.length;
    var i;
    for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {

    Sets the elementID to be used for the element.

    @method id
    @param {String} id
  id: function(id) {
    this.elementId = id;
    return this;

  // duck type attribute functionality like jQuery so a render buffer
  // can be used like a jQuery object in attribute binding scenarios.

    Adds an attribute which will be rendered to the element.

    @method attr
    @param {String} name The name of the attribute
    @param {String} value The value to add to the attribute
    @return {Ember.RenderBuffer|String} this or the current attribute value
  attr: function(name, value) {
    var attributes = this.elementAttributes = (this.elementAttributes || {});

    if (arguments.length === 1) {
      return attributes[name];
    } else {
      attributes[name] = value;

    return this;

    Remove an attribute from the list of attributes to render.

    @method removeAttr
    @param {String} name The name of the attribute
  removeAttr: function(name) {
    var attributes = this.elementAttributes;
    if (attributes) { delete attributes[name]; }

    return this;

    Adds a property which will be rendered to the element.

    @method prop
    @param {String} name The name of the property
    @param {String} value The value to add to the property
    @return {Ember.RenderBuffer|String} this or the current property value
  prop: function(name, value) {
    var properties = this.elementProperties = (this.elementProperties || {});

    if (arguments.length === 1) {
      return properties[name];
    } else {
      properties[name] = value;

    return this;

    Remove an property from the list of properties to render.

    @method removeProp
    @param {String} name The name of the property
  removeProp: function(name) {
    var properties = this.elementProperties;
    if (properties) { delete properties[name]; }

    return this;

    Adds a style to the style attribute which will be rendered to the element.

    @method style
    @param {String} name Name of the style
    @param {String} value
  style: function(name, value) {
    this.elementStyle = (this.elementStyle || {});

    this.elementStyle[name] = value;
    return this;

  generateElement: function() {
    var tagName = this.tagName;
    var id = this.elementId;
    var classes = this.classes;
    var attrs = this.elementAttributes;
    var props = this.elementProperties;
    var style = this.elementStyle;
    var styleBuffer = '';
    var attr, prop, tagString;

    if (attrs && attrs.name && !canSetNameOnInputs) {
      // IE allows passing a tag to createElement. See note on `canSetNameOnInputs` above as well.
      tagString = '<'+stripTagName(tagName)+' name="'+escapeAttribute(attrs.name)+'">';
    } else {
      tagString = tagName;

    var element = this.dom.createElement(tagString, this.outerContextualElement());

    if (id) {
      this.dom.setAttribute(element, 'id', id);
      this.elementId = null;
    if (classes) {
      this.dom.setAttribute(element, 'class', classes.join(' '));
      this.classes = null;
      this.elementClasses = null;

    if (style) {
      for (prop in style) {
        styleBuffer += (prop + ':' + style[prop] + ';');

      this.dom.setAttribute(element, 'style', styleBuffer);

      this.elementStyle = null;

    if (attrs) {
      for (attr in attrs) {
        this.dom.setAttribute(element, attr, attrs[attr]);

      this.elementAttributes = null;

    if (props) {
      for (prop in props) {
        var normalizedCase = normalizeProperty(element, prop.toLowerCase()) || prop;

        this.dom.setPropertyStrict(element, normalizedCase, props[prop]);

      this.elementProperties = null;

    this._element = element;

    @method element
    @return {DOMElement} The element corresponding to the generated HTML
      of this buffer
  element: function() {
    var content = this.innerContent();
    // No content means a text node buffer, with the content
    // in _element. Ember._BoundView is an example.
    if (content === null) {
      return this._element;

    var contextualElement = this.innerContextualElement(content);

    if (!this._element) {
      this._element = this.dom.createDocumentFragment();

    if (content.nodeType) {
    } else {
      var nodes;
      nodes = this.dom.parseHTML(content, contextualElement);
      while (nodes[0]) {
    // This should only happen with legacy string buffers
    if (this.childViews.length > 0) {

    return this._element;

    Generates the HTML content for this buffer.

    @method string
    @return {String} The generated HTML
  string: function() {
    if (this._element) {
      // Firefox versions < 11 do not have support for element.outerHTML.
      var thisElement = this.element();
      var outerHTML = thisElement.outerHTML;
      if (typeof outerHTML === 'undefined') {
        return jQuery('<div/>').append(thisElement).html();
      return outerHTML;
    } else {
      return this.innerString();

  outerContextualElement: function() {
    if (this._outerContextualElement === undefined) {
      Ember.deprecate("The render buffer expects an outer contextualElement to exist." +
                      " This ensures DOM that requires context is correctly generated (tr, SVG tags)." +
                      " Defaulting to document.body, but this will be removed in the future");
      this.outerContextualElement = document.body;
    return this._outerContextualElement;

  innerContextualElement: function(html) {
    var innerContextualElement;
    if (this._element && this._element.nodeType === 1) {
      innerContextualElement = this._element;
    } else {
      innerContextualElement = this.outerContextualElement();

    var omittedStartTag;
    if (html) {
      omittedStartTag = detectOmittedStartTag(this.dom, html, innerContextualElement);
    return omittedStartTag || innerContextualElement;

  innerString: function() {
    var content = this.innerContent();
    if (content && !content.nodeType) {
      return content;

  innerContent: function() {
    return this.buffer;

export default RenderBuffer;