# MediaMonitor
Monitoring tool for Polish news sites articles popularity in social media.

* django
* scrapy
* celery
* pytz

          MediaMonitor/ : django project folder with all core settings for django
          linkspider/ : tools for scrapping links from sites
            linkspider/ : scrapy application for crawling Agora and Onet
              items.py : defines what information from each link is to be processed further
              pipelines.py : defines functions to process those items
              settings.py : scrapy settings: set log level, user agent and pipelines (see above)
                agora_spider.py : crawler defintion
                onet_spider.py : crawler defintion
          monitor/ : django app: contains :
            views.py -  how to display the data
            models.py - Database models of links and stats: writing, reading, updating links and stats
            lib/share_getter.py - a core library for getting sharing statistics from FB and TW
            templates/ - templates for displaying the data
          statspider/ : spider for scrapping popularity stats from social media sites
            spider.py: core script for getting the data (using monitor/lib/share_getter.py)