Go Streaming API for XML (and More)
Go has a package called "encoding/xml". It Supports the serialization and deserialization of XML as well as Streaming XML Parsing. When I Created this Package, I thought that the "encoding/xml" package is just about Marhsaling and Unmarshaling of Structures (Oops!).
I wanted a Generic inteface to XML such as StAX, SAX or DOM. Therefore I created This Package and I hope that it will be useful.
Download The Package or git-clone it:
git clone https://github.com/maxymania/gostax.git
package main
import "io"
// import "bytes"
import "strings"
import "fmt"
import "xml.api/streamxmlp"
import "xml.api/pull"
const examplexml = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body>
func main(){
// The RuneReader to Read the XML From
var r io.RuneReader
// The XmlReader Object
var xr pull.XmlReader
r = strings.NewReader(examplexml)
// Creating a new XmlReader (Implementation : streamxmlp)
xr = streamxmlp.NewPullParser(r)
for xr.Read() {
package main
import "bytes"
import "fmt"
import "xml.api/push"
import "xml.api/sxmlwriter"
func main(){
// The Write to write the XML to
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
// The XmlWriter Object
var xw push.XmlWriter
// Creating a new XmlWriter (Implementation : sxmlwriter)
xw = sxmlwriter.NewXmlWriter(buf)
// Lets Write some XML
xw.Text("hallo welt")
// Lets Show the result
http://maxymania.github.com/gostax/ Or in the wiki
This Software is licensed under the MIT-License.