# Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.

import asyncio

from semantic_kernel.connectors.ai.open_ai import (
from semantic_kernel.contents import ChatHistory

# Reasoning Models Sample

This sample demonstrates an example of how to use reasoning models such as OpenAI’s o1 and o1-mini for inference.
Reasoning models currently have certain limitations, which are outlined below.

1. Requires API version `2024-09-01-preview` or later.
  - `reasoning_effort` and `developer_message` are only supported in API version `2024-12-01-preview` or later.
  - o1-mini is not supported property `developer_message` `reasoning_effort` now.
2. Developer message must be used instead of system message
3. Parallel tool invocation is currently not supported
4. Token limit settings need to consider both reasoning and completion tokens

# Unsupported Properties ⛔

The following parameters are currently not supported:
- temperature
- top_p
- presence_penalty
- frequency_penalty
- logprobs
- top_logprobs
- logit_bias
- max_tokens
- stream
- tool_choice

# .env examples

OpenAI: semantic_kernel/connectors/ai/open_ai/settings/open_ai_settings.py


Azure OpenAI: semantic_kernel/connectors/ai/open_ai/settings/azure_open_ai_settings.py


Note: Unsupported features may be added in future updates.

chat_service = OpenAIChatCompletion(service_id="reasoning", instruction_role="developer")
# Set the reasoning effort to "medium" and the maximum completion tokens to 5000.
request_settings = OpenAIChatPromptExecutionSettings(
    service_id="reasoning", max_completion_tokens=2000, reasoning_effort="medium"

# Create a ChatHistory object
chat_history = ChatHistory()

# This is the system message that gives the chatbot its personality.
developer_message = """
As an assistant supporting the user,
you recognize all user input
as questions or consultations and answer them.
# The developer message was newly introduced for reasoning models such as OpenAI’s o1 and o1-mini.
# `system message` cannot be used with reasoning models.

async def chat() -> bool:
        user_input = input("User:> ")
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print("\n\nExiting chat...")
        return False
    except EOFError:
        print("\n\nExiting chat...")
        return False

    if user_input == "exit":
        print("\n\nExiting chat...")
        return False


    # Get the chat message content from the chat completion service.
    response = await chat_service.get_chat_message_content(
    if response:
        print(f"Reasoning model:> {response}")

        # Add the chat message to the chat history to keep track of the conversation.

    return True

async def main() -> None:
    # Start the chat loop. The chat loop will continue until the user types "exit".
    chatting = True
    while chatting:
        chatting = await chat()

    # Sample output:
    # User:> Why is the sky blue in one sentence?
    # Mosscap:> The sky appears blue because air molecules in the atmosphere scatter shorter-wavelength (blue)
    #           light more efficiently than longer-wavelength (red) light.

if __name__ == "__main__":