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ZMK Keymap Utils

This is a collection of helper utilities to simplify the configuration of ZMK keymaps supporting different OS.


To use zmk-keymap-utils, you need to add it as a module to your west configuration importing the required modules from west:

    # zmk and other remotes might be configured
    - name: magicDGS
    # zmk and other projects might be configured
    - name: zmk-keymap-utils
      remote: magicDGS
      # pin version of the module
      revision: v0.3
      # import required modules (i.e., urob/zmk-helpers)
      import: west.yml

You can also import it with a different version, remote or path for the required modules. For example, a west configuration with the main version of the module and its zmk-helpers (Version 2) requirement that is located on the modules path:

    # zmk and other remotes might be configured
    - name: magicDGS
    - name: urob
    # zmk and other projects might be configured
    - name: zmk-helpers
      remote: urob
      path: modules/zmk-helpers
    - name: zmk-keymap-utils
      remote: magicDGS
      path: modules/zmk-keymap-utils


We recommend to pin the version of the modules as shown in the example above. Nevertheless, you can also use directly main.

Initial setup

Define the OPERATING_SYSTEM variable with the operating system you intend to use with this keymap:

  • #define OPERATING_SYSTEM "L" for Linux (default if none provided)
  • #define OPERATING_SYSTEM "W" for Windows
  • #define OPERATING_SYSTEM "M" for MacOS

It is important to define the OPERATING_SYSTEM before including any of the features from the zmk-keymap-utils module to have the proper configuration for your operating system.

Shortcuts and modifiers

The shortcuts and modifieres are provided with the shortcuts.h header, which can be used with &kp or any other behaviors. They are implemented on an OS-agnostic way, by either adding aliases for keycodes or using shortcuts/macros (if keycodes are not available).

To use this definitions, source the shortcuts.h header:

#include <zmk-keymap-utils/shortcuts.h>


We recommend to import the shortcuts before any other behavior, as some of them would use them. They would be imported by default if not provided.

Provided shortcuts include (note that or indicates that the shortcut is no available or has unknown behavior on the OS):

Shortcut Description L W M
_REDO Redo shortcut
_UNDO Undo shortcut
_COPY Copy shortcut
_PASTE Paste shortcut
_FIND Find shortcut
_FIND_NEXT Find next shortcut
_FIND_PREV Find previous shortcut
_FIND_REPLACE Find and replace shortcut
_HOME Home key (shortcut in mac)
_END End key (shortcut in mac)
_FILES Open file browser
_POWER Power shortcut
_SLEEP Sleep shortcut
_LOCK Lock shortcut
_B_SEARCH_BAR Browser search bar
_B_URL_BAR Browser URL bar
_B_DOWNLOADS Browser download shortcut
_MEH Meh key (Shift+Ctrl+Alt)
_HYPER Hyper key (Shift+Ctrl+Alt+Gui)


The shortcuts might not work as expected if the &caps_word behavior is active.

Also some modifier function smight be provided:

Modifier Description
_C(key) OS-specific modifier for shortcuts (Cntrl/Command+key)
_M(key) Meh modifier (Meh+key)
_H(key) Hyper modifier (Hyper+key)


The Meh/Hyper related functionality might be available eventually in the zmk project keys.h/modifiers.h defaults (see PR#2341). Future versions of this module would most likely remove these aliases to encourage its use.

Other definitons might be used on different behaviors and are not intended to be consumed by the user.

Select Word

The select_word.dtsi behaviors dtsi file provides support for extend/select behaviors for for the specified OS. They are based on the Pascal Getreuer's Select Word macro from QMK implementation for ZMK by Sunaku.

To use the default configuration, import with:

// select-word macros based on the Sunaku's implementation of Pascal Getreuer's Select Word macro from QMK
#include <behaviors/select_word.h>


Including the select_word.h behavior includes also zmk-helpers module. Please, check the README of the zmk-helpers module for more information.


The select_word.h behavior would source, if not already included, the shortcuts.h header. We recommend to import it beforehand to ensure that the the configuration is explicit.

To use a different delay, the SELECT_WORD_DELAY property can be used before import (default is 1). This configuration defines how long the macro waits (in ms) after moving the cursor before it selects a word. A larger delay may allow th"macro to move to the next word upon each invocation. For example:

#include <zmk-keymap-utils/select_word.h>

The behaviors provided after import are the following:

Behavior Description
&select_all Select the whole text
&select_none Remove current selection
&select_word Select current word (jump to next word upon each successive invocation)
&extend_word Extend current selection by one word
&select_line Select current line
&extend_line Extend current selection by one line


The behaviors are implemented in such a way that using them with the shift modifier active selects/extends in the oposite direction.

Home-Row Mods

There are different implementations of Home-Row Mods (HRM) that are tailored to different ways of typing. A good resource to read about them is the Precondition's Guide to Home Row Mods.

Here we provide utilities for different implementations:

Timeless HRM

The "timeless" HRM is using basic ZMK behavior to implement HRMs that are tailored to users without not very consistent typing speeds. Basically tries to minimize misfires by being independent of any timing configuration. The tapping-term-ms is in practice not infinity but set by default to 175ms, which provides a way to:

  • Combine mods with alpha-keys on the same hand
  • Press a modifier without another key

More detailed information about this implementation can be found on the urob/zmk-config README for timeless HRM.

Here we provide a basic function to define your HRM behaviors with ease. To use the default configuration, import with:

// timeless home-row mods based on urob's implementation
#include <zmk-keymap-utils/hrm/timeless.h>


Including the hrm/timeless.h header includes also the zmk-helpers module. Please, check the README of the zmk-helpers module for more information.

To use a different tapping-term-ms, the TIMELESS_HRM_QUICK_TAP_MS property can be used before import (default is 175). This configuration can be tweak to support mod+alpha combinations in the same hand, and modifier press without other keys. For example:

#include <zmk-keymap-utils/hrm/timeless.h>

After import, you can define your HRMs using the MAKE_TIMELESS_HRM function. This function takes the following parameters:

  • NAME: the name of the HRM-behavior. The behavior will be used on the keymap with &NAME <mod> <alpha> (where name is the given parameter).
  • HOLD: the behavior on hold. This is the behavior to trigger on hold, and can be a simple &kp (tipically) or any other complex behavior having a parameter.
  • TAP: the behavior on tap. This is the behavior to trigger on tap, and can be a simple &kp (tipically) or any other complex behavior having a parameter.
  • TRIGGER_POS: positions for hold-trigger-key-positions. Tipically the positions on the oposite hand from the HRM hand.

A clear example on how to use this function is a refactor of the Urob's Personal zmk-config HRM implementation using this module.


This snippet uses the standard key-labels from urob/zmk-helpers (see its README for more details).

#include <zmk-helpers/key-labels/36.h>                                      // Source key-labels.
#define KEYS_L LT0 LT1 LT2 LT3 LT4 LM0 LM1 LM2 LM3 LM4 LB0 LB1 LB2 LB3 LB4  // Left-hand keys.
#define KEYS_R RT0 RT1 RT2 RT3 RT4 RM0 RM1 RM2 RM3 RM4 RB0 RB1 RB2 RB3 RB4  // Right-hand keys.
#define THUMBS LH2 LH1 LH0 RH0 RH1 RH2                                      // Thumb keys.

MAKE_TIMELESS_HRM(hml, &kp, &kp, KEYS_R THUMBS) // Left-hand HRMs - for example, &hml LGUI A
MAKE_TIMELESS_HRM(hmr, &kp, &kp, KEYS_L THUMBS) // Right-hand HRMs - for example, &hmr LGUI O