- 087a96c add version modify (@neal1991)
- 0349922 replace the fuck gulp with python build 🔧 (@neal1991)
- b34f64e remove export button 🔥 🔥 (@neal1991)
- d7bee5a remove icon and add the fuck gulp (@neal1991)
- 9561be4 Update README.md (@neal1991)
- 22a1f8d fix history reduant elements 🐛 (@neal1991)
- 1fd2160 add turndown.min.js (@neal1991)
- 14a617f add error display 🚀 (@neal1991)
- 4cae8cd add title for html blog (@neal1991)
- 97d64fa convert html to markdown 🚀 (@neal1991)
- 42a5704 Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/neal1991/export-medium (@neal1991)
- 19946a1 remove zip 🔥 (@neal1991)
- 42e7fc0 remove one line code (@neal1991)
- ac4bb48 add v0.1.5 tag (@neal1991)
- 6c228bc Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/neal1991/export-medium (@neal1991)
- 4059ae4 add delete history function 🚀 (@neal1991)
- 9d0e08d Update README.md (@neal1991)
- b09553d add changelog 📝 (@neal1991)
- f6a16a0 remove title 🔥 (@neal1991)
- 47aa348 modify version ⬆️ (@neal1991)
- 2c72b4c modify history list 💄 (@neal1991)
- ba3d0e6 remove font-size 🐛 (@neal1991)
- b0c261f add history 🚀 (@neal1991)
- a2dd38d Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/neal1991/export-medium (@neal1991)
- d2e5d17 add history 🚀 (@neal1991)
- 8f32843 add _blank for a link 🎨 (@neal1991)
- dddfc18 add changelog 📝 (@neal1991)
- 54d36cd fix markup space in first position 🐛 (@neal1991)
- 5b8f90e add history (@neal1991)
- 0f6cf0e remove colomon 🔥 (@neal1991)
- a108af8 modify manifest (@neal1991)
- d839e98 modify permission for only https (@neal1991)
- 262c834 add changelog 📝 (@neal1991)
- eefd796 modify manifest (@neal1991)
- a441b12 Update README.md (@neal1991)
- d4507da Update README.md (@neal1991)
- 4ef726c modify icon size (@neal1991)
- 19f5385 add icons 💄 (@neal1991)
- d5766af modify for indentify for code block (@neal1991)
- 8e445e6 remove blank 🔥 (@neal1991)
- eae4628 make some modification for p (@neal1991)
- 532a308 modify the markup (@neal1991)
- 6d82d49 update readme 📝 (@neal1991)
- 7565e55 modify the text (@neal1991)
- 594d6ff modify the line break 🐛 (@neal1991)
- d9ab7e0 update readme with a gif (@neal1991)
- 6d38514 modify readme 📝 (@neal1991)
- 88ed8c2 add license in readme (@neal1991)
- c74434c modify the copy 🐛 (@neal1991)
- 032fd1d add load form 💄 (@neal1991)
- 11df211 modify the format of markdown (@neal1991)
- 4ea7cc4 modify the markdown text 🐛 (@neal1991)
- 015775f modify the manifest 🔧 (@neal1991)
- 4abc80d modify the icons 💄 (@neal1991)
- 0d7b2b3 add the load animatation 💄 (@neal1991)
- 6ada256 add load svg (@neal1991)
- 16dcd8c finish the first vesion (@neal1991)
- 2e8ea5d popup does not work (@neal1991)
- 5e4ebe8 add snarkdown js (@neal1991)
- 339e824 add popup html (@neal1991)
- 17348b8 modify manifest.json (@neal1991)
- 7af6d96 filesystem does not work (@neal1991)
- 60c1165 modify section and paragraph (@neal1991)
- 7e311da modify the article set 🐛 (@neal1991)
- b8945ec modify some (@neal1991)
- 44bc8df modify the manifest (@neal1991)
- db55a84 maybe finish the first build (@neal1991)
- a22fce4 add the story and modify the manifest (@neal1991)
- dfd0f71 add widget (@neal1991)
- 06cc123 add manifest.json 🔧 (@neal1991)
- 72dcd01 add icons 💄 (@neal1991)
- 8e8fd1e Create .gitignore (@neal1991)
- 2b9ae39 Initial commit (@neal1991)