Welcome to the Pinepods Repository! Thanks for considering contributing to this passion project! Check out the Readme if you haven't for a project overview.
Not a whole lot of rules here. To contribute to this project please simply fork the project and create a pull request when done with detail on what you added. Take a look at the issues for some inspiration. There's quite a few issues in there listed as first time issues that, once you get a hang of the project would be super quick to fix. There's also an issue in there to fill out some documentation in the external documentation repo for some no-code contributions.
There's a dev guide on the doc site to help get you set up: https://www.pinepods.online/docs/Developing/Developing
Priorities right now is getting the app to a full v1 state. If you're looking for something big and exciting take a look at the Youtube Subscriptions issue, otherwise there's plenty of quick and easy visual fixes or quick and easy functionality additions. Category button improvments, remove shared episode reference job, known timezone issue, downloads page visual improvments... etc.
Here's the docs repo: https://github.com/madeofpendletonwool/Pinepods-Docs There's also Pinepods Firewood, a project I've been working on for a CLI interface to either share pocasts to or browse podcasts on your Pinepods server. Entirely built in Rust! Here's Pinepods firewood: https://github.com/madeofpendletonwool/pinepods-firewood