Releases: longguikeji/arkid
Releases · longguikeji/arkid
Merge pull request #1104 from longguikeji/release-2.5.1-beta Release 2.5.1 beta
What's Changed
- ci: release action by @notevery in #998
- fix: 🐛 rent extension by @luolu-lg in #999
- fix: 🐛 order extension by @luolu-lg in #1000
- Feature order rent by @luolu-lg in #1001
- feat: 🎸 add purchased extensions by @luolu-lg in #1002
- fix: 🐛 bind saas by @luolu-lg in #1003
- feat: 🎸 add extension purchase and rent record check by @luolu-lg in #1004
- fix: 🐛 rent extension by @luolu-lg in #1005
- fix: 🐛 purchase extension by @luolu-lg in #1006
- fix: 🐛 rent extension by @luolu-lg in #1007
- feat: 🎸 add backend login by @luolu-lg in #1008
- fix: 🐛 backend login by @luolu-lg in #1009
- Feature fix backend login by @luolu-lg in #1010
- fix: 🐛 arkid saas login by @luolu-lg in #1011
- fix: 🐛 arkstore and arkid_saas app by @luolu-lg in #1012
- fix: 🐛 tenants list pagination by @luolu-lg in #1013
- fix: 🐛 delete auth=None by @luolu-lg in #1014
- 手机验证码插件修改 by @guancyxx in #1015
- Feature 402 by @hanbinloop in #1016
- feat: 🎸 优化第三方登录逻辑 by @fanhe-lg in #1017
- feat: 🎸 移除引用 by @hanbinloop in #1018
- feat: 🎸 处理数据错误 by @hanbinloop in #1019
- fix: 🐛 permission auth=None by @luolu-lg in #1020
- feat: 🎸 更新权限的问题 by @hanbinloop in #1021
- feat: 🎸 更改登录页面增加第三方登录按钮的逻辑 by @fanhe-lg in #1022
- feat: 🎸 分组权限的增删改查搞定 by @hanbinloop in #1023
- fix: 🐛 修复loginpage接口报错 by @fanhe-lg in #1024
- feat: 🎸 用户登出操作逻辑修改 by @guancyxx in #1025
- 认证规则:图形验证码+限制登录验证次数 by @guancyxx in #1026
- feat: 🎸 第三方登录等插件作者邮箱修改 by @fanhe-lg in #1027
- fix: 🐛 load extension after install by @luolu-lg in #1028
- feat: 🎸 修改第三方登录基类生成按钮的逻辑 by @fanhe-lg in #1029
- Feature update extension by @luolu-lg in #1030
- Feature update extension by @luolu-lg in #1031
- fix: 🐛 trial extension by @luolu-lg in #1032
- Feature 402 by @hanbinloop in #1033
- feat: 🎸 更新预置代码 by @hanbinloop in #1034
- fix: 🐛 add extension purchase state by @luolu-lg in #1035
- fix: 🐛 arkstore api operation id by @luolu-lg in #1036
- 插件文档+插件接口权限 by @guancyxx in #1037
- fix: 🐛 rent extension agent by @luolu-lg in #1038
- fix: 🐛 extension profile by @luolu-lg in #1039
- Release 2.5.1 beta by @notevery in #1040
Full Changelog: 2.5.0...2.5.1-beta
What's Changed
- feat: 🎸 add user groups to oidc id_token by @luolu-lg in #745
- fix: 🐛 add type OIDC-Platform to oauth permission by @luolu-lg in #746
- fix: 🐛 fix bind_saas to create oidc app by @luolu-lg in #747
- fix: 🐛 fix log timestamp by @luolu-lg in #743
- fix: 🐛 fix oidc platform permission check by @luolu-lg in #748
- 语言包国际化 by @guancyxx in #754
- V2.5 dev luolu by @luolu-lg in #761
- feat: 🎸 add tenant extension config by @luolu-lg in #762
- V2.5 dev loginpage by @luolu-lg in #763
- feat: 🎸 add auth api by @luolu-lg in #764
- V2.5 dev luolu by @luolu-lg in #766
- 更新了app创建逻辑 by @hanbinloop in #775
- feat: 🎸 删除 by @hanbinloop in #776
- feat: 🎸 更新依赖 by @hanbinloop in #777
- feat: 🎸 逻辑测试 by @hanbinloop in #778
- Pl 2.5 by @longgui-penglei in #779
- feat: 🎸 代码修复 by @hanbinloop in #780
- docs: ✏️ 更新前端界面说明文档 by @longgui-penglei in #781
- fix: 🐛 create API schema by @luolu-lg in #783
- feat: 🎸 更新了app创建的信息 by @hanbinloop in #784
- 用户管理模块页面配置 by @guancyxx in #772
- 能够实现app的增删改查 by @hanbinloop in #785
- feat: 🎸 更新了方法说明 by @hanbinloop in #786
- 页面新结构和文档 by @guancyxx in #787
- feat: 🎸 修改了文档 by @hanbinloop in #789
- Feature 138:页面配置 by @guancyxx in #791
- 完成了取得openapi的权限逻辑,缺少监听事件 by @hanbinloop in #792
- Feature 149 by @longgui-penglei in #793
- 权限引入 by @hanbinloop in #794
- feat: 🎸 写了一些基本的分组增删改查 by @hanbinloop in #795
- feat: 🎸 分组的权限处理完毕 by @hanbinloop in #796
- v2.5 页面配置 by @guancyxx in #802
- Feature SCIM by @fanhe-lg in #803
- feat: 🎸 权限部分 by @hanbinloop in #805
- Feature 138: local_action转换list为dict by @guancyxx in #806
- feat: 🎸 整了tasks的目录 by @hanbinloop in #807
- feat: 🎸 更新了回调部分 by @hanbinloop in #808
- feat: 🎸 统一加了permission by @hanbinloop in #809
- feat: 🎸 更新了文档结构 by @hanbinloop in #810
- feat: 🎸 项目结构发生变化 by @hanbinloop in #811
- Feature idp by @fanhe-lg in #812
- docs: ✏️ 前端界面说明文档更新 by @longgui-penglei in #813
- Feature: 认证因素部分接口修改及页面调试 by @guancyxx in #814
- feat: 🎸 更新了文件监听的内容 by @hanbinloop in #815
- 一版初级权限 by @hanbinloop in #818
- Feature 155 by @welylongguikeji in #817
- Feature 12 by @hanbinloop in #819
- feat: 🎸 更新权限 by @hanbinloop in #821
- feat: 🎸 写了一个单独的压缩类 by @hanbinloop in #822
- Feature 187 by @fanhe-lg in #823
- 强化了权限鉴定逻辑 by @hanbinloop in #824
- feat: 🎸 权限验证完成 by @hanbinloop in #825
- 应用权限进一步加强 by @hanbinloop in #826
- feat: 🎸 如果对于父分组有权限,对于子分组会自动有权限 by @hanbinloop in #827
- feat: 🎸 处理多的代码 by @hanbinloop in #828
- Feature 180 by @fanhe-lg in #829
- fix: 🐛 修复expand对象save方法 by @luolu-lg in #830
- fix: 🐛 修复oauth2_provider库问题 by @luolu-lg in #831
- Feature arkstore local by @luolu-lg in #832
- fix: 🐛 fix oauth2_provider oidc dicovery api by @luolu-lg in #833
- fix: 🐛 修复插件无法makemigrations by @luolu-lg in #834
- 权限完善了 by @hanbinloop in #835
- 手机验证码插件/认证规则 by @guancyxx in #820
- feat: 🎸 增加代码健壮性 by @hanbinloop in #836
- Feature 206 by @fanhe-lg in #837
- Feature 12 by @hanbinloop in #838
- feat: 🎸 一个统一的migrate by @hanbinloop in #839
- feat: 🎸 修改了插件扩展内核数据库的方法 by @welylongguikeji in #840
- feat: 🎸 更新数据库migrations by @fanhe-lg in #841
- fix: 🐛 修复webhook_event_handler 处理response报错 by @fanhe-lg in #842
- fix: 🐛 修复token时间不更新和oauth2_provider HS256 by @luolu-lg in #843
- fix: 🐛 fix tenant url namespace by @luolu-lg in #844
- feat: 🎸 自动绑定中心平台 by @luolu-lg in #845
- fix: 🐛 fix oatuh2 request tenant by @luolu-lg in #846
- feat: 🎸 add arkstore api by @luolu-lg in #847
- feat: 🎸 add cron job to check extension expiration by @luolu-lg in #848
- feat: 🎸 add arkstore app page by @luolu-lg in #849
- fix: 🐛 fix arkstore app page by @luolu-lg in #850
- fix: 🐛 fix app and extension page by @luolu-lg in #851
- fix: 🐛 fix tenant extension by @luolu-lg in #852
- fix: 🐛 fix app list pagination by @luolu-lg in #853
- feat: 🎸 更新了event by @hanbinloop in #854
- Feature 207 by @fanhe-lg in #855
- feat: 🎸 更新了地址信息 by @hanbinloop in #856
- fix: 🐛 fix order_page path by @luolu-lg in #857
- feat: 🎸 更新event by @hanbinloop in #858
- 页面接口创建及调试 by @guancyxx in #859
- Feature 12 by @hanbinloop in #860
- feat: 🎸 add bind_arkid and extension admin page by @luolu-lg in #861
- feat: 🎸 add router icon by @longgui-penglei in #862
- Feature 211 by @fanhe-lg in #863
- fix: 🐛 修复webhook bug by @fanhe-lg in #864
- feat: 🎸 完成了对于权限认证的鉴定工作 by @hanbinloop in #865
- feat: 🎸 add方法 by @hanbinloop in #866
- Feature tenant admin page by @luolu-lg in #868
- fix: 🐛 fix local arkstore api by @luolu-lg in #869
- fix: 🐛 fix arkid_saas login permission by @luolu-lg in #871
- Feature 12 by @hanbinloop in #872
- fix: 🐛 merge migrations by @luolu-lg in #873
- Feature 12 by @hanbinloop in #874
- fix: 🐛 fix arkid_saas login by @luolu-lg in #875
- feat: 🎸 处理创建2次 by @hanbinloop in #876
- fix: 🐛 fix oidc authorize_url by @luolu-lg in #877
- Feature 12 by @hanbinloop in #878
- feat: 🎸 更新信息 by @hanbinloop in #880
- 语言包管理重做+静态文件存储 by @guancyxx in #882
- Feature 284 by @fanhe-lg in #883
- 语言包管理的一些bug by @guancyxx in #885
- 更正错误的返回值结构 by @guancyxx in #886
- 插件名称更改/本地存储插件功能优化 by @guancyxx in #887
- Feature 284 by @fanhe-lg in #888
- feat: 🎸 create_app接口回退 by @guancyxx in #889
- feat: 🎸 更改auth_factor已有插件包名 by @guancyxx in #890
- feat: 🎸 修复了celery启动的问题和slug问题 by @hanbinloop in #891
- fix: 🐛 fix oidc permission by @luolu-lg in
What's Changed
- fix: 🐛 修复arkstore登录取不到tenantbug by @fanhe-lg in #790
- Feature arkstore install by @luolu-lg in #797
- fix: 🐛 fix arkstore install by @luolu-lg in #798
- fix: 🐛 fix get tenant by @luolu-lg in #800
- feat: 🎸 update arkstore page config by @longgui-penglei in #801
- feat: 🎸 增加frontend_url 查看和修改接口, 修改get_frontend_host逻辑 by @fanhe-lg in #816
- feat: 发版 by @notevery in #870
Full Changelog: 2.0.4...2.0.5
What's Changed
- feat: 🎸 add user groups to oidc id_token by @luolu-lg in #745
- fix: 🐛 add type OIDC-Platform to oauth permission by @luolu-lg in #746
- fix: 🐛 fix bind_saas to create oidc app by @luolu-lg in #747
- fix: 🐛 fix log timestamp by @luolu-lg in #743
- fix: 🐛 fix oidc platform permission check by @luolu-lg in #748
- 先取消掉权限验证 by @hanbinloop in #750
- feat: 🎸 添加saml2阿里云用户SSO插件 by @guancyxx in #755
- Feature application group v2 by @guancyxx in #751
- Feature pwd expire by @fanhe-lg in #756
- feat: 🎸 处理saml登录验证过程 by @guancyxx in #757
- feat: 🎸 修复页面跳转问题 by @guancyxx in #759
- 新的权限体系,以及删除用户的bug by @hanbinloop in #765
- feat: 🎸 更新一个依赖 by @hanbinloop in #767
- Feature freeze by @fanhe-lg in #768
- Feature sync by @fanhe-lg in #771
- fix: 🐛 fix user app permission by @luolu-lg in #770
- fix: 🐛 修复arkid sync client 获取name 为空的bug by @fanhe-lg in #774
Full Changelog: 2.0.0...2.0.3
Bug Fixes
- handle conflict because of mergeing (986257f)
- cyclic import: fix Cyclic import (e73de3f)
- djangosaml: 修复因 RoleSessionName 是中文导致阿里云 SSO 失败的问题 (2709c0e)
- executer.rdb: from loop create to bulk create for group_perm (07635e5)
- executer.rdb: optimize batch creation (117399d)
- executer.rdb: optimize batch creation (07a6d4a)
- makemigrations --merge: python makemigrations --merge (d7983df)
- mock login: 生成模板文件 (b9456cf)
- oauth2_provider/views/ short of the permission_classes (d7cb955)
- saml 2.0: 阿里云SSO对接相关bug修复 (12c307d)
- saml2.0 response: 支持识别响应数据的签名方式 (d7368e4)
- url slash: 统一URL后缀slash (e1bb526)
Bug Fixes
- invalid cache: fix invalid cache because of the transaction (ebfd390)
- manager perm: filter out root_node permissions for manager (7fb6e32)
- perm owner: fix the bug that the TypeError exception did not catch (2e28178)
- user update mobile: fixed wrong serializer for <check_sms_token> + set password-required False (d742841)
- github user: (oauth)github user login + register + bind (a47c447)