# Lobaro-CoAP

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Complete CoAP Implementation in C.
Despite designed for embedded systems (e.g. ARM Cortex-M0/M3, AVR, ESP8266) it can be used on nearly every system that has c-lang support.

* Royalty-free CoAP stack
* complete request/response logic
* unified Client & Server
* easy to use
* small memory footprint
* using C99 stdlib, suitable for embedded projects
* detached packet receive/send logic
* Arduino support (experimental)

There is also a working OpenSource **client lib available in GoLang** @ https://github.com/lobaro/coap-go

Follow [Lobaro on Twitter](https://twitter.com/LobaroHH) to get latest news about iot projects using our CoAP implementation!

# Getting started

Read the [Porting Guide](./PortingGuide.md) for information on how to port the library to your framework.

# Demo/Example

ESP8266, cheap WIFI Soc:

- [Example Eclipse Project on GitHub](https://github.com/lobaro/lobaro-coap-on-esp8266)
- [Step by Step Tutorial](http://www.lobaro.com/lobaro-coap-on-esp8266/)

# Related
* GoLang CoAP Client implementation & CGO wrapper for this C lib: [Lobaro CoAP-go](https://github.com/lobaro/coap-go)

# Future development
We use the stack internally at lobaro to build universal gateway / sensor systems for our customers. Additions will be constantly merged into this repository. 

# Contribute
We appreciate any feedback, do not hesitate to create issues or pull requests.