diff --git a/clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticDriverKinds.td b/clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticDriverKinds.td
index 592ed3bda5150..3d86f7510bde2 100644
--- a/clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticDriverKinds.td
+++ b/clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticDriverKinds.td
@@ -548,6 +548,12 @@ def err_drv_extract_api_wrong_kind : Error<
   "header file '%0' input '%1' does not match the type of prior input "
   "in api extraction; use '-x %2' to override">;
+def err_drv_missing_symbol_graph_dir: Error<
+  "Must provide a symbol graph output directory using --symbol-graph-dir=<directory>">;
+def err_drv_unexpected_symbol_graph_output : Error<
+  "Unexpected output symbol graph '%1'; please provide --symbol-graph-dir=<directory> instead">;
 def warn_slash_u_filename : Warning<"'/U%0' treated as the '/U' option">,
 def note_use_dashdash : Note<
diff --git a/clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticFrontendKinds.td b/clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticFrontendKinds.td
index ba23cf84c5e34..14b08d4927ec5 100644
--- a/clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticFrontendKinds.td
+++ b/clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticFrontendKinds.td
@@ -366,4 +366,8 @@ def warn_profile_data_misexpect : Warning<
 def err_extract_api_ignores_file_not_found :
   Error<"file '%0' specified by '--extract-api-ignores=' not found">, DefaultFatal;
+def warn_missing_symbol_graph_dir : Warning<
+  "Missing symbol graph output directory, defaulting to working directory">,
+  InGroup<ExtractAPIMisuse>;
diff --git a/clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticGroups.td b/clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticGroups.td
index 520168f01fd84..5251774ff4efd 100644
--- a/clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticGroups.td
+++ b/clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticGroups.td
@@ -1517,3 +1517,5 @@ def UnsafeBufferUsage : DiagGroup<"unsafe-buffer-usage", [UnsafeBufferUsageInCon
 // Warnings and notes InstallAPI verification.
 def InstallAPIViolation : DiagGroup<"installapi-violation">;
+// Warnings about misuse of ExtractAPI options.
+def ExtractAPIMisuse : DiagGroup<"extractapi-misuse">;
diff --git a/clang/include/clang/Driver/Options.td b/clang/include/clang/Driver/Options.td
index f5289fb00c895..c3e90a70925b7 100644
--- a/clang/include/clang/Driver/Options.td
+++ b/clang/include/clang/Driver/Options.td
@@ -1507,14 +1507,29 @@ def extract_api : Flag<["-"], "extract-api">,
 def product_name_EQ: Joined<["--"], "product-name=">,
   Visibility<[ClangOption, CC1Option]>,
-def emit_symbol_graph_EQ: JoinedOrSeparate<["--"], "emit-symbol-graph=">,
+def emit_symbol_graph: Flag<["-"], "emit-symbol-graph">,
   Visibility<[ClangOption, CC1Option]>,
-    HelpText<"Generate Extract API information as a side effect of compilation.">,
-    MarshallingInfoString<FrontendOpts<"SymbolGraphOutputDir">>;
+  HelpText<"Generate Extract API information as a side effect of compilation.">,
+  MarshallingInfoFlag<FrontendOpts<"EmitSymbolGraph">>;
+def emit_extension_symbol_graphs: Flag<["--"], "emit-extension-symbol-graphs">,
+  Visibility<[ClangOption, CC1Option]>,
+  HelpText<"Generate additional symbol graphs for extended modules.">,
+  MarshallingInfoFlag<FrontendOpts<"EmitExtensionSymbolGraphs">>;
 def extract_api_ignores_EQ: CommaJoined<["--"], "extract-api-ignores=">,
   Visibility<[ClangOption, CC1Option]>,
     HelpText<"Comma separated list of files containing a new line separated list of API symbols to ignore when extracting API information.">,
+def symbol_graph_dir_EQ: Joined<["--"], "symbol-graph-dir=">,
+   Visibility<[ClangOption, CC1Option]>,
+   HelpText<"Directory in which to emit symbol graphs.">,
+   MarshallingInfoString<FrontendOpts<"SymbolGraphOutputDir">>;
+def emit_pretty_sgf: Flag<["--"], "pretty-sgf">,
+    Visibility<[ClangOption, CC1Option]>,
+    HelpText<"Emit pretty printed symbol graphs">,
+    MarshallingInfoFlag<FrontendOpts<"EmitPrettySymbolGraphs">>;
+def emit_sgf_symbol_labels_for_testing: Flag<["--"], "emit-sgf-symbol-labels-for-testing">,
+   Visibility<[CC1Option]>,
+   MarshallingInfoFlag<FrontendOpts<"EmitSymbolGraphSymbolLabelsForTesting">>;
 def e : Separate<["-"], "e">, Flags<[LinkerInput]>, Group<Link_Group>;
 def fmax_tokens_EQ : Joined<["-"], "fmax-tokens=">, Group<f_Group>,
   Visibility<[ClangOption, CC1Option]>,
diff --git a/clang/include/clang/ExtractAPI/API.h b/clang/include/clang/ExtractAPI/API.h
index b220db294101d..92cacf65c7d64 100644
--- a/clang/include/clang/ExtractAPI/API.h
+++ b/clang/include/clang/ExtractAPI/API.h
@@ -20,17 +20,25 @@
 #include "clang/AST/Availability.h"
 #include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
+#include "clang/AST/DeclBase.h"
 #include "clang/AST/DeclObjC.h"
 #include "clang/AST/RawCommentList.h"
 #include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
 #include "clang/Basic/Specifiers.h"
 #include "clang/ExtractAPI/DeclarationFragments.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/MapVector.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
 #include "llvm/TargetParser/Triple.h"
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <iterator>
 #include <memory>
+#include <optional>
 #include <type_traits>
 namespace clang {
@@ -149,15 +157,58 @@ class Template {
 /// \endcode
 using DocComment = std::vector<RawComment::CommentLine>;
-// Classes deriving from APIRecord need to have USR be the first constructor
-// argument. This is so that they are compatible with `addTopLevelRecord`
-// defined in API.cpp
+struct APIRecord;
+// This represents a reference to another symbol that might come from external
+/// sources.
+struct SymbolReference {
+  StringRef Name;
+  StringRef USR;
+  /// The source project/module/product of the referred symbol.
+  StringRef Source;
+  // A Pointer to the APIRecord for this reference if known
+  const APIRecord *Record = nullptr;
+  SymbolReference() = default;
+  SymbolReference(StringRef Name, StringRef USR, StringRef Source = "")
+      : Name(Name), USR(USR), Source(Source) {}
+  SymbolReference(const APIRecord *R);
+  /// Determine if this SymbolReference is empty.
+  ///
+  /// \returns true if and only if all \c Name, \c USR, and \c Source is empty.
+  bool empty() const { return Name.empty() && USR.empty() && Source.empty(); }
+class RecordContext;
+// Concrete classes deriving from APIRecord need to have a construct with first
+// arguments USR, and Name, in that order. This is so that they
+// are compatible with `APISet::createRecord`.
+// When adding a new kind of record don't forget to update APIRecords.inc!
 /// The base representation of an API record. Holds common symbol information.
 struct APIRecord {
   /// Discriminator for LLVM-style RTTI (dyn_cast<> et al.)
   enum RecordKind {
+    // If adding a record context record kind here make sure to update
+    // RecordContext::classof if needed and add a RECORD_CONTEXT entry to
+    // APIRecords.inc
+    RK_FirstRecordContext,
+    RK_Enum,
+    RK_Struct,
+    RK_Union,
+    RK_ObjCInterface,
+    RK_ObjCCategory,
+    RK_ObjCProtocol,
+    RK_CXXClass,
+    RK_ClassTemplate,
+    RK_ClassTemplateSpecialization,
+    RK_ClassTemplatePartialSpecialization,
+    RK_LastRecordContext,
@@ -166,18 +217,11 @@ struct APIRecord {
-    RK_Enum,
-    RK_Struct,
-    RK_Union,
-    RK_CXXClass,
-    RK_ClassTemplate,
-    RK_ClassTemplateSpecialization,
-    RK_ClassTemplatePartialSpecialization,
@@ -190,40 +234,15 @@ struct APIRecord {
-    RK_ObjCInterface,
-    RK_ObjCCategory,
-    RK_ObjCCategoryModule,
-    RK_ObjCProtocol,
-  /// Stores information about the context of the declaration of this API.
-  /// This is roughly analogous to the DeclContext hierarchy for an AST Node.
-  struct HierarchyInformation {
-    /// The USR of the parent API.
-    StringRef ParentUSR;
-    /// The name of the parent API.
-    StringRef ParentName;
-    /// The record kind of the parent API.
-    RecordKind ParentKind = RK_Unknown;
-    /// A pointer to the parent APIRecord if known.
-    APIRecord *ParentRecord = nullptr;
-    HierarchyInformation() = default;
-    HierarchyInformation(StringRef ParentUSR, StringRef ParentName,
-                         RecordKind Kind, APIRecord *ParentRecord = nullptr)
-        : ParentUSR(ParentUSR), ParentName(ParentName), ParentKind(Kind),
-          ParentRecord(ParentRecord) {}
-    bool empty() const {
-      return ParentUSR.empty() && ParentName.empty() &&
-             ParentKind == RK_Unknown && ParentRecord == nullptr;
-    }
-  };
   StringRef USR;
   StringRef Name;
+  SymbolReference Parent;
   PresumedLoc Location;
   AvailabilityInfo Availability;
   LinkageInfo Linkage;
@@ -242,79 +261,169 @@ struct APIRecord {
   /// Objective-C class/instance methods).
   DeclarationFragments SubHeading;
-  /// Information about the parent record of this record.
-  HierarchyInformation ParentInformation;
   /// Whether the symbol was defined in a system header.
   bool IsFromSystemHeader;
+  AccessControl Access;
   const RecordKind Kind;
+  friend class RecordContext;
+  // Used to store the next child record in RecordContext. This works because
+  // APIRecords semantically only have one parent.
+  mutable APIRecord *NextInContext = nullptr;
+  APIRecord *getNextInContext() const { return NextInContext; }
   RecordKind getKind() const { return Kind; }
+  static APIRecord *castFromRecordContext(const RecordContext *Ctx);
+  static RecordContext *castToRecordContext(const APIRecord *Record);
   APIRecord() = delete;
   APIRecord(RecordKind Kind, StringRef USR, StringRef Name,
-            PresumedLoc Location, AvailabilityInfo Availability,
-            LinkageInfo Linkage, const DocComment &Comment,
-            DeclarationFragments Declaration, DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
-            bool IsFromSystemHeader)
-      : USR(USR), Name(Name), Location(Location),
+            SymbolReference Parent, PresumedLoc Location,
+            AvailabilityInfo Availability, LinkageInfo Linkage,
+            const DocComment &Comment, DeclarationFragments Declaration,
+            DeclarationFragments SubHeading, bool IsFromSystemHeader,
+            AccessControl Access = AccessControl())
+      : USR(USR), Name(Name), Parent(std::move(Parent)), Location(Location),
         Availability(std::move(Availability)), Linkage(Linkage),
         Comment(Comment), Declaration(Declaration), SubHeading(SubHeading),
-        IsFromSystemHeader(IsFromSystemHeader), Kind(Kind) {}
+        IsFromSystemHeader(IsFromSystemHeader), Access(std::move(Access)),
+        Kind(Kind) {}
   APIRecord(RecordKind Kind, StringRef USR, StringRef Name)
       : USR(USR), Name(Name), Kind(Kind) {}
   // Pure virtual destructor to make APIRecord abstract
   virtual ~APIRecord() = 0;
+  static bool classof(const APIRecord *Record) { return true; }
+  static bool classofKind(RecordKind K) { return true; }
+  static bool classof(const RecordContext *Ctx) { return true; }
+/// Base class used for specific record types that have children records this is
+/// analogous to the DeclContext for the AST
+class RecordContext {
+  static bool classof(const APIRecord *Record) {
+    return classofKind(Record->getKind());
+  }
+  static bool classofKind(APIRecord::RecordKind K) {
+    return K > APIRecord::RK_FirstRecordContext &&
+           K < APIRecord::RK_LastRecordContext;
+  }
+  static bool classof(const RecordContext *Context) { return true; }
+  RecordContext(APIRecord::RecordKind Kind) : Kind(Kind) {}
+  APIRecord::RecordKind getKind() const { return Kind; }
+  struct record_iterator {
+  private:
+    APIRecord *Current = nullptr;
+  public:
+    using value_type = APIRecord *;
+    using reference = const value_type &;
+    using pointer = const value_type *;
+    using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
+    using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
+    record_iterator() = default;
+    explicit record_iterator(value_type R) : Current(R) {}
+    reference operator*() const { return Current; }
+    // This doesn't strictly meet the iterator requirements, but it's the
+    // behavior we want here.
+    value_type operator->() const { return Current; }
+    record_iterator &operator++() {
+      Current = Current->getNextInContext();
+      return *this;
+    }
+    record_iterator operator++(int) {
+      record_iterator tmp(*this);
+      ++(*this);
+      return tmp;
+    }
+    friend bool operator==(record_iterator x, record_iterator y) {
+      return x.Current == y.Current;
+    }
+    friend bool operator!=(record_iterator x, record_iterator y) {
+      return x.Current != y.Current;
+    }
+  };
+  using record_range = llvm::iterator_range<record_iterator>;
+  record_range records() const {
+    return record_range(records_begin(), records_end());
+  }
+  record_iterator records_begin() const { return record_iterator(First); };
+  record_iterator records_end() const { return record_iterator(); }
+  bool records_empty() const { return First == nullptr; };
+  APIRecord::RecordKind Kind;
+  mutable APIRecord *First = nullptr;
+  mutable APIRecord *Last = nullptr;
+  friend class APISet;
+  void addToRecordChain(APIRecord *) const;
-struct NamespaceRecord : APIRecord {
-  NamespaceRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, PresumedLoc Loc,
-                  AvailabilityInfo Availability, LinkageInfo Linkage,
-                  const DocComment &Comment, DeclarationFragments Declaration,
+struct NamespaceRecord : APIRecord, RecordContext {
+  NamespaceRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, SymbolReference Parent,
+                  PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability,
+                  LinkageInfo Linkage, const DocComment &Comment,
+                  DeclarationFragments Declaration,
                   DeclarationFragments SubHeading, bool IsFromSystemHeader)
-      : APIRecord(RK_Namespace, USR, Name, Loc, std::move(Availability),
+      : APIRecord(RK_Namespace, USR, Name, Parent, Loc, std::move(Availability),
                   Linkage, Comment, Declaration, SubHeading,
-                  IsFromSystemHeader) {}
+                  IsFromSystemHeader),
+        RecordContext(RK_Namespace) {}
   static bool classof(const APIRecord *Record) {
-    return Record->getKind() == RK_Namespace;
+    return classofKind(Record->getKind());
+  static bool classofKind(RecordKind K) { return K == RK_Namespace; }
 /// This holds information associated with global functions.
 struct GlobalFunctionRecord : APIRecord {
   FunctionSignature Signature;
-  GlobalFunctionRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, PresumedLoc Loc,
-                       AvailabilityInfo Availability, LinkageInfo Linkage,
-                       const DocComment &Comment,
+  GlobalFunctionRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, SymbolReference Parent,
+                       PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability,
+                       LinkageInfo Linkage, const DocComment &Comment,
                        DeclarationFragments Declaration,
                        DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
                        FunctionSignature Signature, bool IsFromSystemHeader)
-      : APIRecord(RK_GlobalFunction, USR, Name, Loc, std::move(Availability),
-                  Linkage, Comment, Declaration, SubHeading,
-                  IsFromSystemHeader),
+      : APIRecord(RK_GlobalFunction, USR, Name, Parent, Loc,
+                  std::move(Availability), Linkage, Comment, Declaration,
+                  SubHeading, IsFromSystemHeader),
         Signature(Signature) {}
   GlobalFunctionRecord(RecordKind Kind, StringRef USR, StringRef Name,
-                       PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability,
-                       LinkageInfo Linkage, const DocComment &Comment,
+                       SymbolReference Parent, PresumedLoc Loc,
+                       AvailabilityInfo Availability, LinkageInfo Linkage,
+                       const DocComment &Comment,
                        DeclarationFragments Declaration,
                        DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
                        FunctionSignature Signature, bool IsFromSystemHeader)
-      : APIRecord(Kind, USR, Name, Loc, std::move(Availability), Linkage,
-                  Comment, Declaration, SubHeading, IsFromSystemHeader),
+      : APIRecord(Kind, USR, Name, Parent, Loc, std::move(Availability),
+                  Linkage, Comment, Declaration, SubHeading,
+                  IsFromSystemHeader),
         Signature(Signature) {}
   static bool classof(const APIRecord *Record) {
-    return Record->getKind() == RK_GlobalFunction;
+    return classofKind(Record->getKind());
+  static bool classofKind(RecordKind K) { return K == RK_GlobalFunction; }
   virtual void anchor();
@@ -323,63 +432,74 @@ struct GlobalFunctionRecord : APIRecord {
 struct GlobalFunctionTemplateRecord : GlobalFunctionRecord {
   Template Templ;
-  GlobalFunctionTemplateRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, PresumedLoc Loc,
+  GlobalFunctionTemplateRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name,
+                               SymbolReference Parent, PresumedLoc Loc,
                                AvailabilityInfo Availability,
                                LinkageInfo Linkage, const DocComment &Comment,
                                DeclarationFragments Declaration,
                                DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
                                FunctionSignature Signature, Template Template,
                                bool IsFromSystemHeader)
-      : GlobalFunctionRecord(RK_GlobalFunctionTemplate, USR, Name, Loc,
+      : GlobalFunctionRecord(RK_GlobalFunctionTemplate, USR, Name, Parent, Loc,
                              std::move(Availability), Linkage, Comment,
                              Declaration, SubHeading, Signature,
         Templ(Template) {}
   static bool classof(const APIRecord *Record) {
-    return Record->getKind() == RK_GlobalFunctionTemplate;
+    return classofKind(Record->getKind());
+  }
+  static bool classofKind(RecordKind K) {
+    return K == RK_GlobalFunctionTemplate;
 struct GlobalFunctionTemplateSpecializationRecord : GlobalFunctionRecord {
-      StringRef USR, StringRef Name, PresumedLoc Loc,
+      StringRef USR, StringRef Name, SymbolReference Parent, PresumedLoc Loc,
       AvailabilityInfo Availability, LinkageInfo Linkage,
       const DocComment &Comment, DeclarationFragments Declaration,
       DeclarationFragments SubHeading, FunctionSignature Signature,
       bool IsFromSystemHeader)
       : GlobalFunctionRecord(RK_GlobalFunctionTemplateSpecialization, USR, Name,
-                             Loc, std::move(Availability), Linkage, Comment,
-                             Declaration, SubHeading, Signature,
+                             Parent, Loc, std::move(Availability), Linkage,
+                             Comment, Declaration, SubHeading, Signature,
                              IsFromSystemHeader) {}
   static bool classof(const APIRecord *Record) {
-    return Record->getKind() == RK_GlobalFunctionTemplateSpecialization;
+    return classofKind(Record->getKind());
+  }
+  static bool classofKind(RecordKind K) {
+    return K == RK_GlobalFunctionTemplateSpecialization;
 /// This holds information associated with global functions.
 struct GlobalVariableRecord : APIRecord {
-  GlobalVariableRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, PresumedLoc Loc,
-                       AvailabilityInfo Availability, LinkageInfo Linkage,
-                       const DocComment &Comment,
+  GlobalVariableRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, SymbolReference Parent,
+                       PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability,
+                       LinkageInfo Linkage, const DocComment &Comment,
                        DeclarationFragments Declaration,
                        DeclarationFragments SubHeading, bool IsFromSystemHeader)
-      : APIRecord(RK_GlobalVariable, USR, Name, Loc, std::move(Availability),
-                  Linkage, Comment, Declaration, SubHeading,
-                  IsFromSystemHeader) {}
+      : APIRecord(RK_GlobalVariable, USR, Name, Parent, Loc,
+                  std::move(Availability), Linkage, Comment, Declaration,
+                  SubHeading, IsFromSystemHeader) {}
   GlobalVariableRecord(RecordKind Kind, StringRef USR, StringRef Name,
+                       SymbolReference Parent,
                        PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability,
                        LinkageInfo Linkage, const DocComment &Comment,
                        DeclarationFragments Declaration,
                        DeclarationFragments SubHeading, bool IsFromSystemHeader)
-      : APIRecord(Kind, USR, Name, Loc, std::move(Availability), Linkage,
-                  Comment, Declaration, SubHeading, IsFromSystemHeader) {}
+      : APIRecord(Kind, USR, Name, Parent, Loc, std::move(Availability),
+                  Linkage, Comment, Declaration, SubHeading,
+                  IsFromSystemHeader) {}
   static bool classof(const APIRecord *Record) {
-    return Record->getKind() == RK_GlobalVariable;
+    return classofKind(Record->getKind());
+  static bool classofKind(RecordKind K) { return K == RK_GlobalVariable; }
   virtual void anchor();
@@ -388,34 +508,42 @@ struct GlobalVariableRecord : APIRecord {
 struct GlobalVariableTemplateRecord : GlobalVariableRecord {
   Template Templ;
-  GlobalVariableTemplateRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, PresumedLoc Loc,
+  GlobalVariableTemplateRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name,
+                               SymbolReference Parent, PresumedLoc Loc,
                                AvailabilityInfo Availability,
                                LinkageInfo Linkage, const DocComment &Comment,
                                DeclarationFragments Declaration,
                                DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
                                class Template Template, bool IsFromSystemHeader)
-      : GlobalVariableRecord(RK_GlobalVariableTemplate, USR, Name, Loc,
+      : GlobalVariableRecord(RK_GlobalVariableTemplate, USR, Name, Parent, Loc,
                              std::move(Availability), Linkage, Comment,
                              Declaration, SubHeading, IsFromSystemHeader),
         Templ(Template) {}
   static bool classof(const APIRecord *Record) {
-    return Record->getKind() == RK_GlobalVariableTemplate;
+    return classofKind(Record->getKind());
+  }
+  static bool classofKind(RecordKind K) {
+    return K == RK_GlobalVariableTemplate;
 struct GlobalVariableTemplateSpecializationRecord : GlobalVariableRecord {
-      StringRef USR, StringRef Name, PresumedLoc Loc,
+      StringRef USR, StringRef Name, SymbolReference Parent, PresumedLoc Loc,
       AvailabilityInfo Availability, LinkageInfo Linkage,
       const DocComment &Comment, DeclarationFragments Declaration,
       DeclarationFragments SubHeading, bool IsFromSystemHeader)
       : GlobalVariableRecord(RK_GlobalVariableTemplateSpecialization, USR, Name,
-                             Loc, std::move(Availability), Linkage, Comment,
-                             Declaration, SubHeading, IsFromSystemHeader) {}
+                             Parent, Loc, std::move(Availability), Linkage,
+                             Comment, Declaration, SubHeading,
+                             IsFromSystemHeader) {}
   static bool classof(const APIRecord *Record) {
-    return Record->getKind() == RK_GlobalVariableTemplateSpecialization;
+    return classofKind(Record->getKind());
+  }
+  static bool classofKind(RecordKind K) {
+    return K == RK_GlobalVariableTemplateSpecialization;
@@ -424,126 +552,203 @@ struct GlobalVariableTemplatePartialSpecializationRecord
   Template Templ;
-      StringRef USR, StringRef Name, PresumedLoc Loc,
+      StringRef USR, StringRef Name, SymbolReference Parent, PresumedLoc Loc,
       AvailabilityInfo Availability, LinkageInfo Linkage,
       const DocComment &Comment, DeclarationFragments Declaration,
       DeclarationFragments SubHeading, class Template Template,
       bool IsFromSystemHeader)
       : GlobalVariableRecord(RK_GlobalVariableTemplatePartialSpecialization,
-                             USR, Name, Loc, std::move(Availability), Linkage,
-                             Comment, Declaration, SubHeading,
+                             USR, Name, Parent, Loc, std::move(Availability),
+                             Linkage, Comment, Declaration, SubHeading,
         Templ(Template) {}
   static bool classof(const APIRecord *Record) {
-    return Record->getKind() == RK_GlobalVariableTemplatePartialSpecialization;
+    return classofKind(Record->getKind());
+  }
+  static bool classofKind(RecordKind K) {
+    return K == RK_GlobalVariableTemplatePartialSpecialization;
 /// This holds information associated with enum constants.
 struct EnumConstantRecord : APIRecord {
-  EnumConstantRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, PresumedLoc Loc,
-                     AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
+  EnumConstantRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, SymbolReference Parent,
+                     PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability,
+                     const DocComment &Comment,
                      DeclarationFragments Declaration,
                      DeclarationFragments SubHeading, bool IsFromSystemHeader)
-      : APIRecord(RK_EnumConstant, USR, Name, Loc, std::move(Availability),
-                  LinkageInfo::none(), Comment, Declaration, SubHeading,
-                  IsFromSystemHeader) {}
+      : APIRecord(RK_EnumConstant, USR, Name, Parent, Loc,
+                  std::move(Availability), LinkageInfo::none(), Comment,
+                  Declaration, SubHeading, IsFromSystemHeader) {}
   static bool classof(const APIRecord *Record) {
-    return Record->getKind() == RK_EnumConstant;
+    return classofKind(Record->getKind());
+  static bool classofKind(RecordKind K) { return K == RK_EnumConstant; }
   virtual void anchor();
 /// This holds information associated with enums.
-struct EnumRecord : APIRecord {
-  SmallVector<std::unique_ptr<EnumConstantRecord>> Constants;
-  EnumRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, PresumedLoc Loc,
-             AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
-             DeclarationFragments Declaration, DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
-             bool IsFromSystemHeader)
-      : APIRecord(RK_Enum, USR, Name, Loc, std::move(Availability),
+struct EnumRecord : APIRecord, RecordContext {
+  EnumRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, SymbolReference Parent,
+             PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability,
+             const DocComment &Comment, DeclarationFragments Declaration,
+             DeclarationFragments SubHeading, bool IsFromSystemHeader)
+      : APIRecord(RK_Enum, USR, Name, Parent, Loc, std::move(Availability),
                   LinkageInfo::none(), Comment, Declaration, SubHeading,
-                  IsFromSystemHeader) {}
+                  IsFromSystemHeader),
+        RecordContext(RK_Enum) {}
   static bool classof(const APIRecord *Record) {
-    return Record->getKind() == RK_Enum;
+    return classofKind(Record->getKind());
+  static bool classofKind(RecordKind K) { return K == RK_Enum; }
   virtual void anchor();
-/// This holds information associated with struct fields.
+/// This holds information associated with struct or union fields fields.
 struct RecordFieldRecord : APIRecord {
-  RecordFieldRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, PresumedLoc Loc,
+  RecordFieldRecord(RecordKind Kind, StringRef USR, StringRef Name,
+                    SymbolReference Parent, PresumedLoc Loc,
                     AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
                     DeclarationFragments Declaration,
-                    DeclarationFragments SubHeading, RecordKind Kind,
-                    bool IsFromSystemHeader)
-      : APIRecord(Kind, USR, Name, Loc, std::move(Availability),
+                    DeclarationFragments SubHeading, bool IsFromSystemHeader)
+      : APIRecord(Kind, USR, Name, Parent, Loc, std::move(Availability),
                   LinkageInfo::none(), Comment, Declaration, SubHeading,
                   IsFromSystemHeader) {}
   static bool classof(const APIRecord *Record) {
-    return Record->getKind() == RK_StructField ||
-           Record->getKind() == RK_UnionField;
+    return classofKind(Record->getKind());
+  }
+  static bool classofKind(RecordKind K) {
+    return K == RK_StructField || K == RK_UnionField;
-  virtual void anchor();
+  virtual ~RecordFieldRecord() = 0;
-/// This holds information associated with structs.
-struct RecordRecord : APIRecord {
-  SmallVector<std::unique_ptr<RecordFieldRecord>> Fields;
-  RecordRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, PresumedLoc Loc,
+/// This holds information associated with structs and unions.
+struct RecordRecord : APIRecord, RecordContext {
+  RecordRecord(RecordKind Kind, StringRef USR, StringRef Name,
+               SymbolReference Parent, PresumedLoc Loc,
                AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
                DeclarationFragments Declaration,
-               DeclarationFragments SubHeading, RecordKind Kind,
-               bool IsFromSystemHeader)
-      : APIRecord(Kind, USR, Name, Loc, std::move(Availability),
+               DeclarationFragments SubHeading, bool IsFromSystemHeader)
+      : APIRecord(Kind, USR, Name, Parent, Loc, std::move(Availability),
                   LinkageInfo::none(), Comment, Declaration, SubHeading,
-                  IsFromSystemHeader) {}
+                  IsFromSystemHeader),
+        RecordContext(Kind) {}
   static bool classof(const APIRecord *Record) {
-    return Record->getKind() == RK_Struct || Record->getKind() == RK_Union;
+    return classofKind(Record->getKind());
+  }
+  static bool classofKind(RecordKind K) {
+    return K == RK_Struct || K == RK_Union;
+  virtual ~RecordRecord() = 0;
+struct StructFieldRecord : RecordFieldRecord {
+  StructFieldRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, SymbolReference Parent,
+                    PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability,
+                    const DocComment &Comment, DeclarationFragments Declaration,
+                    DeclarationFragments SubHeading, bool IsFromSystemHeader)
+      : RecordFieldRecord(RK_StructField, USR, Name, Parent, Loc,
+                          std::move(Availability), Comment, Declaration,
+                          SubHeading, IsFromSystemHeader) {}
+  static bool classof(const APIRecord *Record) {
+    return classofKind(Record->getKind());
+  }
+  static bool classofKind(RecordKind K) { return K == RK_StructField; }
   virtual void anchor();
-struct CXXFieldRecord : APIRecord {
-  AccessControl Access;
+struct StructRecord : RecordRecord {
+  StructRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, SymbolReference Parent,
+               PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability,
+               const DocComment &Comment, DeclarationFragments Declaration,
+               DeclarationFragments SubHeading, bool IsFromSystemHeader)
+      : RecordRecord(RK_Struct, USR, Name, Parent, Loc, std::move(Availability),
+                     Comment, Declaration, SubHeading, IsFromSystemHeader) {}
-  CXXFieldRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, PresumedLoc Loc,
-                 AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
-                 DeclarationFragments Declaration,
+  static bool classof(const APIRecord *Record) {
+    return classofKind(Record->getKind());
+  }
+  static bool classofKind(RecordKind K) { return K == RK_Struct; }
+  virtual void anchor();
+struct UnionFieldRecord : RecordFieldRecord {
+  UnionFieldRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, SymbolReference Parent,
+                   PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability,
+                   const DocComment &Comment, DeclarationFragments Declaration,
+                   DeclarationFragments SubHeading, bool IsFromSystemHeader)
+      : RecordFieldRecord(RK_UnionField, USR, Name, Parent, Loc,
+                          std::move(Availability), Comment, Declaration,
+                          SubHeading, IsFromSystemHeader) {}
+  static bool classof(const APIRecord *Record) {
+    return classofKind(Record->getKind());
+  }
+  static bool classofKind(RecordKind K) { return K == RK_UnionField; }
+  virtual void anchor();
+struct UnionRecord : RecordRecord {
+  UnionRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, SymbolReference Parent,
+              PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability,
+              const DocComment &Comment, DeclarationFragments Declaration,
+              DeclarationFragments SubHeading, bool IsFromSystemHeader)
+      : RecordRecord(RK_Union, USR, Name, Parent, Loc, std::move(Availability),
+                     Comment, Declaration, SubHeading, IsFromSystemHeader) {}
+  static bool classof(const APIRecord *Record) {
+    return classofKind(Record->getKind());
+  }
+  static bool classofKind(RecordKind K) { return K == RK_Union; }
+  virtual void anchor();
+struct CXXFieldRecord : APIRecord {
+  CXXFieldRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, SymbolReference Parent,
+                 PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability,
+                 const DocComment &Comment, DeclarationFragments Declaration,
                  DeclarationFragments SubHeading, AccessControl Access,
                  bool IsFromSystemHeader)
-      : APIRecord(RK_CXXField, USR, Name, Loc, std::move(Availability),
+      : APIRecord(RK_CXXField, USR, Name, Parent, Loc, std::move(Availability),
                   LinkageInfo::none(), Comment, Declaration, SubHeading,
-                  IsFromSystemHeader),
-        Access(Access) {}
+                  IsFromSystemHeader, std::move(Access)) {}
   CXXFieldRecord(RecordKind Kind, StringRef USR, StringRef Name,
-                 PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability,
-                 const DocComment &Comment, DeclarationFragments Declaration,
+                 SymbolReference Parent, PresumedLoc Loc,
+                 AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
+                 DeclarationFragments Declaration,
                  DeclarationFragments SubHeading, AccessControl Access,
                  bool IsFromSystemHeader)
-      : APIRecord(Kind, USR, Name, Loc, std::move(Availability),
+      : APIRecord(Kind, USR, Name, Parent, Loc, std::move(Availability),
                   LinkageInfo::none(), Comment, Declaration, SubHeading,
-                  IsFromSystemHeader),
-        Access(Access) {}
+                  IsFromSystemHeader, std::move(Access)) {}
   static bool classof(const APIRecord *Record) {
-    return Record->getKind() == RK_CXXField;
+    return classofKind(Record->getKind());
+  }
+  static bool classofKind(RecordKind K) {
+    return K == RK_CXXField || K == RK_CXXFieldTemplate || K == RK_StaticField;
@@ -553,111 +758,122 @@ struct CXXFieldRecord : APIRecord {
 struct CXXFieldTemplateRecord : CXXFieldRecord {
   Template Templ;
-  CXXFieldTemplateRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, PresumedLoc Loc,
-                         AvailabilityInfo Availability,
+  CXXFieldTemplateRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, SymbolReference Parent,
+                         PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability,
                          const DocComment &Comment,
                          DeclarationFragments Declaration,
                          DeclarationFragments SubHeading, AccessControl Access,
                          Template Template, bool IsFromSystemHeader)
-      : CXXFieldRecord(RK_CXXFieldTemplate, USR, Name, Loc,
+      : CXXFieldRecord(RK_CXXFieldTemplate, USR, Name, Parent, Loc,
                        std::move(Availability), Comment, Declaration,
-                       SubHeading, Access, IsFromSystemHeader),
+                       SubHeading, std::move(Access), IsFromSystemHeader),
         Templ(Template) {}
   static bool classof(const APIRecord *Record) {
-    return Record->getKind() == RK_CXXFieldTemplate;
+    return classofKind(Record->getKind());
+  static bool classofKind(RecordKind K) { return K == RK_CXXFieldTemplate; }
 struct CXXMethodRecord : APIRecord {
   FunctionSignature Signature;
-  AccessControl Access;
   CXXMethodRecord() = delete;
   CXXMethodRecord(RecordKind Kind, StringRef USR, StringRef Name,
-                  PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability,
-                  const DocComment &Comment, DeclarationFragments Declaration,
+                  SymbolReference Parent, PresumedLoc Loc,
+                  AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
+                  DeclarationFragments Declaration,
                   DeclarationFragments SubHeading, FunctionSignature Signature,
                   AccessControl Access, bool IsFromSystemHeader)
-      : APIRecord(Kind, USR, Name, Loc, std::move(Availability),
+      : APIRecord(Kind, USR, Name, Parent, Loc, std::move(Availability),
                   LinkageInfo::none(), Comment, Declaration, SubHeading,
-                  IsFromSystemHeader),
-        Signature(Signature), Access(Access) {}
+                  IsFromSystemHeader, std::move(Access)),
+        Signature(Signature) {}
   virtual ~CXXMethodRecord() = 0;
 struct CXXConstructorRecord : CXXMethodRecord {
-  CXXConstructorRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, PresumedLoc Loc,
-                       AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
+  CXXConstructorRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, SymbolReference Parent,
+                       PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability,
+                       const DocComment &Comment,
                        DeclarationFragments Declaration,
                        DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
                        FunctionSignature Signature, AccessControl Access,
                        bool IsFromSystemHeader)
-      : CXXMethodRecord(RK_CXXConstructorMethod, USR, Name, Loc,
+      : CXXMethodRecord(RK_CXXConstructorMethod, USR, Name, Parent, Loc,
                         std::move(Availability), Comment, Declaration,
-                        SubHeading, Signature, Access, IsFromSystemHeader) {}
+                        SubHeading, Signature, std::move(Access),
+                        IsFromSystemHeader) {}
   static bool classof(const APIRecord *Record) {
-    return Record->getKind() == RK_CXXConstructorMethod;
+    return classofKind(Record->getKind());
+  static bool classofKind(RecordKind K) { return K == RK_CXXConstructorMethod; }
   virtual void anchor();
 struct CXXDestructorRecord : CXXMethodRecord {
-  CXXDestructorRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, PresumedLoc Loc,
-                      AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
+  CXXDestructorRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, SymbolReference Parent,
+                      PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability,
+                      const DocComment &Comment,
                       DeclarationFragments Declaration,
                       DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
                       FunctionSignature Signature, AccessControl Access,
                       bool IsFromSystemHeader)
-      : CXXMethodRecord(RK_CXXDestructorMethod, USR, Name, Loc,
+      : CXXMethodRecord(RK_CXXDestructorMethod, USR, Name, Parent, Loc,
                         std::move(Availability), Comment, Declaration,
-                        SubHeading, Signature, Access, IsFromSystemHeader) {}
+                        SubHeading, Signature, std::move(Access),
+                        IsFromSystemHeader) {}
   static bool classof(const APIRecord *Record) {
-    return Record->getKind() == RK_CXXDestructorMethod;
+    return classofKind(Record->getKind());
+  static bool classofKind(RecordKind K) { return K == RK_CXXDestructorMethod; }
   virtual void anchor();
 struct CXXStaticMethodRecord : CXXMethodRecord {
-  CXXStaticMethodRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, PresumedLoc Loc,
-                        AvailabilityInfo Availability,
+  CXXStaticMethodRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, SymbolReference Parent,
+                        PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability,
                         const DocComment &Comment,
                         DeclarationFragments Declaration,
                         DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
                         FunctionSignature Signature, AccessControl Access,
                         bool IsFromSystemHeader)
-      : CXXMethodRecord(RK_CXXStaticMethod, USR, Name, Loc,
+      : CXXMethodRecord(RK_CXXStaticMethod, USR, Name, Parent, Loc,
                         std::move(Availability), Comment, Declaration,
-                        SubHeading, Signature, Access, IsFromSystemHeader) {}
+                        SubHeading, Signature, std::move(Access),
+                        IsFromSystemHeader) {}
   static bool classof(const APIRecord *Record) {
-    return Record->getKind() == RK_CXXStaticMethod;
+    return classofKind(Record->getKind());
+  static bool classofKind(RecordKind K) { return K == RK_CXXStaticMethod; }
   virtual void anchor();
 struct CXXInstanceMethodRecord : CXXMethodRecord {
-  CXXInstanceMethodRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, PresumedLoc Loc,
-                          AvailabilityInfo Availability,
+  CXXInstanceMethodRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, SymbolReference Parent,
+                          PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability,
                           const DocComment &Comment,
                           DeclarationFragments Declaration,
                           DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
                           FunctionSignature Signature, AccessControl Access,
                           bool IsFromSystemHeader)
-      : CXXMethodRecord(RK_CXXInstanceMethod, USR, Name, Loc,
+      : CXXMethodRecord(RK_CXXInstanceMethod, USR, Name, Parent, Loc,
                         std::move(Availability), Comment, Declaration,
-                        SubHeading, Signature, Access, IsFromSystemHeader) {}
+                        SubHeading, Signature, std::move(Access),
+                        IsFromSystemHeader) {}
   static bool classof(const APIRecord *Record) {
-    return Record->getKind() == RK_CXXInstanceMethod;
+    return classofKind(Record->getKind());
+  static bool classofKind(RecordKind K) { return K == RK_CXXInstanceMethod; }
   virtual void anchor();
@@ -666,36 +882,42 @@ struct CXXInstanceMethodRecord : CXXMethodRecord {
 struct CXXMethodTemplateRecord : CXXMethodRecord {
   Template Templ;
-  CXXMethodTemplateRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, PresumedLoc Loc,
-                          AvailabilityInfo Availability,
+  CXXMethodTemplateRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, SymbolReference Parent,
+                          PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability,
                           const DocComment &Comment,
                           DeclarationFragments Declaration,
                           DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
                           FunctionSignature Signature, AccessControl Access,
                           Template Template, bool IsFromSystemHeader)
-      : CXXMethodRecord(RK_CXXMethodTemplate, USR, Name, Loc,
+      : CXXMethodRecord(RK_CXXMethodTemplate, USR, Name, Parent, Loc,
                         std::move(Availability), Comment, Declaration,
-                        SubHeading, Signature, Access, IsFromSystemHeader),
+                        SubHeading, Signature, std::move(Access),
+                        IsFromSystemHeader),
         Templ(Template) {}
   static bool classof(const APIRecord *Record) {
-    return Record->getKind() == RK_CXXMethodTemplate;
+    return classofKind(Record->getKind());
+  static bool classofKind(RecordKind K) { return K == RK_CXXMethodTemplate; }
 struct CXXMethodTemplateSpecializationRecord : CXXMethodRecord {
-      StringRef USR, StringRef Name, PresumedLoc Loc,
+      StringRef USR, StringRef Name, SymbolReference Parent, PresumedLoc Loc,
       AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
       DeclarationFragments Declaration, DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
       FunctionSignature Signature, AccessControl Access,
       bool IsFromSystemHeader)
-      : CXXMethodRecord(RK_CXXMethodTemplateSpecialization, USR, Name, Loc,
-                        std::move(Availability), Comment, Declaration,
-                        SubHeading, Signature, Access, IsFromSystemHeader) {}
+      : CXXMethodRecord(RK_CXXMethodTemplateSpecialization, USR, Name, Parent,
+                        Loc, std::move(Availability), Comment, Declaration,
+                        SubHeading, Signature, std::move(Access),
+                        IsFromSystemHeader) {}
   static bool classof(const APIRecord *Record) {
-    return Record->getKind() == RK_CXXMethodTemplateSpecialization;
+    return classofKind(Record->getKind());
+  }
+  static bool classofKind(RecordKind K) {
+    return K == RK_CXXMethodTemplateSpecialization;
@@ -714,13 +936,13 @@ struct ObjCPropertyRecord : APIRecord {
   bool IsOptional;
   ObjCPropertyRecord(RecordKind Kind, StringRef USR, StringRef Name,
-                     PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability,
-                     const DocComment &Comment,
+                     SymbolReference Parent, PresumedLoc Loc,
+                     AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
                      DeclarationFragments Declaration,
                      DeclarationFragments SubHeading, AttributeKind Attributes,
                      StringRef GetterName, StringRef SetterName,
                      bool IsOptional, bool IsFromSystemHeader)
-      : APIRecord(Kind, USR, Name, Loc, std::move(Availability),
+      : APIRecord(Kind, USR, Name, Parent, Loc, std::move(Availability),
                   LinkageInfo::none(), Comment, Declaration, SubHeading,
         Attributes(Attributes), GetterName(GetterName), SetterName(SetterName),
@@ -733,44 +955,44 @@ struct ObjCPropertyRecord : APIRecord {
 struct ObjCInstancePropertyRecord : ObjCPropertyRecord {
-  ObjCInstancePropertyRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, PresumedLoc Loc,
-                             AvailabilityInfo Availability,
-                             const DocComment &Comment,
-                             DeclarationFragments Declaration,
-                             DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
-                             AttributeKind Attributes, StringRef GetterName,
-                             StringRef SetterName, bool IsOptional,
-                             bool IsFromSystemHeader)
-      : ObjCPropertyRecord(RK_ObjCInstanceProperty, USR, Name, Loc,
+  ObjCInstancePropertyRecord(
+      StringRef USR, StringRef Name, SymbolReference Parent, PresumedLoc Loc,
+      AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
+      DeclarationFragments Declaration, DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
+      AttributeKind Attributes, StringRef GetterName, StringRef SetterName,
+      bool IsOptional, bool IsFromSystemHeader)
+      : ObjCPropertyRecord(RK_ObjCInstanceProperty, USR, Name, Parent, Loc,
                            std::move(Availability), Comment, Declaration,
                            SubHeading, Attributes, GetterName, SetterName,
                            IsOptional, IsFromSystemHeader) {}
   static bool classof(const APIRecord *Record) {
-    return Record->getKind() == RK_ObjCInstanceProperty;
+    return classofKind(Record->getKind());
+  static bool classofKind(RecordKind K) { return K == RK_ObjCInstanceProperty; }
   virtual void anchor();
 struct ObjCClassPropertyRecord : ObjCPropertyRecord {
-  ObjCClassPropertyRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, PresumedLoc Loc,
-                          AvailabilityInfo Availability,
+  ObjCClassPropertyRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, SymbolReference Parent,
+                          PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability,
                           const DocComment &Comment,
                           DeclarationFragments Declaration,
                           DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
                           AttributeKind Attributes, StringRef GetterName,
                           StringRef SetterName, bool IsOptional,
                           bool IsFromSystemHeader)
-      : ObjCPropertyRecord(RK_ObjCClassProperty, USR, Name, Loc,
+      : ObjCPropertyRecord(RK_ObjCClassProperty, USR, Name, Parent, Loc,
                            std::move(Availability), Comment, Declaration,
                            SubHeading, Attributes, GetterName, SetterName,
                            IsOptional, IsFromSystemHeader) {}
   static bool classof(const APIRecord *Record) {
-    return Record->getKind() == RK_ObjCClassProperty;
+    return classofKind(Record->getKind());
+  static bool classofKind(RecordKind K) { return K == RK_ObjCClassProperty; }
   virtual void anchor();
@@ -778,23 +1000,21 @@ struct ObjCClassPropertyRecord : ObjCPropertyRecord {
 /// This holds information associated with Objective-C instance variables.
 struct ObjCInstanceVariableRecord : APIRecord {
-  using AccessControl = ObjCIvarDecl::AccessControl;
-  AccessControl Access;
-  ObjCInstanceVariableRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, PresumedLoc Loc,
+  ObjCInstanceVariableRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name,
+                             SymbolReference Parent, PresumedLoc Loc,
                              AvailabilityInfo Availability,
                              const DocComment &Comment,
                              DeclarationFragments Declaration,
                              DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
-                             AccessControl Access, bool IsFromSystemHeader)
-      : APIRecord(RK_ObjCIvar, USR, Name, Loc, std::move(Availability),
+                             bool IsFromSystemHeader)
+      : APIRecord(RK_ObjCIvar, USR, Name, Parent, Loc, std::move(Availability),
                   LinkageInfo::none(), Comment, Declaration, SubHeading,
-                  IsFromSystemHeader),
-        Access(Access) {}
+                  IsFromSystemHeader) {}
   static bool classof(const APIRecord *Record) {
-    return Record->getKind() == RK_ObjCIvar;
+    return classofKind(Record->getKind());
+  static bool classofKind(RecordKind K) { return K == RK_ObjCIvar; }
   virtual void anchor();
@@ -807,11 +1027,12 @@ struct ObjCMethodRecord : APIRecord {
   ObjCMethodRecord() = delete;
   ObjCMethodRecord(RecordKind Kind, StringRef USR, StringRef Name,
-                   PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability,
-                   const DocComment &Comment, DeclarationFragments Declaration,
+                   SymbolReference Parent, PresumedLoc Loc,
+                   AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
+                   DeclarationFragments Declaration,
                    DeclarationFragments SubHeading, FunctionSignature Signature,
                    bool IsFromSystemHeader)
-      : APIRecord(Kind, USR, Name, Loc, std::move(Availability),
+      : APIRecord(Kind, USR, Name, Parent, Loc, std::move(Availability),
                   LinkageInfo::none(), Comment, Declaration, SubHeading,
         Signature(Signature) {}
@@ -820,122 +1041,103 @@ struct ObjCMethodRecord : APIRecord {
 struct ObjCInstanceMethodRecord : ObjCMethodRecord {
-  ObjCInstanceMethodRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, PresumedLoc Loc,
+  ObjCInstanceMethodRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name,
+                           SymbolReference Parent, PresumedLoc Loc,
                            AvailabilityInfo Availability,
                            const DocComment &Comment,
                            DeclarationFragments Declaration,
                            DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
                            FunctionSignature Signature, bool IsFromSystemHeader)
-      : ObjCMethodRecord(RK_ObjCInstanceMethod, USR, Name, Loc,
+      : ObjCMethodRecord(RK_ObjCInstanceMethod, USR, Name, Parent, Loc,
                          std::move(Availability), Comment, Declaration,
                          SubHeading, Signature, IsFromSystemHeader) {}
   static bool classof(const APIRecord *Record) {
-    return Record->getKind() == RK_ObjCInstanceMethod;
+    return classofKind(Record->getKind());
+  static bool classofKind(RecordKind K) { return K == RK_ObjCInstanceMethod; }
   virtual void anchor();
 struct ObjCClassMethodRecord : ObjCMethodRecord {
-  ObjCClassMethodRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, PresumedLoc Loc,
-                        AvailabilityInfo Availability,
+  ObjCClassMethodRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, SymbolReference Parent,
+                        PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability,
                         const DocComment &Comment,
                         DeclarationFragments Declaration,
                         DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
                         FunctionSignature Signature, bool IsFromSystemHeader)
-      : ObjCMethodRecord(RK_ObjCClassMethod, USR, Name, Loc,
+      : ObjCMethodRecord(RK_ObjCClassMethod, USR, Name, Parent, Loc,
                          std::move(Availability), Comment, Declaration,
                          SubHeading, Signature, IsFromSystemHeader) {}
   static bool classof(const APIRecord *Record) {
-    return Record->getKind() == RK_ObjCClassMethod;
+    return classofKind(Record->getKind());
+  static bool classofKind(RecordKind K) { return K == RK_ObjCClassMethod; }
   virtual void anchor();
-/// This represents a reference to another symbol that might come from external
-/// sources.
-struct SymbolReference {
-  StringRef Name;
-  StringRef USR;
-  /// The source project/module/product of the referred symbol.
-  StringRef Source;
-  SymbolReference() = default;
-  SymbolReference(StringRef Name, StringRef USR = "", StringRef Source = "")
-      : Name(Name), USR(USR), Source(Source) {}
-  SymbolReference(const APIRecord &Record)
-      : Name(Record.Name), USR(Record.USR) {}
-  SymbolReference(const APIRecord *Record)
-      : Name(Record->Name), USR(Record->USR) {}
-  /// Determine if this SymbolReference is empty.
-  ///
-  /// \returns true if and only if all \c Name, \c USR, and \c Source is empty.
-  bool empty() const { return Name.empty() && USR.empty() && Source.empty(); }
 struct StaticFieldRecord : CXXFieldRecord {
-  SymbolReference Context;
-  StaticFieldRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, PresumedLoc Loc,
-                    AvailabilityInfo Availability, LinkageInfo Linkage,
-                    const DocComment &Comment, DeclarationFragments Declaration,
-                    DeclarationFragments SubHeading, SymbolReference Context,
-                    AccessControl Access, bool IsFromSystemHeader)
-      : CXXFieldRecord(RK_StaticField, USR, Name, Loc, std::move(Availability),
-                       Comment, Declaration, SubHeading, Access,
-                       IsFromSystemHeader),
-        Context(Context) {}
+  StaticFieldRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, SymbolReference Parent,
+                    PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability,
+                    LinkageInfo Linkage, const DocComment &Comment,
+                    DeclarationFragments Declaration,
+                    DeclarationFragments SubHeading, AccessControl Access,
+                    bool IsFromSystemHeader)
+      : CXXFieldRecord(RK_StaticField, USR, Name, Parent, Loc,
+                       std::move(Availability), Comment, Declaration,
+                       SubHeading, std::move(Access), IsFromSystemHeader) {}
   static bool classof(const APIRecord *Record) {
-    return Record->getKind() == RK_StaticField;
+    return classofKind(Record->getKind());
+  static bool classofKind(RecordKind K) { return K == RK_StaticField; }
 /// The base representation of an Objective-C container record. Holds common
 /// information associated with Objective-C containers.
-struct ObjCContainerRecord : APIRecord {
-  SmallVector<std::unique_ptr<ObjCMethodRecord>> Methods;
-  SmallVector<std::unique_ptr<ObjCPropertyRecord>> Properties;
-  SmallVector<std::unique_ptr<ObjCInstanceVariableRecord>> Ivars;
+struct ObjCContainerRecord : APIRecord, RecordContext {
   SmallVector<SymbolReference> Protocols;
   ObjCContainerRecord() = delete;
   ObjCContainerRecord(RecordKind Kind, StringRef USR, StringRef Name,
-                      PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability,
-                      LinkageInfo Linkage, const DocComment &Comment,
+                      SymbolReference Parent, PresumedLoc Loc,
+                      AvailabilityInfo Availability, LinkageInfo Linkage,
+                      const DocComment &Comment,
                       DeclarationFragments Declaration,
                       DeclarationFragments SubHeading, bool IsFromSystemHeader)
-      : APIRecord(Kind, USR, Name, Loc, std::move(Availability), Linkage,
-                  Comment, Declaration, SubHeading, IsFromSystemHeader) {}
+      : APIRecord(Kind, USR, Name, Parent, Loc, std::move(Availability),
+                  Linkage, Comment, Declaration, SubHeading,
+                  IsFromSystemHeader),
+        RecordContext(Kind) {}
   virtual ~ObjCContainerRecord() = 0;
-struct CXXClassRecord : APIRecord {
-  SmallVector<std::unique_ptr<CXXFieldRecord>> Fields;
-  SmallVector<std::unique_ptr<CXXMethodRecord>> Methods;
+struct CXXClassRecord : APIRecord, RecordContext {
   SmallVector<SymbolReference> Bases;
-  AccessControl Access;
-  CXXClassRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, PresumedLoc Loc,
-                 AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
-                 DeclarationFragments Declaration,
+  CXXClassRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, SymbolReference Parent,
+                 PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability,
+                 const DocComment &Comment, DeclarationFragments Declaration,
                  DeclarationFragments SubHeading, RecordKind Kind,
                  AccessControl Access, bool IsFromSystemHeader)
-      : APIRecord(Kind, USR, Name, Loc, std::move(Availability),
+      : APIRecord(Kind, USR, Name, Parent, Loc, std::move(Availability),
                   LinkageInfo::none(), Comment, Declaration, SubHeading,
-                  IsFromSystemHeader),
-        Access(Access) {}
+                  IsFromSystemHeader, std::move(Access)),
+        RecordContext(Kind) {}
   static bool classof(const APIRecord *Record) {
-    return (Record->getKind() == RK_CXXClass);
+    return classofKind(Record->getKind());
+  }
+  static bool classofKind(RecordKind K) {
+    return K == RK_CXXClass || K == RK_ClassTemplate ||
+           K == RK_ClassTemplateSpecialization ||
+           K == RK_ClassTemplatePartialSpecialization;
@@ -945,86 +1147,108 @@ struct CXXClassRecord : APIRecord {
 struct ClassTemplateRecord : CXXClassRecord {
   Template Templ;
-  ClassTemplateRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, PresumedLoc Loc,
-                      AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
+  ClassTemplateRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, SymbolReference Parent,
+                      PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability,
+                      const DocComment &Comment,
                       DeclarationFragments Declaration,
                       DeclarationFragments SubHeading, Template Template,
                       AccessControl Access, bool IsFromSystemHeader)
-      : CXXClassRecord(USR, Name, Loc, std::move(Availability), Comment,
-                       Declaration, SubHeading, RK_ClassTemplate, Access,
-                       IsFromSystemHeader),
+      : CXXClassRecord(USR, Name, Parent, Loc, std::move(Availability), Comment,
+                       Declaration, SubHeading, RK_ClassTemplate,
+                       std::move(Access), IsFromSystemHeader),
         Templ(Template) {}
   static bool classof(const APIRecord *Record) {
-    return Record->getKind() == RK_ClassTemplate;
+    return classofKind(Record->getKind());
+  static bool classofKind(RecordKind K) { return K == RK_ClassTemplate; }
 struct ClassTemplateSpecializationRecord : CXXClassRecord {
-      StringRef USR, StringRef Name, PresumedLoc Loc,
+      StringRef USR, StringRef Name, SymbolReference Parent, PresumedLoc Loc,
       AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
       DeclarationFragments Declaration, DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
       AccessControl Access, bool IsFromSystemHeader)
-      : CXXClassRecord(USR, Name, Loc, std::move(Availability), Comment,
+      : CXXClassRecord(USR, Name, Parent, Loc, std::move(Availability), Comment,
                        Declaration, SubHeading, RK_ClassTemplateSpecialization,
                        Access, IsFromSystemHeader) {}
   static bool classof(const APIRecord *Record) {
-    return Record->getKind() == RK_ClassTemplateSpecialization;
+    return classofKind(Record->getKind());
+  }
+  static bool classofKind(RecordKind K) {
+    return K == RK_ClassTemplateSpecialization;
 struct ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationRecord : CXXClassRecord {
   Template Templ;
-      StringRef USR, StringRef Name, PresumedLoc Loc,
+      StringRef USR, StringRef Name, SymbolReference Parent, PresumedLoc Loc,
       AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
       DeclarationFragments Declaration, DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
       Template Template, AccessControl Access, bool IsFromSystemHeader)
-      : CXXClassRecord(USR, Name, Loc, std::move(Availability), Comment,
-                       Declaration, SubHeading, RK_ClassTemplateSpecialization,
-                       Access, IsFromSystemHeader),
+      : CXXClassRecord(USR, Name, Parent, Loc, std::move(Availability), Comment,
+                       Declaration, SubHeading,
+                       RK_ClassTemplatePartialSpecialization, Access,
+                       IsFromSystemHeader),
         Templ(Template) {}
   static bool classof(const APIRecord *Record) {
-    return Record->getKind() == RK_ClassTemplatePartialSpecialization;
+    return classofKind(Record->getKind());
+  }
+  static bool classofKind(RecordKind K) {
+    return K == RK_ClassTemplatePartialSpecialization;
 struct ConceptRecord : APIRecord {
   Template Templ;
-  ConceptRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, PresumedLoc Loc,
-                AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
-                DeclarationFragments Declaration,
+  ConceptRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, SymbolReference Parent,
+                PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability,
+                const DocComment &Comment, DeclarationFragments Declaration,
                 DeclarationFragments SubHeading, Template Template,
                 bool IsFromSystemHeader)
-      : APIRecord(RK_Concept, USR, Name, Loc, std::move(Availability),
+      : APIRecord(RK_Concept, USR, Name, Parent, Loc, std::move(Availability),
                   LinkageInfo::none(), Comment, Declaration, SubHeading,
         Templ(Template) {}
+  static bool classof(const APIRecord *Record) {
+    return classofKind(Record->getKind());
+  }
+  static bool classofKind(RecordKind K) { return K == RK_Concept; }
 /// This holds information associated with Objective-C categories.
 struct ObjCCategoryRecord : ObjCContainerRecord {
   SymbolReference Interface;
-  /// Determine whether the Category is derived from external class interface.
-  bool IsFromExternalModule = false;
-  ObjCCategoryRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, PresumedLoc Loc,
-                     AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
+  ObjCCategoryRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, SymbolReference Parent,
+                     PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability,
+                     const DocComment &Comment,
                      DeclarationFragments Declaration,
                      DeclarationFragments SubHeading, SymbolReference Interface,
                      bool IsFromSystemHeader)
-      : ObjCContainerRecord(RK_ObjCCategory, USR, Name, Loc,
+      : ObjCContainerRecord(RK_ObjCCategory, USR, Name, Parent, Loc,
                             std::move(Availability), LinkageInfo::none(),
                             Comment, Declaration, SubHeading,
         Interface(Interface) {}
   static bool classof(const APIRecord *Record) {
-    return Record->getKind() == RK_ObjCCategory;
+    return classofKind(Record->getKind());
+  }
+  static bool classofKind(RecordKind K) { return K == RK_ObjCCategory; }
+  bool isExtendingExternalModule() const { return !Interface.Source.empty(); }
+  std::optional<StringRef> getExtendedExternalModule() const {
+    if (!isExtendingExternalModule())
+      return {};
+    return Interface.Source;
@@ -1034,23 +1258,22 @@ struct ObjCCategoryRecord : ObjCContainerRecord {
 /// This holds information associated with Objective-C interfaces/classes.
 struct ObjCInterfaceRecord : ObjCContainerRecord {
   SymbolReference SuperClass;
-  // ObjCCategoryRecord%s are stored in and owned by APISet.
-  SmallVector<ObjCCategoryRecord *> Categories;
-  ObjCInterfaceRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, PresumedLoc Loc,
-                      AvailabilityInfo Availability, LinkageInfo Linkage,
-                      const DocComment &Comment,
+  ObjCInterfaceRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, SymbolReference Parent,
+                      PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability,
+                      LinkageInfo Linkage, const DocComment &Comment,
                       DeclarationFragments Declaration,
                       DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
                       SymbolReference SuperClass, bool IsFromSystemHeader)
-      : ObjCContainerRecord(RK_ObjCInterface, USR, Name, Loc,
+      : ObjCContainerRecord(RK_ObjCInterface, USR, Name, Parent, Loc,
                             std::move(Availability), Linkage, Comment,
                             Declaration, SubHeading, IsFromSystemHeader),
         SuperClass(SuperClass) {}
   static bool classof(const APIRecord *Record) {
-    return Record->getKind() == RK_ObjCInterface;
+    return classofKind(Record->getKind());
+  static bool classofKind(RecordKind K) { return K == RK_ObjCInterface; }
   virtual void anchor();
@@ -1058,18 +1281,20 @@ struct ObjCInterfaceRecord : ObjCContainerRecord {
 /// This holds information associated with Objective-C protocols.
 struct ObjCProtocolRecord : ObjCContainerRecord {
-  ObjCProtocolRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, PresumedLoc Loc,
-                     AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
+  ObjCProtocolRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, SymbolReference Parent,
+                     PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability,
+                     const DocComment &Comment,
                      DeclarationFragments Declaration,
                      DeclarationFragments SubHeading, bool IsFromSystemHeader)
-      : ObjCContainerRecord(RK_ObjCProtocol, USR, Name, Loc,
+      : ObjCContainerRecord(RK_ObjCProtocol, USR, Name, Parent, Loc,
                             std::move(Availability), LinkageInfo::none(),
                             Comment, Declaration, SubHeading,
                             IsFromSystemHeader) {}
   static bool classof(const APIRecord *Record) {
-    return Record->getKind() == RK_ObjCProtocol;
+    return classofKind(Record->getKind());
+  static bool classofKind(RecordKind K) { return K == RK_ObjCProtocol; }
   virtual void anchor();
@@ -1077,17 +1302,18 @@ struct ObjCProtocolRecord : ObjCContainerRecord {
 /// This holds information associated with macro definitions.
 struct MacroDefinitionRecord : APIRecord {
-  MacroDefinitionRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, PresumedLoc Loc,
-                        DeclarationFragments Declaration,
+  MacroDefinitionRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, SymbolReference Parent,
+                        PresumedLoc Loc, DeclarationFragments Declaration,
                         DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
                         bool IsFromSystemHeader)
-      : APIRecord(RK_MacroDefinition, USR, Name, Loc, AvailabilityInfo(),
-                  LinkageInfo(), {}, Declaration, SubHeading,
-                  IsFromSystemHeader) {}
+      : APIRecord(RK_MacroDefinition, USR, Name, Parent, Loc,
+                  AvailabilityInfo(), LinkageInfo(), {}, Declaration,
+                  SubHeading, IsFromSystemHeader) {}
   static bool classof(const APIRecord *Record) {
-    return Record->getKind() == RK_MacroDefinition;
+    return classofKind(Record->getKind());
+  static bool classofKind(RecordKind K) { return K == RK_MacroDefinition; }
   virtual void anchor();
@@ -1101,575 +1327,228 @@ struct MacroDefinitionRecord : APIRecord {
 struct TypedefRecord : APIRecord {
   SymbolReference UnderlyingType;
-  TypedefRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, PresumedLoc Loc,
-                AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
-                DeclarationFragments Declaration,
+  TypedefRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, SymbolReference Parent,
+                PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability,
+                const DocComment &Comment, DeclarationFragments Declaration,
                 DeclarationFragments SubHeading, SymbolReference UnderlyingType,
                 bool IsFromSystemHeader)
-      : APIRecord(RK_Typedef, USR, Name, Loc, std::move(Availability),
+      : APIRecord(RK_Typedef, USR, Name, Parent, Loc, std::move(Availability),
                   LinkageInfo(), Comment, Declaration, SubHeading,
         UnderlyingType(UnderlyingType) {}
   static bool classof(const APIRecord *Record) {
-    return Record->getKind() == RK_Typedef;
+    return classofKind(Record->getKind());
+  static bool classofKind(RecordKind K) { return K == RK_Typedef; }
   virtual void anchor();
-/// Check if a record type has a function signature mixin.
-/// This is denoted by the record type having a ``Signature`` field of type
-/// FunctionSignature.
-template <typename RecordTy>
-struct has_function_signature : public std::false_type {};
-template <>
-struct has_function_signature<GlobalFunctionRecord> : public std::true_type {};
-template <>
-struct has_function_signature<ObjCMethodRecord> : public std::true_type {};
-template <>
-struct has_function_signature<ObjCInstanceMethodRecord>
-    : public std::true_type {};
-template <>
-struct has_function_signature<ObjCClassMethodRecord> : public std::true_type {};
-template <>
-struct has_function_signature<CXXInstanceMethodRecord> : public std::true_type {};
-template <>
-struct has_function_signature<CXXStaticMethodRecord> : public std::true_type {};
-template <>
-struct has_function_signature<CXXMethodTemplateRecord> : public std::true_type {
-template <>
-struct has_function_signature<CXXMethodTemplateSpecializationRecord>
-    : public std::true_type {};
-template <typename RecordTy> struct has_access : public std::false_type {};
-template <> struct has_access<CXXInstanceMethodRecord> : public std::true_type {};
-template <> struct has_access<CXXStaticMethodRecord> : public std::true_type {};
-template <> struct has_access<CXXFieldRecord> : public std::true_type {};
-template <>
-struct has_access<CXXMethodTemplateRecord> : public std::true_type {};
-template <>
-struct has_access<CXXMethodTemplateSpecializationRecord>
-    : public std::true_type {};
-template <>
-struct has_access<CXXFieldTemplateRecord> : public std::true_type {};
-template <> struct has_access<CXXClassRecord> : public std::true_type {};
-template <> struct has_access<ClassTemplateRecord> : public std::true_type {};
-template <>
-struct has_access<ClassTemplateSpecializationRecord> : public std::true_type {};
-template <>
-struct has_access<ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationRecord>
-    : public std::true_type {};
-template <typename RecordTy> struct has_template : public std::false_type {};
-template <> struct has_template<ClassTemplateRecord> : public std::true_type {};
-template <>
-struct has_template<ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationRecord>
-    : public std::true_type {};
-template <> struct has_template<ConceptRecord> : public std::true_type {};
-template <>
-struct has_template<GlobalVariableTemplateRecord> : public std::true_type {};
-template <>
-struct has_template<GlobalVariableTemplatePartialSpecializationRecord>
-    : public std::true_type {};
-template <>
-struct has_template<CXXMethodTemplateRecord> : public std::true_type {};
-template <>
-struct has_template<CXXFieldTemplateRecord> : public std::true_type {};
-template <>
-struct has_template<GlobalFunctionTemplateRecord> : public std::true_type {};
-template <>
-struct has_function_signature<GlobalFunctionTemplateRecord>
-    : public std::true_type {};
-template <>
-struct has_function_signature<GlobalFunctionTemplateSpecializationRecord>
-    : public std::true_type {};
 /// APISet holds the set of API records collected from given inputs.
 class APISet {
-  NamespaceRecord *addNamespace(APIRecord *Parent, StringRef Name,
-                                StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-                                AvailabilityInfo Availability,
-                                LinkageInfo Linkage, const DocComment &Comment,
-                                DeclarationFragments Declaration,
-                                DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
-                                bool IsFromSystemHeaderg);
-  /// Create and add a global variable record into the API set.
-  ///
-  /// Note: the caller is responsible for keeping the StringRef \p Name and
-  /// \p USR alive. APISet::copyString provides a way to copy strings into
-  /// APISet itself, and APISet::recordUSR(const Decl *D) is a helper method
-  /// to generate the USR for \c D and keep it alive in APISet.
-  GlobalVariableRecord *
-  addGlobalVar(StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-               AvailabilityInfo Availability, LinkageInfo Linkage,
-               const DocComment &Comment, DeclarationFragments Declaration,
-               DeclarationFragments SubHeadin, bool IsFromSystemHeaderg);
+  /// Get the target triple for the ExtractAPI invocation.
+  const llvm::Triple &getTarget() const { return Target; }
-  GlobalVariableTemplateRecord *
-  addGlobalVariableTemplate(StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-                            AvailabilityInfo Availability, LinkageInfo Linkage,
-                            const DocComment &Comment,
-                            DeclarationFragments Declaration,
-                            DeclarationFragments SubHeading, Template Template,
-                            bool IsFromSystemHeader);
+  /// Get the language used by the APIs.
+  Language getLanguage() const { return Lang; }
-  /// Create and add a function record into the API set.
+  /// Finds the APIRecord for a given USR.
-  /// Note: the caller is responsible for keeping the StringRef \p Name and
-  /// \p USR alive. APISet::copyString provides a way to copy strings into
-  /// APISet itself, and APISet::recordUSR(const Decl *D) is a helper method
-  /// to generate the USR for \c D and keep it alive in APISet.
-  GlobalFunctionRecord *
-  addGlobalFunction(StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-                    AvailabilityInfo Availability, LinkageInfo Linkage,
-                    const DocComment &Comment, DeclarationFragments Declaration,
-                    DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
-                    FunctionSignature Signature, bool IsFromSystemHeader);
-  GlobalFunctionTemplateRecord *addGlobalFunctionTemplate(
-      StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-      AvailabilityInfo Availability, LinkageInfo Linkage,
-      const DocComment &Comment, DeclarationFragments Declaration,
-      DeclarationFragments SubHeading, FunctionSignature Signature,
-      Template Template, bool IsFromSystemHeader);
-  GlobalFunctionTemplateSpecializationRecord *
-  addGlobalFunctionTemplateSpecialization(
-      StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-      AvailabilityInfo Availability, LinkageInfo Linkage,
-      const DocComment &Comment, DeclarationFragments Declaration,
-      DeclarationFragments SubHeading, FunctionSignature Signature,
-      bool IsFromSystemHeader);
+  /// \returns a pointer to the APIRecord associated with that USR or nullptr.
+  APIRecord *findRecordForUSR(StringRef USR) const;
-  /// Create and add an enum constant record into the API set.
+  /// Copy \p String into the Allocator in this APISet.
-  /// Note: the caller is responsible for keeping the StringRef \p Name and
-  /// \p USR alive. APISet::copyString provides a way to copy strings into
-  /// APISet itself, and APISet::recordUSR(const Decl *D) is a helper method
-  /// to generate the USR for \c D and keep it alive in APISet.
-  EnumConstantRecord *
-  addEnumConstant(EnumRecord *Enum, StringRef Name, StringRef USR,
-                  PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability,
-                  const DocComment &Comment, DeclarationFragments Declaration,
-                  DeclarationFragments SubHeading, bool IsFromSystemHeader);
+  /// \returns a StringRef of the copied string in APISet::Allocator.
+  StringRef copyString(StringRef String);
-  /// Create and add an enum record into the API set.
-  ///
-  /// Note: the caller is responsible for keeping the StringRef \p Name and
-  /// \p USR alive. APISet::copyString provides a way to copy strings into
-  /// APISet itself, and APISet::recordUSR(const Decl *D) is a helper method
-  /// to generate the USR for \c D and keep it alive in APISet.
-  EnumRecord *addEnum(StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-                      AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
-                      DeclarationFragments Declaration,
-                      DeclarationFragments SubHeading, bool IsFromSystemHeader);
+  SymbolReference createSymbolReference(StringRef Name, StringRef USR,
+                                        StringRef Source = "");
-  /// Create and add a record field record into the API set.
+  /// Create a subclass of \p APIRecord and store it in the APISet.
-  /// Note: the caller is responsible for keeping the StringRef \p Name and
-  /// \p USR alive. APISet::copyString provides a way to copy strings into
-  /// APISet itself, and APISet::recordUSR(const Decl *D) is a helper method
-  /// to generate the USR for \c D and keep it alive in APISet.
-  RecordFieldRecord *
-  addRecordField(RecordRecord *Record, StringRef Name, StringRef USR,
-                 PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability,
-                 const DocComment &Comment, DeclarationFragments Declaration,
-                 DeclarationFragments SubHeading, APIRecord::RecordKind Kind,
-                 bool IsFromSystemHeader);
-  /// Create and add a record record into the API set.
-  ///
-  /// Note: the caller is responsible for keeping the StringRef \p Name and
-  /// \p USR alive. APISet::copyString provides a way to copy strings into
-  /// APISet itself, and APISet::recordUSR(const Decl *D) is a helper method
-  /// to generate the USR for \c D and keep it alive in APISet.
-  RecordRecord *addRecord(StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-                          AvailabilityInfo Availability,
-                          const DocComment &Comment,
-                          DeclarationFragments Declaration,
-                          DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
-                          APIRecord::RecordKind Kind, bool IsFromSystemHeader);
-  StaticFieldRecord *
-  addStaticField(StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-                 AvailabilityInfo Availability, LinkageInfo Linkage,
-                 const DocComment &Comment, DeclarationFragments Declaration,
-                 DeclarationFragments SubHeading, SymbolReference Context,
-                 AccessControl Access, bool IsFromSystemHeaderg);
-  CXXFieldRecord *addCXXField(APIRecord *CXXClass, StringRef Name,
-                              StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-                              AvailabilityInfo Availability,
-                              const DocComment &Comment,
-                              DeclarationFragments Declaration,
-                              DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
-                              AccessControl Access, bool IsFromSystemHeader);
-  CXXFieldTemplateRecord *addCXXFieldTemplate(
-      APIRecord *Parent, StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-      AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
-      DeclarationFragments Declaration, DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
-      AccessControl Access, Template Template, bool IsFromSystemHeader);
-  CXXClassRecord *addCXXClass(APIRecord *Parent, StringRef Name, StringRef USR,
-                              PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability,
-                              const DocComment &Comment,
-                              DeclarationFragments Declaration,
-                              DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
-                              APIRecord::RecordKind Kind, AccessControl Access,
-                              bool IsFromSystemHeader);
-  ClassTemplateRecord *
-  addClassTemplate(APIRecord *Parent, StringRef Name, StringRef USR,
-                   PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability,
-                   const DocComment &Comment, DeclarationFragments Declaration,
-                   DeclarationFragments SubHeading, Template Template,
-                   AccessControl Access, bool IsFromSystemHeader);
-  ClassTemplateSpecializationRecord *addClassTemplateSpecialization(
-      APIRecord *Parent, StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-      AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
-      DeclarationFragments Declaration, DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
-      AccessControl Access, bool IsFromSystemHeader);
-  ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationRecord *
-  addClassTemplatePartialSpecialization(
-      APIRecord *Parent, StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-      AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
-      DeclarationFragments Declaration, DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
-      Template Template, AccessControl Access, bool IsFromSystemHeader);
-  GlobalVariableTemplateSpecializationRecord *
-  addGlobalVariableTemplateSpecialization(
-      StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-      AvailabilityInfo Availability, LinkageInfo Linkage,
-      const DocComment &Comment, DeclarationFragments Declaration,
-      DeclarationFragments SubHeading, bool IsFromSystemHeader);
-  GlobalVariableTemplatePartialSpecializationRecord *
-  addGlobalVariableTemplatePartialSpecialization(
-      StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-      AvailabilityInfo Availability, LinkageInfo Linkage,
-      const DocComment &Comment, DeclarationFragments Declaration,
-      DeclarationFragments SubHeading, Template Template,
-      bool IsFromSystemHeader);
-  CXXMethodRecord *addCXXInstanceMethod(
-      APIRecord *Parent, StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-      AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
-      DeclarationFragments Declaration, DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
-      FunctionSignature Signature, AccessControl Access,
-      bool IsFromSystemHeader);
-  CXXMethodRecord *addCXXStaticMethod(
-      APIRecord *Parent, StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-      AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
-      DeclarationFragments Declaration, DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
-      FunctionSignature Signature, AccessControl Access,
-      bool IsFromSystemHeader);
-  CXXMethodRecord *addCXXSpecialMethod(
-      APIRecord *Parent, StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-      AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
-      DeclarationFragments Declaration, DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
-      FunctionSignature Signature, AccessControl Access,
-      bool IsFromSystemHeader);
-  CXXMethodTemplateRecord *addCXXMethodTemplate(
-      APIRecord *Parent, StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-      AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
-      DeclarationFragments Declaration, DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
-      FunctionSignature Signature, AccessControl Access, Template Template,
-      bool IsFromSystemHeader);
+  /// \returns A pointer to the created record or the already existing record
+  /// matching this USR.
+  template <typename RecordTy, typename... CtorArgsContTy>
+  typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<APIRecord, RecordTy>, RecordTy> *
+  createRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, CtorArgsContTy &&...CtorArgs);
+  ArrayRef<const APIRecord *> getTopLevelRecords() const {
+    return TopLevelRecords;
+  }
-  CXXMethodTemplateSpecializationRecord *addCXXMethodTemplateSpec(
-      APIRecord *Parent, StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-      AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
-      DeclarationFragments Declaration, DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
-      FunctionSignature Signature, AccessControl Access,
-      bool IsFromSystemHeader);
+  APISet(const llvm::Triple &Target, Language Lang,
+         const std::string &ProductName)
+      : Target(Target), Lang(Lang), ProductName(ProductName) {}
-  ConceptRecord *addConcept(StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-                            AvailabilityInfo Availability,
-                            const DocComment &Comment,
-                            DeclarationFragments Declaration,
-                            DeclarationFragments SubHeading, Template Template,
-                            bool IsFromSystemHeader);
+  // Prevent moves and copies
+  APISet(const APISet &Other) = delete;
+  APISet &operator=(const APISet &Other) = delete;
+  APISet(APISet &&Other) = delete;
+  APISet &operator=(APISet &&Other) = delete;
-  /// Create and add an Objective-C category record into the API set.
-  ///
-  /// Note: the caller is responsible for keeping the StringRef \p Name and
-  /// \p USR alive. APISet::copyString provides a way to copy strings into
-  /// APISet itself, and APISet::recordUSR(const Decl *D) is a helper method
-  /// to generate the USR for \c D and keep it alive in APISet.
-  ObjCCategoryRecord *
-  addObjCCategory(StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-                  AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
-                  DeclarationFragments Declaration,
-                  DeclarationFragments SubHeading, SymbolReference Interface,
-                  bool IsFromSystemHeader, bool IsFromExternalModule);
+  /// BumpPtrAllocator that serves as the memory arena for the allocated objects
+  llvm::BumpPtrAllocator Allocator;
-  /// Create and add an Objective-C interface record into the API set.
-  ///
-  /// Note: the caller is responsible for keeping the StringRef \p Name and
-  /// \p USR alive. APISet::copyString provides a way to copy strings into
-  /// APISet itself, and APISet::recordUSR(const Decl *D) is a helper method
-  /// to generate the USR for \c D and keep it alive in APISet.
-  ObjCInterfaceRecord *
-  addObjCInterface(StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-                   AvailabilityInfo Availability, LinkageInfo Linkage,
-                   const DocComment &Comment, DeclarationFragments Declaration,
-                   DeclarationFragments SubHeading, SymbolReference SuperClass,
-                   bool IsFromSystemHeader);
+  const llvm::Triple Target;
+  const Language Lang;
-  /// Create and add an Objective-C method record into the API set.
-  ///
-  /// Note: the caller is responsible for keeping the StringRef \p Name and
-  /// \p USR alive. APISet::copyString provides a way to copy strings into
-  /// APISet itself, and APISet::recordUSR(const Decl *D) is a helper method
-  /// to generate the USR for \c D and keep it alive in APISet.
-  ObjCMethodRecord *
-  addObjCMethod(ObjCContainerRecord *Container, StringRef Name, StringRef USR,
-                PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability,
-                const DocComment &Comment, DeclarationFragments Declaration,
-                DeclarationFragments SubHeading, FunctionSignature Signature,
-                bool IsInstanceMethod, bool IsFromSystemHeader);
+  struct APIRecordDeleter {
+    void operator()(APIRecord *Record) { Record->~APIRecord(); }
+  };
-  /// Create and add an Objective-C property record into the API set.
-  ///
-  /// Note: the caller is responsible for keeping the StringRef \p Name and
-  /// \p USR alive. APISet::copyString provides a way to copy strings into
-  /// APISet itself, and APISet::recordUSR(const Decl *D) is a helper method
-  /// to generate the USR for \c D and keep it alive in APISet.
-  ObjCPropertyRecord *
-  addObjCProperty(ObjCContainerRecord *Container, StringRef Name, StringRef USR,
-                  PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability,
-                  const DocComment &Comment, DeclarationFragments Declaration,
-                  DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
-                  ObjCPropertyRecord::AttributeKind Attributes,
-                  StringRef GetterName, StringRef SetterName, bool IsOptional,
-                  bool IsInstanceProperty, bool IsFromSystemHeader);
+  // Ensure that the destructor of each record is called when the LookupTable is
+  // destroyed without calling delete operator as the memory for the record
+  // lives in the BumpPtrAllocator.
+  using APIRecordStoredPtr = std::unique_ptr<APIRecord, APIRecordDeleter>;
+  llvm::DenseMap<StringRef, APIRecordStoredPtr> USRBasedLookupTable;
+  std::vector<const APIRecord *> TopLevelRecords;
-  /// Create and add an Objective-C instance variable record into the API set.
-  ///
-  /// Note: the caller is responsible for keeping the StringRef \p Name and
-  /// \p USR alive. APISet::copyString provides a way to copy strings into
-  /// APISet itself, and APISet::recordUSR(const Decl *D) is a helper method
-  /// to generate the USR for \c D and keep it alive in APISet.
-  ObjCInstanceVariableRecord *addObjCInstanceVariable(
-      ObjCContainerRecord *Container, StringRef Name, StringRef USR,
-      PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
-      DeclarationFragments Declaration, DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
-      ObjCInstanceVariableRecord::AccessControl Access,
-      bool IsFromSystemHeader);
+  const std::string ProductName;
-  /// Create and add an Objective-C protocol record into the API set.
-  ///
-  /// Note: the caller is responsible for keeping the StringRef \p Name and
-  /// \p USR alive. APISet::copyString provides a way to copy strings into
-  /// APISet itself, and APISet::recordUSR(const Decl *D) is a helper method
-  /// to generate the USR for \c D and keep it alive in APISet.
-  ObjCProtocolRecord *
-  addObjCProtocol(StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-                  AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
-                  DeclarationFragments Declaration,
-                  DeclarationFragments SubHeading, bool IsFromSystemHeader);
+template <typename RecordTy, typename... CtorArgsContTy>
+typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<APIRecord, RecordTy>, RecordTy> *
+APISet::createRecord(StringRef USR, StringRef Name,
+                     CtorArgsContTy &&...CtorArgs) {
+  // Ensure USR refers to a String stored in the allocator.
+  auto USRString = copyString(USR);
+  auto Result = USRBasedLookupTable.insert({USRString, nullptr});
+  RecordTy *Record;
+  // Create the record if it does not already exist
+  if (Result.second) {
+    Record = new (Allocator) RecordTy(
+        USRString, copyString(Name), std::forward<CtorArgsContTy>(CtorArgs)...);
+    // Store the record in the record lookup map
+    Result.first->second = APIRecordStoredPtr(Record);
+    if (auto *ParentContext =
+            dyn_cast_if_present<RecordContext>(Record->Parent.Record))
+      ParentContext->addToRecordChain(Record);
+    else
+      TopLevelRecords.push_back(Record);
+  } else {
+    Record = dyn_cast<RecordTy>(Result.first->second.get());
+  }
-  /// Create a macro definition record into the API set.
-  ///
-  /// Note: the caller is responsible for keeping the StringRef \p Name and
-  /// \p USR alive. APISet::copyString provides a way to copy strings into
-  /// APISet itself, and APISet::recordUSRForMacro(StringRef Name,
-  /// SourceLocation SL, const SourceManager &SM) is a helper method to generate
-  /// the USR for the macro and keep it alive in APISet.
-  MacroDefinitionRecord *addMacroDefinition(StringRef Name, StringRef USR,
-                                            PresumedLoc Loc,
-                                            DeclarationFragments Declaration,
-                                            DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
-                                            bool IsFromSystemHeader);
-  /// Create a typedef record into the API set.
-  ///
-  /// Note: the caller is responsible for keeping the StringRef \p Name and
-  /// \p USR alive. APISet::copyString provides a way to copy strings into
-  /// APISet itself, and APISet::recordUSR(const Decl *D) is a helper method
-  /// to generate the USR for \c D and keep it alive in APISet.
-  TypedefRecord *
-  addTypedef(StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-             AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
-             DeclarationFragments Declaration, DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
-             SymbolReference UnderlyingType, bool IsFromSystemHeader);
-  /// A mapping type to store a set of APIRecord%s with the USR as the key.
-  template <typename RecordTy,
-            typename =
-                std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<APIRecord, RecordTy>::value>>
-  using RecordMap = llvm::MapVector<StringRef, std::unique_ptr<RecordTy>>;
+  return Record;
-  /// Get the target triple for the ExtractAPI invocation.
-  const llvm::Triple &getTarget() const { return Target; }
+// Helper type for implementing casting to RecordContext pointers.
+// Selected when FromTy not a known subclass of RecordContext.
+template <typename FromTy,
+          bool IsKnownSubType = std::is_base_of_v<RecordContext, FromTy>>
+struct ToRecordContextCastInfoWrapper {
+  static_assert(std::is_base_of_v<APIRecord, FromTy>,
+                "Can only cast APIRecord and derived classes to RecordContext");
-  /// Get the language used by the APIs.
-  Language getLanguage() const { return Lang; }
+  static bool isPossible(FromTy *From) { return RecordContext::classof(From); }
-  const RecordMap<NamespaceRecord> &getNamespaces() const { return Namespaces; }
-  const RecordMap<GlobalFunctionRecord> &getGlobalFunctions() const {
-    return GlobalFunctions;
-  }
-  const RecordMap<GlobalFunctionTemplateRecord> &
-  getGlobalFunctionTemplates() const {
-    return GlobalFunctionTemplates;
-  }
-  const RecordMap<GlobalFunctionTemplateSpecializationRecord> &
-  getGlobalFunctionTemplateSpecializations() const {
-    return GlobalFunctionTemplateSpecializations;
-  }
-  const RecordMap<GlobalVariableRecord> &getGlobalVariables() const {
-    return GlobalVariables;
-  }
-  const RecordMap<GlobalVariableTemplateRecord> &
-  getGlobalVariableTemplates() const {
-    return GlobalVariableTemplates;
+  static RecordContext *doCast(FromTy *From) {
+    return APIRecord::castToRecordContext(From);
-  const RecordMap<StaticFieldRecord> &getStaticFields() const {
-    return StaticFields;
-  }
-  const RecordMap<GlobalVariableTemplateSpecializationRecord> &
-  getGlobalVariableTemplateSpecializations() const {
-    return GlobalVariableTemplateSpecializations;
-  }
-  const RecordMap<GlobalVariableTemplatePartialSpecializationRecord> &
-  getGlobalVariableTemplatePartialSpecializations() const {
-    return GlobalVariableTemplatePartialSpecializations;
-  }
-  const RecordMap<EnumRecord> &getEnums() const { return Enums; }
-  const RecordMap<RecordRecord> &getRecords() const { return Records; }
-  const RecordMap<CXXClassRecord> &getCXXClasses() const { return CXXClasses; }
-  const RecordMap<CXXMethodTemplateRecord> &getCXXMethodTemplates() const {
-    return CXXMethodTemplates;
-  }
-  const RecordMap<CXXInstanceMethodRecord> &getCXXInstanceMethods() const {
-    return CXXInstanceMethods;
-  }
-  const RecordMap<CXXStaticMethodRecord> &getCXXStaticMethods() const {
-    return CXXStaticMethods;
-  }
-  const RecordMap<CXXFieldRecord> &getCXXFields() const { return CXXFields; }
-  const RecordMap<CXXMethodTemplateSpecializationRecord> &
-  getCXXMethodTemplateSpecializations() const {
-    return CXXMethodTemplateSpecializations;
-  }
-  const RecordMap<CXXFieldTemplateRecord> &getCXXFieldTemplates() const {
-    return CXXFieldTemplates;
-  }
-  const RecordMap<ClassTemplateRecord> &getClassTemplates() const {
-    return ClassTemplates;
-  }
-  const RecordMap<ClassTemplateSpecializationRecord> &
-  getClassTemplateSpecializations() const {
-    return ClassTemplateSpecializations;
+// Selected when FromTy is a known subclass of RecordContext.
+template <typename FromTy> struct ToRecordContextCastInfoWrapper<FromTy, true> {
+  static_assert(std::is_base_of_v<APIRecord, FromTy>,
+                "Can only cast APIRecord and derived classes to RecordContext");
+  static bool isPossible(const FromTy *From) { return true; }
+  static RecordContext *doCast(FromTy *From) {
+    return static_cast<RecordContext *>(From);
-  const RecordMap<ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationRecord> &
-  getClassTemplatePartialSpecializations() const {
-    return ClassTemplatePartialSpecializations;
+// Helper type for implementing casting to RecordContext pointers.
+// Selected when ToTy isn't a known subclass of RecordContext
+template <typename ToTy,
+          bool IsKnownSubType = std::is_base_of_v<RecordContext, ToTy>>
+struct FromRecordContextCastInfoWrapper {
+  static_assert(
+      std::is_base_of_v<APIRecord, ToTy>,
+      "Can only class RecordContext to APIRecord and derived classes");
+  static bool isPossible(RecordContext *Ctx) {
+    return ToTy::classofKind(Ctx->getKind());
-  const RecordMap<ConceptRecord> &getConcepts() const { return Concepts; }
-  const RecordMap<ObjCCategoryRecord> &getObjCCategories() const {
-    return ObjCCategories;
+  static ToTy *doCast(RecordContext *Ctx) {
+    return APIRecord::castFromRecordContext(Ctx);
-  const RecordMap<ObjCInterfaceRecord> &getObjCInterfaces() const {
-    return ObjCInterfaces;
+// Selected when ToTy is a known subclass of RecordContext.
+template <typename ToTy> struct FromRecordContextCastInfoWrapper<ToTy, true> {
+  static_assert(
+      std::is_base_of_v<APIRecord, ToTy>,
+      "Can only class RecordContext to APIRecord and derived classes");
+  static bool isPossible(RecordContext *Ctx) {
+    return ToTy::classof(Ctx->getKind());
-  const RecordMap<ObjCProtocolRecord> &getObjCProtocols() const {
-    return ObjCProtocols;
+  static RecordContext *doCast(RecordContext *Ctx) {
+    return static_cast<ToTy *>(Ctx);
-  const RecordMap<MacroDefinitionRecord> &getMacros() const { return Macros; }
-  const RecordMap<TypedefRecord> &getTypedefs() const { return Typedefs; }
-  /// Finds the APIRecord for a given USR.
-  ///
-  /// \returns a pointer to the APIRecord associated with that USR or nullptr.
-  APIRecord *findRecordForUSR(StringRef USR) const;
-  /// Generate and store the USR of declaration \p D.
-  ///
-  /// Note: The USR string is stored in and owned by Allocator.
-  ///
-  /// \returns a StringRef of the generated USR string.
-  StringRef recordUSR(const Decl *D);
-  /// Generate and store the USR for a macro \p Name.
-  ///
-  /// Note: The USR string is stored in and owned by Allocator.
-  ///
-  /// \returns a StringRef to the generate USR string.
-  StringRef recordUSRForMacro(StringRef Name, SourceLocation SL,
-                              const SourceManager &SM);
-  /// Copy \p String into the Allocator in this APISet.
-  ///
-  /// \returns a StringRef of the copied string in APISet::Allocator.
-  StringRef copyString(StringRef String);
-  APISet(const llvm::Triple &Target, Language Lang,
-         const std::string &ProductName)
-      : Target(Target), Lang(Lang), ProductName(ProductName) {}
+} // namespace extractapi
+} // namespace clang
-  /// BumpPtrAllocator to store generated/copied strings.
-  ///
-  /// Note: The main use for this is being able to deduplicate strings.
-  llvm::BumpPtrAllocator StringAllocator;
+// Implement APIRecord (and derived classes) to and from RecordContext
+// conversions
+namespace llvm {
+template <typename FromTy>
+struct CastInfo<::clang::extractapi::RecordContext, FromTy *>
+    : public NullableValueCastFailed<::clang::extractapi::RecordContext *>,
+      public DefaultDoCastIfPossible<
+          ::clang::extractapi::RecordContext *, FromTy *,
+          CastInfo<::clang::extractapi::RecordContext, FromTy *>> {
+  static inline bool isPossible(FromTy *From) {
+    return ::clang::extractapi::ToRecordContextCastInfoWrapper<
+        FromTy>::isPossible(From);
+  }
-  const llvm::Triple Target;
-  const Language Lang;
+  static inline ::clang::extractapi::RecordContext *doCast(FromTy *From) {
+    return ::clang::extractapi::ToRecordContextCastInfoWrapper<FromTy>::doCast(
+        From);
+  }
-  llvm::DenseMap<StringRef, APIRecord *> USRBasedLookupTable;
-  RecordMap<NamespaceRecord> Namespaces;
-  RecordMap<GlobalFunctionRecord> GlobalFunctions;
-  RecordMap<GlobalFunctionTemplateRecord> GlobalFunctionTemplates;
-  RecordMap<GlobalFunctionTemplateSpecializationRecord>
-      GlobalFunctionTemplateSpecializations;
-  RecordMap<GlobalVariableRecord> GlobalVariables;
-  RecordMap<GlobalVariableTemplateRecord> GlobalVariableTemplates;
-  RecordMap<GlobalVariableTemplateSpecializationRecord>
-      GlobalVariableTemplateSpecializations;
-  RecordMap<GlobalVariableTemplatePartialSpecializationRecord>
-      GlobalVariableTemplatePartialSpecializations;
-  RecordMap<ConceptRecord> Concepts;
-  RecordMap<StaticFieldRecord> StaticFields;
-  RecordMap<EnumRecord> Enums;
-  RecordMap<RecordRecord> Records;
-  RecordMap<CXXClassRecord> CXXClasses;
-  RecordMap<CXXFieldRecord> CXXFields;
-  RecordMap<CXXMethodRecord> CXXMethods;
-  RecordMap<CXXInstanceMethodRecord> CXXInstanceMethods;
-  RecordMap<CXXStaticMethodRecord> CXXStaticMethods;
-  RecordMap<CXXMethodTemplateRecord> CXXMethodTemplates;
-  RecordMap<CXXMethodTemplateSpecializationRecord>
-      CXXMethodTemplateSpecializations;
-  RecordMap<CXXFieldTemplateRecord> CXXFieldTemplates;
-  RecordMap<ClassTemplateRecord> ClassTemplates;
-  RecordMap<ClassTemplateSpecializationRecord> ClassTemplateSpecializations;
-  RecordMap<ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationRecord>
-      ClassTemplatePartialSpecializations;
-  RecordMap<ObjCCategoryRecord> ObjCCategories;
-  RecordMap<ObjCInterfaceRecord> ObjCInterfaces;
-  RecordMap<ObjCProtocolRecord> ObjCProtocols;
-  RecordMap<MacroDefinitionRecord> Macros;
-  RecordMap<TypedefRecord> Typedefs;
+template <typename FromTy>
+struct CastInfo<::clang::extractapi::RecordContext, const FromTy *>
+    : public ConstStrippingForwardingCast<
+          ::clang::extractapi::RecordContext, const FromTy *,
+          CastInfo<::clang::extractapi::RecordContext, FromTy *>> {};
+template <typename ToTy>
+struct CastInfo<ToTy, ::clang::extractapi::RecordContext *>
+    : public NullableValueCastFailed<ToTy *>,
+      public DefaultDoCastIfPossible<
+          ToTy *, ::clang::extractapi::RecordContext *,
+          CastInfo<ToTy, ::clang::extractapi::RecordContext *>> {
+  static inline bool isPossible(::clang::extractapi::RecordContext *Ctx) {
+    return ::clang::extractapi::FromRecordContextCastInfoWrapper<
+        ToTy>::isPossible(Ctx);
+  }
-  const std::string ProductName;
+  static inline ToTy *doCast(::clang::extractapi::RecordContext *Ctx) {
+    return ::clang::extractapi::FromRecordContextCastInfoWrapper<ToTy>::doCast(
+        Ctx);
+  }
-} // namespace extractapi
-} // namespace clang
+template <typename ToTy>
+struct CastInfo<ToTy, const ::clang::extractapi::RecordContext *>
+    : public ConstStrippingForwardingCast<
+          ToTy, const ::clang::extractapi::RecordContext *,
+          CastInfo<ToTy, ::clang::extractapi::RecordContext *>> {};
+} // namespace llvm
diff --git a/clang/include/clang/ExtractAPI/APIRecords.inc b/clang/include/clang/ExtractAPI/APIRecords.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..15fee809656d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang/include/clang/ExtractAPI/APIRecords.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+//===- ExtractAPI/APIRecords.inc --------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+/// \file
+/// This file defines the classes defined from ExtractAPI's APIRecord
+#ifndef RECORD
+CONCRETE_RECORD(NamespaceRecord, APIRecord, RK_Namespace)
+CONCRETE_RECORD(GlobalFunctionRecord, APIRecord, RK_GlobalFunction)
+CONCRETE_RECORD(GlobalFunctionTemplateRecord, GlobalFunctionRecord,
+                RK_GlobalFunctionTemplate)
+                GlobalFunctionRecord, RK_GlobalFunctionTemplateSpecialization)
+CONCRETE_RECORD(GlobalVariableRecord, APIRecord, RK_GlobalVariable)
+CONCRETE_RECORD(GlobalVariableTemplateRecord, GlobalVariableRecord,
+                RK_GlobalVariableTemplate)
+                GlobalVariableRecord, RK_GlobalVariableTemplateSpecialization)
+                GlobalVariableRecord,
+                RK_GlobalVariableTemplatePartialSpecialization)
+CONCRETE_RECORD(EnumConstantRecord, APIRecord, RK_EnumConstant)
+CONCRETE_RECORD(EnumRecord, APIRecord, RK_Enum)
+ABSTRACT_RECORD(RecordFieldRecord, APIRecord)
+ABSTRACT_RECORD(RecordRecord, APIRecord)
+CONCRETE_RECORD(StructFieldRecord, RecordFieldRecord, RK_StructField)
+CONCRETE_RECORD(StructRecord, APIRecord, RK_Struct)
+CONCRETE_RECORD(UnionFieldRecord, RecordFieldRecord, RK_UnionField)
+CONCRETE_RECORD(UnionRecord, APIRecord, RK_Union)
+CONCRETE_RECORD(CXXFieldTemplateRecord, CXXFieldRecord, RK_CXXFieldTemplate)
+CONCRETE_RECORD(CXXConstructorRecord, CXXMethodRecord, RK_CXXConstructorMethod)
+CONCRETE_RECORD(CXXDestructorRecord, CXXMethodRecord, RK_CXXDestructorMethod)
+CONCRETE_RECORD(CXXStaticMethodRecord, CXXMethodRecord, RK_CXXStaticMethod)
+CONCRETE_RECORD(CXXInstanceMethodRecord, CXXMethodRecord, RK_CXXInstanceMethod)
+CONCRETE_RECORD(CXXMethodTemplateRecord, CXXMethodRecord, RK_CXXMethodTemplate)
+CONCRETE_RECORD(CXXMethodTemplateSpecializationRecord, CXXMethodRecord,
+                RK_CXXMethodTemplateSpecialization)
+ABSTRACT_RECORD(ObjCPropertyRecord, APIRecord)
+CONCRETE_RECORD(ObjCInstancePropertyRecord, ObjCPropertyRecord,
+                RK_ObjCInstanceProperty)
+CONCRETE_RECORD(ObjCClassPropertyRecord, ObjCPropertyRecord,
+                RK_ObjCClassProperty)
+CONCRETE_RECORD(ObjCInstanceVariableRecord, APIRecord, RK_ObjCIvar)
+ABSTRACT_RECORD(ObjCMethodRecord, APIRecord)
+CONCRETE_RECORD(ObjCInstanceMethodRecord, ObjCMethodRecord,
+                RK_ObjCInstanceMethod)
+CONCRETE_RECORD(ObjCClassMethodRecord, ObjCMethodRecord, RK_ObjCClassMethod)
+CONCRETE_RECORD(StaticFieldRecord, CXXFieldRecord, RK_StaticField)
+ABSTRACT_RECORD(ObjCContainerRecord, APIRecord)
+CONCRETE_RECORD(ClassTemplateRecord, CXXClassRecord, RK_ClassTemplate)
+CONCRETE_RECORD(ClassTemplateSpecializationRecord, CXXClassRecord,
+                RK_ClassTemplateSpecialization)
+CONCRETE_RECORD(ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationRecord, CXXClassRecord,
+                RK_ClassTemplatePartialSpecialization)
+CONCRETE_RECORD(ConceptRecord, APIRecord, RK_Concept)
+CONCRETE_RECORD(ObjCCategoryRecord, ObjCContainerRecord, RK_ObjCCategory)
+CONCRETE_RECORD(ObjCInterfaceRecord, ObjCContainerRecord, RK_ObjCInterface)
+CONCRETE_RECORD(ObjCProtocolRecord, ObjCContainerRecord, RK_ObjCProtocol)
+CONCRETE_RECORD(MacroDefinitionRecord, APIRecord, RK_MacroDefinition)
+CONCRETE_RECORD(TypedefRecord, APIRecord, RK_Typedef)
+#undef RECORD
+RECORD_CONTEXT(NamespaceRecord, RK_Namespace)
+RECORD_CONTEXT(EnumRecord, RK_Enum)
+RECORD_CONTEXT(StructRecord, RK_Struct)
+RECORD_CONTEXT(UnionRecord, RK_Union)
+RECORD_CONTEXT(ObjCCategoryRecord, RK_ObjCCategory)
+RECORD_CONTEXT(ObjCInterfaceRecord, RK_ObjCInterface)
+RECORD_CONTEXT(ObjCProtocolRecord, RK_ObjCProtocol)
+RECORD_CONTEXT(ClassTemplateRecord, RK_ClassTemplate)
+               RK_ClassTemplateSpecialization)
+               RK_ClassTemplatePartialSpecialization)
diff --git a/clang/include/clang/ExtractAPI/DeclarationFragments.h b/clang/include/clang/ExtractAPI/DeclarationFragments.h
index b85a5d21d6121..ec97c2e3e254c 100644
--- a/clang/include/clang/ExtractAPI/DeclarationFragments.h
+++ b/clang/include/clang/ExtractAPI/DeclarationFragments.h
@@ -182,6 +182,18 @@ class DeclarationFragments {
   /// appending to chain up consecutive appends.
   DeclarationFragments &appendSpace();
+  /// Append a text Fragment of a semicolon character.
+  ///
+  /// \returns a reference to the DeclarationFragments object itself after
+  /// appending to chain up consecutive appends.
+  DeclarationFragments &appendSemicolon();
+  /// Removes a trailing semicolon character if present.
+  ///
+  /// \returns a reference to the DeclarationFragments object itself after
+  /// removing to chain up consecutive operations.
+  DeclarationFragments &removeTrailingSemicolon();
   /// Get the string description of a FragmentKind \p Kind.
   static StringRef getFragmentKindString(FragmentKind Kind);
@@ -194,12 +206,14 @@ class DeclarationFragments {
   static DeclarationFragments getStructureTypeFragment(const RecordDecl *Decl);
+  DeclarationFragments &appendUnduplicatedTextCharacter(char Character);
   std::vector<Fragment> Fragments;
 class AccessControl {
   AccessControl(std::string Access) : Access(Access) {}
+  AccessControl() : Access("public") {}
   const std::string &getAccess() const { return Access; }
diff --git a/clang/include/clang/ExtractAPI/ExtractAPIActionBase.h b/clang/include/clang/ExtractAPI/ExtractAPIActionBase.h
index ac4f391db5f14..08210a7ee0595 100644
--- a/clang/include/clang/ExtractAPI/ExtractAPIActionBase.h
+++ b/clang/include/clang/ExtractAPI/ExtractAPIActionBase.h
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
 #include "clang/ExtractAPI/API.h"
 #include "clang/ExtractAPI/APIIgnoresList.h"
+#include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
 namespace clang {
@@ -29,8 +31,8 @@ class ExtractAPIActionBase {
   /// A representation of the APIs this action extracts.
   std::unique_ptr<extractapi::APISet> API;
-  /// A stream to the output file of this action.
-  std::unique_ptr<raw_pwrite_stream> OS;
+  /// A stream to the main output file of this action.
+  std::unique_ptr<llvm::raw_pwrite_stream> OS;
   /// The product this action is extracting API information for.
   std::string ProductName;
@@ -46,7 +48,7 @@ class ExtractAPIActionBase {
   /// Use the serializer to generate output symbol graph files from
   /// the information gathered during the execution of Action.
-  void ImplEndSourceFileAction();
+  void ImplEndSourceFileAction(CompilerInstance &CI);
 } // namespace clang
diff --git a/clang/include/clang/ExtractAPI/ExtractAPIVisitor.h b/clang/include/clang/ExtractAPI/ExtractAPIVisitor.h
index e1c3e41c750d4..4cb866892b5d0 100644
--- a/clang/include/clang/ExtractAPI/ExtractAPIVisitor.h
+++ b/clang/include/clang/ExtractAPI/ExtractAPIVisitor.h
@@ -14,23 +14,23 @@
-#include "clang/AST/Availability.h"
+#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
 #include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
 #include "clang/AST/DeclCXX.h"
+#include "clang/AST/DeclObjC.h"
 #include "clang/AST/DeclTemplate.h"
-#include "clang/Basic/OperatorKinds.h"
-#include "clang/Basic/Specifiers.h"
-#include "clang/ExtractAPI/DeclarationFragments.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/FunctionExtras.h"
-#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
 #include "clang/AST/ParentMapContext.h"
 #include "clang/AST/RecursiveASTVisitor.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/Module.h"
 #include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/Specifiers.h"
 #include "clang/ExtractAPI/API.h"
+#include "clang/ExtractAPI/DeclarationFragments.h"
 #include "clang/ExtractAPI/TypedefUnderlyingTypeResolver.h"
 #include "clang/Index/USRGeneration.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
 #include <type_traits>
 namespace clang {
@@ -130,12 +130,6 @@ class ExtractAPIVisitorBase : public RecursiveASTVisitor<Derived> {
   void recordEnumConstants(EnumRecord *EnumRecord,
                            const EnumDecl::enumerator_range Constants);
-  /// Collect API information for the record fields and associate with the
-  /// parent struct.
-  void recordRecordFields(RecordRecord *RecordRecord,
-                          APIRecord::RecordKind FieldKind,
-                          const RecordDecl::field_range Fields);
   /// Collect API information for the Objective-C methods and associate with the
   /// parent container.
   void recordObjCMethods(ObjCContainerRecord *Container,
@@ -172,6 +166,7 @@ class ExtractAPIVisitorBase : public RecursiveASTVisitor<Derived> {
     return *static_cast<Derived *>(this);
   SmallVector<SymbolReference> getBases(const CXXRecordDecl *Decl) {
     // FIXME: store AccessSpecifier given by inheritance
     SmallVector<SymbolReference> Bases;
@@ -182,49 +177,54 @@ class ExtractAPIVisitorBase : public RecursiveASTVisitor<Derived> {
       SymbolReference BaseClass;
       if (BaseSpecifier.getType().getTypePtr()->isTemplateTypeParmType()) {
         BaseClass.Name = API.copyString(BaseSpecifier.getType().getAsString());
-        BaseClass.USR = API.recordUSR(
-            BaseSpecifier.getType()->getAs<TemplateTypeParmType>()->getDecl());
+        if (auto *TTPTD = BaseSpecifier.getType()
+                              ->getAs<TemplateTypeParmType>()
+                              ->getDecl()) {
+          SmallString<128> USR;
+          index::generateUSRForDecl(TTPTD, USR);
+          BaseClass.USR = API.copyString(USR);
+          BaseClass.Source = API.copyString(getOwningModuleName(*TTPTD));
+        }
       } else {
-        CXXRecordDecl *BaseClassDecl =
-            BaseSpecifier.getType().getTypePtr()->getAsCXXRecordDecl();
-        BaseClass.Name = BaseClassDecl->getName();
-        BaseClass.USR = API.recordUSR(BaseClassDecl);
+        BaseClass = createSymbolReferenceForDecl(
+            *BaseSpecifier.getType().getTypePtr()->getAsCXXRecordDecl());
     return Bases;
-  APIRecord *determineParentRecord(const DeclContext *Context) {
-    SmallString<128> ParentUSR;
-    if (Context->getDeclKind() == Decl::TranslationUnit)
-      return nullptr;
+  StringRef getOwningModuleName(const Decl &D) {
+    if (auto *OwningModule = D.getImportedOwningModule())
+      return OwningModule->Name;
-    index::generateUSRForDecl(dyn_cast<Decl>(Context), ParentUSR);
+    return {};
+  }
-    APIRecord *Parent = API.findRecordForUSR(ParentUSR);
-    return Parent;
+  SymbolReference createHierarchyInformationForDecl(const Decl &D) {
+    const auto *Context = cast_if_present<Decl>(D.getDeclContext());
+    if (!Context || isa<TranslationUnitDecl>(Context))
+      return {};
+    return createSymbolReferenceForDecl(*Context);
-template <typename T>
-static void modifyRecords(const T &Records, const StringRef &Name) {
-  for (const auto &Record : Records) {
-    if (Name == Record.second.get()->Name) {
-      auto &DeclFragment = Record.second->Declaration;
-      DeclFragment.insert(DeclFragment.begin(), " ",
-                          DeclarationFragments::FragmentKind::Text);
-      DeclFragment.insert(DeclFragment.begin(), "typedef",
-                          DeclarationFragments::FragmentKind::Keyword, "",
-                          nullptr);
-      DeclFragment.insert(--DeclFragment.end(), " { ... } ",
-                          DeclarationFragments::FragmentKind::Text);
-      DeclFragment.insert(--DeclFragment.end(), Name,
-                          DeclarationFragments::FragmentKind::Identifier);
-      break;
-    }
+  SymbolReference createSymbolReferenceForDecl(const Decl &D) {
+    SmallString<128> USR;
+    index::generateUSRForDecl(&D, USR);
+    APIRecord *Record = API.findRecordForUSR(USR);
+    if (Record)
+      return SymbolReference(Record);
+    StringRef Name;
+    if (auto *ND = dyn_cast<NamedDecl>(&D))
+      Name = ND->getName();
+    return API.createSymbolReference(Name, USR, getOwningModuleName(D));
 template <typename Derived>
 bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitVarDecl(const VarDecl *Decl) {
@@ -251,7 +251,8 @@ bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitVarDecl(const VarDecl *Decl) {
   // Collect symbol information.
   StringRef Name = Decl->getName();
-  StringRef USR = API.recordUSR(Decl);
+  SmallString<128> USR;
+  index::generateUSRForDecl(Decl, USR);
   PresumedLoc Loc =
   LinkageInfo Linkage = Decl->getLinkageAndVisibility();
@@ -267,21 +268,17 @@ bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitVarDecl(const VarDecl *Decl) {
   DeclarationFragments SubHeading =
   if (Decl->isStaticDataMember()) {
-    SymbolReference Context;
-    // getDeclContext() should return a RecordDecl since we
-    // are currently handling a static data member.
-    auto *Record = cast<RecordDecl>(Decl->getDeclContext());
-    Context.Name = Record->getName();
-    Context.USR = API.recordUSR(Record);
     auto Access = DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getAccessControl(Decl);
-    API.addStaticField(Name, USR, Loc, AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl),
-                       Linkage, Comment, Declaration, SubHeading, Context,
-                       Access, isInSystemHeader(Decl));
+    API.createRecord<StaticFieldRecord>(
+        USR, Name, createHierarchyInformationForDecl(*Decl), Loc,
+        AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Linkage, Comment, Declaration,
+        SubHeading, Access, isInSystemHeader(Decl));
   } else
     // Add the global variable record to the API set.
-    API.addGlobalVar(Name, USR, Loc, AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl),
-                     Linkage, Comment, Declaration, SubHeading,
-                     isInSystemHeader(Decl));
+    API.createRecord<GlobalVariableRecord>(
+        USR, Name, createHierarchyInformationForDecl(*Decl), Loc,
+        AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Linkage, Comment, Declaration,
+        SubHeading, isInSystemHeader(Decl));
   return true;
@@ -304,7 +301,7 @@ bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitFunctionDecl(
       return true;
-  // Skip templated functions.
+  // Skip templated functions that aren't processed here.
   switch (Decl->getTemplatedKind()) {
   case FunctionDecl::TK_NonTemplate:
   case FunctionDecl::TK_DependentNonTemplate:
@@ -321,7 +318,8 @@ bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitFunctionDecl(
   // Collect symbol information.
   StringRef Name = Decl->getName();
-  StringRef USR = API.recordUSR(Decl);
+  SmallString<128> USR;
+  index::generateUSRForDecl(Decl, USR);
   PresumedLoc Loc =
   LinkageInfo Linkage = Decl->getLinkageAndVisibility();
@@ -337,18 +335,19 @@ bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitFunctionDecl(
   FunctionSignature Signature =
   if (Decl->getTemplateSpecializationInfo())
-    API.addGlobalFunctionTemplateSpecialization(
-        Name, USR, Loc, AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Linkage,
-        Comment,
+    API.createRecord<GlobalFunctionTemplateSpecializationRecord>(
+        USR, Name, createHierarchyInformationForDecl(*Decl), Loc,
+        AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Linkage, Comment,
         SubHeading, Signature, isInSystemHeader(Decl));
     // Add the function record to the API set.
-    API.addGlobalFunction(
-        Name, USR, Loc, AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Linkage,
-        Comment, DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getFragmentsForFunction(Decl),
-        SubHeading, Signature, isInSystemHeader(Decl));
+    API.createRecord<GlobalFunctionRecord>(
+        USR, Name, createHierarchyInformationForDecl(*Decl), Loc,
+        AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Linkage, Comment,
+        DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getFragmentsForFunction(Decl), SubHeading,
+        Signature, isInSystemHeader(Decl));
   return true;
@@ -368,7 +367,8 @@ bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitEnumDecl(const EnumDecl *Decl) {
     Name = QualifiedNameBuffer.str();
-  StringRef USR = API.recordUSR(Decl);
+  SmallString<128> USR;
+  index::generateUSRForDecl(Decl, USR);
   PresumedLoc Loc =
   DocComment Comment;
@@ -382,13 +382,13 @@ bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitEnumDecl(const EnumDecl *Decl) {
   DeclarationFragments SubHeading =
-  EnumRecord *EnumRecord = API.addEnum(
-      API.copyString(Name), USR, Loc, AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl),
-      Comment, Declaration, SubHeading, isInSystemHeader(Decl));
+  auto *ER = API.createRecord<EnumRecord>(
+      USR, Name, createHierarchyInformationForDecl(*Decl), Loc,
+      AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Comment, Declaration, SubHeading,
+      isInSystemHeader(Decl));
   // Now collect information about the enumerators in this enum.
-  getDerivedExtractAPIVisitor().recordEnumConstants(EnumRecord,
-                                                    Decl->enumerators());
+  getDerivedExtractAPIVisitor().recordEnumConstants(ER, Decl->enumerators());
   return true;
@@ -476,13 +476,13 @@ bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::WalkUpFromNamespaceDecl(
 template <typename Derived>
 bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitNamespaceDecl(
     const NamespaceDecl *Decl) {
   if (!getDerivedExtractAPIVisitor().shouldDeclBeIncluded(Decl))
     return true;
   if (Decl->isAnonymousNamespace())
     return true;
   StringRef Name = Decl->getName();
-  StringRef USR = API.recordUSR(Decl);
+  SmallString<128> USR;
+  index::generateUSRForDecl(Decl, USR);
   LinkageInfo Linkage = Decl->getLinkageAndVisibility();
   PresumedLoc Loc =
@@ -497,10 +497,10 @@ bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitNamespaceDecl(
   DeclarationFragments SubHeading =
-  APIRecord *Parent = determineParentRecord(Decl->getDeclContext());
-  API.addNamespace(Parent, Name, USR, Loc,
-                   AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Linkage, Comment,
-                   Declaration, SubHeading, isInSystemHeader(Decl));
+  API.createRecord<NamespaceRecord>(
+      USR, Name, createHierarchyInformationForDecl(*Decl), Loc,
+      AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Linkage, Comment, Declaration,
+      SubHeading, isInSystemHeader(Decl));
   return true;
@@ -509,14 +509,20 @@ template <typename Derived>
 bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitRecordDecl(const RecordDecl *Decl) {
   if (!getDerivedExtractAPIVisitor().shouldDeclBeIncluded(Decl))
     return true;
+  SmallString<128> QualifiedNameBuffer;
   // Collect symbol information.
   StringRef Name = Decl->getName();
   if (Name.empty())
     Name = getTypedefName(Decl);
-  if (Name.empty())
-    return true;
+  if (Name.empty()) {
+    llvm::raw_svector_ostream OS(QualifiedNameBuffer);
+    Decl->printQualifiedName(OS);
+    Name = QualifiedNameBuffer.str();
+  }
-  StringRef USR = API.recordUSR(Decl);
+  SmallString<128> USR;
+  index::generateUSRForDecl(Decl, USR);
   PresumedLoc Loc =
   DocComment Comment;
@@ -531,21 +537,16 @@ bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitRecordDecl(const RecordDecl *Decl) {
   DeclarationFragments SubHeading =
-  auto RecordKind = APIRecord::RK_Struct;
-  auto FieldRecordKind = APIRecord::RK_StructField;
-  if (Decl->isUnion()) {
-    RecordKind = APIRecord::RK_Union;
-    FieldRecordKind = APIRecord::RK_UnionField;
-  }
-  RecordRecord *RecordRecord = API.addRecord(
-      Name, USR, Loc, AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Comment,
-      Declaration, SubHeading, RecordKind, isInSystemHeader(Decl));
-  // Now collect information about the fields in this struct.
-  getDerivedExtractAPIVisitor().recordRecordFields(
-      RecordRecord, FieldRecordKind, Decl->fields());
+  if (Decl->isUnion())
+    API.createRecord<UnionRecord>(
+        USR, Name, createHierarchyInformationForDecl(*Decl), Loc,
+        AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Comment, Declaration,
+        SubHeading, isInSystemHeader(Decl));
+  else
+    API.createRecord<StructRecord>(
+        USR, Name, createHierarchyInformationForDecl(*Decl), Loc,
+        AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Comment, Declaration,
+        SubHeading, isInSystemHeader(Decl));
   return true;
@@ -558,7 +559,8 @@ bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitCXXRecordDecl(
     return true;
   StringRef Name = Decl->getName();
-  StringRef USR = API.recordUSR(Decl);
+  SmallString<128> USR;
+  index::generateUSRForDecl(Decl, USR);
   PresumedLoc Loc =
   DocComment Comment;
@@ -580,24 +582,25 @@ bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitCXXRecordDecl(
     Kind = APIRecord::RecordKind::RK_CXXClass;
   auto Access = DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getAccessControl(Decl);
-  APIRecord *Parent = determineParentRecord(Decl->getDeclContext());
-  CXXClassRecord *CXXClassRecord;
+  CXXClassRecord *Record;
   if (Decl->getDescribedClassTemplate()) {
     // Inject template fragments before class fragments.
-    CXXClassRecord = API.addClassTemplate(
-        Parent, Name, USR, Loc, AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Comment,
-        Declaration, SubHeading, Template(Decl->getDescribedClassTemplate()),
-        Access, isInSystemHeader(Decl));
+    Record = API.createRecord<ClassTemplateRecord>(
+        USR, Name, createHierarchyInformationForDecl(*Decl), Loc,
+        AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Comment, Declaration,
+        SubHeading, Template(Decl->getDescribedClassTemplate()), Access,
+        isInSystemHeader(Decl));
   } else
-    CXXClassRecord = API.addCXXClass(
-        Parent, Name, USR, Loc, AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Comment,
-        Declaration, SubHeading, Kind, Access, isInSystemHeader(Decl));
+    Record = API.createRecord<CXXClassRecord>(
+        USR, Name, createHierarchyInformationForDecl(*Decl), Loc,
+        AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Comment, Declaration,
+        SubHeading, Kind, Access, isInSystemHeader(Decl));
-  CXXClassRecord->Bases = getBases(Decl);
+  Record->Bases = getBases(Decl);
   return true;
@@ -614,7 +617,8 @@ bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitCXXMethodDecl(
   if (isa<CXXConstructorDecl>(Decl) || isa<CXXDestructorDecl>(Decl))
     return true;
-  StringRef USR = API.recordUSR(Decl);
+  SmallString<128> USR;
+  index::generateUSRForDecl(Decl, USR);
   PresumedLoc Loc =
   DocComment Comment;
@@ -627,14 +631,10 @@ bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitCXXMethodDecl(
   auto Access = DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getAccessControl(Decl);
   auto Signature = DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getFunctionSignature(Decl);
-  SmallString<128> ParentUSR;
-  index::generateUSRForDecl(dyn_cast<CXXRecordDecl>(Decl->getDeclContext()),
-                            ParentUSR);
-  auto *Parent = API.findRecordForUSR(ParentUSR);
-  if (Decl->isTemplated()) {
-    FunctionTemplateDecl *TemplateDecl = Decl->getDescribedFunctionTemplate();
-    API.addCXXMethodTemplate(
-        API.findRecordForUSR(ParentUSR), Decl->getName(), USR, Loc,
+  if (FunctionTemplateDecl *TemplateDecl =
+          Decl->getDescribedFunctionTemplate()) {
+    API.createRecord<CXXMethodTemplateRecord>(
+        USR, Decl->getName(), createHierarchyInformationForDecl(*Decl), Loc,
         AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Comment,
@@ -642,27 +642,27 @@ bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitCXXMethodDecl(
         Template(TemplateDecl), isInSystemHeader(Decl));
   } else if (Decl->getTemplateSpecializationInfo())
-    API.addCXXMethodTemplateSpec(
-        Parent, Decl->getName(), USR, Loc,
+    API.createRecord<CXXMethodTemplateSpecializationRecord>(
+        USR, Decl->getName(), createHierarchyInformationForDecl(*Decl), Loc,
         AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Comment,
         SubHeading, Signature, Access, isInSystemHeader(Decl));
   else if (Decl->isOverloadedOperator())
-    API.addCXXInstanceMethod(
-        Parent, API.copyString(Decl->getNameAsString()), USR, Loc,
-        AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Comment,
+    API.createRecord<CXXInstanceMethodRecord>(
+        USR, Decl->getNameAsString(), createHierarchyInformationForDecl(*Decl),
+        Loc, AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Comment,
         SubHeading, Signature, Access, isInSystemHeader(Decl));
   else if (Decl->isStatic())
-    API.addCXXStaticMethod(
-        Parent, Decl->getName(), USR, Loc,
+    API.createRecord<CXXStaticMethodRecord>(
+        USR, Decl->getName(), createHierarchyInformationForDecl(*Decl), Loc,
         AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Comment,
         DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getFragmentsForCXXMethod(Decl), SubHeading,
         Signature, Access, isInSystemHeader(Decl));
-    API.addCXXInstanceMethod(
-        Parent, Decl->getName(), USR, Loc,
+    API.createRecord<CXXInstanceMethodRecord>(
+        USR, Decl->getName(), createHierarchyInformationForDecl(*Decl), Loc,
         AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Comment,
         DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getFragmentsForCXXMethod(Decl), SubHeading,
         Signature, Access, isInSystemHeader(Decl));
@@ -673,9 +673,13 @@ bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitCXXMethodDecl(
 template <typename Derived>
 bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitCXXConstructorDecl(
     const CXXConstructorDecl *Decl) {
+  if (!getDerivedExtractAPIVisitor().shouldDeclBeIncluded(Decl) ||
+      Decl->isImplicit())
+    return true;
-  StringRef Name = API.copyString(Decl->getNameAsString());
-  StringRef USR = API.recordUSR(Decl);
+  auto Name = Decl->getNameAsString();
+  SmallString<128> USR;
+  index::generateUSRForDecl(Decl, USR);
   PresumedLoc Loc =
   DocComment Comment;
@@ -692,22 +696,24 @@ bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitCXXConstructorDecl(
   FunctionSignature Signature =
   AccessControl Access = DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getAccessControl(Decl);
-  SmallString<128> ParentUSR;
-  index::generateUSRForDecl(dyn_cast<CXXRecordDecl>(Decl->getDeclContext()),
-                            ParentUSR);
-  API.addCXXInstanceMethod(API.findRecordForUSR(ParentUSR), Name, USR, Loc,
-                           AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Comment,
-                           Declaration, SubHeading, Signature, Access,
-                           isInSystemHeader(Decl));
+  API.createRecord<CXXConstructorRecord>(
+      USR, Name, createHierarchyInformationForDecl(*Decl), Loc,
+      AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Comment, Declaration, SubHeading,
+      Signature, Access, isInSystemHeader(Decl));
   return true;
 template <typename Derived>
 bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitCXXDestructorDecl(
     const CXXDestructorDecl *Decl) {
+  if (!getDerivedExtractAPIVisitor().shouldDeclBeIncluded(Decl) ||
+      Decl->isImplicit())
+    return true;
-  StringRef Name = API.copyString(Decl->getNameAsString());
-  StringRef USR = API.recordUSR(Decl);
+  auto Name = Decl->getNameAsString();
+  SmallString<128> USR;
+  index::generateUSRForDecl(Decl, USR);
   PresumedLoc Loc =
   DocComment Comment;
@@ -724,13 +730,10 @@ bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitCXXDestructorDecl(
   FunctionSignature Signature =
   AccessControl Access = DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getAccessControl(Decl);
-  SmallString<128> ParentUSR;
-  index::generateUSRForDecl(dyn_cast<CXXRecordDecl>(Decl->getDeclContext()),
-                            ParentUSR);
-  API.addCXXInstanceMethod(API.findRecordForUSR(ParentUSR), Name, USR, Loc,
-                           AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Comment,
-                           Declaration, SubHeading, Signature, Access,
-                           isInSystemHeader(Decl));
+  API.createRecord<CXXDestructorRecord>(
+      USR, Name, createHierarchyInformationForDecl(*Decl), Loc,
+      AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Comment, Declaration, SubHeading,
+      Signature, Access, isInSystemHeader(Decl));
   return true;
@@ -740,7 +743,8 @@ bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitConceptDecl(const ConceptDecl *Decl) {
     return true;
   StringRef Name = Decl->getName();
-  StringRef USR = API.recordUSR(Decl);
+  SmallString<128> USR;
+  index::generateUSRForDecl(Decl, USR);
   PresumedLoc Loc =
   DocComment Comment;
@@ -752,9 +756,10 @@ bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitConceptDecl(const ConceptDecl *Decl) {
   DeclarationFragments SubHeading =
-  API.addConcept(Name, USR, Loc, AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl),
-                 Comment, Declaration, SubHeading, Template(Decl),
-                 isInSystemHeader(Decl));
+  API.createRecord<ConceptRecord>(
+      USR, Name, createHierarchyInformationForDecl(*Decl), Loc,
+      AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Comment, Declaration, SubHeading,
+      Template(Decl), isInSystemHeader(Decl));
   return true;
@@ -765,7 +770,8 @@ bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitClassTemplateSpecializationDecl(
     return true;
   StringRef Name = Decl->getName();
-  StringRef USR = API.recordUSR(Decl);
+  SmallString<128> USR;
+  index::generateUSRForDecl(Decl, USR);
   PresumedLoc Loc =
   DocComment Comment;
@@ -779,14 +785,13 @@ bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitClassTemplateSpecializationDecl(
   DeclarationFragments SubHeading =
-  APIRecord *Parent = determineParentRecord(Decl->getDeclContext());
-  auto *ClassTemplateSpecializationRecord = API.addClassTemplateSpecialization(
-      Parent, Name, USR, Loc, AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Comment,
-      Declaration, SubHeading,
+  auto *CTSR = API.createRecord<ClassTemplateSpecializationRecord>(
+      USR, Name, createHierarchyInformationForDecl(*Decl), Loc,
+      AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Comment, Declaration, SubHeading,
-  ClassTemplateSpecializationRecord->Bases = getBases(Decl);
+  CTSR->Bases = getBases(Decl);
   return true;
@@ -799,7 +804,8 @@ bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::
     return true;
   StringRef Name = Decl->getName();
-  StringRef USR = API.recordUSR(Decl);
+  SmallString<128> USR;
+  index::generateUSRForDecl(Decl, USR);
   PresumedLoc Loc =
   DocComment Comment;
@@ -811,15 +817,13 @@ bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::
   DeclarationFragments SubHeading =
-  APIRecord *Parent = determineParentRecord(Decl->getDeclContext());
-  auto *ClassTemplatePartialSpecRecord =
-      API.addClassTemplatePartialSpecialization(
-          Parent, Name, USR, Loc, AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl),
-          Comment, Declaration, SubHeading, Template(Decl),
-          DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getAccessControl(Decl),
-          isInSystemHeader(Decl));
+  auto *CTPSR = API.createRecord<ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationRecord>(
+      USR, Name, createHierarchyInformationForDecl(*Decl), Loc,
+      AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Comment, Declaration, SubHeading,
+      Template(Decl), DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getAccessControl(Decl),
+      isInSystemHeader(Decl));
-  ClassTemplatePartialSpecRecord->Bases = getBases(Decl);
+  CTPSR->Bases = getBases(Decl);
   return true;
@@ -832,7 +836,8 @@ bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitVarTemplateDecl(
   // Collect symbol information.
   StringRef Name = Decl->getName();
-  StringRef USR = API.recordUSR(Decl);
+  SmallString<128> USR;
+  index::generateUSRForDecl(Decl, USR);
   PresumedLoc Loc =
   LinkageInfo Linkage = Decl->getLinkageAndVisibility();
@@ -853,20 +858,17 @@ bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitVarTemplateDecl(
   DeclarationFragments SubHeading =
-  SmallString<128> ParentUSR;
-  index::generateUSRForDecl(dyn_cast<CXXRecordDecl>(Decl->getDeclContext()),
-                            ParentUSR);
   if (Decl->getDeclContext()->getDeclKind() == Decl::CXXRecord)
-    API.addCXXFieldTemplate(API.findRecordForUSR(ParentUSR), Name, USR, Loc,
-                            AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Comment,
-                            Declaration, SubHeading,
-                            DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getAccessControl(Decl),
-                            Template(Decl), isInSystemHeader(Decl));
+    API.createRecord<CXXFieldTemplateRecord>(
+        USR, Name, createHierarchyInformationForDecl(*Decl), Loc,
+        AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Comment, Declaration,
+        SubHeading, DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getAccessControl(Decl),
+        Template(Decl), isInSystemHeader(Decl));
-    API.addGlobalVariableTemplate(Name, USR, Loc,
-                                  AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl),
-                                  Linkage, Comment, Declaration, SubHeading,
-                                  Template(Decl), isInSystemHeader(Decl));
+    API.createRecord<GlobalVariableTemplateRecord>(
+        USR, Name, createHierarchyInformationForDecl(*Decl), Loc,
+        AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Linkage, Comment, Declaration,
+        SubHeading, Template(Decl), isInSystemHeader(Decl));
   return true;
@@ -878,7 +880,8 @@ bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitVarTemplateSpecializationDecl(
   // Collect symbol information.
   StringRef Name = Decl->getName();
-  StringRef USR = API.recordUSR(Decl);
+  SmallString<128> USR;
+  index::generateUSRForDecl(Decl, USR);
   PresumedLoc Loc =
   LinkageInfo Linkage = Decl->getLinkageAndVisibility();
@@ -894,9 +897,10 @@ bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitVarTemplateSpecializationDecl(
   DeclarationFragments SubHeading =
-  API.addGlobalVariableTemplateSpecialization(
-      Name, USR, Loc, AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Linkage, Comment,
-      Declaration, SubHeading, isInSystemHeader(Decl));
+  API.createRecord<GlobalVariableTemplateSpecializationRecord>(
+      USR, Name, createHierarchyInformationForDecl(*Decl), Loc,
+      AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Linkage, Comment, Declaration,
+      SubHeading, isInSystemHeader(Decl));
   return true;
@@ -908,7 +912,8 @@ bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitVarTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl(
   // Collect symbol information.
   StringRef Name = Decl->getName();
-  StringRef USR = API.recordUSR(Decl);
+  SmallString<128> USR;
+  index::generateUSRForDecl(Decl, USR);
   PresumedLoc Loc =
   LinkageInfo Linkage = Decl->getLinkageAndVisibility();
@@ -923,9 +928,10 @@ bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitVarTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl(
   DeclarationFragments SubHeading =
-  API.addGlobalVariableTemplatePartialSpecialization(
-      Name, USR, Loc, AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Linkage, Comment,
-      Declaration, SubHeading, Template(Decl), isInSystemHeader(Decl));
+  API.createRecord<GlobalVariableTemplatePartialSpecializationRecord>(
+      USR, Name, createHierarchyInformationForDecl(*Decl), Loc,
+      AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Linkage, Comment, Declaration,
+      SubHeading, Template(Decl), isInSystemHeader(Decl));
   return true;
@@ -939,7 +945,8 @@ bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitFunctionTemplateDecl(
   // Collect symbol information.
   StringRef Name = Decl->getName();
-  StringRef USR = API.recordUSR(Decl);
+  SmallString<128> USR;
+  index::generateUSRForDecl(Decl, USR);
   PresumedLoc Loc =
   LinkageInfo Linkage = Decl->getLinkageAndVisibility();
@@ -954,8 +961,9 @@ bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitFunctionTemplateDecl(
   FunctionSignature Signature =
-  API.addGlobalFunctionTemplate(
-      Name, USR, Loc, AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Linkage, Comment,
+  API.createRecord<GlobalFunctionTemplateRecord>(
+      USR, Name, createHierarchyInformationForDecl(*Decl), Loc,
+      AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Linkage, Comment,
       SubHeading, Signature, Template(Decl), isInSystemHeader(Decl));
@@ -970,7 +978,8 @@ bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitObjCInterfaceDecl(
   // Collect symbol information.
   StringRef Name = Decl->getName();
-  StringRef USR = API.recordUSR(Decl);
+  SmallString<128> USR;
+  index::generateUSRForDecl(Decl, USR);
   PresumedLoc Loc =
   LinkageInfo Linkage = Decl->getLinkageAndVisibility();
@@ -988,24 +997,23 @@ bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitObjCInterfaceDecl(
   // Collect super class information.
   SymbolReference SuperClass;
-  if (const auto *SuperClassDecl = Decl->getSuperClass()) {
-    SuperClass.Name = SuperClassDecl->getObjCRuntimeNameAsString();
-    SuperClass.USR = API.recordUSR(SuperClassDecl);
-  }
+  if (const auto *SuperClassDecl = Decl->getSuperClass())
+    SuperClass = createSymbolReferenceForDecl(*SuperClassDecl);
-  ObjCInterfaceRecord *ObjCInterfaceRecord = API.addObjCInterface(
-      Name, USR, Loc, AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Linkage, Comment,
-      Declaration, SubHeading, SuperClass, isInSystemHeader(Decl));
+  auto *InterfaceRecord = API.createRecord<ObjCInterfaceRecord>(
+      USR, Name, createHierarchyInformationForDecl(*Decl), Loc,
+      AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Linkage, Comment, Declaration,
+      SubHeading, SuperClass, isInSystemHeader(Decl));
   // Record all methods (selectors). This doesn't include automatically
   // synthesized property methods.
-  getDerivedExtractAPIVisitor().recordObjCMethods(ObjCInterfaceRecord,
+  getDerivedExtractAPIVisitor().recordObjCMethods(InterfaceRecord,
-  getDerivedExtractAPIVisitor().recordObjCProperties(ObjCInterfaceRecord,
+  getDerivedExtractAPIVisitor().recordObjCProperties(InterfaceRecord,
-  getDerivedExtractAPIVisitor().recordObjCInstanceVariables(ObjCInterfaceRecord,
+  getDerivedExtractAPIVisitor().recordObjCInstanceVariables(InterfaceRecord,
-  getDerivedExtractAPIVisitor().recordObjCProtocols(ObjCInterfaceRecord,
+  getDerivedExtractAPIVisitor().recordObjCProtocols(InterfaceRecord,
   return true;
@@ -1019,7 +1027,8 @@ bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitObjCProtocolDecl(
   // Collect symbol information.
   StringRef Name = Decl->getName();
-  StringRef USR = API.recordUSR(Decl);
+  SmallString<128> USR;
+  index::generateUSRForDecl(Decl, USR);
   PresumedLoc Loc =
   DocComment Comment;
@@ -1034,15 +1043,15 @@ bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitObjCProtocolDecl(
   DeclarationFragments SubHeading =
-  ObjCProtocolRecord *ObjCProtocolRecord = API.addObjCProtocol(
-      Name, USR, Loc, AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Comment,
-      Declaration, SubHeading, isInSystemHeader(Decl));
+  auto *ProtoRecord = API.createRecord<ObjCProtocolRecord>(
+      USR, Name, createHierarchyInformationForDecl(*Decl), Loc,
+      AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Comment, Declaration, SubHeading,
+      isInSystemHeader(Decl));
-  getDerivedExtractAPIVisitor().recordObjCMethods(ObjCProtocolRecord,
-                                                  Decl->methods());
-  getDerivedExtractAPIVisitor().recordObjCProperties(ObjCProtocolRecord,
+  getDerivedExtractAPIVisitor().recordObjCMethods(ProtoRecord, Decl->methods());
+  getDerivedExtractAPIVisitor().recordObjCProperties(ProtoRecord,
-  getDerivedExtractAPIVisitor().recordObjCProtocols(ObjCProtocolRecord,
+  getDerivedExtractAPIVisitor().recordObjCProtocols(ProtoRecord,
   return true;
@@ -1061,25 +1070,36 @@ bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitTypedefNameDecl(
   if (!getDerivedExtractAPIVisitor().shouldDeclBeIncluded(Decl))
     return true;
-  // Add the notion of typedef for tag type (struct or enum) of the same name.
-  if (const ElaboratedType *ET =
-          dyn_cast<ElaboratedType>(Decl->getUnderlyingType())) {
-    if (const TagType *TagTy = dyn_cast<TagType>(ET->desugar())) {
-      if (Decl->getName() == TagTy->getDecl()->getName()) {
-        if (isa<RecordDecl>(TagTy->getDecl())) {
-          modifyRecords(API.getRecords(), Decl->getName());
-        }
-        if (TagTy->getDecl()->isEnum()) {
-          modifyRecords(API.getEnums(), Decl->getName());
-        }
+  StringRef Name = Decl->getName();
+  // If the underlying type was defined as part of the typedef modify it's
+  // fragments directly and pretend the typedef doesn't exist.
+  if (auto *TagDecl = Decl->getUnderlyingType()->getAsTagDecl()) {
+    if (TagDecl->getName() == Decl->getName() &&
+        TagDecl->isEmbeddedInDeclarator() && TagDecl->isCompleteDefinition()) {
+      SmallString<128> TagUSR;
+      index::generateUSRForDecl(TagDecl, TagUSR);
+      if (auto *Record = API.findRecordForUSR(TagUSR)) {
+        DeclarationFragments LeadingFragments;
+        LeadingFragments.append("typedef",
+                                DeclarationFragments::FragmentKind::Keyword, "",
+                                nullptr);
+        LeadingFragments.appendSpace();
+        Record->Declaration.removeTrailingSemicolon()
+            .insert(Record->Declaration.begin(), std::move(LeadingFragments))
+            .append(" { ... } ", DeclarationFragments::FragmentKind::Text)
+            .append(Name, DeclarationFragments::FragmentKind::Identifier)
+            .appendSemicolon();
+        return true;
   PresumedLoc Loc =
-  StringRef Name = Decl->getName();
-  StringRef USR = API.recordUSR(Decl);
+  SmallString<128> USR;
+  index::generateUSRForDecl(Decl, USR);
   DocComment Comment;
   if (auto *RawComment =
@@ -1091,11 +1111,12 @@ bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitTypedefNameDecl(
-  API.addTypedef(Name, USR, Loc, AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl),
-                 Comment,
-                 DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getFragmentsForTypedef(Decl),
-                 DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getSubHeading(Decl), SymRef,
-                 isInSystemHeader(Decl));
+  API.createRecord<TypedefRecord>(
+      USR, Name, createHierarchyInformationForDecl(*Decl), Loc,
+      AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Comment,
+      DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getFragmentsForTypedef(Decl),
+      DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getSubHeading(Decl), SymRef,
+      isInSystemHeader(Decl));
   return true;
@@ -1107,7 +1128,8 @@ bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitObjCCategoryDecl(
     return true;
   StringRef Name = Decl->getName();
-  StringRef USR = API.recordUSR(Decl);
+  SmallString<128> USR;
+  index::generateUSRForDecl(Decl, USR);
   PresumedLoc Loc =
   DocComment Comment;
@@ -1122,29 +1144,20 @@ bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitObjCCategoryDecl(
   const ObjCInterfaceDecl *InterfaceDecl = Decl->getClassInterface();
-  SymbolReference Interface(InterfaceDecl->getName(),
-                            API.recordUSR(InterfaceDecl));
-  bool IsFromExternalModule = true;
-  for (const auto &Interface : API.getObjCInterfaces()) {
-    if (InterfaceDecl->getName() == Interface.second.get()->Name) {
-      IsFromExternalModule = false;
-      break;
-    }
-  }
+  SymbolReference Interface = createSymbolReferenceForDecl(*InterfaceDecl);
-  ObjCCategoryRecord *ObjCCategoryRecord = API.addObjCCategory(
-      Name, USR, Loc, AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Comment,
-      Declaration, SubHeading, Interface, isInSystemHeader(Decl),
-      IsFromExternalModule);
+  auto *CategoryRecord = API.createRecord<ObjCCategoryRecord>(
+      USR, Name, createHierarchyInformationForDecl(*Decl), Loc,
+      AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Comment, Declaration, SubHeading,
+      Interface, isInSystemHeader(Decl));
-  getDerivedExtractAPIVisitor().recordObjCMethods(ObjCCategoryRecord,
+  getDerivedExtractAPIVisitor().recordObjCMethods(CategoryRecord,
-  getDerivedExtractAPIVisitor().recordObjCProperties(ObjCCategoryRecord,
+  getDerivedExtractAPIVisitor().recordObjCProperties(CategoryRecord,
-  getDerivedExtractAPIVisitor().recordObjCInstanceVariables(ObjCCategoryRecord,
+  getDerivedExtractAPIVisitor().recordObjCInstanceVariables(CategoryRecord,
-  getDerivedExtractAPIVisitor().recordObjCProtocols(ObjCCategoryRecord,
+  getDerivedExtractAPIVisitor().recordObjCProtocols(CategoryRecord,
   return true;
@@ -1158,7 +1171,8 @@ void ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::recordEnumConstants(
   for (const auto *Constant : Constants) {
     // Collect symbol information.
     StringRef Name = Constant->getName();
-    StringRef USR = API.recordUSR(Constant);
+    SmallString<128> USR;
+    index::generateUSRForDecl(Constant, USR);
     PresumedLoc Loc =
     DocComment Comment;
@@ -1173,51 +1187,26 @@ void ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::recordEnumConstants(
     DeclarationFragments SubHeading =
-    API.addEnumConstant(EnumRecord, Name, USR, Loc,
-                        AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Constant), Comment,
-                        Declaration, SubHeading, isInSystemHeader(Constant));
-  }
-/// Collect API information for the struct fields and associate with the
-/// parent struct.
-template <typename Derived>
-void ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::recordRecordFields(
-    RecordRecord *RecordRecord, APIRecord::RecordKind FieldKind,
-    const RecordDecl::field_range Fields) {
-  for (const auto *Field : Fields) {
-    // Collect symbol information.
-    StringRef Name = Field->getName();
-    StringRef USR = API.recordUSR(Field);
-    PresumedLoc Loc =
-        Context.getSourceManager().getPresumedLoc(Field->getLocation());
-    DocComment Comment;
-    if (auto *RawComment =
-            getDerivedExtractAPIVisitor().fetchRawCommentForDecl(Field))
-      Comment = RawComment->getFormattedLines(Context.getSourceManager(),
-                                              Context.getDiagnostics());
-    // Build declaration fragments and sub-heading for the struct field.
-    DeclarationFragments Declaration =
-        DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getFragmentsForField(Field);
-    DeclarationFragments SubHeading =
-        DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getSubHeading(Field);
-    API.addRecordField(
-        RecordRecord, Name, USR, Loc, AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Field),
-        Comment, Declaration, SubHeading, FieldKind, isInSystemHeader(Field));
+    API.createRecord<EnumConstantRecord>(
+        USR, Name, createHierarchyInformationForDecl(*Constant), Loc,
+        AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Constant), Comment, Declaration,
+        SubHeading, isInSystemHeader(Constant));
 template <typename Derived>
 bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitFieldDecl(const FieldDecl *Decl) {
-  if (Decl->getDeclContext()->getDeclKind() == Decl::Record)
+  // ObjCIvars are handled separately
+  if (isa<ObjCIvarDecl>(Decl) || isa<ObjCAtDefsFieldDecl>(Decl))
     return true;
-  if (isa<ObjCIvarDecl>(Decl))
+  if (!getDerivedExtractAPIVisitor().shouldDeclBeIncluded(Decl))
     return true;
   // Collect symbol information.
   StringRef Name = Decl->getName();
-  StringRef USR = API.recordUSR(Decl);
+  SmallString<128> USR;
+  index::generateUSRForDecl(Decl, USR);
   PresumedLoc Loc =
   DocComment Comment;
@@ -1231,22 +1220,40 @@ bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitFieldDecl(const FieldDecl *Decl) {
   DeclarationFragments SubHeading =
-  AccessControl Access = DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getAccessControl(Decl);
-  SmallString<128> ParentUSR;
-  index::generateUSRForDecl(dyn_cast<CXXRecordDecl>(Decl->getDeclContext()),
-                            ParentUSR);
-  API.addCXXField(API.findRecordForUSR(ParentUSR), Name, USR, Loc,
-                  AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Comment, Declaration,
-                  SubHeading, Access, isInSystemHeader(Decl));
+  if (isa<CXXRecordDecl>(Decl->getDeclContext())) {
+    AccessControl Access = DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getAccessControl(Decl);
+    API.createRecord<CXXFieldRecord>(
+        USR, Name, createHierarchyInformationForDecl(*Decl), Loc,
+        AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Comment, Declaration,
+        SubHeading, Access, isInSystemHeader(Decl));
+  } else if (auto *RD = dyn_cast<RecordDecl>(Decl->getDeclContext())) {
+    if (RD->isUnion())
+      API.createRecord<UnionFieldRecord>(
+          USR, Name, createHierarchyInformationForDecl(*Decl), Loc,
+          AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Comment, Declaration,
+          SubHeading, isInSystemHeader(Decl));
+    else
+      API.createRecord<StructFieldRecord>(
+          USR, Name, createHierarchyInformationForDecl(*Decl), Loc,
+          AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Comment, Declaration,
+          SubHeading, isInSystemHeader(Decl));
+  }
   return true;
 template <typename Derived>
 bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitCXXConversionDecl(
     const CXXConversionDecl *Decl) {
-  StringRef Name = API.copyString(Decl->getNameAsString());
-  StringRef USR = API.recordUSR(Decl);
+  if (!getDerivedExtractAPIVisitor().shouldDeclBeIncluded(Decl) ||
+      Decl->isImplicit())
+    return true;
+  auto Name = Decl->getNameAsString();
+  SmallString<128> USR;
+  index::generateUSRForDecl(Decl, USR);
   PresumedLoc Loc =
   DocComment Comment;
@@ -1264,19 +1271,17 @@ bool ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::VisitCXXConversionDecl(
   AccessControl Access = DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getAccessControl(Decl);
-  SmallString<128> ParentUSR;
-  index::generateUSRForDecl(dyn_cast<CXXRecordDecl>(Decl->getDeclContext()),
-                            ParentUSR);
   if (Decl->isStatic())
-    API.addCXXStaticMethod(API.findRecordForUSR(ParentUSR), Name, USR, Loc,
-                           AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Comment,
-                           Declaration, SubHeading, Signature, Access,
-                           isInSystemHeader(Decl));
+    API.createRecord<CXXStaticMethodRecord>(
+        USR, Name, createHierarchyInformationForDecl(*Decl), Loc,
+        AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Comment, Declaration,
+        SubHeading, Signature, Access, isInSystemHeader(Decl));
-    API.addCXXInstanceMethod(API.findRecordForUSR(ParentUSR), Name, USR, Loc,
-                             AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Comment,
-                             Declaration, SubHeading, Signature, Access,
-                             isInSystemHeader(Decl));
+    API.createRecord<CXXInstanceMethodRecord>(
+        USR, Name, createHierarchyInformationForDecl(*Decl), Loc,
+        AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Comment, Declaration,
+        SubHeading, Signature, Access, isInSystemHeader(Decl));
   return true;
@@ -1291,8 +1296,9 @@ void ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::recordObjCMethods(
     if (Method->isPropertyAccessor())
-    StringRef Name = API.copyString(Method->getSelector().getAsString());
-    StringRef USR = API.recordUSR(Method);
+    auto Name = Method->getSelector().getAsString();
+    SmallString<128> USR;
+    index::generateUSRForDecl(Method, USR);
     PresumedLoc Loc =
     DocComment Comment;
@@ -1309,10 +1315,16 @@ void ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::recordObjCMethods(
     FunctionSignature Signature =
-    API.addObjCMethod(Container, Name, USR, Loc,
-                      AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Method), Comment,
-                      Declaration, SubHeading, Signature,
-                      Method->isInstanceMethod(), isInSystemHeader(Method));
+    if (Method->isInstanceMethod())
+      API.createRecord<ObjCInstanceMethodRecord>(
+          USR, Name, createHierarchyInformationForDecl(*Method), Loc,
+          AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Method), Comment, Declaration,
+          SubHeading, Signature, isInSystemHeader(Method));
+    else
+      API.createRecord<ObjCClassMethodRecord>(
+          USR, Name, createHierarchyInformationForDecl(*Method), Loc,
+          AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Method), Comment, Declaration,
+          SubHeading, Signature, isInSystemHeader(Method));
@@ -1322,7 +1334,8 @@ void ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::recordObjCProperties(
     const ObjCContainerDecl::prop_range Properties) {
   for (const auto *Property : Properties) {
     StringRef Name = Property->getName();
-    StringRef USR = API.recordUSR(Property);
+    SmallString<128> USR;
+    index::generateUSRForDecl(Property, USR);
     PresumedLoc Loc =
     DocComment Comment;
@@ -1337,10 +1350,8 @@ void ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::recordObjCProperties(
     DeclarationFragments SubHeading =
-    StringRef GetterName =
-        API.copyString(Property->getGetterName().getAsString());
-    StringRef SetterName =
-        API.copyString(Property->getSetterName().getAsString());
+    auto GetterName = Property->getGetterName().getAsString();
+    auto SetterName = Property->getSetterName().getAsString();
     // Get the attributes for property.
     unsigned Attributes = ObjCPropertyRecord::NoAttr;
@@ -1348,14 +1359,22 @@ void ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::recordObjCProperties(
       Attributes |= ObjCPropertyRecord::ReadOnly;
-    API.addObjCProperty(
-        Container, Name, USR, Loc, AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Property),
-        Comment, Declaration, SubHeading,
-        static_cast<ObjCPropertyRecord::AttributeKind>(Attributes), GetterName,
-        SetterName, Property->isOptional(),
-        !(Property->getPropertyAttributes() &
-          ObjCPropertyAttribute::kind_class),
-        isInSystemHeader(Property));
+    if (Property->getPropertyAttributes() & ObjCPropertyAttribute::kind_class)
+      API.createRecord<ObjCClassPropertyRecord>(
+          USR, Name, createHierarchyInformationForDecl(*Property), Loc,
+          AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Property), Comment, Declaration,
+          SubHeading,
+          static_cast<ObjCPropertyRecord::AttributeKind>(Attributes),
+          GetterName, SetterName, Property->isOptional(),
+          isInSystemHeader(Property));
+    else
+      API.createRecord<ObjCInstancePropertyRecord>(
+          USR, Name, createHierarchyInformationForDecl(*Property), Loc,
+          AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Property), Comment, Declaration,
+          SubHeading,
+          static_cast<ObjCPropertyRecord::AttributeKind>(Attributes),
+          GetterName, SetterName, Property->isOptional(),
+          isInSystemHeader(Property));
@@ -1367,7 +1386,9 @@ void ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::recordObjCInstanceVariables(
         Ivars) {
   for (const auto *Ivar : Ivars) {
     StringRef Name = Ivar->getName();
-    StringRef USR = API.recordUSR(Ivar);
+    SmallString<128> USR;
+    index::generateUSRForDecl(Ivar, USR);
     PresumedLoc Loc =
     DocComment Comment;
@@ -1382,12 +1403,10 @@ void ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::recordObjCInstanceVariables(
     DeclarationFragments SubHeading =
-    ObjCInstanceVariableRecord::AccessControl Access =
-        Ivar->getCanonicalAccessControl();
-    API.addObjCInstanceVariable(
-        Container, Name, USR, Loc, AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Ivar),
-        Comment, Declaration, SubHeading, Access, isInSystemHeader(Ivar));
+    API.createRecord<ObjCInstanceVariableRecord>(
+        USR, Name, createHierarchyInformationForDecl(*Ivar), Loc,
+        AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Ivar), Comment, Declaration,
+        SubHeading, isInSystemHeader(Ivar));
@@ -1396,8 +1415,7 @@ void ExtractAPIVisitorBase<Derived>::recordObjCProtocols(
     ObjCContainerRecord *Container,
     ObjCInterfaceDecl::protocol_range Protocols) {
   for (const auto *Protocol : Protocols)
-    Container->Protocols.emplace_back(Protocol->getName(),
-                                      API.recordUSR(Protocol));
+    Container->Protocols.emplace_back(createSymbolReferenceForDecl(*Protocol));
 } // namespace impl
diff --git a/clang/include/clang/ExtractAPI/FrontendActions.h b/clang/include/clang/ExtractAPI/FrontendActions.h
index c67864aac9af9..08045a30823db 100644
--- a/clang/include/clang/ExtractAPI/FrontendActions.h
+++ b/clang/include/clang/ExtractAPI/FrontendActions.h
@@ -49,9 +49,6 @@ class ExtractAPIAction : public ASTFrontendAction,
   void EndSourceFileAction() override;
   static StringRef getInputBufferName() { return "<extract-api-includes>"; }
-  static std::unique_ptr<llvm::raw_pwrite_stream>
-  CreateOutputFile(CompilerInstance &CI, StringRef InFile);
 /// Wrap ExtractAPIAction on top of a pre-existing action
@@ -85,9 +82,6 @@ class WrappingExtractAPIAction : public WrapperFrontendAction,
   /// actions. This is the place where all the gathered symbol graph
   /// information is emited.
   void EndSourceFileAction() override;
-  static std::unique_ptr<llvm::raw_pwrite_stream>
-  CreateOutputFile(CompilerInstance &CI, StringRef InFile);
 } // namespace clang
diff --git a/clang/include/clang/ExtractAPI/Serialization/APISetVisitor.h b/clang/include/clang/ExtractAPI/Serialization/APISetVisitor.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..07f14f349f3dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang/include/clang/ExtractAPI/Serialization/APISetVisitor.h
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+//===- ExtractAPI/Serialization/APISetVisitor.h ----------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+/// \file
+/// This file defines the ExtractAPI APISetVisitor interface.
+#include "clang/ExtractAPI/API.h"
+namespace clang {
+namespace extractapi {
+// A helper macro to implement short-circuiting when recursing.  It
+// invokes CALL_EXPR, which must be a method call, on the derived
+// object (s.t. a user of RecursiveASTVisitor can override the method
+// in CALL_EXPR).
+#define TRY_TO(CALL_EXPR)                                                      \
+  do {                                                                         \
+    if (!getDerived()->CALL_EXPR)                                              \
+      return false;                                                            \
+  } while (false)
+/// The base interface of visitors for API information, the interface and usage
+/// is almost identical to RecurisveASTVistor. This class performs three
+/// distinct tasks:
+/// 1. traverse the APISet (i.e. go to every record);
+/// 2. at a given record, walk up the class hierarchy starting from the record's
+/// dynamic type until APIRecord is reached.
+/// 3. given a (record, class) combination where 'class' is some base class of
+/// the dynamic type of 'record', call a user-overridable function to actually
+/// visit the record.
+/// These tasks are done by three groups of methods, respectively:
+/// 1. traverseRecord(APIRecord *x) does task #1, it is the entry point for
+/// traversing the records starting from x. This method simply forwards to
+/// traverseFoo(Foo *x) where Foo is the dynamic type of *x, which calls
+/// walkUpFromFoo(x) and then recursively visits the child records of x.
+/// 2. walkUpFromFoo(Foo *x) does task #2. It doesn't visit children records of
+/// x, instead it first calls walkUpFromBar(x) where Bar is the direct parent
+/// class of Foo (unless Foo has no parent) and then calls visitFoo(x).
+/// 3. visitFoo(Foo *x) does task #3.
+/// These three method groups are tiered (traverse* > walkUpFrom* >
+/// visit*).  A method (e.g. traverse*) may call methods from the same
+/// tier (e.g. other traverse*) or one tier lower (e.g. walkUpFrom*).
+/// It may not call methods from a higher tier.
+/// Note that since walkUpFromFoo() calls walkUpFromBar() (where Bar
+/// is Foo's super class) before calling visitFoo(), the result is
+/// that the visit*() methods for a given record are called in the
+/// top-down order (e.g. for a record of type ObjCInstancePropertyRecord, the
+/// order will be visitRecord(), visitObjCPropertyRecord(), and then
+/// visitObjCInstancePropertyRecord()).
+/// This scheme guarantees that all visit*() calls for the same record
+/// are grouped together.  In other words, visit*() methods for different
+/// records are never interleaved.
+/// Clients of this visitor should subclass the visitor (providing
+/// themselves as the template argument, using the curiously recurring
+/// template pattern) and override any of the traverse*, walkUpFrom*,
+/// and visit* methods for records where the visitor should customize
+/// behavior.  Most users only need to override visit*.  Advanced
+/// users may override traverse* and walkUpFrom* to implement custom
+/// traversal strategies.  Returning false from one of these overridden
+/// functions will abort the entire traversal.
+template <typename Derived> class APISetVisitor {
+  bool traverseAPISet() {
+    for (const APIRecord *TLR : API.getTopLevelRecords()) {
+      TRY_TO(traverseAPIRecord(TLR));
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  bool traverseAPIRecord(const APIRecord *Record);
+  bool walkUpFromAPIRecord(const APIRecord *Record) {
+    TRY_TO(visitAPIRecord(Record));
+    return true;
+  }
+  bool visitAPIRecord(const APIRecord *Record) { return true; }
+#define GENERATE_TRAVERSE_METHOD(CLASS, BASE)                                  \
+  bool traverse##CLASS(const CLASS *Record) {                                  \
+    TRY_TO(walkUpFrom##CLASS(Record));                                         \
+    TRY_TO(traverseRecordContext(dyn_cast<RecordContext>(Record)));            \
+    return true;                                                               \
+  }
+#define GENERATE_WALKUP_AND_VISIT_METHODS(CLASS, BASE)                         \
+  bool walkUpFrom##CLASS(const CLASS *Record) {                                \
+    TRY_TO(walkUpFrom##BASE(Record));                                          \
+    TRY_TO(visit##CLASS(Record));                                              \
+    return true;                                                               \
+  }                                                                            \
+  bool visit##CLASS(const CLASS *Record) { return true; }
+#define CONCRETE_RECORD(CLASS, BASE, KIND)                                     \
+  GENERATE_TRAVERSE_METHOD(CLASS, BASE)                                        \
+#define ABSTRACT_RECORD(CLASS, BASE)                                           \
+#include "../APIRecords.inc"
+  bool traverseRecordContext(const RecordContext *);
+  const APISet &API;
+  APISetVisitor() = delete;
+  APISetVisitor(const APISetVisitor &) = delete;
+  APISetVisitor(APISetVisitor &&) = delete;
+  APISetVisitor &operator=(const APISetVisitor &) = delete;
+  APISetVisitor &operator=(APISetVisitor &&) = delete;
+  APISetVisitor(const APISet &API) : API(API) {}
+  ~APISetVisitor() = default;
+  Derived *getDerived() { return static_cast<Derived *>(this); };
+template <typename Derived>
+bool APISetVisitor<Derived>::traverseRecordContext(
+    const RecordContext *Context) {
+  if (!Context)
+    return true;
+  for (auto *Child : Context->records())
+    TRY_TO(traverseAPIRecord(Child));
+  return true;
+template <typename Derived>
+bool APISetVisitor<Derived>::traverseAPIRecord(const APIRecord *Record) {
+  switch (Record->getKind()) {
+#define CONCRETE_RECORD(CLASS, BASE, KIND)                                     \
+  case APIRecord::KIND: {                                                      \
+    TRY_TO(traverse##CLASS(static_cast<const CLASS *>(Record)));               \
+    break;                                                                     \
+  }
+#include "../APIRecords.inc"
+  case APIRecord::RK_Unknown: {
+    TRY_TO(walkUpFromAPIRecord(static_cast<const APIRecord *>(Record)));
+    break;
+  }
+  default:
+    llvm_unreachable("API Record with uninstantiable kind");
+  }
+  return true;
+} // namespace extractapi
+} // namespace clang
diff --git a/clang/include/clang/ExtractAPI/Serialization/SerializerBase.h b/clang/include/clang/ExtractAPI/Serialization/SerializerBase.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f0629a9ad56b0..0000000000000
--- a/clang/include/clang/ExtractAPI/Serialization/SerializerBase.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,314 +0,0 @@
-//===- ExtractAPI/Serialization/SerializerBase.h ----------------*- C++ -*-===//
-// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-/// \file
-/// This file defines the ExtractAPI APISetVisitor interface.
-#include "clang/ExtractAPI/API.h"
-namespace clang {
-namespace extractapi {
-/// The base interface of visitors for API information.
-template <typename Derived> class APISetVisitor {
-  void traverseAPISet() {
-    getDerived()->traverseNamespaces();
-    getDerived()->traverseGlobalVariableRecords();
-    getDerived()->traverseGlobalFunctionRecords();
-    getDerived()->traverseEnumRecords();
-    getDerived()->traverseStaticFieldRecords();
-    getDerived()->traverseCXXClassRecords();
-    getDerived()->traverseClassTemplateRecords();
-    getDerived()->traverseClassTemplateSpecializationRecords();
-    getDerived()->traverseClassTemplatePartialSpecializationRecords();
-    getDerived()->traverseCXXInstanceMethods();
-    getDerived()->traverseCXXStaticMethods();
-    getDerived()->traverseCXXMethodTemplates();
-    getDerived()->traverseCXXMethodTemplateSpecializations();
-    getDerived()->traverseCXXFields();
-    getDerived()->traverseCXXFieldTemplates();
-    getDerived()->traverseConcepts();
-    getDerived()->traverseGlobalVariableTemplateRecords();
-    getDerived()->traverseGlobalVariableTemplateSpecializationRecords();
-    getDerived()->traverseGlobalVariableTemplatePartialSpecializationRecords();
-    getDerived()->traverseGlobalFunctionTemplateRecords();
-    getDerived()->traverseGlobalFunctionTemplateSpecializationRecords();
-    getDerived()->traverseRecordRecords();
-    getDerived()->traverseObjCInterfaces();
-    getDerived()->traverseObjCProtocols();
-    getDerived()->traverseObjCCategories();
-    getDerived()->traverseMacroDefinitionRecords();
-    getDerived()->traverseTypedefRecords();
-  }
-  void traverseNamespaces() {
-    for (const auto &Namespace : API.getNamespaces())
-      getDerived()->visitNamespaceRecord(*Namespace.second);
-  }
-  void traverseGlobalFunctionRecords() {
-    for (const auto &GlobalFunction : API.getGlobalFunctions())
-      getDerived()->visitGlobalFunctionRecord(*GlobalFunction.second);
-  }
-  void traverseGlobalVariableRecords() {
-    for (const auto &GlobalVariable : API.getGlobalVariables())
-      getDerived()->visitGlobalVariableRecord(*GlobalVariable.second);
-  }
-  void traverseEnumRecords() {
-    for (const auto &Enum : API.getEnums())
-      getDerived()->visitEnumRecord(*Enum.second);
-  }
-  void traverseRecordRecords() {
-    for (const auto &Record : API.getRecords())
-      getDerived()->visitRecordRecord(*Record.second);
-  }
-  void traverseStaticFieldRecords() {
-    for (const auto &StaticField : API.getStaticFields())
-      getDerived()->visitStaticFieldRecord(*StaticField.second);
-  }
-  void traverseCXXClassRecords() {
-    for (const auto &Class : API.getCXXClasses())
-      getDerived()->visitCXXClassRecord(*Class.second);
-  }
-  void traverseCXXMethodTemplates() {
-    for (const auto &MethodTemplate : API.getCXXMethodTemplates())
-      getDerived()->visitMethodTemplateRecord(*MethodTemplate.second);
-  }
-  void traverseCXXMethodTemplateSpecializations() {
-    for (const auto &MethodTemplateSpecialization :
-         API.getCXXMethodTemplateSpecializations())
-      getDerived()->visitMethodTemplateSpecializationRecord(
-          *MethodTemplateSpecialization.second);
-  }
-  void traverseClassTemplateRecords() {
-    for (const auto &ClassTemplate : API.getClassTemplates())
-      getDerived()->visitClassTemplateRecord(*ClassTemplate.second);
-  }
-  void traverseClassTemplateSpecializationRecords() {
-    for (const auto &ClassTemplateSpecialization :
-         API.getClassTemplateSpecializations())
-      getDerived()->visitClassTemplateSpecializationRecord(
-          *ClassTemplateSpecialization.second);
-  }
-  void traverseClassTemplatePartialSpecializationRecords() {
-    for (const auto &ClassTemplatePartialSpecialization :
-         API.getClassTemplatePartialSpecializations())
-      getDerived()->visitClassTemplatePartialSpecializationRecord(
-          *ClassTemplatePartialSpecialization.second);
-  }
-  void traverseCXXInstanceMethods() {
-    for (const auto &InstanceMethod : API.getCXXInstanceMethods())
-      getDerived()->visitCXXInstanceMethodRecord(*InstanceMethod.second);
-  }
-  void traverseCXXStaticMethods() {
-    for (const auto &InstanceMethod : API.getCXXStaticMethods())
-      getDerived()->visitCXXStaticMethodRecord(*InstanceMethod.second);
-  }
-  void traverseCXXFields() {
-    for (const auto &CXXField : API.getCXXFields())
-      getDerived()->visitCXXFieldRecord(*CXXField.second);
-  }
-  void traverseCXXFieldTemplates() {
-    for (const auto &CXXFieldTemplate : API.getCXXFieldTemplates())
-      getDerived()->visitCXXFieldTemplateRecord(*CXXFieldTemplate.second);
-  }
-  void traverseGlobalVariableTemplateRecords() {
-    for (const auto &GlobalVariableTemplate : API.getGlobalVariableTemplates())
-      getDerived()->visitGlobalVariableTemplateRecord(
-          *GlobalVariableTemplate.second);
-  }
-  void traverseGlobalVariableTemplateSpecializationRecords() {
-    for (const auto &GlobalVariableTemplateSpecialization :
-         API.getGlobalVariableTemplateSpecializations())
-      getDerived()->visitGlobalVariableTemplateSpecializationRecord(
-          *GlobalVariableTemplateSpecialization.second);
-  }
-  void traverseGlobalVariableTemplatePartialSpecializationRecords() {
-    for (const auto &GlobalVariableTemplatePartialSpecialization :
-         API.getGlobalVariableTemplatePartialSpecializations())
-      getDerived()->visitGlobalVariableTemplatePartialSpecializationRecord(
-          *GlobalVariableTemplatePartialSpecialization.second);
-  }
-  void traverseGlobalFunctionTemplateRecords() {
-    for (const auto &GlobalFunctionTemplate : API.getGlobalFunctionTemplates())
-      getDerived()->visitGlobalFunctionTemplateRecord(
-          *GlobalFunctionTemplate.second);
-  }
-  void traverseGlobalFunctionTemplateSpecializationRecords() {
-    for (const auto &GlobalFunctionTemplateSpecialization :
-         API.getGlobalFunctionTemplateSpecializations())
-      getDerived()->visitGlobalFunctionTemplateSpecializationRecord(
-          *GlobalFunctionTemplateSpecialization.second);
-  }
-  void traverseConcepts() {
-    for (const auto &Concept : API.getConcepts())
-      getDerived()->visitConceptRecord(*Concept.second);
-  }
-  void traverseObjCInterfaces() {
-    for (const auto &Interface : API.getObjCInterfaces())
-      getDerived()->visitObjCContainerRecord(*Interface.second);
-  }
-  void traverseObjCProtocols() {
-    for (const auto &Protocol : API.getObjCProtocols())
-      getDerived()->visitObjCContainerRecord(*Protocol.second);
-  }
-  void traverseObjCCategories() {
-    for (const auto &Category : API.getObjCCategories())
-      getDerived()->visitObjCCategoryRecord(*Category.second);
-  }
-  void traverseMacroDefinitionRecords() {
-    for (const auto &Macro : API.getMacros())
-      getDerived()->visitMacroDefinitionRecord(*Macro.second);
-  }
-  void traverseTypedefRecords() {
-    for (const auto &Typedef : API.getTypedefs())
-      getDerived()->visitTypedefRecord(*Typedef.second);
-  }
-  void visitNamespaceRecord(const NamespaceRecord &Record){};
-  /// Visit a global function record.
-  void visitGlobalFunctionRecord(const GlobalFunctionRecord &Record){};
-  /// Visit a global variable record.
-  void visitGlobalVariableRecord(const GlobalVariableRecord &Record){};
-  /// Visit an enum record.
-  void visitEnumRecord(const EnumRecord &Record){};
-  /// Visit a record record.
-  void visitRecordRecord(const RecordRecord &Record){};
-  void visitStaticFieldRecord(const StaticFieldRecord &Record){};
-  void visitCXXClassRecord(const CXXClassRecord &Record){};
-  void visitClassTemplateRecord(const ClassTemplateRecord &Record){};
-  void visitClassTemplateSpecializationRecord(
-      const ClassTemplateSpecializationRecord &Record){};
-  void visitClassTemplatePartialSpecializationRecord(
-      const ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationRecord &Record){};
-  void visitCXXInstanceRecord(const CXXInstanceMethodRecord &Record){};
-  void visitCXXStaticRecord(const CXXStaticMethodRecord &Record){};
-  void visitMethodTemplateRecord(const CXXMethodTemplateRecord &Record){};
-  void visitMethodTemplateSpecializationRecord(
-      const CXXMethodTemplateSpecializationRecord &Record){};
-  void visitCXXFieldTemplateRecord(const CXXFieldTemplateRecord &Record){};
-  void visitGlobalVariableTemplateRecord(
-      const GlobalVariableTemplateRecord &Record) {}
-  void visitGlobalVariableTemplateSpecializationRecord(
-      const GlobalVariableTemplateSpecializationRecord &Record){};
-  void visitGlobalVariableTemplatePartialSpecializationRecord(
-      const GlobalVariableTemplatePartialSpecializationRecord &Record){};
-  void visitGlobalFunctionTemplateRecord(
-      const GlobalFunctionTemplateRecord &Record){};
-  void visitGlobalFunctionTemplateSpecializationRecord(
-      const GlobalFunctionTemplateSpecializationRecord &Record){};
-  /// Visit an Objective-C container record.
-  void visitObjCContainerRecord(const ObjCContainerRecord &Record){};
-  /// Visit an Objective-C category record.
-  void visitObjCCategoryRecord(const ObjCCategoryRecord &Record){};
-  /// Visit a macro definition record.
-  void visitMacroDefinitionRecord(const MacroDefinitionRecord &Record){};
-  /// Visit a typedef record.
-  void visitTypedefRecord(const TypedefRecord &Record){};
-  const APISet &API;
-  APISetVisitor() = delete;
-  APISetVisitor(const APISetVisitor &) = delete;
-  APISetVisitor(APISetVisitor &&) = delete;
-  APISetVisitor &operator=(const APISetVisitor &) = delete;
-  APISetVisitor &operator=(APISetVisitor &&) = delete;
-  APISetVisitor(const APISet &API) : API(API) {}
-  ~APISetVisitor() = default;
-  Derived *getDerived() { return static_cast<Derived *>(this); };
-} // namespace extractapi
-} // namespace clang
diff --git a/clang/include/clang/ExtractAPI/Serialization/SymbolGraphSerializer.h b/clang/include/clang/ExtractAPI/Serialization/SymbolGraphSerializer.h
index 4249ac405fd26..724b087f7aea9 100644
--- a/clang/include/clang/ExtractAPI/Serialization/SymbolGraphSerializer.h
+++ b/clang/include/clang/ExtractAPI/Serialization/SymbolGraphSerializer.h
@@ -17,11 +17,17 @@
+#include "clang/Basic/Module.h"
 #include "clang/ExtractAPI/API.h"
 #include "clang/ExtractAPI/APIIgnoresList.h"
-#include "clang/ExtractAPI/Serialization/SerializerBase.h"
+#include "clang/ExtractAPI/Serialization/APISetVisitor.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/JSON.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/VersionTuple.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
@@ -35,7 +41,30 @@ using namespace llvm::json;
 /// Common options to customize the visitor output.
 struct SymbolGraphSerializerOption {
   /// Do not include unnecessary whitespaces to save space.
-  bool Compact;
+  bool Compact = true;
+  bool EmitSymbolLabelsForTesting = false;
+/// A representation of the contents of a given module symbol graph
+struct ExtendedModule {
+  ExtendedModule() = default;
+  ExtendedModule(ExtendedModule &&EM) = default;
+  ExtendedModule &operator=(ExtendedModule &&EM) = default;
+  // Copies are expensive so disable them.
+  ExtendedModule(const ExtendedModule &EM) = delete;
+  ExtendedModule &operator=(const ExtendedModule &EM) = delete;
+  /// Add a symbol to the module, do not store the resulting pointer or use it
+  /// across insertions.
+  Object *addSymbol(Object &&Symbol);
+  void addRelationship(Object &&Relationship);
+  /// A JSON array of formatted symbols from an \c APISet.
+  Array Symbols;
+  /// A JSON array of formatted symbol relationships from an \c APISet.
+  Array Relationships;
 /// The visitor that organizes API information in the Symbol Graph format.
@@ -44,28 +73,54 @@ struct SymbolGraphSerializerOption {
 /// models an API set as a directed graph, where nodes are symbol declarations,
 /// and edges are relationships between the connected symbols.
 class SymbolGraphSerializer : public APISetVisitor<SymbolGraphSerializer> {
-  /// A JSON array of formatted symbols in \c APISet.
-  Array Symbols;
+  using Base = APISetVisitor<SymbolGraphSerializer>;
+  /// The main symbol graph that contains symbols that are either top-level or a
+  /// are related to symbols defined in this product/module.
+  ExtendedModule MainModule;
-  /// A JSON array of formatted symbol relationships in \c APISet.
-  Array Relationships;
+  /// Additional symbol graphs that contain symbols that are related to symbols
+  /// defined in another product/module. The key of this map is the module name
+  /// of the extended module.
+  llvm::StringMap<ExtendedModule> ExtendedModules;
   /// The Symbol Graph format version used by this serializer.
   static const VersionTuple FormatVersion;
-  /// Indicates whether child symbols should be visited. This is mainly
+  /// Indicates whether to take into account the extended module. This is only
   /// useful for \c serializeSingleSymbolSGF.
-  bool ShouldRecurse;
+  bool ForceEmitToMainModule;
-  /// Serialize the APIs in \c APISet in the Symbol Graph format.
+  // Stores the references required to construct path components for the
+  // currently visited APIRecord.
+  llvm::SmallVector<SymbolReference, 8> Hierarchy;
+  /// The list of symbols to ignore.
-  /// \returns a JSON object that contains the root of the formatted
-  /// Symbol Graph.
-  Object serialize();
+  /// Note: This should be consulted before emitting a symbol.
+  const APIIgnoresList &IgnoresList;
-  ///  Wrap serialize(void) and write out the serialized JSON object to \p os.
-  void serialize(raw_ostream &os);
+  const bool EmitSymbolLabelsForTesting = false;
+  /// The object instantiated by the last call to serializeAPIRecord.
+  Object *CurrentSymbol = nullptr;
+  /// The module to which \p CurrentSymbol belongs too.
+  ExtendedModule *ModuleForCurrentSymbol = nullptr;
+  static void
+  serializeMainSymbolGraph(raw_ostream &OS, const APISet &API,
+                           const APIIgnoresList &IgnoresList,
+                           SymbolGraphSerializerOption Options = {});
+  static void serializeWithExtensionGraphs(
+      raw_ostream &MainOutput, const APISet &API,
+      const APIIgnoresList &IgnoresList,
+      llvm::function_ref<
+          std::unique_ptr<llvm::raw_pwrite_stream>(llvm::Twine BaseFileName)>
+          CreateOutputStream,
+      SymbolGraphSerializerOption Options = {});
   /// Serialize a single symbol SGF. This is primarily used for libclang.
@@ -75,6 +130,7 @@ class SymbolGraphSerializer : public APISetVisitor<SymbolGraphSerializer> {
   static std::optional<Object> serializeSingleSymbolSGF(StringRef USR,
                                                         const APISet &API);
   /// The kind of a relationship between two symbols.
   enum RelationshipKind {
     /// The source symbol is a member of the target symbol.
@@ -94,16 +150,32 @@ class SymbolGraphSerializer : public APISetVisitor<SymbolGraphSerializer> {
+  /// Serialize a single record.
+  void serializeSingleRecord(const APIRecord *Record);
   /// Get the string representation of the relationship kind.
   static StringRef getRelationshipString(RelationshipKind Kind);
+  void serializeRelationship(RelationshipKind Kind,
+                             const SymbolReference &Source,
+                             const SymbolReference &Target,
+                             ExtendedModule &Into);
   enum ConstraintKind { Conformance, ConditionalConformance };
   static StringRef getConstraintString(ConstraintKind Kind);
-  /// Just serialize the currently recorded objects in Symbol Graph format.
-  Object serializeCurrentGraph();
+  /// Serialize the APIs in \c ExtendedModule.
+  ///
+  /// \returns a JSON object that contains the root of the formatted
+  /// Symbol Graph.
+  Object serializeGraph(StringRef ModuleName, ExtendedModule &&EM);
+  /// Serialize the APIs in \c ExtendedModule in the Symbol Graph format and
+  /// write them to the provide stream.
+  void serializeGraphToStream(raw_ostream &OS,
+                              SymbolGraphSerializerOption Options,
+                              StringRef ModuleName, ExtendedModule &&EM);
   /// Synthesize the metadata section of the Symbol Graph format.
@@ -117,124 +189,92 @@ class SymbolGraphSerializer : public APISetVisitor<SymbolGraphSerializer> {
   /// by the given API set.
   /// Note that "module" here is not to be confused with the Clang/C++ module
   /// concept.
-  Object serializeModule() const;
+  Object serializeModuleObject(StringRef ModuleName) const;
+  Array serializePathComponents(const APIRecord *Record) const;
   /// Determine if the given \p Record should be skipped during serialization.
-  bool shouldSkip(const APIRecord &Record) const;
+  bool shouldSkip(const APIRecord *Record) const;
+  ExtendedModule &getModuleForCurrentSymbol();
   /// Format the common API information for \p Record.
   /// This handles the shared information of all kinds of API records,
-  /// for example identifier and source location. The resulting object is then
-  /// augmented with kind-specific symbol information by the caller.
-  /// This method also checks if the given \p Record should be skipped during
-  /// serialization.
+  /// for example identifier, source location and path components. The resulting
+  /// object is then augmented with kind-specific symbol information in
+  /// subsequent visit* methods by accessing the \p State member variable. This
+  /// method also checks if the given \p Record should be skipped during
+  /// serialization. This should be called only once per concrete APIRecord
+  /// instance and the first visit* method to be called is responsible for
+  /// calling this. This is normally visitAPIRecord unless a walkUpFromFoo
+  /// method is implemented along the inheritance hierarchy in which case the
+  /// visitFoo method needs to call this.
-  /// \returns \c std::nullopt if this \p Record should be skipped, or a JSON
-  /// object containing common symbol information of \p Record.
-  template <typename RecordTy>
-  std::optional<Object> serializeAPIRecord(const RecordTy &Record) const;
-  /// Helper method to serialize second-level member records of \p Record and
-  /// the member-of relationships.
-  template <typename MemberTy>
-  void serializeMembers(const APIRecord &Record,
-                        const SmallVector<std::unique_ptr<MemberTy>> &Members);
-  /// Serialize the \p Kind relationship between \p Source and \p Target.
-  ///
-  /// Record the relationship between the two symbols in
-  /// SymbolGraphSerializer::Relationships.
-  void serializeRelationship(RelationshipKind Kind, SymbolReference Source,
-                             SymbolReference Target);
-  /// The list of symbols to ignore.
-  ///
-  /// Note: This should be consulted before emitting a symbol.
-  const APIIgnoresList &IgnoresList;
-  SymbolGraphSerializerOption Options;
-  llvm::StringSet<> visitedCategories;
+  /// \returns \c nullptr if this \p Record should be skipped, or a pointer to
+  /// JSON object containing common symbol information of \p Record. Do not
+  /// store the returned pointer only use it to augment the object with record
+  /// specific information as it directly points to the object in the
+  /// \p ExtendedModule, the pointer won't be valid as soon as another object is
+  /// inserted into the module.
+  void serializeAPIRecord(const APIRecord *Record);
-  void visitNamespaceRecord(const NamespaceRecord &Record);
-  /// Visit a global function record.
-  void visitGlobalFunctionRecord(const GlobalFunctionRecord &Record);
-  /// Visit a global variable record.
-  void visitGlobalVariableRecord(const GlobalVariableRecord &Record);
-  /// Visit an enum record.
-  void visitEnumRecord(const EnumRecord &Record);
-  /// Visit a record record.
-  void visitRecordRecord(const RecordRecord &Record);
-  void visitStaticFieldRecord(const StaticFieldRecord &Record);
+  // Handle if records should be skipped at this level of the traversal to
+  // ensure that children of skipped records aren't serialized.
+  bool traverseAPIRecord(const APIRecord *Record);
-  void visitCXXClassRecord(const CXXClassRecord &Record);
+  bool visitAPIRecord(const APIRecord *Record);
-  void visitClassTemplateRecord(const ClassTemplateRecord &Record);
-  void visitClassTemplateSpecializationRecord(
-      const ClassTemplateSpecializationRecord &Record);
-  void visitClassTemplatePartialSpecializationRecord(
-      const ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationRecord &Record);
-  void visitCXXInstanceMethodRecord(const CXXInstanceMethodRecord &Record);
+  /// Visit a global function record.
+  bool visitGlobalFunctionRecord(const GlobalFunctionRecord *Record);
-  void visitCXXStaticMethodRecord(const CXXStaticMethodRecord &Record);
+  bool visitCXXClassRecord(const CXXClassRecord *Record);
-  void visitMethodTemplateRecord(const CXXMethodTemplateRecord &Record);
+  bool visitClassTemplateRecord(const ClassTemplateRecord *Record);
-  void visitMethodTemplateSpecializationRecord(
-      const CXXMethodTemplateSpecializationRecord &Record);
+  bool visitClassTemplatePartialSpecializationRecord(
+      const ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationRecord *Record);
-  void visitCXXFieldRecord(const CXXFieldRecord &Record);
+  bool visitCXXMethodRecord(const CXXMethodRecord *Record);
-  void visitCXXFieldTemplateRecord(const CXXFieldTemplateRecord &Record);
+  bool visitCXXMethodTemplateRecord(const CXXMethodTemplateRecord *Record);
-  void visitConceptRecord(const ConceptRecord &Record);
+  bool visitCXXFieldTemplateRecord(const CXXFieldTemplateRecord *Record);
-  void
-  visitGlobalVariableTemplateRecord(const GlobalVariableTemplateRecord &Record);
+  bool visitConceptRecord(const ConceptRecord *Record);
-  void visitGlobalVariableTemplateSpecializationRecord(
-      const GlobalVariableTemplateSpecializationRecord &Record);
+  bool
+  visitGlobalVariableTemplateRecord(const GlobalVariableTemplateRecord *Record);
-  void visitGlobalVariableTemplatePartialSpecializationRecord(
-      const GlobalVariableTemplatePartialSpecializationRecord &Record);
+  bool visitGlobalVariableTemplatePartialSpecializationRecord(
+      const GlobalVariableTemplatePartialSpecializationRecord *Record);
-  void
-  visitGlobalFunctionTemplateRecord(const GlobalFunctionTemplateRecord &Record);
+  bool
+  visitGlobalFunctionTemplateRecord(const GlobalFunctionTemplateRecord *Record);
-  void visitGlobalFunctionTemplateSpecializationRecord(
-      const GlobalFunctionTemplateSpecializationRecord &Record);
+  bool visitObjCContainerRecord(const ObjCContainerRecord *Record);
-  /// Visit an Objective-C container record.
-  void visitObjCContainerRecord(const ObjCContainerRecord &Record);
+  bool visitObjCInterfaceRecord(const ObjCInterfaceRecord *Record);
-  /// Visit an Objective-C category record.
-  void visitObjCCategoryRecord(const ObjCCategoryRecord &Record);
+  bool traverseObjCCategoryRecord(const ObjCCategoryRecord *Record);
+  bool walkUpFromObjCCategoryRecord(const ObjCCategoryRecord *Record);
+  bool visitObjCCategoryRecord(const ObjCCategoryRecord *Record);
-  /// Visit a macro definition record.
-  void visitMacroDefinitionRecord(const MacroDefinitionRecord &Record);
+  bool visitObjCMethodRecord(const ObjCMethodRecord *Record);
-  /// Visit a typedef record.
-  void visitTypedefRecord(const TypedefRecord &Record);
+  bool
+  visitObjCInstanceVariableRecord(const ObjCInstanceVariableRecord *Record);
-  /// Serialize a single record.
-  void serializeSingleRecord(const APIRecord *Record);
+  bool walkUpFromTypedefRecord(const TypedefRecord *Record);
+  bool visitTypedefRecord(const TypedefRecord *Record);
   SymbolGraphSerializer(const APISet &API, const APIIgnoresList &IgnoresList,
-                        SymbolGraphSerializerOption Options = {},
-                        bool ShouldRecurse = true)
-      : APISetVisitor(API), ShouldRecurse(ShouldRecurse),
-        IgnoresList(IgnoresList), Options(Options) {}
+                        bool EmitSymbolLabelsForTesting = false,
+                        bool ForceEmitToMainModule = false)
+      : Base(API), ForceEmitToMainModule(ForceEmitToMainModule),
+        IgnoresList(IgnoresList),
+        EmitSymbolLabelsForTesting(EmitSymbolLabelsForTesting) {}
 } // namespace extractapi
diff --git a/clang/include/clang/Frontend/FrontendOptions.h b/clang/include/clang/Frontend/FrontendOptions.h
index 8085dbcbf671a..864af66b33706 100644
--- a/clang/include/clang/Frontend/FrontendOptions.h
+++ b/clang/include/clang/Frontend/FrontendOptions.h
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
 #include "clang/Sema/CodeCompleteOptions.h"
 #include "clang/Serialization/ModuleFileExtension.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
 #include <cassert>
 #include <map>
@@ -387,6 +388,22 @@ class FrontendOptions {
   unsigned ModulesShareFileManager : 1;
+  /// Whether to emit symbol graph files as a side effect of compilation.
+  unsigned EmitSymbolGraph : 1;
+  /// Whether to emit additional symbol graphs for extended modules.
+  unsigned EmitExtensionSymbolGraphs : 1;
+  /// Whether to emit symbol labels for testing in generated symbol graphs
+  unsigned EmitSymbolGraphSymbolLabelsForTesting : 1;
+  /// Whether to emit symbol labels for testing in generated symbol graphs
+  unsigned EmitPrettySymbolGraphs : 1;
   CodeCompleteOptions CodeCompleteOpts;
   /// Specifies the output format of the AST.
@@ -496,10 +513,8 @@ class FrontendOptions {
   // ignore when extracting documentation.
   std::vector<std::string> ExtractAPIIgnoresFileList;
-  // Currently this is only used as part of the `-emit-symbol-graph`
-  // action.
   // Location of output directory where symbol graph information would
-  // be dumped
+  // be dumped. This overrides regular -o output file specification
   std::string SymbolGraphOutputDir;
   /// Args to pass to the plugins
diff --git a/clang/lib/Driver/Driver.cpp b/clang/lib/Driver/Driver.cpp
index 1a0f5f27eda2f..e6c1767a0082d 100644
--- a/clang/lib/Driver/Driver.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/Driver/Driver.cpp
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
 #include "ToolChains/WebAssembly.h"
 #include "ToolChains/XCore.h"
 #include "ToolChains/ZOS.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/DiagnosticDriver.h"
 #include "clang/Basic/TargetID.h"
 #include "clang/Basic/Version.h"
 #include "clang/Config/config.h"
@@ -5889,6 +5890,12 @@ const char *Driver::GetNamedOutputPath(Compilation &C, const JobAction &JA,
+  if (JA.getType() == types::TY_API_INFO &&
+      C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_emit_extension_symbol_graphs) &&
+      C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_o))
+    Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_unexpected_symbol_graph_output)
+        << C.getArgs().getLastArgValue(options::OPT_o);
   // DXC defaults to standard out when generating assembly. We check this after
   // any DXC flags that might specify a file.
   if (AtTopLevel && JA.getType() == types::TY_PP_Asm && IsDXCMode())
diff --git a/clang/lib/Driver/ToolChains/Clang.cpp b/clang/lib/Driver/ToolChains/Clang.cpp
index b03ac6018d2b8..33f0b05a37696 100644
--- a/clang/lib/Driver/ToolChains/Clang.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/Driver/ToolChains/Clang.cpp
@@ -5037,11 +5037,26 @@ void Clang::ConstructJob(Compilation &C, const JobAction &JA,
     assert(JA.getType() == types::TY_API_INFO &&
            "Extract API actions must generate a API information.");
+    if (Arg *PrettySGFArg = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT_emit_pretty_sgf))
+      PrettySGFArg->render(Args, CmdArgs);
+    Arg *SymbolGraphDirArg = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT_symbol_graph_dir_EQ);
     if (Arg *ProductNameArg = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT_product_name_EQ))
       ProductNameArg->render(Args, CmdArgs);
     if (Arg *ExtractAPIIgnoresFileArg =
       ExtractAPIIgnoresFileArg->render(Args, CmdArgs);
+    if (Arg *EmitExtensionSymbolGraphs =
+            Args.getLastArg(options::OPT_emit_extension_symbol_graphs)) {
+      if (!SymbolGraphDirArg)
+        D.Diag(diag::err_drv_missing_symbol_graph_dir);
+      EmitExtensionSymbolGraphs->render(Args, CmdArgs);
+    }
+    if (SymbolGraphDirArg)
+      SymbolGraphDirArg->render(Args, CmdArgs);
   } else {
     assert((isa<CompileJobAction>(JA) || isa<BackendJobAction>(JA)) &&
            "Invalid action for clang tool.");
diff --git a/clang/lib/ExtractAPI/API.cpp b/clang/lib/ExtractAPI/API.cpp
index aa7a1e9360f47..5a62c5deb2408 100644
--- a/clang/lib/ExtractAPI/API.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/ExtractAPI/API.cpp
@@ -13,514 +13,67 @@
 #include "clang/ExtractAPI/API.h"
-#include "clang/AST/CommentCommandTraits.h"
-#include "clang/AST/CommentLexer.h"
 #include "clang/AST/RawCommentList.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/Module.h"
 #include "clang/Index/USRGeneration.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
 #include <memory>
 using namespace clang::extractapi;
 using namespace llvm;
-namespace {
+SymbolReference::SymbolReference(const APIRecord *R)
+    : Name(R->Name), USR(R->USR), Record(R) {}
-template <typename RecordTy, typename... CtorArgsTy>
-RecordTy *addTopLevelRecord(DenseMap<StringRef, APIRecord *> &USRLookupTable,
-                            APISet::RecordMap<RecordTy> &RecordMap,
-                            StringRef USR, CtorArgsTy &&...CtorArgs) {
-  auto Result = RecordMap.insert({USR, nullptr});
-  // Create the record if it does not already exist
-  if (Result.second)
-    Result.first->second =
-        std::make_unique<RecordTy>(USR, std::forward<CtorArgsTy>(CtorArgs)...);
-  auto *Record = Result.first->second.get();
-  USRLookupTable.insert({USR, Record});
-  return Record;
-} // namespace
-NamespaceRecord *
-APISet::addNamespace(APIRecord *Parent, StringRef Name, StringRef USR,
-                     PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability,
-                     LinkageInfo Linkage, const DocComment &Comment,
-                     DeclarationFragments Declaration,
-                     DeclarationFragments SubHeading, bool IsFromSystemHeader) {
-  auto *Record = addTopLevelRecord(
-      USRBasedLookupTable, Namespaces, USR, Name, Loc, std::move(Availability),
-      Linkage, Comment, Declaration, SubHeading, IsFromSystemHeader);
-  if (Parent)
-    Record->ParentInformation = APIRecord::HierarchyInformation(
-        Parent->USR, Parent->Name, Parent->getKind(), Parent);
-  return Record;
-GlobalVariableRecord *
-APISet::addGlobalVar(StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-                     AvailabilityInfo Availability, LinkageInfo Linkage,
-                     const DocComment &Comment, DeclarationFragments Fragments,
-                     DeclarationFragments SubHeading, bool IsFromSystemHeader) {
-  return addTopLevelRecord(USRBasedLookupTable, GlobalVariables, USR, Name, Loc,
-                           std::move(Availability), Linkage, Comment, Fragments,
-                           SubHeading, IsFromSystemHeader);
-GlobalVariableTemplateRecord *APISet::addGlobalVariableTemplate(
-    StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-    AvailabilityInfo Availability, LinkageInfo Linkage,
-    const DocComment &Comment, DeclarationFragments Declaration,
-    DeclarationFragments SubHeading, Template Template,
-    bool IsFromSystemHeader) {
-  return addTopLevelRecord(USRBasedLookupTable, GlobalVariableTemplates, USR,
-                           Name, Loc, std::move(Availability), Linkage, Comment,
-                           Declaration, SubHeading, Template,
-                           IsFromSystemHeader);
-GlobalFunctionRecord *APISet::addGlobalFunction(
-    StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-    AvailabilityInfo Availability, LinkageInfo Linkage,
-    const DocComment &Comment, DeclarationFragments Fragments,
-    DeclarationFragments SubHeading, FunctionSignature Signature,
-    bool IsFromSystemHeader) {
-  return addTopLevelRecord(USRBasedLookupTable, GlobalFunctions, USR, Name, Loc,
-                           std::move(Availability), Linkage, Comment, Fragments,
-                           SubHeading, Signature, IsFromSystemHeader);
-GlobalFunctionTemplateRecord *APISet::addGlobalFunctionTemplate(
-    StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-    AvailabilityInfo Availability, LinkageInfo Linkage,
-    const DocComment &Comment, DeclarationFragments Declaration,
-    DeclarationFragments SubHeading, FunctionSignature Signature,
-    Template Template, bool IsFromSystemHeader) {
-  return addTopLevelRecord(USRBasedLookupTable, GlobalFunctionTemplates, USR,
-                           Name, Loc, std::move(Availability), Linkage, Comment,
-                           Declaration, SubHeading, Signature, Template,
-                           IsFromSystemHeader);
-GlobalFunctionTemplateSpecializationRecord *
-    StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-    AvailabilityInfo Availability, LinkageInfo Linkage,
-    const DocComment &Comment, DeclarationFragments Declaration,
-    DeclarationFragments SubHeading, FunctionSignature Signature,
-    bool IsFromSystemHeader) {
-  return addTopLevelRecord(
-      USRBasedLookupTable, GlobalFunctionTemplateSpecializations, USR, Name,
-      Loc, std::move(Availability), Linkage, Comment, Declaration, SubHeading,
-      Signature, IsFromSystemHeader);
-EnumConstantRecord *APISet::addEnumConstant(EnumRecord *Enum, StringRef Name,
-                                            StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-                                            AvailabilityInfo Availability,
-                                            const DocComment &Comment,
-                                            DeclarationFragments Declaration,
-                                            DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
-                                            bool IsFromSystemHeader) {
-  auto Record = std::make_unique<EnumConstantRecord>(
-      USR, Name, Loc, std::move(Availability), Comment, Declaration, SubHeading,
-      IsFromSystemHeader);
-  Record->ParentInformation = APIRecord::HierarchyInformation(
-      Enum->USR, Enum->Name, Enum->getKind(), Enum);
-  USRBasedLookupTable.insert({USR, Record.get()});
-  return Enum->Constants.emplace_back(std::move(Record)).get();
-EnumRecord *APISet::addEnum(StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-                            AvailabilityInfo Availability,
-                            const DocComment &Comment,
-                            DeclarationFragments Declaration,
-                            DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
-                            bool IsFromSystemHeader) {
-  return addTopLevelRecord(USRBasedLookupTable, Enums, USR, Name, Loc,
-                           std::move(Availability), Comment, Declaration,
-                           SubHeading, IsFromSystemHeader);
-RecordFieldRecord *APISet::addRecordField(
-    RecordRecord *Record, StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-    AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
-    DeclarationFragments Declaration, DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
-    APIRecord::RecordKind Kind, bool IsFromSystemHeader) {
-  auto RecordField = std::make_unique<RecordFieldRecord>(
-      USR, Name, Loc, std::move(Availability), Comment, Declaration, SubHeading,
-      Kind, IsFromSystemHeader);
-  RecordField->ParentInformation = APIRecord::HierarchyInformation(
-      Record->USR, Record->Name, Record->getKind(), Record);
-  USRBasedLookupTable.insert({USR, RecordField.get()});
-  return Record->Fields.emplace_back(std::move(RecordField)).get();
-RecordRecord *APISet::addRecord(StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-                                AvailabilityInfo Availability,
-                                const DocComment &Comment,
-                                DeclarationFragments Declaration,
-                                DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
-                                APIRecord::RecordKind Kind,
-                                bool IsFromSystemHeader) {
-  return addTopLevelRecord(USRBasedLookupTable, Records, USR, Name, Loc,
-                           std::move(Availability), Comment, Declaration,
-                           SubHeading, Kind, IsFromSystemHeader);
-StaticFieldRecord *
-APISet::addStaticField(StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-                       AvailabilityInfo Availability, LinkageInfo Linkage,
-                       const DocComment &Comment,
-                       DeclarationFragments Declaration,
-                       DeclarationFragments SubHeading, SymbolReference Context,
-                       AccessControl Access, bool IsFromSystemHeader) {
-  return addTopLevelRecord(USRBasedLookupTable, StaticFields, USR, Name, Loc,
-                           std::move(Availability), Linkage, Comment,
-                           Declaration, SubHeading, Context, Access,
-                           IsFromSystemHeader);
-CXXFieldRecord *
-APISet::addCXXField(APIRecord *CXXClass, StringRef Name, StringRef USR,
-                    PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability,
-                    const DocComment &Comment, DeclarationFragments Declaration,
-                    DeclarationFragments SubHeading, AccessControl Access,
-                    bool IsFromSystemHeader) {
-  auto *Record = addTopLevelRecord(
-      USRBasedLookupTable, CXXFields, USR, Name, Loc, std::move(Availability),
-      Comment, Declaration, SubHeading, Access, IsFromSystemHeader);
-  Record->ParentInformation = APIRecord::HierarchyInformation(
-      CXXClass->USR, CXXClass->Name, CXXClass->getKind(), CXXClass);
-  return Record;
-CXXFieldTemplateRecord *APISet::addCXXFieldTemplate(
-    APIRecord *Parent, StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-    AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
-    DeclarationFragments Declaration, DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
-    AccessControl Access, Template Template, bool IsFromSystemHeader) {
-  auto *Record =
-      addTopLevelRecord(USRBasedLookupTable, CXXFieldTemplates, USR, Name, Loc,
-                        std::move(Availability), Comment, Declaration,
-                        SubHeading, Access, Template, IsFromSystemHeader);
-  Record->ParentInformation = APIRecord::HierarchyInformation(
-      Parent->USR, Parent->Name, Parent->getKind(), Parent);
-  return Record;
-CXXClassRecord *
-APISet::addCXXClass(APIRecord *Parent, StringRef Name, StringRef USR,
-                    PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability,
-                    const DocComment &Comment, DeclarationFragments Declaration,
-                    DeclarationFragments SubHeading, APIRecord::RecordKind Kind,
-                    AccessControl Access, bool IsFromSystemHeader) {
-  auto *Record = addTopLevelRecord(
-      USRBasedLookupTable, CXXClasses, USR, Name, Loc, std::move(Availability),
-      Comment, Declaration, SubHeading, Kind, Access, IsFromSystemHeader);
-  if (Parent)
-    Record->ParentInformation = APIRecord::HierarchyInformation(
-        Parent->USR, Parent->Name, Parent->getKind(), Parent);
-  return Record;
-ClassTemplateRecord *APISet::addClassTemplate(
-    APIRecord *Parent, StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-    AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
-    DeclarationFragments Declaration, DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
-    Template Template, AccessControl Access, bool IsFromSystemHeader) {
-  auto *Record =
-      addTopLevelRecord(USRBasedLookupTable, ClassTemplates, USR, Name, Loc,
-                        std::move(Availability), Comment, Declaration,
-                        SubHeading, Template, Access, IsFromSystemHeader);
-  if (Parent)
-    Record->ParentInformation = APIRecord::HierarchyInformation(
-        Parent->USR, Parent->Name, Parent->getKind(), Parent);
-  return Record;
-ClassTemplateSpecializationRecord *APISet::addClassTemplateSpecialization(
-    APIRecord *Parent, StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-    AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
-    DeclarationFragments Declaration, DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
-    AccessControl Access, bool IsFromSystemHeader) {
-  auto *Record =
-      addTopLevelRecord(USRBasedLookupTable, ClassTemplateSpecializations, USR,
-                        Name, Loc, std::move(Availability), Comment,
-                        Declaration, SubHeading, Access, IsFromSystemHeader);
-  if (Parent)
-    Record->ParentInformation = APIRecord::HierarchyInformation(
-        Parent->USR, Parent->Name, Parent->getKind(), Parent);
-  return Record;
-ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationRecord *
-    APIRecord *Parent, StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-    AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
-    DeclarationFragments Declaration, DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
-    Template Template, AccessControl Access, bool IsFromSystemHeader) {
-  auto *Record = addTopLevelRecord(
-      USRBasedLookupTable, ClassTemplatePartialSpecializations, USR, Name, Loc,
-      std::move(Availability), Comment, Declaration, SubHeading, Template,
-      Access, IsFromSystemHeader);
-  if (Parent)
-    Record->ParentInformation = APIRecord::HierarchyInformation(
-        Parent->USR, Parent->Name, Parent->getKind(), Parent);
-  return Record;
-GlobalVariableTemplateSpecializationRecord *
-    StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-    AvailabilityInfo Availability, LinkageInfo Linkage,
-    const DocComment &Comment, DeclarationFragments Declaration,
-    DeclarationFragments SubHeading, bool IsFromSystemHeader) {
-  return addTopLevelRecord(USRBasedLookupTable,
-                           GlobalVariableTemplateSpecializations, USR, Name,
-                           Loc, std::move(Availability), Linkage, Comment,
-                           Declaration, SubHeading, IsFromSystemHeader);
-GlobalVariableTemplatePartialSpecializationRecord *
-    StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-    AvailabilityInfo Availability, LinkageInfo Linkage,
-    const DocComment &Comment, DeclarationFragments Declaration,
-    DeclarationFragments SubHeading, Template Template,
-    bool IsFromSystemHeader) {
-  return addTopLevelRecord(
-      USRBasedLookupTable, GlobalVariableTemplatePartialSpecializations, USR,
-      Name, Loc, std::move(Availability), Linkage, Comment, Declaration,
-      SubHeading, Template, IsFromSystemHeader);
-ConceptRecord *APISet::addConcept(StringRef Name, StringRef USR,
-                                  PresumedLoc Loc,
-                                  AvailabilityInfo Availability,
-                                  const DocComment &Comment,
-                                  DeclarationFragments Declaration,
-                                  DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
-                                  Template Template, bool IsFromSystemHeader) {
-  return addTopLevelRecord(USRBasedLookupTable, Concepts, USR, Name, Loc,
-                           std::move(Availability), Comment, Declaration,
-                           SubHeading, Template, IsFromSystemHeader);
-CXXMethodRecord *APISet::addCXXInstanceMethod(
-    APIRecord *CXXClassRecord, StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-    AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
-    DeclarationFragments Declaration, DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
-    FunctionSignature Signature, AccessControl Access,
-    bool IsFromSystemHeader) {
-  CXXMethodRecord *Record =
-      addTopLevelRecord(USRBasedLookupTable, CXXInstanceMethods, USR, Name, Loc,
-                        std::move(Availability), Comment, Declaration,
-                        SubHeading, Signature, Access, IsFromSystemHeader);
-  Record->ParentInformation = APIRecord::HierarchyInformation(
-      CXXClassRecord->USR, CXXClassRecord->Name, CXXClassRecord->getKind(),
-      CXXClassRecord);
-  return Record;
-CXXMethodRecord *APISet::addCXXStaticMethod(
-    APIRecord *CXXClassRecord, StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-    AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
-    DeclarationFragments Declaration, DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
-    FunctionSignature Signature, AccessControl Access,
-    bool IsFromSystemHeader) {
-  CXXMethodRecord *Record =
-      addTopLevelRecord(USRBasedLookupTable, CXXStaticMethods, USR, Name, Loc,
-                        std::move(Availability), Comment, Declaration,
-                        SubHeading, Signature, Access, IsFromSystemHeader);
-  Record->ParentInformation = APIRecord::HierarchyInformation(
-      CXXClassRecord->USR, CXXClassRecord->Name, CXXClassRecord->getKind(),
-      CXXClassRecord);
-  return Record;
-CXXMethodTemplateRecord *APISet::addCXXMethodTemplate(
-    APIRecord *Parent, StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-    AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
-    DeclarationFragments Declaration, DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
-    FunctionSignature Signature, AccessControl Access, Template Template,
-    bool IsFromSystemHeader) {
-  auto *Record = addTopLevelRecord(USRBasedLookupTable, CXXMethodTemplates, USR,
-                                   Name, Loc, std::move(Availability), Comment,
-                                   Declaration, SubHeading, Signature, Access,
-                                   Template, IsFromSystemHeader);
-  Record->ParentInformation = APIRecord::HierarchyInformation(
-      Parent->USR, Parent->Name, Parent->getKind(), Parent);
-  return Record;
-CXXMethodTemplateSpecializationRecord *APISet::addCXXMethodTemplateSpec(
-    APIRecord *Parent, StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-    AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
-    DeclarationFragments Declaration, DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
-    FunctionSignature Signature, AccessControl Access,
-    bool IsFromSystemHeader) {
-  auto *Record = addTopLevelRecord(
-      USRBasedLookupTable, CXXMethodTemplateSpecializations, USR, Name, Loc,
-      std::move(Availability), Comment, Declaration, SubHeading, Signature,
-      Access, IsFromSystemHeader);
-  Record->ParentInformation = APIRecord::HierarchyInformation(
-      Parent->USR, Parent->Name, Parent->getKind(), Parent);
-  return Record;
-ObjCCategoryRecord *APISet::addObjCCategory(
-    StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-    AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
-    DeclarationFragments Declaration, DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
-    SymbolReference Interface, bool IsFromSystemHeader,
-    bool IsFromExternalModule) {
-  // Create the category record.
-  auto *Record =
-      addTopLevelRecord(USRBasedLookupTable, ObjCCategories, USR, Name, Loc,
-                        std::move(Availability), Comment, Declaration,
-                        SubHeading, Interface, IsFromSystemHeader);
-  Record->IsFromExternalModule = IsFromExternalModule;
-  auto It = ObjCInterfaces.find(Interface.USR);
-  if (It != ObjCInterfaces.end())
-    It->second->Categories.push_back(Record);
-  return Record;
-ObjCInterfaceRecord *
-APISet::addObjCInterface(StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-                         AvailabilityInfo Availability, LinkageInfo Linkage,
-                         const DocComment &Comment,
-                         DeclarationFragments Declaration,
-                         DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
-                         SymbolReference SuperClass, bool IsFromSystemHeader) {
-  return addTopLevelRecord(USRBasedLookupTable, ObjCInterfaces, USR, Name, Loc,
-                           std::move(Availability), Linkage, Comment,
-                           Declaration, SubHeading, SuperClass,
-                           IsFromSystemHeader);
-ObjCMethodRecord *APISet::addObjCMethod(
-    ObjCContainerRecord *Container, StringRef Name, StringRef USR,
-    PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
-    DeclarationFragments Declaration, DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
-    FunctionSignature Signature, bool IsInstanceMethod,
-    bool IsFromSystemHeader) {
-  std::unique_ptr<ObjCMethodRecord> Record;
-  if (IsInstanceMethod)
-    Record = std::make_unique<ObjCInstanceMethodRecord>(
-        USR, Name, Loc, std::move(Availability), Comment, Declaration,
-        SubHeading, Signature, IsFromSystemHeader);
-  else
-    Record = std::make_unique<ObjCClassMethodRecord>(
-        USR, Name, Loc, std::move(Availability), Comment, Declaration,
-        SubHeading, Signature, IsFromSystemHeader);
-  Record->ParentInformation = APIRecord::HierarchyInformation(
-      Container->USR, Container->Name, Container->getKind(), Container);
-  USRBasedLookupTable.insert({USR, Record.get()});
-  return Container->Methods.emplace_back(std::move(Record)).get();
-ObjCPropertyRecord *APISet::addObjCProperty(
-    ObjCContainerRecord *Container, StringRef Name, StringRef USR,
-    PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
-    DeclarationFragments Declaration, DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
-    ObjCPropertyRecord::AttributeKind Attributes, StringRef GetterName,
-    StringRef SetterName, bool IsOptional, bool IsInstanceProperty,
-    bool IsFromSystemHeader) {
-  std::unique_ptr<ObjCPropertyRecord> Record;
-  if (IsInstanceProperty)
-    Record = std::make_unique<ObjCInstancePropertyRecord>(
-        USR, Name, Loc, std::move(Availability), Comment, Declaration,
-        SubHeading, Attributes, GetterName, SetterName, IsOptional,
-        IsFromSystemHeader);
-  else
-    Record = std::make_unique<ObjCClassPropertyRecord>(
-        USR, Name, Loc, std::move(Availability), Comment, Declaration,
-        SubHeading, Attributes, GetterName, SetterName, IsOptional,
-        IsFromSystemHeader);
-  Record->ParentInformation = APIRecord::HierarchyInformation(
-      Container->USR, Container->Name, Container->getKind(), Container);
-  USRBasedLookupTable.insert({USR, Record.get()});
-  return Container->Properties.emplace_back(std::move(Record)).get();
-ObjCInstanceVariableRecord *APISet::addObjCInstanceVariable(
-    ObjCContainerRecord *Container, StringRef Name, StringRef USR,
-    PresumedLoc Loc, AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
-    DeclarationFragments Declaration, DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
-    ObjCInstanceVariableRecord::AccessControl Access, bool IsFromSystemHeader) {
-  auto Record = std::make_unique<ObjCInstanceVariableRecord>(
-      USR, Name, Loc, std::move(Availability), Comment, Declaration, SubHeading,
-      Access, IsFromSystemHeader);
-  Record->ParentInformation = APIRecord::HierarchyInformation(
-      Container->USR, Container->Name, Container->getKind(), Container);
-  USRBasedLookupTable.insert({USR, Record.get()});
-  return Container->Ivars.emplace_back(std::move(Record)).get();
+APIRecord *APIRecord::castFromRecordContext(const RecordContext *Ctx) {
+  switch (Ctx->getKind()) {
+#define RECORD_CONTEXT(CLASS, KIND)                                            \
+  case KIND:                                                                   \
+    return static_cast<CLASS *>(const_cast<RecordContext *>(Ctx));
+#include "clang/ExtractAPI/APIRecords.inc"
+  default:
+    return nullptr;
+    // llvm_unreachable("RecordContext derived class isn't propertly
+    // implemented");
+  }
-ObjCProtocolRecord *APISet::addObjCProtocol(StringRef Name, StringRef USR,
-                                            PresumedLoc Loc,
-                                            AvailabilityInfo Availability,
-                                            const DocComment &Comment,
-                                            DeclarationFragments Declaration,
-                                            DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
-                                            bool IsFromSystemHeader) {
-  return addTopLevelRecord(USRBasedLookupTable, ObjCProtocols, USR, Name, Loc,
-                           std::move(Availability), Comment, Declaration,
-                           SubHeading, IsFromSystemHeader);
+RecordContext *APIRecord::castToRecordContext(const APIRecord *Record) {
+  if (!Record)
+    return nullptr;
+  switch (Record->getKind()) {
+#define RECORD_CONTEXT(CLASS, KIND)                                            \
+  case KIND:                                                                   \
+    return static_cast<CLASS *>(const_cast<APIRecord *>(Record));
+#include "clang/ExtractAPI/APIRecords.inc"
+  default:
+    return nullptr;
+    // llvm_unreachable("RecordContext derived class isn't propertly
+    // implemented");
+  }
-MacroDefinitionRecord *
-APISet::addMacroDefinition(StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-                           DeclarationFragments Declaration,
-                           DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
-                           bool IsFromSystemHeader) {
-  return addTopLevelRecord(USRBasedLookupTable, Macros, USR, Name, Loc,
-                           Declaration, SubHeading, IsFromSystemHeader);
+void RecordContext::addToRecordChain(APIRecord *Record) const {
+  if (!First) {
+    First = Record;
+    Last = Record;
+    return;
+  }
-TypedefRecord *
-APISet::addTypedef(StringRef Name, StringRef USR, PresumedLoc Loc,
-                   AvailabilityInfo Availability, const DocComment &Comment,
-                   DeclarationFragments Declaration,
-                   DeclarationFragments SubHeading,
-                   SymbolReference UnderlyingType, bool IsFromSystemHeader) {
-  return addTopLevelRecord(USRBasedLookupTable, Typedefs, USR, Name, Loc,
-                           std::move(Availability), Comment, Declaration,
-                           SubHeading, UnderlyingType, IsFromSystemHeader);
+  Last->NextInContext = Record;
+  Last = Record;
 APIRecord *APISet::findRecordForUSR(StringRef USR) const {
   if (USR.empty())
     return nullptr;
-  return USRBasedLookupTable.lookup(USR);
-StringRef APISet::recordUSR(const Decl *D) {
-  SmallString<128> USR;
-  index::generateUSRForDecl(D, USR);
-  return copyString(USR);
+  auto FindIt = USRBasedLookupTable.find(USR);
+  if (FindIt != USRBasedLookupTable.end())
+    return FindIt->getSecond().get();
-StringRef APISet::recordUSRForMacro(StringRef Name, SourceLocation SL,
-                                    const SourceManager &SM) {
-  SmallString<128> USR;
-  index::generateUSRForMacro(Name, SL, SM, USR);
-  return copyString(USR);
+  return nullptr;
 StringRef APISet::copyString(StringRef String) {
@@ -528,15 +81,22 @@ StringRef APISet::copyString(StringRef String) {
     return {};
   // No need to allocate memory and copy if the string has already been stored.
-  if (StringAllocator.identifyObject(String.data()))
+  if (Allocator.identifyObject(String.data()))
     return String;
-  void *Ptr = StringAllocator.Allocate(String.size(), 1);
+  void *Ptr = Allocator.Allocate(String.size(), 1);
   memcpy(Ptr, String.data(), String.size());
   return StringRef(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(Ptr), String.size());
+SymbolReference APISet::createSymbolReference(StringRef Name, StringRef USR,
+                                              StringRef Source) {
+  return SymbolReference(copyString(Name), copyString(USR), copyString(Source));
 APIRecord::~APIRecord() {}
+RecordRecord::~RecordRecord() {}
+RecordFieldRecord::~RecordFieldRecord() {}
 ObjCContainerRecord::~ObjCContainerRecord() {}
 ObjCMethodRecord::~ObjCMethodRecord() {}
 ObjCPropertyRecord::~ObjCPropertyRecord() {}
@@ -546,8 +106,10 @@ void GlobalFunctionRecord::anchor() {}
 void GlobalVariableRecord::anchor() {}
 void EnumConstantRecord::anchor() {}
 void EnumRecord::anchor() {}
-void RecordFieldRecord::anchor() {}
-void RecordRecord::anchor() {}
+void StructFieldRecord::anchor() {}
+void StructRecord::anchor() {}
+void UnionFieldRecord::anchor() {}
+void UnionRecord::anchor() {}
 void CXXFieldRecord::anchor() {}
 void CXXClassRecord::anchor() {}
 void CXXConstructorRecord::anchor() {}
diff --git a/clang/lib/ExtractAPI/DeclarationFragments.cpp b/clang/lib/ExtractAPI/DeclarationFragments.cpp
index 80a0a498dc400..0f9e1eb22a1d9 100644
--- a/clang/lib/ExtractAPI/DeclarationFragments.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/ExtractAPI/DeclarationFragments.cpp
@@ -60,23 +60,44 @@ void findTypeLocForBlockDecl(const clang::TypeSourceInfo *TSInfo,
 } // namespace
-DeclarationFragments &DeclarationFragments::appendSpace() {
+DeclarationFragments &
+DeclarationFragments::appendUnduplicatedTextCharacter(char Character) {
   if (!Fragments.empty()) {
     Fragment &Last = Fragments.back();
     if (Last.Kind == FragmentKind::Text) {
       // Merge the extra space into the last fragment if the last fragment is
       // also text.
-      if (Last.Spelling.back() != ' ') { // avoid extra trailing spaces.
-        Last.Spelling.push_back(' ');
+      if (Last.Spelling.back() != Character) { // avoid duplicates at end
+        Last.Spelling.push_back(Character);
     } else {
-      append(" ", FragmentKind::Text);
+      append("", FragmentKind::Text);
+      Fragments.back().Spelling.push_back(Character);
   return *this;
+DeclarationFragments &DeclarationFragments::appendSpace() {
+  return appendUnduplicatedTextCharacter(' ');
+DeclarationFragments &DeclarationFragments::appendSemicolon() {
+  return appendUnduplicatedTextCharacter(';');
+DeclarationFragments &DeclarationFragments::removeTrailingSemicolon() {
+  if (Fragments.empty())
+    return *this;
+  Fragment &Last = Fragments.back();
+  if (Last.Kind == FragmentKind::Text && Last.Spelling.back() == ';')
+    Last.Spelling.pop_back();
+  return *this;
 StringRef DeclarationFragments::getFragmentKindString(
     DeclarationFragments::FragmentKind Kind) {
   switch (Kind) {
@@ -469,7 +490,7 @@ DeclarationFragments DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getFragmentsForNamespace(
   if (!Decl->isAnonymousNamespace())
         Decl->getName(), DeclarationFragments::FragmentKind::Identifier);
-  return Fragments.append(";", DeclarationFragments::FragmentKind::Text);
+  return Fragments.appendSemicolon();
@@ -511,7 +532,7 @@ DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getFragmentsForVar(const VarDecl *Var) {
   return Fragments
       .append(Var->getName(), DeclarationFragments::FragmentKind::Identifier)
-      .append(";", DeclarationFragments::FragmentKind::Text);
+      .appendSemicolon();
@@ -543,7 +564,7 @@ DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getFragmentsForVarTemplate(const VarDecl *Var) {
       .append(Var->getName(), DeclarationFragments::FragmentKind::Identifier)
-      .append(";", DeclarationFragments::FragmentKind::Text);
+      .appendSemicolon();
   return Fragments;
@@ -712,7 +733,7 @@ DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getFragmentsForFunction(const FunctionDecl *Func) {
-  return Fragments.append(";", DeclarationFragments::FragmentKind::Text);
+  return Fragments.appendSemicolon();
 DeclarationFragments DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getFragmentsForEnumConstant(
@@ -741,7 +762,7 @@ DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getFragmentsForEnum(const EnumDecl *EnumDecl) {
             getFragmentsForType(IntegerType, EnumDecl->getASTContext(), After))
-  return Fragments.append(";", DeclarationFragments::FragmentKind::Text);
+  return Fragments.appendSemicolon();
@@ -757,7 +778,7 @@ DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getFragmentsForField(const FieldDecl *Field) {
       .append(Field->getName(), DeclarationFragments::FragmentKind::Identifier)
-      .append(";", DeclarationFragments::FragmentKind::Text);
+      .appendSemicolon();
 DeclarationFragments DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getFragmentsForRecordDecl(
@@ -775,7 +796,7 @@ DeclarationFragments DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getFragmentsForRecordDecl(
         Record->getName(), DeclarationFragments::FragmentKind::Identifier);
-  return Fragments.append(";", DeclarationFragments::FragmentKind::Text);
+  return Fragments.appendSemicolon();
 DeclarationFragments DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getFragmentsForCXXClass(
@@ -790,7 +811,7 @@ DeclarationFragments DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getFragmentsForCXXClass(
         Record->getName(), DeclarationFragments::FragmentKind::Identifier);
-  return Fragments.append(";", DeclarationFragments::FragmentKind::Text);
+  return Fragments.appendSemicolon();
@@ -820,7 +841,7 @@ DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getFragmentsForSpecialCXXMethod(
-  return Fragments.append(";", DeclarationFragments::FragmentKind::Text);
+  return Fragments.appendSemicolon();
 DeclarationFragments DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getFragmentsForCXXMethod(
@@ -860,7 +881,7 @@ DeclarationFragments DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getFragmentsForCXXMethod(
-  return Fragments.append(";", DeclarationFragments::FragmentKind::Text);
+  return Fragments.appendSemicolon();
@@ -891,7 +912,7 @@ DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getFragmentsForConversionFunction(
-  return Fragments.append(";", DeclarationFragments::FragmentKind::Text);
+  return Fragments.appendSemicolon();
@@ -923,7 +944,7 @@ DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getFragmentsForOverloadedOperator(
-  return Fragments.append(";", DeclarationFragments::FragmentKind::Text);
+  return Fragments.appendSemicolon();
 // Get fragments for template parameters, e.g. T in tempalte<typename T> ...
@@ -1028,7 +1049,7 @@ DeclarationFragments DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getFragmentsForConcept(
-      .append(";", DeclarationFragments::FragmentKind::Text);
+      .appendSemicolon();
@@ -1069,7 +1090,7 @@ DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getFragmentsForClassTemplateSpecialization(
                                            Decl->getASTContext(), std::nullopt))
       .append(">", DeclarationFragments::FragmentKind::Text)
-      .append(";", DeclarationFragments::FragmentKind::Text);
+      .appendSemicolon();
@@ -1091,7 +1112,7 @@ DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getFragmentsForClassTemplatePartialSpecialization(
           Decl->getTemplateArgs().asArray(), Decl->getASTContext(),
       .append(">", DeclarationFragments::FragmentKind::Text)
-      .append(";", DeclarationFragments::FragmentKind::Text);
+      .appendSemicolon();
@@ -1110,7 +1131,7 @@ DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getFragmentsForVarTemplateSpecialization(
                                            Decl->getASTContext(), std::nullopt))
       .append(">", DeclarationFragments::FragmentKind::Text)
-      .append(";", DeclarationFragments::FragmentKind::Text);
+      .appendSemicolon();
@@ -1132,7 +1153,7 @@ DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getFragmentsForVarTemplatePartialSpecialization(
           Decl->getTemplateArgs().asArray(), Decl->getASTContext(),
       .append(">", DeclarationFragments::FragmentKind::Text)
-      .append(";", DeclarationFragments::FragmentKind::Text);
+      .appendSemicolon();
@@ -1203,7 +1224,7 @@ DeclarationFragments DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getFragmentsForObjCCategory(
   Fragments.append("@interface", DeclarationFragments::FragmentKind::Keyword)
-      .append(Category->getClassInterface()->getName(),
+      .append(Interface->getName(),
               DeclarationFragments::FragmentKind::TypeIdentifier, InterfaceUSR,
       .append(" (", DeclarationFragments::FragmentKind::Text)
@@ -1277,7 +1298,7 @@ DeclarationFragments DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getFragmentsForObjCMethod(
-  return Fragments.append(";", DeclarationFragments::FragmentKind::Text);
+  return Fragments.appendSemicolon();
 DeclarationFragments DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getFragmentsForObjCProperty(
@@ -1378,7 +1399,7 @@ DeclarationFragments DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getFragmentsForObjCProperty(
-      .append(";", DeclarationFragments::FragmentKind::Text);
+      .appendSemicolon();
 DeclarationFragments DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getFragmentsForObjCProtocol(
@@ -1422,7 +1443,7 @@ DeclarationFragments DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getFragmentsForTypedef(
       .append(Decl->getName(), DeclarationFragments::FragmentKind::Identifier);
-  return Fragments.append(";", DeclarationFragments::FragmentKind::Text);
+  return Fragments.appendSemicolon();
 // Instantiate template for FunctionDecl.
diff --git a/clang/lib/ExtractAPI/ExtractAPIConsumer.cpp b/clang/lib/ExtractAPI/ExtractAPIConsumer.cpp
index 275f49be22e15..d6335854cbf26 100644
--- a/clang/lib/ExtractAPI/ExtractAPIConsumer.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/ExtractAPI/ExtractAPIConsumer.cpp
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
 #include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h"
 #include "clang/Frontend/FrontendOptions.h"
 #include "clang/Frontend/MultiplexConsumer.h"
+#include "clang/Index/USRGeneration.h"
 #include "clang/InstallAPI/HeaderFile.h"
 #include "clang/Lex/MacroInfo.h"
 #include "clang/Lex/PPCallbacks.h"
@@ -39,6 +40,7 @@
 #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
@@ -327,11 +329,12 @@ class MacroCallback : public PPCallbacks {
       StringRef Name = PM.MacroNameToken.getIdentifierInfo()->getName();
       PresumedLoc Loc = SM.getPresumedLoc(PM.MacroNameToken.getLocation());
-      StringRef USR =
-          API.recordUSRForMacro(Name, PM.MacroNameToken.getLocation(), SM);
+      SmallString<128> USR;
+      index::generateUSRForMacro(Name, PM.MacroNameToken.getLocation(), SM,
+                                 USR);
-      API.addMacroDefinition(
-          Name, USR, Loc,
+      API.createRecord<extractapi::MacroDefinitionRecord>(
+          USR, Name, SymbolReference(), Loc,
           DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getFragmentsForMacro(Name, PM.MD),
@@ -372,40 +375,57 @@ class APIMacroCallback : public MacroCallback {
   LocationFileChecker &LCF;
+createAdditionalSymbolGraphFile(CompilerInstance &CI, Twine BaseName) {
+  auto OutputDirectory = CI.getFrontendOpts().SymbolGraphOutputDir;
+  SmallString<256> FileName;
+  llvm::sys::path::append(FileName, OutputDirectory,
+                          BaseName + ".symbols.json");
+  return CI.createOutputFile(
+      FileName, /*Binary*/ false, /*RemoveFileOnSignal*/ false,
+      /*UseTemporary*/ true, /*CreateMissingDirectories*/ true);
 } // namespace
-void ExtractAPIActionBase::ImplEndSourceFileAction() {
-  if (!OS)
-    return;
+void ExtractAPIActionBase::ImplEndSourceFileAction(CompilerInstance &CI) {
+  SymbolGraphSerializerOption SerializationOptions;
+  SerializationOptions.Compact = !CI.getFrontendOpts().EmitPrettySymbolGraphs;
+  SerializationOptions.EmitSymbolLabelsForTesting =
+      CI.getFrontendOpts().EmitSymbolGraphSymbolLabelsForTesting;
+  if (CI.getFrontendOpts().EmitExtensionSymbolGraphs) {
+    auto ConstructOutputFile = [&CI](Twine BaseName) {
+      return createAdditionalSymbolGraphFile(CI, BaseName);
+    };
+    SymbolGraphSerializer::serializeWithExtensionGraphs(
+        *OS, *API, IgnoresList, ConstructOutputFile, SerializationOptions);
+  } else {
+    SymbolGraphSerializer::serializeMainSymbolGraph(*OS, *API, IgnoresList,
+                                                    SerializationOptions);
+  }
-  // Setup a SymbolGraphSerializer to write out collected API information in
-  // the Symbol Graph format.
-  // FIXME: Make the kind of APISerializer configurable.
-  SymbolGraphSerializer SGSerializer(*API, IgnoresList);
-  SGSerializer.serialize(*OS);
+  // Flush the stream and close the main output stream.
-ExtractAPIAction::CreateOutputFile(CompilerInstance &CI, StringRef InFile) {
-  std::unique_ptr<raw_pwrite_stream> OS;
-  OS = CI.createDefaultOutputFile(/*Binary=*/false, InFile,
-                                  /*Extension=*/"json",
-                                  /*RemoveFileOnSignal=*/false);
-  if (!OS)
-    return nullptr;
-  return OS;
 ExtractAPIAction::CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance &CI, StringRef InFile) {
-  OS = CreateOutputFile(CI, InFile);
+  auto ProductName = CI.getFrontendOpts().ProductName;
+  if (CI.getFrontendOpts().SymbolGraphOutputDir.empty())
+    OS = CI.createDefaultOutputFile(/*Binary*/ false, InFile,
+                                    /*Extension*/ "symbols.json",
+                                    /*RemoveFileOnSignal*/ false,
+                                    /*CreateMissingDirectories*/ true);
+  else
+    OS = createAdditionalSymbolGraphFile(CI, ProductName);
   if (!OS)
     return nullptr;
-  auto ProductName = CI.getFrontendOpts().ProductName;
   // Now that we have enough information about the language options and the
   // target triple, let's create the APISet before anyone uses it.
   API = std::make_unique<APISet>(
@@ -495,7 +515,9 @@ bool ExtractAPIAction::PrepareToExecuteAction(CompilerInstance &CI) {
   return true;
-void ExtractAPIAction::EndSourceFileAction() { ImplEndSourceFileAction(); }
+void ExtractAPIAction::EndSourceFileAction() {
+  ImplEndSourceFileAction(getCompilerInstance());
 WrappingExtractAPIAction::CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance &CI,
@@ -506,11 +528,9 @@ WrappingExtractAPIAction::CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance &CI,
   CreatedASTConsumer = true;
-  OS = CreateOutputFile(CI, InFile);
-  if (!OS)
-    return nullptr;
-  auto ProductName = CI.getFrontendOpts().ProductName;
+  ProductName = CI.getFrontendOpts().ProductName;
+  auto InputFilename = llvm::sys::path::filename(InFile);
+  OS = createAdditionalSymbolGraphFile(CI, InputFilename);
   // Now that we have enough information about the language options and the
   // target triple, let's create the APISet before anyone uses it.
@@ -552,32 +572,6 @@ void WrappingExtractAPIAction::EndSourceFileAction() {
   if (CreatedASTConsumer) {
-    ImplEndSourceFileAction();
+    ImplEndSourceFileAction(getCompilerInstance());
-WrappingExtractAPIAction::CreateOutputFile(CompilerInstance &CI,
-                                           StringRef InFile) {
-  std::unique_ptr<raw_pwrite_stream> OS;
-  std::string OutputDir = CI.getFrontendOpts().SymbolGraphOutputDir;
-  // The symbol graphs need to be generated as a side effect of regular
-  // compilation so the output should be dumped in the directory provided with
-  // the command line option.
-  llvm::SmallString<128> OutFilePath(OutputDir);
-  auto Seperator = llvm::sys::path::get_separator();
-  auto Infilename = llvm::sys::path::filename(InFile);
-  OutFilePath.append({Seperator, Infilename});
-  llvm::sys::path::replace_extension(OutFilePath, "json");
-  // StringRef outputFilePathref = *OutFilePath;
-  // don't use the default output file
-  OS = CI.createOutputFile(/*OutputPath=*/OutFilePath, /*Binary=*/false,
-                           /*RemoveFileOnSignal=*/true,
-                           /*UseTemporary=*/true,
-                           /*CreateMissingDirectories=*/true);
-  if (!OS)
-    return nullptr;
-  return OS;
diff --git a/clang/lib/ExtractAPI/Serialization/SymbolGraphSerializer.cpp b/clang/lib/ExtractAPI/Serialization/SymbolGraphSerializer.cpp
index 545860acb7db8..57f966c8b2be3 100644
--- a/clang/lib/ExtractAPI/Serialization/SymbolGraphSerializer.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/ExtractAPI/Serialization/SymbolGraphSerializer.cpp
@@ -14,13 +14,17 @@
 #include "clang/ExtractAPI/Serialization/SymbolGraphSerializer.h"
 #include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
 #include "clang/Basic/Version.h"
+#include "clang/ExtractAPI/API.h"
 #include "clang/ExtractAPI/DeclarationFragments.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/STLFunctionalExtras.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/VersionTuple.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
+#include <iterator>
 #include <optional>
 #include <type_traits>
@@ -33,26 +37,27 @@ namespace {
 /// Helper function to inject a JSON object \p Obj into another object \p Paren
 /// at position \p Key.
-void serializeObject(Object &Paren, StringRef Key, std::optional<Object> Obj) {
+void serializeObject(Object &Paren, StringRef Key,
+                     std::optional<Object> &&Obj) {
   if (Obj)
     Paren[Key] = std::move(*Obj);
-/// Helper function to inject a StringRef \p String into an object \p Paren at
-/// position \p Key
-void serializeString(Object &Paren, StringRef Key,
-                     std::optional<std::string> String) {
-  if (String)
-    Paren[Key] = std::move(*String);
 /// Helper function to inject a JSON array \p Array into object \p Paren at
 /// position \p Key.
-void serializeArray(Object &Paren, StringRef Key, std::optional<Array> Array) {
+void serializeArray(Object &Paren, StringRef Key,
+                    std::optional<Array> &&Array) {
   if (Array)
     Paren[Key] = std::move(*Array);
+/// Helper function to inject a JSON array composed of the values in \p C into
+/// object \p Paren at position \p Key.
+template <typename ContainerTy>
+void serializeArray(Object &Paren, StringRef Key, ContainerTy &&C) {
+  Paren[Key] = Array(C);
 /// Serialize a \c VersionTuple \p V with the Symbol Graph semantic version
 /// format.
@@ -248,6 +253,7 @@ std::optional<Object> serializeDocComment(const DocComment &Comment) {
     return std::nullopt;
   Object DocComment;
   Array LinesArray;
   for (const auto &CommentLine : Comment) {
     Object Line;
@@ -256,7 +262,8 @@ std::optional<Object> serializeDocComment(const DocComment &Comment) {
                     serializeSourceRange(CommentLine.Begin, CommentLine.End));
-  serializeArray(DocComment, "lines", LinesArray);
+  serializeArray(DocComment, "lines", std::move(LinesArray));
   return DocComment;
@@ -322,19 +329,14 @@ serializeDeclarationFragments(const DeclarationFragments &DF) {
 ///   - \c subHeading : An array of declaration fragments that provides tags,
 ///     and potentially more tokens (for example the \c +/- symbol for
 ///     Objective-C methods). Can be used as sub-headings for documentation.
-Object serializeNames(const APIRecord &Record) {
+Object serializeNames(const APIRecord *Record) {
   Object Names;
-  if (auto *CategoryRecord =
-          dyn_cast_or_null<const ObjCCategoryRecord>(&Record))
-    Names["title"] =
-        (CategoryRecord->Interface.Name + " (" + Record.Name + ")").str();
-  else
-    Names["title"] = Record.Name;
+  Names["title"] = Record->Name;
   serializeArray(Names, "subHeading",
-                 serializeDeclarationFragments(Record.SubHeading));
+                 serializeDeclarationFragments(Record->SubHeading));
   DeclarationFragments NavigatorFragments;
-  NavigatorFragments.append(Record.Name,
+  NavigatorFragments.append(Record->Name,
                             /*PreciseIdentifier*/ "");
   serializeArray(Names, "navigator",
@@ -351,7 +353,8 @@ Object serializeSymbolKind(APIRecord::RecordKind RK, Language Lang) {
   Object Kind;
   switch (RK) {
   case APIRecord::RK_Unknown:
-    llvm_unreachable("Records should have an explicit kind");
+    Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("unknown");
+    Kind["displayName"] = "Unknown";
   case APIRecord::RK_Namespace:
     Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("namespace");
@@ -484,10 +487,6 @@ Object serializeSymbolKind(APIRecord::RecordKind RK, Language Lang) {
     Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("class.extension");
     Kind["displayName"] = "Class Extension";
-  case APIRecord::RK_ObjCCategoryModule:
-    Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("module.extension");
-    Kind["displayName"] = "Module Extension";
-    break;
   case APIRecord::RK_ObjCProtocol:
     Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("protocol");
     Kind["displayName"] = "Protocol";
@@ -500,6 +499,8 @@ Object serializeSymbolKind(APIRecord::RecordKind RK, Language Lang) {
     Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("typealias");
     Kind["displayName"] = "Type Alias";
+  default:
+    llvm_unreachable("API Record with uninstantiable kind");
   return Kind;
@@ -514,12 +515,18 @@ Object serializeSymbolKind(const APIRecord &Record, Language Lang) {
   return serializeSymbolKind(Record.getKind(), Lang);
+/// Serialize the function signature field, as specified by the
+/// Symbol Graph format.
+/// The Symbol Graph function signature property contains two arrays.
+///   - The \c returns array is the declaration fragments of the return type;
+///   - The \c parameters array contains names and declaration fragments of the
+///     parameters.
 template <typename RecordTy>
-serializeFunctionSignatureMixinImpl(const RecordTy &Record, std::true_type) {
+void serializeFunctionSignatureMixin(Object &Paren, const RecordTy &Record) {
   const auto &FS = Record.Signature;
   if (FS.empty())
-    return std::nullopt;
+    return;
   Object Signature;
   serializeArray(Signature, "returns",
@@ -537,63 +544,14 @@ serializeFunctionSignatureMixinImpl(const RecordTy &Record, std::true_type) {
   if (!Parameters.empty())
     Signature["parameters"] = std::move(Parameters);
-  return Signature;
+  serializeObject(Paren, "functionSignature", std::move(Signature));
 template <typename RecordTy>
-serializeFunctionSignatureMixinImpl(const RecordTy &Record, std::false_type) {
-  return std::nullopt;
-/// Serialize the function signature field, as specified by the
-/// Symbol Graph format.
-/// The Symbol Graph function signature property contains two arrays.
-///   - The \c returns array is the declaration fragments of the return type;
-///   - The \c parameters array contains names and declaration fragments of the
-///     parameters.
-/// \returns \c std::nullopt if \p FS is empty, or an \c Object containing the
-/// formatted function signature.
-template <typename RecordTy>
-void serializeFunctionSignatureMixin(Object &Paren, const RecordTy &Record) {
-  serializeObject(Paren, "functionSignature",
-                  serializeFunctionSignatureMixinImpl(
-                      Record, has_function_signature<RecordTy>()));
-template <typename RecordTy>
-std::optional<std::string> serializeAccessMixinImpl(const RecordTy &Record,
-                                                    std::true_type) {
-  const auto &AccessControl = Record.Access;
-  std::string Access;
-  if (AccessControl.empty())
-    return std::nullopt;
-  Access = AccessControl.getAccess();
-  return Access;
-template <typename RecordTy>
-std::optional<std::string> serializeAccessMixinImpl(const RecordTy &Record,
-                                                    std::false_type) {
-  return std::nullopt;
-template <typename RecordTy>
-void serializeAccessMixin(Object &Paren, const RecordTy &Record) {
-  auto accessLevel = serializeAccessMixinImpl(Record, has_access<RecordTy>());
-  if (!accessLevel.has_value())
-    accessLevel = "public";
-  serializeString(Paren, "accessLevel", accessLevel);
-template <typename RecordTy>
-std::optional<Object> serializeTemplateMixinImpl(const RecordTy &Record,
-                                                 std::true_type) {
+void serializeTemplateMixin(Object &Paren, const RecordTy &Record) {
   const auto &Template = Record.Templ;
   if (Template.empty())
-    return std::nullopt;
+    return;
   Object Generics;
   Array GenericParameters;
@@ -619,97 +577,66 @@ std::optional<Object> serializeTemplateMixinImpl(const RecordTy &Record,
   if (!GenericConstraints.empty())
     Generics["constraints"] = std::move(GenericConstraints);
-  return Generics;
-template <typename RecordTy>
-std::optional<Object> serializeTemplateMixinImpl(const RecordTy &Record,
-                                                 std::false_type) {
-  return std::nullopt;
+  serializeObject(Paren, "swiftGenerics", Generics);
-template <typename RecordTy>
-void serializeTemplateMixin(Object &Paren, const RecordTy &Record) {
-  serializeObject(Paren, "swiftGenerics",
-                  serializeTemplateMixinImpl(Record, has_template<RecordTy>()));
+Array generateParentContexts(const SmallVectorImpl<SymbolReference> &Parents,
+                             Language Lang) {
+  Array ParentContexts;
-struct PathComponent {
-  StringRef USR;
-  StringRef Name;
-  APIRecord::RecordKind Kind;
+  for (const auto &Parent : Parents) {
+    Object Elem;
+    Elem["usr"] = Parent.USR;
+    Elem["name"] = Parent.Name;
+    if (Parent.Record)
+      Elem["kind"] =
+          serializeSymbolKind(Parent.Record->getKind(), Lang)["identifier"];
+    else
+      Elem["kind"] =
+          serializeSymbolKind(APIRecord::RK_Unknown, Lang)["identifier"];
+    ParentContexts.emplace_back(std::move(Elem));
+  }
-  PathComponent(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, APIRecord::RecordKind Kind)
-      : USR(USR), Name(Name), Kind(Kind) {}
+  return ParentContexts;
-template <typename RecordTy>
-bool generatePathComponents(
-    const RecordTy &Record, const APISet &API,
-    function_ref<void(const PathComponent &)> ComponentTransformer) {
-  SmallVector<PathComponent, 4> ReverseComponenents;
-  ReverseComponenents.emplace_back(Record.USR, Record.Name, Record.getKind());
-  const auto *CurrentParent = &Record.ParentInformation;
-  bool FailedToFindParent = false;
-  while (CurrentParent && !CurrentParent->empty()) {
-    PathComponent CurrentParentComponent(CurrentParent->ParentUSR,
-                                         CurrentParent->ParentName,
-                                         CurrentParent->ParentKind);
-    auto *ParentRecord = CurrentParent->ParentRecord;
-    // Slow path if we don't have a direct reference to the ParentRecord
-    if (!ParentRecord)
-      ParentRecord = API.findRecordForUSR(CurrentParent->ParentUSR);
-    // If the parent is a category extended from internal module then we need to
-    // pretend this belongs to the associated interface.
-    if (auto *CategoryRecord =
-            dyn_cast_or_null<ObjCCategoryRecord>(ParentRecord)) {
-      if (!CategoryRecord->IsFromExternalModule) {
-        ParentRecord = API.findRecordForUSR(CategoryRecord->Interface.USR);
-        CurrentParentComponent = PathComponent(CategoryRecord->Interface.USR,
-                                               CategoryRecord->Interface.Name,
-                                               APIRecord::RK_ObjCInterface);
-      }
-    }
-    // The parent record doesn't exist which means the symbol shouldn't be
-    // treated as part of the current product.
-    if (!ParentRecord) {
-      FailedToFindParent = true;
-      break;
-    }
-    ReverseComponenents.push_back(std::move(CurrentParentComponent));
-    CurrentParent = &ParentRecord->ParentInformation;
+/// Walk the records parent information in reverse to generate a hierarchy
+/// suitable for serialization.
+SmallVector<SymbolReference, 8>
+generateHierarchyFromRecord(const APIRecord *Record) {
+  SmallVector<SymbolReference, 8> ReverseHierarchy;
+  for (const auto *Current = Record; Current != nullptr;
+       Current = Current->Parent.Record)
+    ReverseHierarchy.emplace_back(Current);
+  return SmallVector<SymbolReference, 8>(
+      std::make_move_iterator(ReverseHierarchy.rbegin()),
+      std::make_move_iterator(ReverseHierarchy.rend()));
+SymbolReference getHierarchyReference(const APIRecord *Record,
+                                      const APISet &API) {
+  // If the parent is a category extended from internal module then we need to
+  // pretend this belongs to the associated interface.
+  if (auto *CategoryRecord = dyn_cast_or_null<ObjCCategoryRecord>(Record)) {
+    return CategoryRecord->Interface;
+    // FIXME: TODO generate path components correctly for categories extending
+    // an external module.
-  for (const auto &PC : reverse(ReverseComponenents))
-    ComponentTransformer(PC);
-  return FailedToFindParent;
+  return SymbolReference(Record);
-Object serializeParentContext(const PathComponent &PC, Language Lang) {
-  Object ParentContextElem;
-  ParentContextElem["usr"] = PC.USR;
-  ParentContextElem["name"] = PC.Name;
-  ParentContextElem["kind"] = serializeSymbolKind(PC.Kind, Lang)["identifier"];
-  return ParentContextElem;
+} // namespace
-template <typename RecordTy>
-Array generateParentContexts(const RecordTy &Record, const APISet &API,
-                             Language Lang) {
-  Array ParentContexts;
-  generatePathComponents(
-      Record, API, [Lang, &ParentContexts](const PathComponent &PC) {
-        ParentContexts.push_back(serializeParentContext(PC, Lang));
-      });
+Object *ExtendedModule::addSymbol(Object &&Symbol) {
+  Symbols.emplace_back(std::move(Symbol));
+  return Symbols.back().getAsObject();
-  return ParentContexts;
+void ExtendedModule::addRelationship(Object &&Relationship) {
+  Relationships.emplace_back(std::move(Relationship));
-} // namespace
 /// Defines the format version emitted by SymbolGraphSerializer.
 const VersionTuple SymbolGraphSerializer::FormatVersion{0, 5, 3};
@@ -722,84 +649,44 @@ Object SymbolGraphSerializer::serializeMetadata() const {
   return Metadata;
-Object SymbolGraphSerializer::serializeModule() const {
+SymbolGraphSerializer::serializeModuleObject(StringRef ModuleName) const {
   Object Module;
-  // The user is expected to always pass `--product-name=` on the command line
-  // to populate this field.
-  Module["name"] = API.ProductName;
+  Module["name"] = ModuleName;
   serializeObject(Module, "platform", serializePlatform(API.getTarget()));
   return Module;
-bool SymbolGraphSerializer::shouldSkip(const APIRecord &Record) const {
-  // Skip explicitly ignored symbols.
-  if (IgnoresList.shouldIgnore(Record.Name))
+bool SymbolGraphSerializer::shouldSkip(const APIRecord *Record) const {
+  if (!Record)
     return true;
   // Skip unconditionally unavailable symbols
-  if (Record.Availability.isUnconditionallyUnavailable())
+  if (Record->Availability.isUnconditionallyUnavailable())
     return true;
   // Filter out symbols prefixed with an underscored as they are understood to
   // be symbols clients should not use.
-  if (Record.Name.starts_with("_"))
+  if (Record->Name.starts_with("_"))
+    return true;
+  // Skip explicitly ignored symbols.
+  if (IgnoresList.shouldIgnore(Record->Name))
     return true;
   return false;
-template <typename RecordTy>
-SymbolGraphSerializer::serializeAPIRecord(const RecordTy &Record) const {
-  if (shouldSkip(Record))
-    return std::nullopt;
-  Object Obj;
-  serializeObject(Obj, "identifier",
-                  serializeIdentifier(Record, API.getLanguage()));
-  serializeObject(Obj, "kind", serializeSymbolKind(Record, API.getLanguage()));
-  serializeObject(Obj, "names", serializeNames(Record));
-  serializeObject(
-      Obj, "location",
-      serializeSourceLocation(Record.Location, /*IncludeFileURI=*/true));
-  serializeArray(Obj, "availability",
-                 serializeAvailability(Record.Availability));
-  serializeObject(Obj, "docComment", serializeDocComment(Record.Comment));
-  serializeArray(Obj, "declarationFragments",
-                 serializeDeclarationFragments(Record.Declaration));
-  SmallVector<StringRef, 4> PathComponentsNames;
-  // If this returns true it indicates that we couldn't find a symbol in the
-  // hierarchy.
-  if (generatePathComponents(Record, API,
-                             [&PathComponentsNames](const PathComponent &PC) {
-                               PathComponentsNames.push_back(PC.Name);
-                             }))
-    return {};
-  serializeArray(Obj, "pathComponents", Array(PathComponentsNames));
+ExtendedModule &SymbolGraphSerializer::getModuleForCurrentSymbol() {
+  if (!ForceEmitToMainModule && ModuleForCurrentSymbol)
+    return *ModuleForCurrentSymbol;
-  serializeFunctionSignatureMixin(Obj, Record);
-  serializeAccessMixin(Obj, Record);
-  serializeTemplateMixin(Obj, Record);
-  return Obj;
+  return MainModule;
-template <typename MemberTy>
-void SymbolGraphSerializer::serializeMembers(
-    const APIRecord &Record,
-    const SmallVector<std::unique_ptr<MemberTy>> &Members) {
-  // Members should not be serialized if we aren't recursing.
-  if (!ShouldRecurse)
-    return;
-  for (const auto &Member : Members) {
-    auto MemberRecord = serializeAPIRecord(*Member);
-    if (!MemberRecord)
-      continue;
-    Symbols.emplace_back(std::move(*MemberRecord));
-    serializeRelationship(RelationshipKind::MemberOf, *Member, Record);
-  }
+Array SymbolGraphSerializer::serializePathComponents(
+    const APIRecord *Record) const {
+  return Array(map_range(Hierarchy, [](auto Elt) { return Elt.Name; }));
 StringRef SymbolGraphSerializer::getRelationshipString(RelationshipKind Kind) {
@@ -816,6 +703,33 @@ StringRef SymbolGraphSerializer::getRelationshipString(RelationshipKind Kind) {
   llvm_unreachable("Unhandled relationship kind");
+void SymbolGraphSerializer::serializeRelationship(RelationshipKind Kind,
+                                                  const SymbolReference &Source,
+                                                  const SymbolReference &Target,
+                                                  ExtendedModule &Into) {
+  Object Relationship;
+  SmallString<64> TestRelLabel;
+  if (EmitSymbolLabelsForTesting) {
+    llvm::raw_svector_ostream OS(TestRelLabel);
+    OS << SymbolGraphSerializer::getRelationshipString(Kind) << " $ "
+       << Source.USR << " $ ";
+    if (Target.USR.empty())
+      OS << Target.Name;
+    else
+      OS << Target.USR;
+    Relationship["!testRelLabel"] = TestRelLabel;
+  }
+  Relationship["source"] = Source.USR;
+  Relationship["target"] = Target.USR;
+  Relationship["targetFallback"] = Target.Name;
+  Relationship["kind"] = SymbolGraphSerializer::getRelationshipString(Kind);
+  if (ForceEmitToMainModule)
+    MainModule.addRelationship(std::move(Relationship));
+  else
+    Into.addRelationship(std::move(Relationship));
 StringRef SymbolGraphSerializer::getConstraintString(ConstraintKind Kind) {
   switch (Kind) {
   case ConstraintKind::Conformance:
@@ -826,430 +740,324 @@ StringRef SymbolGraphSerializer::getConstraintString(ConstraintKind Kind) {
   llvm_unreachable("Unhandled constraint kind");
-void SymbolGraphSerializer::serializeRelationship(RelationshipKind Kind,
-                                                  SymbolReference Source,
-                                                  SymbolReference Target) {
-  Object Relationship;
-  Relationship["source"] = Source.USR;
-  Relationship["target"] = Target.USR;
-  Relationship["targetFallback"] = Target.Name;
-  Relationship["kind"] = getRelationshipString(Kind);
-  Relationships.emplace_back(std::move(Relationship));
+void SymbolGraphSerializer::serializeAPIRecord(const APIRecord *Record) {
+  Object Obj;
-void SymbolGraphSerializer::visitNamespaceRecord(
-    const NamespaceRecord &Record) {
-  auto Namespace = serializeAPIRecord(Record);
-  if (!Namespace)
-    return;
-  Symbols.emplace_back(std::move(*Namespace));
-  if (!Record.ParentInformation.empty())
-    serializeRelationship(RelationshipKind::MemberOf, Record,
-                          Record.ParentInformation.ParentRecord);
+  // If we need symbol labels for testing emit the USR as the value and the key
+  // starts with '!'' to ensure it ends up at the top of the object.
+  if (EmitSymbolLabelsForTesting)
+    Obj["!testLabel"] = Record->USR;
-void SymbolGraphSerializer::visitGlobalFunctionRecord(
-    const GlobalFunctionRecord &Record) {
-  auto Obj = serializeAPIRecord(Record);
-  if (!Obj)
-    return;
+  serializeObject(Obj, "identifier",
+                  serializeIdentifier(*Record, API.getLanguage()));
+  serializeObject(Obj, "kind", serializeSymbolKind(*Record, API.getLanguage()));
+  serializeObject(Obj, "names", serializeNames(Record));
+  serializeObject(
+      Obj, "location",
+      serializeSourceLocation(Record->Location, /*IncludeFileURI=*/true));
+  serializeArray(Obj, "availability",
+                 serializeAvailability(Record->Availability));
+  serializeObject(Obj, "docComment", serializeDocComment(Record->Comment));
+  serializeArray(Obj, "declarationFragments",
+                 serializeDeclarationFragments(Record->Declaration));
-  Symbols.emplace_back(std::move(*Obj));
+  Obj["pathComponents"] = serializePathComponents(Record);
+  Obj["accessLevel"] = Record->Access.getAccess();
-void SymbolGraphSerializer::visitGlobalVariableRecord(
-    const GlobalVariableRecord &Record) {
-  auto Obj = serializeAPIRecord(Record);
-  if (!Obj)
-    return;
+  ExtendedModule &Module = getModuleForCurrentSymbol();
+  // If the hierarchy has at least one parent and child.
+  if (Hierarchy.size() >= 2)
+    serializeRelationship(MemberOf, Hierarchy.back(),
+                          Hierarchy[Hierarchy.size() - 2], Module);
-  Symbols.emplace_back(std::move(*Obj));
+  CurrentSymbol = Module.addSymbol(std::move(Obj));
-void SymbolGraphSerializer::visitEnumRecord(const EnumRecord &Record) {
-  auto Enum = serializeAPIRecord(Record);
-  if (!Enum)
-    return;
-  Symbols.emplace_back(std::move(*Enum));
-  serializeMembers(Record, Record.Constants);
+bool SymbolGraphSerializer::traverseAPIRecord(const APIRecord *Record) {
+  if (!Record)
+    return true;
+  if (shouldSkip(Record))
+    return true;
+  Hierarchy.push_back(getHierarchyReference(Record, API));
+  // Defer traversal mechanics to APISetVisitor base implementation
+  auto RetVal = Base::traverseAPIRecord(Record);
+  Hierarchy.pop_back();
+  return RetVal;
-void SymbolGraphSerializer::visitRecordRecord(const RecordRecord &Record) {
-  auto SerializedRecord = serializeAPIRecord(Record);
-  if (!SerializedRecord)
-    return;
-  Symbols.emplace_back(std::move(*SerializedRecord));
-  serializeMembers(Record, Record.Fields);
+bool SymbolGraphSerializer::visitAPIRecord(const APIRecord *Record) {
+  serializeAPIRecord(Record);
+  return true;
-void SymbolGraphSerializer::visitStaticFieldRecord(
-    const StaticFieldRecord &Record) {
-  auto StaticField = serializeAPIRecord(Record);
-  if (!StaticField)
-    return;
-  Symbols.emplace_back(std::move(*StaticField));
-  serializeRelationship(RelationshipKind::MemberOf, Record, Record.Context);
+bool SymbolGraphSerializer::visitGlobalFunctionRecord(
+    const GlobalFunctionRecord *Record) {
+  if (!CurrentSymbol)
+    return true;
+  serializeFunctionSignatureMixin(*CurrentSymbol, *Record);
+  return true;
-void SymbolGraphSerializer::visitCXXClassRecord(const CXXClassRecord &Record) {
-  auto Class = serializeAPIRecord(Record);
-  if (!Class)
-    return;
+bool SymbolGraphSerializer::visitCXXClassRecord(const CXXClassRecord *Record) {
+  if (!CurrentSymbol)
+    return true;
-  Symbols.emplace_back(std::move(*Class));
-  for (const auto &Base : Record.Bases)
-    serializeRelationship(RelationshipKind::InheritsFrom, Record, Base);
-  if (!Record.ParentInformation.empty())
-    serializeRelationship(RelationshipKind::MemberOf, Record,
-                          Record.ParentInformation.ParentRecord);
+  for (const auto &Base : Record->Bases)
+    serializeRelationship(RelationshipKind::InheritsFrom, Record, Base,
+                          getModuleForCurrentSymbol());
+  return true;
-void SymbolGraphSerializer::visitClassTemplateRecord(
-    const ClassTemplateRecord &Record) {
-  auto Class = serializeAPIRecord(Record);
-  if (!Class)
-    return;
+bool SymbolGraphSerializer::visitClassTemplateRecord(
+    const ClassTemplateRecord *Record) {
+  if (!CurrentSymbol)
+    return true;
-  Symbols.emplace_back(std::move(*Class));
-  for (const auto &Base : Record.Bases)
-    serializeRelationship(RelationshipKind::InheritsFrom, Record, Base);
-  if (!Record.ParentInformation.empty())
-    serializeRelationship(RelationshipKind::MemberOf, Record,
-                          Record.ParentInformation.ParentRecord);
+  serializeTemplateMixin(*CurrentSymbol, *Record);
+  return true;
-void SymbolGraphSerializer::visitClassTemplateSpecializationRecord(
-    const ClassTemplateSpecializationRecord &Record) {
-  auto Class = serializeAPIRecord(Record);
-  if (!Class)
-    return;
-  Symbols.emplace_back(std::move(*Class));
+bool SymbolGraphSerializer::visitClassTemplatePartialSpecializationRecord(
+    const ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationRecord *Record) {
+  if (!CurrentSymbol)
+    return true;
-  for (const auto &Base : Record.Bases)
-    serializeRelationship(RelationshipKind::InheritsFrom, Record, Base);
-  if (!Record.ParentInformation.empty())
-    serializeRelationship(RelationshipKind::MemberOf, Record,
-                          Record.ParentInformation.ParentRecord);
+  serializeTemplateMixin(*CurrentSymbol, *Record);
+  return true;
-void SymbolGraphSerializer::visitClassTemplatePartialSpecializationRecord(
-    const ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationRecord &Record) {
-  auto Class = serializeAPIRecord(Record);
-  if (!Class)
-    return;
-  Symbols.emplace_back(std::move(*Class));
+bool SymbolGraphSerializer::visitCXXMethodRecord(
+    const CXXMethodRecord *Record) {
+  if (!CurrentSymbol)
+    return true;
-  for (const auto &Base : Record.Bases)
-    serializeRelationship(RelationshipKind::InheritsFrom, Record, Base);
-  if (!Record.ParentInformation.empty())
-    serializeRelationship(RelationshipKind::MemberOf, Record,
-                          Record.ParentInformation.ParentRecord);
+  serializeFunctionSignatureMixin(*CurrentSymbol, *Record);
+  return true;
-void SymbolGraphSerializer::visitCXXInstanceMethodRecord(
-    const CXXInstanceMethodRecord &Record) {
-  auto InstanceMethod = serializeAPIRecord(Record);
-  if (!InstanceMethod)
-    return;
+bool SymbolGraphSerializer::visitCXXMethodTemplateRecord(
+    const CXXMethodTemplateRecord *Record) {
+  if (!CurrentSymbol)
+    return true;
-  Symbols.emplace_back(std::move(*InstanceMethod));
-  serializeRelationship(RelationshipKind::MemberOf, Record,
-                        Record.ParentInformation.ParentRecord);
+  serializeTemplateMixin(*CurrentSymbol, *Record);
+  return true;
-void SymbolGraphSerializer::visitCXXStaticMethodRecord(
-    const CXXStaticMethodRecord &Record) {
-  auto StaticMethod = serializeAPIRecord(Record);
-  if (!StaticMethod)
-    return;
+bool SymbolGraphSerializer::visitCXXFieldTemplateRecord(
+    const CXXFieldTemplateRecord *Record) {
+  if (!CurrentSymbol)
+    return true;
-  Symbols.emplace_back(std::move(*StaticMethod));
-  serializeRelationship(RelationshipKind::MemberOf, Record,
-                        Record.ParentInformation.ParentRecord);
+  serializeTemplateMixin(*CurrentSymbol, *Record);
+  return true;
-void SymbolGraphSerializer::visitMethodTemplateRecord(
-    const CXXMethodTemplateRecord &Record) {
-  if (!ShouldRecurse)
-    // Ignore child symbols
-    return;
-  auto MethodTemplate = serializeAPIRecord(Record);
-  if (!MethodTemplate)
-    return;
-  Symbols.emplace_back(std::move(*MethodTemplate));
-  serializeRelationship(RelationshipKind::MemberOf, Record,
-                        Record.ParentInformation.ParentRecord);
+bool SymbolGraphSerializer::visitConceptRecord(const ConceptRecord *Record) {
+  if (!CurrentSymbol)
+    return true;
-void SymbolGraphSerializer::visitMethodTemplateSpecializationRecord(
-    const CXXMethodTemplateSpecializationRecord &Record) {
-  if (!ShouldRecurse)
-    // Ignore child symbols
-    return;
-  auto MethodTemplateSpecialization = serializeAPIRecord(Record);
-  if (!MethodTemplateSpecialization)
-    return;
-  Symbols.emplace_back(std::move(*MethodTemplateSpecialization));
-  serializeRelationship(RelationshipKind::MemberOf, Record,
-                        Record.ParentInformation.ParentRecord);
+  serializeTemplateMixin(*CurrentSymbol, *Record);
+  return true;
-void SymbolGraphSerializer::visitCXXFieldRecord(const CXXFieldRecord &Record) {
-  if (!ShouldRecurse)
-    return;
-  auto CXXField = serializeAPIRecord(Record);
-  if (!CXXField)
-    return;
-  Symbols.emplace_back(std::move(*CXXField));
-  serializeRelationship(RelationshipKind::MemberOf, Record,
-                        Record.ParentInformation.ParentRecord);
+bool SymbolGraphSerializer::visitGlobalVariableTemplateRecord(
+    const GlobalVariableTemplateRecord *Record) {
+  if (!CurrentSymbol)
+    return true;
-void SymbolGraphSerializer::visitCXXFieldTemplateRecord(
-    const CXXFieldTemplateRecord &Record) {
-  if (!ShouldRecurse)
-    // Ignore child symbols
-    return;
-  auto CXXFieldTemplate = serializeAPIRecord(Record);
-  if (!CXXFieldTemplate)
-    return;
-  Symbols.emplace_back(std::move(*CXXFieldTemplate));
-  serializeRelationship(RelationshipKind::MemberOf, Record,
-                        Record.ParentInformation.ParentRecord);
+  serializeTemplateMixin(*CurrentSymbol, *Record);
+  return true;
-void SymbolGraphSerializer::visitConceptRecord(const ConceptRecord &Record) {
-  auto Concept = serializeAPIRecord(Record);
-  if (!Concept)
-    return;
+bool SymbolGraphSerializer::
+    visitGlobalVariableTemplatePartialSpecializationRecord(
+        const GlobalVariableTemplatePartialSpecializationRecord *Record) {
+  if (!CurrentSymbol)
+    return true;
-  Symbols.emplace_back(std::move(*Concept));
+  serializeTemplateMixin(*CurrentSymbol, *Record);
+  return true;
-void SymbolGraphSerializer::visitGlobalVariableTemplateRecord(
-    const GlobalVariableTemplateRecord &Record) {
-  auto GlobalVariableTemplate = serializeAPIRecord(Record);
-  if (!GlobalVariableTemplate)
-    return;
-  Symbols.emplace_back(std::move(*GlobalVariableTemplate));
+bool SymbolGraphSerializer::visitGlobalFunctionTemplateRecord(
+    const GlobalFunctionTemplateRecord *Record) {
+  if (!CurrentSymbol)
+    return true;
-void SymbolGraphSerializer::visitGlobalVariableTemplateSpecializationRecord(
-    const GlobalVariableTemplateSpecializationRecord &Record) {
-  auto GlobalVariableTemplateSpecialization = serializeAPIRecord(Record);
-  if (!GlobalVariableTemplateSpecialization)
-    return;
-  Symbols.emplace_back(std::move(*GlobalVariableTemplateSpecialization));
+  serializeTemplateMixin(*CurrentSymbol, *Record);
+  return true;
-void SymbolGraphSerializer::
-    visitGlobalVariableTemplatePartialSpecializationRecord(
-        const GlobalVariableTemplatePartialSpecializationRecord &Record) {
-  auto GlobalVariableTemplatePartialSpecialization = serializeAPIRecord(Record);
-  if (!GlobalVariableTemplatePartialSpecialization)
-    return;
-  Symbols.emplace_back(std::move(*GlobalVariableTemplatePartialSpecialization));
+bool SymbolGraphSerializer::visitObjCContainerRecord(
+    const ObjCContainerRecord *Record) {
+  if (!CurrentSymbol)
+    return true;
-void SymbolGraphSerializer::visitGlobalFunctionTemplateRecord(
-    const GlobalFunctionTemplateRecord &Record) {
-  auto GlobalFunctionTemplate = serializeAPIRecord(Record);
-  if (!GlobalFunctionTemplate)
-    return;
-  Symbols.emplace_back(std::move(*GlobalFunctionTemplate));
+  for (const auto &Protocol : Record->Protocols)
+    serializeRelationship(ConformsTo, Record, Protocol,
+                          getModuleForCurrentSymbol());
-void SymbolGraphSerializer::visitGlobalFunctionTemplateSpecializationRecord(
-    const GlobalFunctionTemplateSpecializationRecord &Record) {
-  auto GlobalFunctionTemplateSpecialization = serializeAPIRecord(Record);
-  if (!GlobalFunctionTemplateSpecialization)
-    return;
-  Symbols.emplace_back(std::move(*GlobalFunctionTemplateSpecialization));
+  return true;
-void SymbolGraphSerializer::visitObjCContainerRecord(
-    const ObjCContainerRecord &Record) {
-  auto ObjCContainer = serializeAPIRecord(Record);
-  if (!ObjCContainer)
-    return;
+bool SymbolGraphSerializer::visitObjCInterfaceRecord(
+    const ObjCInterfaceRecord *Record) {
+  if (!CurrentSymbol)
+    return true;
-  Symbols.emplace_back(std::move(*ObjCContainer));
-  serializeMembers(Record, Record.Ivars);
-  serializeMembers(Record, Record.Methods);
-  serializeMembers(Record, Record.Properties);
-  for (const auto &Protocol : Record.Protocols)
-    // Record that Record conforms to Protocol.
-    serializeRelationship(RelationshipKind::ConformsTo, Record, Protocol);
-  if (auto *ObjCInterface = dyn_cast<ObjCInterfaceRecord>(&Record)) {
-    if (!ObjCInterface->SuperClass.empty())
-      // If Record is an Objective-C interface record and it has a super class,
-      // record that Record is inherited from SuperClass.
-      serializeRelationship(RelationshipKind::InheritsFrom, Record,
-                            ObjCInterface->SuperClass);
-    // Members of categories extending an interface are serialized as members of
-    // the interface.
-    for (const auto *Category : ObjCInterface->Categories) {
-      serializeMembers(Record, Category->Ivars);
-      serializeMembers(Record, Category->Methods);
-      serializeMembers(Record, Category->Properties);
-      // Surface the protocols of the category to the interface.
-      for (const auto &Protocol : Category->Protocols)
-        serializeRelationship(RelationshipKind::ConformsTo, Record, Protocol);
-    }
-  }
+  if (!Record->SuperClass.empty())
+    serializeRelationship(InheritsFrom, Record, Record->SuperClass,
+                          getModuleForCurrentSymbol());
+  return true;
-void SymbolGraphSerializer::visitObjCCategoryRecord(
-    const ObjCCategoryRecord &Record) {
-  if (!Record.IsFromExternalModule)
-    return;
-  // Check if the current Category' parent has been visited before, if so skip.
-  if (!visitedCategories.contains(Record.Interface.Name)) {
-    visitedCategories.insert(Record.Interface.Name);
-    Object Obj;
-    serializeObject(Obj, "identifier",
-                    serializeIdentifier(Record, API.getLanguage()));
-    serializeObject(Obj, "kind",
-                    serializeSymbolKind(APIRecord::RK_ObjCCategoryModule,
-                                        API.getLanguage()));
-    Obj["accessLevel"] = "public";
-    Symbols.emplace_back(std::move(Obj));
-  }
+bool SymbolGraphSerializer::traverseObjCCategoryRecord(
+    const ObjCCategoryRecord *Record) {
+  auto *CurrentModule = ModuleForCurrentSymbol;
+  if (Record->isExtendingExternalModule())
+    ModuleForCurrentSymbol = &ExtendedModules[Record->Interface.Source];
-  Object Relationship;
-  Relationship["source"] = Record.USR;
-  Relationship["target"] = Record.Interface.USR;
-  Relationship["targetFallback"] = Record.Interface.Name;
-  Relationship["kind"] = getRelationshipString(RelationshipKind::ExtensionTo);
-  Relationships.emplace_back(std::move(Relationship));
+  if (!walkUpFromObjCCategoryRecord(Record))
+    return false;
-  auto ObjCCategory = serializeAPIRecord(Record);
+  bool RetVal = traverseRecordContext(Record);
+  ModuleForCurrentSymbol = CurrentModule;
+  return RetVal;
-  if (!ObjCCategory)
-    return;
+bool SymbolGraphSerializer::walkUpFromObjCCategoryRecord(
+    const ObjCCategoryRecord *Record) {
+  return visitObjCCategoryRecord(Record);
-  Symbols.emplace_back(std::move(*ObjCCategory));
-  serializeMembers(Record, Record.Methods);
-  serializeMembers(Record, Record.Properties);
+bool SymbolGraphSerializer::visitObjCCategoryRecord(
+    const ObjCCategoryRecord *Record) {
+  // If we need to create a record for the category in the future do so here,
+  // otherwise everything is set up to pretend that the category is in fact the
+  // interface it extends.
+  for (const auto &Protocol : Record->Protocols)
+    serializeRelationship(ConformsTo, Record->Interface, Protocol,
+                          getModuleForCurrentSymbol());
-  // Surface the protocols of the category to the interface.
-  for (const auto &Protocol : Record.Protocols)
-    serializeRelationship(RelationshipKind::ConformsTo, Record, Protocol);
+  return true;
-void SymbolGraphSerializer::visitMacroDefinitionRecord(
-    const MacroDefinitionRecord &Record) {
-  auto Macro = serializeAPIRecord(Record);
+bool SymbolGraphSerializer::visitObjCMethodRecord(
+    const ObjCMethodRecord *Record) {
+  if (!CurrentSymbol)
+    return true;
-  if (!Macro)
-    return;
+  serializeFunctionSignatureMixin(*CurrentSymbol, *Record);
+  return true;
-  Symbols.emplace_back(std::move(*Macro));
+bool SymbolGraphSerializer::visitObjCInstanceVariableRecord(
+    const ObjCInstanceVariableRecord *Record) {
+  // FIXME: serialize ivar access control here.
+  return true;
-void SymbolGraphSerializer::serializeSingleRecord(const APIRecord *Record) {
-  switch (Record->getKind()) {
-  case APIRecord::RK_Unknown:
-    llvm_unreachable("Records should have a known kind!");
-  case APIRecord::RK_GlobalFunction:
-    visitGlobalFunctionRecord(*cast<GlobalFunctionRecord>(Record));
-    break;
-  case APIRecord::RK_GlobalVariable:
-    visitGlobalVariableRecord(*cast<GlobalVariableRecord>(Record));
-    break;
-  case APIRecord::RK_Enum:
-    visitEnumRecord(*cast<EnumRecord>(Record));
-    break;
-  case APIRecord::RK_Struct:
-  case APIRecord::RK_Union:
-    visitRecordRecord(*cast<RecordRecord>(Record));
-    break;
-  case APIRecord::RK_StaticField:
-    visitStaticFieldRecord(*cast<StaticFieldRecord>(Record));
-    break;
-  case APIRecord::RK_CXXClass:
-    visitCXXClassRecord(*cast<CXXClassRecord>(Record));
-    break;
-  case APIRecord::RK_ObjCInterface:
-    visitObjCContainerRecord(*cast<ObjCInterfaceRecord>(Record));
-    break;
-  case APIRecord::RK_ObjCProtocol:
-    visitObjCContainerRecord(*cast<ObjCProtocolRecord>(Record));
-    break;
-  case APIRecord::RK_ObjCCategory:
-    visitObjCCategoryRecord(*cast<ObjCCategoryRecord>(Record));
-    break;
-  case APIRecord::RK_MacroDefinition:
-    visitMacroDefinitionRecord(*cast<MacroDefinitionRecord>(Record));
-    break;
-  case APIRecord::RK_Typedef:
-    visitTypedefRecord(*cast<TypedefRecord>(Record));
-    break;
-  default:
-    if (auto Obj = serializeAPIRecord(*Record)) {
-      Symbols.emplace_back(std::move(*Obj));
-      auto &ParentInformation = Record->ParentInformation;
-      if (!ParentInformation.empty())
-        serializeRelationship(RelationshipKind::MemberOf, *Record,
-                              *ParentInformation.ParentRecord);
-    }
-    break;
-  }
+bool SymbolGraphSerializer::walkUpFromTypedefRecord(
+    const TypedefRecord *Record) {
+  // Short-circuit walking up the class hierarchy and handle creating typedef
+  // symbol objects manually as there are additional symbol dropping rules to
+  // respect.
+  return visitTypedefRecord(Record);
-void SymbolGraphSerializer::visitTypedefRecord(const TypedefRecord &Record) {
+bool SymbolGraphSerializer::visitTypedefRecord(const TypedefRecord *Record) {
   // Typedefs of anonymous types have their entries unified with the underlying
   // type.
-  bool ShouldDrop = Record.UnderlyingType.Name.empty();
+  bool ShouldDrop = Record->UnderlyingType.Name.empty();
   // enums declared with `NS_OPTION` have a named enum and a named typedef, with
   // the same name
-  ShouldDrop |= (Record.UnderlyingType.Name == Record.Name);
+  ShouldDrop |= (Record->UnderlyingType.Name == Record->Name);
   if (ShouldDrop)
-    return;
+    return true;
-  auto Typedef = serializeAPIRecord(Record);
-  if (!Typedef)
-    return;
+  // Create the symbol record if the other symbol droppping rules permit it.
+  serializeAPIRecord(Record);
+  if (!CurrentSymbol)
+    return true;
-  (*Typedef)["type"] = Record.UnderlyingType.USR;
+  (*CurrentSymbol)["type"] = Record->UnderlyingType.USR;
-  Symbols.emplace_back(std::move(*Typedef));
+  return true;
-Object SymbolGraphSerializer::serialize() {
-  traverseAPISet();
-  return serializeCurrentGraph();
+void SymbolGraphSerializer::serializeSingleRecord(const APIRecord *Record) {
+  switch (Record->getKind()) {
+    // dispatch to the relevant walkUpFromMethod
+#define CONCRETE_RECORD(CLASS, BASE, KIND)                                     \
+  case APIRecord::KIND: {                                                      \
+    walkUpFrom##CLASS(static_cast<const CLASS *>(Record));                     \
+    break;                                                                     \
+  }
+#include "clang/ExtractAPI/APIRecords.inc"
+  // otherwise fallback on the only behavior we can implement safely.
+  case APIRecord::RK_Unknown:
+    visitAPIRecord(Record);
+    break;
+  default:
+    llvm_unreachable("API Record with uninstantiable kind");
+  }
-Object SymbolGraphSerializer::serializeCurrentGraph() {
+Object SymbolGraphSerializer::serializeGraph(StringRef ModuleName,
+                                             ExtendedModule &&EM) {
   Object Root;
   serializeObject(Root, "metadata", serializeMetadata());
-  serializeObject(Root, "module", serializeModule());
+  serializeObject(Root, "module", serializeModuleObject(ModuleName));
-  Root["symbols"] = std::move(Symbols);
-  Root["relationships"] = std::move(Relationships);
+  Root["symbols"] = std::move(EM.Symbols);
+  Root["relationships"] = std::move(EM.Relationships);
   return Root;
-void SymbolGraphSerializer::serialize(raw_ostream &os) {
-  Object root = serialize();
+void SymbolGraphSerializer::serializeGraphToStream(
+    raw_ostream &OS, SymbolGraphSerializerOption Options, StringRef ModuleName,
+    ExtendedModule &&EM) {
+  Object Root = serializeGraph(ModuleName, std::move(EM));
   if (Options.Compact)
-    os << formatv("{0}", Value(std::move(root))) << "\n";
+    OS << formatv("{0}", Value(std::move(Root))) << "\n";
-    os << formatv("{0:2}", Value(std::move(root))) << "\n";
+    OS << formatv("{0:2}", Value(std::move(Root))) << "\n";
+void SymbolGraphSerializer::serializeMainSymbolGraph(
+    raw_ostream &OS, const APISet &API, const APIIgnoresList &IgnoresList,
+    SymbolGraphSerializerOption Options) {
+  SymbolGraphSerializer Serializer(API, IgnoresList,
+                                   Options.EmitSymbolLabelsForTesting);
+  Serializer.traverseAPISet();
+  Serializer.serializeGraphToStream(OS, Options, API.ProductName,
+                                    std::move(Serializer.MainModule));
+  // FIXME: TODO handle extended modules here
+void SymbolGraphSerializer::serializeWithExtensionGraphs(
+    raw_ostream &MainOutput, const APISet &API,
+    const APIIgnoresList &IgnoresList,
+    llvm::function_ref<std::unique_ptr<llvm::raw_pwrite_stream>(Twine BaseName)>
+        CreateOutputStream,
+    SymbolGraphSerializerOption Options) {
+  SymbolGraphSerializer Serializer(API, IgnoresList,
+                                   Options.EmitSymbolLabelsForTesting);
+  Serializer.traverseAPISet();
+  Serializer.serializeGraphToStream(MainOutput, Options, API.ProductName,
+                                    std::move(Serializer.MainModule));
+  for (auto &ExtensionSGF : Serializer.ExtendedModules) {
+    if (auto ExtensionOS =
+            CreateOutputStream(ExtensionSGF.getKey() + "@" + API.ProductName))
+      Serializer.serializeGraphToStream(*ExtensionOS, Options,
+                                        ExtensionSGF.getKey(),
+                                        std::move(ExtensionSGF.getValue()));
+  }
@@ -1262,14 +1070,20 @@ SymbolGraphSerializer::serializeSingleSymbolSGF(StringRef USR,
   Object Root;
   APIIgnoresList EmptyIgnores;
   SymbolGraphSerializer Serializer(API, EmptyIgnores,
-                                   /*Options.Compact*/ {true},
-                                   /*ShouldRecurse*/ false);
+                                   /*EmitSymbolLabelsForTesting*/ false,
+                                   /*ForceEmitToMainModule*/ true);
+  // Set up serializer parent chain
+  Serializer.Hierarchy = generateHierarchyFromRecord(Record);
-  serializeObject(Root, "symbolGraph", Serializer.serializeCurrentGraph());
+  serializeObject(Root, "symbolGraph",
+                  Serializer.serializeGraph(API.ProductName,
+                                            std::move(Serializer.MainModule)));
   Language Lang = API.getLanguage();
   serializeArray(Root, "parentContexts",
-                 generateParentContexts(*Record, API, Lang));
+                 generateParentContexts(Serializer.Hierarchy, Lang));
   Array RelatedSymbols;
@@ -1287,14 +1101,15 @@ SymbolGraphSerializer::serializeSingleSymbolSGF(StringRef USR,
     Object RelatedSymbol;
     RelatedSymbol["usr"] = RelatedRecord->USR;
     RelatedSymbol["declarationLanguage"] = getLanguageName(Lang);
-    // TODO: once we record this properly let's serialize it right.
-    RelatedSymbol["accessLevel"] = "public";
+    RelatedSymbol["accessLevel"] = RelatedRecord->Access.getAccess();
     RelatedSymbol["filePath"] = RelatedRecord->Location.getFilename();
     RelatedSymbol["moduleName"] = API.ProductName;
     RelatedSymbol["isSystem"] = RelatedRecord->IsFromSystemHeader;
     serializeArray(RelatedSymbol, "parentContexts",
-                   generateParentContexts(*RelatedRecord, API, Lang));
+                   generateParentContexts(
+                       generateHierarchyFromRecord(RelatedRecord), Lang));
diff --git a/clang/lib/ExtractAPI/TypedefUnderlyingTypeResolver.cpp b/clang/lib/ExtractAPI/TypedefUnderlyingTypeResolver.cpp
index 3a5f62c9b2e6c..41e4e0cf1795f 100644
--- a/clang/lib/ExtractAPI/TypedefUnderlyingTypeResolver.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/ExtractAPI/TypedefUnderlyingTypeResolver.cpp
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 #include "clang/ExtractAPI/TypedefUnderlyingTypeResolver.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/Module.h"
 #include "clang/Index/USRGeneration.h"
 using namespace clang;
@@ -50,17 +51,20 @@ TypedefUnderlyingTypeResolver::getSymbolReferenceForType(QualType Type,
   SmallString<128> TypeUSR;
   const NamedDecl *TypeDecl = getUnderlyingTypeDecl(Type);
   const TypedefType *TypedefTy = Type->getAs<TypedefType>();
+  StringRef OwningModuleName;
   if (TypeDecl) {
     if (!TypedefTy)
       TypeName = TypeDecl->getName().str();
     clang::index::generateUSRForDecl(TypeDecl, TypeUSR);
+    if (auto *OwningModule = TypeDecl->getImportedOwningModule())
+      OwningModuleName = OwningModule->Name;
   } else {
     clang::index::generateUSRForType(Type, Context, TypeUSR);
-  return {API.copyString(TypeName), API.copyString(TypeUSR)};
+  return API.createSymbolReference(TypeName, TypeUSR, OwningModuleName);
 std::string TypedefUnderlyingTypeResolver::getUSRForType(QualType Type) const {
diff --git a/clang/lib/FrontendTool/ExecuteCompilerInvocation.cpp b/clang/lib/FrontendTool/ExecuteCompilerInvocation.cpp
index 2446aee571f44..f85f0365616f9 100644
--- a/clang/lib/FrontendTool/ExecuteCompilerInvocation.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/FrontendTool/ExecuteCompilerInvocation.cpp
@@ -181,9 +181,13 @@ CreateFrontendAction(CompilerInstance &CI) {
   // Wrap the base FE action in an extract api action to generate
-  // symbol graph as a biproduct of compilation ( enabled with
-  // --emit-symbol-graph option )
-  if (!FEOpts.SymbolGraphOutputDir.empty()) {
+  // symbol graph as a biproduct of compilation (enabled with
+  // --emit-symbol-graph option)
+  if (FEOpts.EmitSymbolGraph) {
+    if (FEOpts.SymbolGraphOutputDir.empty()) {
+      CI.getDiagnostics().Report(diag::warn_missing_symbol_graph_dir);
+      CI.getFrontendOpts().SymbolGraphOutputDir = ".";
+    }
     CI.getCodeGenOpts().ClearASTBeforeBackend = false;
     Act = std::make_unique<WrappingExtractAPIAction>(std::move(Act));
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/anonymous_record_no_typedef.c b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/anonymous_record_no_typedef.c
index 0e50f4a0948c9..049e8b1f85bb9 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/anonymous_record_no_typedef.c
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/anonymous_record_no_typedef.c
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
+// XFAIL: *
 // RUN: rm -rf %t
 // RUN: split-file %s %t
 // RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
 // RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --pretty-sgf -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
 // RUN:   -x c-header %t/input.h -o %t/output.json -verify
 // Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/availability.c b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/availability.c
index 3c1ef5c45b634..12ac73f0d4295 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/availability.c
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/availability.c
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // RUN: split-file %s %t
 // RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
 // RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --product-name=Availability -triple arm64-apple-macosx -x c-header %t/input.h -o %t/output.json -verify
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --pretty-sgf --product-name=Availability -triple arm64-apple-macosx -x c-header %t/input.h -o %t/output.json -verify
 // Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
 // RUN: sed -e "s@\"generator\": \".*\"@\"generator\": \"?\"@g" \
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/bool.c b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/bool.c
index f4082edeb02ed..efab6dfeef03b 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/bool.c
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/bool.c
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // RUN: split-file %s %t
 // RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
 // RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang -extract-api -target arm64-apple-macosx \
+// RUN: %clang -extract-api --pretty-sgf -target arm64-apple-macosx \
 // RUN: %t/input.h -o %t/output.json
 // Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/bool.cpp b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/bool.cpp
index 1b445e220a4a0..f7d10c61dba4b 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/bool.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/bool.cpp
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // RUN: split-file %s %t
 // RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
 // RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --pretty-sgf -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
 // RUN:   -x c++-header %t/input.h -o %t/output.json -verify
 // Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/class.cpp b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/class.cpp
index 21cac43057524..0c5db8e9c9d21 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/class.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/class.cpp
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // RUN: split-file %s %t
 // RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
 // RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --pretty-sgf -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
 // RUN:   -x c++-header %t/input.h -o %t/output.json -verify
 // Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/class_template.cpp b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/class_template.cpp
index b04dca6bffda1..4f2670d7b6997 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/class_template.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/class_template.cpp
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // RUN: split-file %s %t
 // RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
 // RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --pretty-sgf -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
 // RUN:   -x c++-header %t/input.h -o %t/output.json -verify
 // Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/class_template_param_inheritance.cpp b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/class_template_param_inheritance.cpp
index 0d38fd1b7f530..3d7b09f93ed6d 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/class_template_param_inheritance.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/class_template_param_inheritance.cpp
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // RUN: split-file %s %t
 // RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
 // RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --pretty-sgf -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
 // RUN:   -x c++-header %t/input.h -o %t/output.json -verify
 // Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/class_template_partial_spec.cpp b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/class_template_partial_spec.cpp
index eba069319ce45..c8d9cc78d41c5 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/class_template_partial_spec.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/class_template_partial_spec.cpp
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // RUN: split-file %s %t
 // RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
 // RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --pretty-sgf -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
 // RUN:   -x c++-header %t/input.h -o %t/output.json -verify
 // Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ template<typename X, typename Y> class Foo {};
 template<typename Z> class Foo<Z, int> {};
-/// expected-no-diagnostics
+// expected-no-diagnostics
 //--- reference.output.json.in
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/class_template_spec.cpp b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/class_template_spec.cpp
index 4b183cbb84458..06a95314dc4aa 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/class_template_spec.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/class_template_spec.cpp
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // RUN: split-file %s %t
 // RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
 // RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --pretty-sgf -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
 // RUN:   -x c++-header %t/input.h -o %t/output.json -verify
 // Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/concept.cpp b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/concept.cpp
index ff4e71026e728..443eac2971f0e 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/concept.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/concept.cpp
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // RUN: split-file %s %t
 // RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
 // RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++20 -extract-api -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++20 -extract-api --pretty-sgf -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
 // RUN:   -x c++-header %t/input.h -o %t/output.json -verify
 // Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/constructor_destructor.cpp b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/constructor_destructor.cpp
index 9742d4bae2613..27112c95ac45c 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/constructor_destructor.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/constructor_destructor.cpp
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // RUN: split-file %s %t
 // RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
 // RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --pretty-sgf -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
 // RUN:   -x c++-header %t/input.h -o %t/output.json -verify
 // Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ class Foo {
         "precise": "c:@S@Foo@F@Foo#"
       "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Instance Method",
+        "displayName": "Constructor",
         "identifier": "c++.method"
       "location": {
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ class Foo {
         "precise": "c:@S@Foo@F@~Foo#"
       "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Instance Method",
+        "displayName": "Destructor",
         "identifier": "c++.method"
       "location": {
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/conversions.cpp b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/conversions.cpp
index fc8d067544373..07688ff770979 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/conversions.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/conversions.cpp
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // RUN: split-file %s %t
 // RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
 // RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --pretty-sgf -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
 // RUN:   -x c++-header %t/input.h -o %t/output.json -verify
 // Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/emit-symbol-graph/multi_file.c b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/emit-symbol-graph/multi_file.c
index e6b72d5881e7d..e668f69bc7e05 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/emit-symbol-graph/multi_file.c
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/emit-symbol-graph/multi_file.c
@@ -5,18 +5,19 @@
 // RUN: %t/reference.main.json.in >> %t/reference.main.json
 // RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
 // RUN: %t/reference.test.json.in >> %t/reference.test.json
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 %t/test.c %t/main.c --emit-symbol-graph=%t/SymbolGraphs --product-name=multifile_test -triple=x86_64-apple-macosx12.0.0
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 %t/test.c %t/main.c -emit-symbol-graph --pretty-sgf \
+// RUN:   --symbol-graph-dir=%t/SymbolGraphs --product-name=multifile_test -triple=x86_64-apple-macosx12.0.0
 // Test main.json
 // Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
 // RUN: sed -e "s@\"generator\": \".*\"@\"generator\": \"?\"@g" \
-// RUN: %t/SymbolGraphs/main.json > %t/output-normalized.json
+// RUN: %t/SymbolGraphs/main.c.symbols.json > %t/output-normalized.json
 // RUN: diff %t/reference.main.json %t/output-normalized.json
 // Test test.json
 // Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
 // RUN: sed -e "s@\"generator\": \".*\"@\"generator\": \"?\"@g" \
-// RUN: %t/SymbolGraphs/test.json > %t/output-normalized.json
+// RUN: %t/SymbolGraphs/test.c.symbols.json > %t/output-normalized.json
 // RUN: diff %t/reference.test.json %t/output-normalized.json
 // CHECK-NOT: error:
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/emit-symbol-graph/single_file.c b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/emit-symbol-graph/single_file.c
index 8599e82e10783..b00b5f5237c9a 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/emit-symbol-graph/single_file.c
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/emit-symbol-graph/single_file.c
@@ -3,11 +3,12 @@
 // RUN: split-file %s %t
 // RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
 // RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 %t/main.c --emit-symbol-graph=%t/SymbolGraphs --product-name=basicfile -triple=x86_64-apple-macosx12.0.0
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 %t/main.c -emit-symbol-graph --pretty-sgf  \
+// RUN:   --symbol-graph-dir=%t/SymbolGraphs --product-name=basicfile -triple=x86_64-apple-macosx12.0.0
 // Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
 // RUN: sed -e "s@\"generator\": \".*\"@\"generator\": \"?\"@g" \
-// RUN: %t/SymbolGraphs/main.json >> %t/output-normalized.json
+// RUN: %t/SymbolGraphs/main.c.symbols.json >> %t/output-normalized.json
 // RUN: diff %t/reference.output.json %t/output-normalized.json
 // CHECK-NOT: error:
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/enum.c b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/enum.c
index 94499d9fc3a63..1cdf45ca3cdf4 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/enum.c
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/enum.c
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // RUN: split-file %s %t
 // RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
 // RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --pretty-sgf -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
 // RUN:   -x c-header %t/input.h -o %t/output.json -verify
 // Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/field_template.cpp b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/field_template.cpp
index f05e826a8eb49..2058ed008cfe4 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/field_template.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/field_template.cpp
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // RUN: split-file %s %t
 // RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
 // RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --pretty-sgf -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
 // RUN:   -x c++-header %t/input.h -o %t/output.json -verify
 // Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/function_noexcepts.cpp b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/function_noexcepts.cpp
index 3fc7263cd6a18..d95eaaa7e769a 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/function_noexcepts.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/function_noexcepts.cpp
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // RUN: split-file %s %t
 // RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
 // RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --pretty-sgf -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
 // RUN:   -x c++-header %t/input.h -o %t/output.json -verify
 // Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/global_func_template.cpp b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/global_func_template.cpp
index 8def9745bcce8..f43a618ec0c36 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/global_func_template.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/global_func_template.cpp
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // RUN: split-file %s %t
 // RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
 // RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --pretty-sgf -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
 // RUN:   -x c++-header %t/input.h -o %t/output.json -verify
 // Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/global_func_template_spec.cpp b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/global_func_template_spec.cpp
index a24263dc14584..fe046e9c3b9da 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/global_func_template_spec.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/global_func_template_spec.cpp
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // RUN: split-file %s %t
 // RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
 // RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --pretty-sgf -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
 // RUN:   -x c++-header %t/input.h -o %t/output.json -verify
 // Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/global_record.c b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/global_record.c
index 623032b45bfd2..a08d51d21f955 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/global_record.c
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/global_record.c
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // RUN: split-file %s %t
 // RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
 // RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang -extract-api --product-name=GlobalRecord -target arm64-apple-macosx \
+// RUN: %clang -extract-api --pretty-sgf --product-name=GlobalRecord -target arm64-apple-macosx \
 // RUN: %t/input.h -o %t/output.json | FileCheck -allow-empty %s
 // Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/global_record_multifile.c b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/global_record_multifile.c
index f9d3889b5d9de..ffdfbcb7eb808 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/global_record_multifile.c
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/global_record_multifile.c
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // RUN: split-file %s %t
 // RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
 // RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang -extract-api --product-name=GlobalRecord -target arm64-apple-macosx \
+// RUN: %clang -extract-api --pretty-sgf --product-name=GlobalRecord -target arm64-apple-macosx \
 // RUN: %t/input1.h %t/input2.h %t/input3.h -o %t/output.json | FileCheck -allow-empty %s
 // Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/global_var_template.cpp b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/global_var_template.cpp
index bee2ea601bd72..94f3713cd3d31 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/global_var_template.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/global_var_template.cpp
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // RUN: split-file %s %t
 // RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
 // RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --pretty-sgf -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
 // RUN:   -x c++-header %t/input.h -o %t/output.json -verify
 // Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/global_var_template_partial_spec.cpp b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/global_var_template_partial_spec.cpp
index e98076cdb1d01..91084f258878e 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/global_var_template_partial_spec.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/global_var_template_partial_spec.cpp
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // RUN: split-file %s %t
 // RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
 // RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --pretty-sgf -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
 // RUN:   -x c++-header %t/input.h -o %t/output.json -verify
 // Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/global_var_template_spec.cpp b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/global_var_template_spec.cpp
index cca2ab3db7b8b..ff4d8d17aecbe 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/global_var_template_spec.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/global_var_template_spec.cpp
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // RUN: split-file %s %t
 // RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
 // RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --pretty-sgf -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
 // RUN:   -x c++-header %t/input.h -o %t/output.json -verify
 // Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/known_files_only.c b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/known_files_only.c
index 68881aa9e3aad..de1e786c1969d 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/known_files_only.c
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/known_files_only.c
@@ -1,17 +1,7 @@
 // RUN: rm -rf %t
 // RUN: split-file %s %t
-// RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
-// RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang -extract-api --product-name=GlobalRecord -target arm64-apple-macosx \
-// RUN: %t/input1.h -o %t/output.json | FileCheck -allow-empty %s
-// Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
-// RUN: sed -e "s@\"generator\": \".*\"@\"generator\": \"?\"@g" \
-// RUN: %t/output.json >> %t/output-normalized.json
-// RUN: diff %t/reference.output.json %t/output-normalized.json
-// CHECK-NOT: error:
-// CHECK-NOT: warning:
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --pretty-sgf --product-name=GlobalRecord -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
+// RUN: %t/input1.h -verify -o - | FileCheck %s
 //--- input1.h
 int num;
@@ -24,87 +14,6 @@ char not_emitted;
 void foo(int);
 struct Foo { int a; };
-//--- reference.output.json.in
-  "metadata": {
-    "formatVersion": {
-      "major": 0,
-      "minor": 5,
-      "patch": 3
-    },
-    "generator": "?"
-  },
-  "module": {
-    "name": "GlobalRecord",
-    "platform": {
-      "architecture": "arm64",
-      "operatingSystem": {
-        "minimumVersion": {
-          "major": 11,
-          "minor": 0,
-          "patch": 0
-        },
-        "name": "macosx"
-      },
-      "vendor": "apple"
-    }
-  },
-  "relationships": [],
-  "symbols": [
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-          "preciseIdentifier": "c:I",
-          "spelling": "int"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "num"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ";"
-        }
-      ],
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "c",
-        "precise": "c:@num"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Global Variable",
-        "identifier": "c.var"
-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 4,
-          "line": 0
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input1.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "num"
-          }
-        ],
-        "subHeading": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "num"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "num"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "num"
-      ]
-    }
-  ]
+// CHECK-NOT: input2.h
+// expected-no-diagnostics
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/language.c b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/language.c
index fe98626c84613..90832fd8a2aff 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/language.c
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/language.c
@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@
 // RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
 // RUN: %t/objcpp.reference.output.json.in >> %t/objcpp.reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api -x c-header -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --pretty-sgf -x c-header -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
 // RUN: %t/c.h -o %t/c.output.json | FileCheck -allow-empty %s
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api -x objective-c-header -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --pretty-sgf -x objective-c-header -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
 // RUN: %t/objc.h -o %t/objc.output.json | FileCheck -allow-empty %s
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api -x objective-c++-header -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --pretty-sgf -x objective-c++-header -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
 // RUN: %t/objcpp.h -o %t/objcpp.output.json | FileCheck -allow-empty %s
 // Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/macro_undefined.c b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/macro_undefined.c
index 1a4ed20545e0d..ec60f95d3d6c4 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/macro_undefined.c
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/macro_undefined.c
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // RUN: split-file %s %t
 // RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
 // RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang -extract-api --product-name=Macros -target arm64-apple-macosx \
+// RUN: %clang -extract-api --pretty-sgf --product-name=Macros -target arm64-apple-macosx \
 // RUN: -x objective-c-header %t/input.h -o %t/output.json | FileCheck -allow-empty %s
 // Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/macros.c b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/macros.c
index d5807f6377ff6..10003fe6f6e40 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/macros.c
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/macros.c
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // RUN: split-file %s %t
 // RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
 // RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang -extract-api --product-name=Macros -target arm64-apple-macosx \
+// RUN: %clang -extract-api --pretty-sgf --product-name=Macros -target arm64-apple-macosx \
 // RUN: -x objective-c-header %t/input.h -o %t/output.json | FileCheck -allow-empty %s
 // Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/metadata_and_module.c b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/metadata_and_module.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..79574a20ed95a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/metadata_and_module.c
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+// RUN: rm -rf %t
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --pretty-sgf --product-name=module -triple arm64-apple-macosx -x c-header %s -o %t/module.symbols.json -verify
+// RUN: FileCheck %s --input-file %t/module.symbols.json --check-prefix METADATA
+// RUN: FileCheck %s --input-file %t/module.symbols.json --check-prefix MOD
+// expected-no-diagnostics
+// METADATA:      "metadata": {
+// METADATA-NEXT:   "formatVersion": {
+// METADATA-NEXT:     "major":
+// METADATA-NEXT:     "minor":
+// METADATA-NEXT:     "patch":
+// METADATA-NEXT:   "generator":
+// MOD: "module": {
+// MOD-NEXT:   "name": "module",
+// MOD-NEXT:   "platform": {
+// MOD-NEXT:     "architecture": "arm64",
+// MOD-NEXT:     "operatingSystem": {
+// MOD-NEXT:       "minimumVersion": {
+// MOD-NEXT:         "major":
+// MOD-NEXT:         "minor":
+// MOD-NEXT:         "patch":
+// MOD-NEXT:       },
+// MOD-NEXT:       "name": "macosx"
+// MOD-NEXT:     },
+// MOD-NEXT:     "vendor": "apple"
+// MOD-NEXT:   }
+// MOD-NEXT: }
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/method_template.cpp b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/method_template.cpp
index 8d832337216a2..714f9cac26c20 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/method_template.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/method_template.cpp
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // RUN: split-file %s %t
 // RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
 // RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --pretty-sgf -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
 // RUN:   -x c++-header %t/input.h -o %t/output.json -verify
 // Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/method_template_spec.cpp b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/method_template_spec.cpp
index 706d99da558fe..8eaffdefd827a 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/method_template_spec.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/method_template_spec.cpp
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // RUN: split-file %s %t
 // RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
 // RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --pretty-sgf -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
 // RUN:   -x c++-header %t/input.h -o %t/output.json -verify
 // Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/methods.cpp b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/methods.cpp
index 8b024a8c3036f..412c0bb3f903c 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/methods.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/methods.cpp
@@ -1,467 +1,221 @@
 // RUN: rm -rf %t
-// RUN: split-file %s %t
-// RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
-// RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
-// RUN:   -x c++-header %t/input.h -o %t/output.json -verify
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --pretty-sgf --emit-sgf-symbol-labels-for-testing \
+// RUN:   -triple arm64-apple-macosx -x c++-header %s -o %t/output.symbols.json -verify
-// Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
-// RUN: sed -e "s@\"generator\": \".*\"@\"generator\": \"?\"@g" \
-// RUN: %t/output.json >> %t/output-normalized.json
-// RUN: diff %t/reference.output.json %t/output-normalized.json
-//--- input.h
 class Foo {
+  // RUN: FileCheck %s --input-file %t/output.symbols.json --check-prefix GETCOUNT
   int getCount();
+  // GETCOUNT: "!testRelLabel": "memberOf $ c:@S@Foo@F@getCount# $ c:@S@Foo"
+  // GETCOUNT-LABEL: "!testLabel":  "c:@S@Foo@F@getCount#"
+  // GETCOUNT: "accessLevel": "private",
+  // GETCOUNT:      "declarationFragments": [
+  // GETCOUNT-NEXT:   {
+  // GETCOUNT-NEXT:     "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+  // GETCOUNT-NEXT:     "preciseIdentifier": "c:I",
+  // GETCOUNT-NEXT:     "spelling": "int"
+  // GETCOUNT-NEXT:   },
+  // GETCOUNT-NEXT:   {
+  // GETCOUNT-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+  // GETCOUNT-NEXT:     "spelling": " "
+  // GETCOUNT-NEXT:   },
+  // GETCOUNT-NEXT:   {
+  // GETCOUNT-NEXT:     "kind": "identifier",
+  // GETCOUNT-NEXT:     "spelling": "getCount"
+  // GETCOUNT-NEXT:   },
+  // GETCOUNT-NEXT:   {
+  // GETCOUNT-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+  // GETCOUNT-NEXT:     "spelling": "();"
+  // GETCOUNT-NEXT:   }
+  // GETCOUNT:      "functionSignature": {
+  // GETCOUNT-NEXT:   "returns": [
+  // GETCOUNT-NEXT:     {
+  // GETCOUNT-NEXT:       "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+  // GETCOUNT-NEXT:       "preciseIdentifier": "c:I",
+  // GETCOUNT-NEXT:       "spelling": "int"
+  // GETCOUNT-NEXT:     }
+  // GETCOUNT-NEXT:   ]
+  // GETCOUNT: "displayName": "Instance Method",
+  // GETCOUNT-NEXT: "identifier": "c++.method"
+  // GETCOUNT: "title": "getCount"
+  // GETCOUNT: "pathComponents": [
+  // GETCOUNT-NEXT:   "Foo",
+  // GETCOUNT-NEXT:   "getCount"
+  // RUN: FileCheck %s --input-file %t/output.symbols.json --check-prefix SETL
   void setLength(int length) noexcept;
+  // SETL: "!testRelLabel": "memberOf $ c:@S@Foo@F@setLength#I# $ c:@S@Foo"
+  // SETL-LABEL: "!testLabel": "c:@S@Foo@F@setLength#I#"
+  // SETL:      "declarationFragments": [
+  // SETL-NEXT:   {
+  // SETL-NEXT:     "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+  // SETL-NEXT:     "preciseIdentifier": "c:v",
+  // SETL-NEXT:     "spelling": "void"
+  // SETL-NEXT:   },
+  // SETL-NEXT:   {
+  // SETL-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+  // SETL-NEXT:     "spelling": " "
+  // SETL-NEXT:   },
+  // SETL-NEXT:   {
+  // SETL-NEXT:     "kind": "identifier",
+  // SETL-NEXT:     "spelling": "setLength"
+  // SETL-NEXT:   },
+  // SETL-NEXT:   {
+  // SETL-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+  // SETL-NEXT:     "spelling": "("
+  // SETL-NEXT:   },
+  // SETL-NEXT:   {
+  // SETL-NEXT:     "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+  // SETL-NEXT:     "preciseIdentifier": "c:I",
+  // SETL-NEXT:     "spelling": "int"
+  // SETL-NEXT:   },
+  // SETL-NEXT:   {
+  // SETL-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+  // SETL-NEXT:     "spelling": " "
+  // SETL-NEXT:   },
+  // SETL-NEXT:   {
+  // SETL-NEXT:     "kind": "internalParam",
+  // SETL-NEXT:     "spelling": "length"
+  // SETL-NEXT:   },
+  // SETL-NEXT:   {
+  // SETL-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+  // SETL-NEXT:     "spelling": ")"
+  // SETL-NEXT:   },
+  // SETL-NEXT:   {
+  // SETL-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+  // SETL-NEXT:     "spelling": " "
+  // SETL-NEXT:   },
+  // SETL-NEXT:   {
+  // SETL-NEXT:     "kind": "keyword",
+  // SETL-NEXT:     "spelling": "noexcept"
+  // SETL-NEXT:   },
+  // SETL-NEXT:   {
+  // SETL-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+  // SETL-NEXT:     "spelling": ";"
+  // SETL-NEXT:   }
+  // SETL-NEXT: ],
+  // SETL:      "functionSignature": {
+  // SETL-NEXT:   "parameters": [
+  // SETL-NEXT:     {
+  // SETL-NEXT:       "declarationFragments": [
+  // SETL-NEXT:         {
+  // SETL-NEXT:           "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+  // SETL-NEXT:           "preciseIdentifier": "c:I",
+  // SETL-NEXT:           "spelling": "int"
+  // SETL-NEXT:         },
+  // SETL-NEXT:         {
+  // SETL-NEXT:           "kind": "text",
+  // SETL-NEXT:           "spelling": " "
+  // SETL-NEXT:         },
+  // SETL-NEXT:         {
+  // SETL-NEXT:           "kind": "internalParam",
+  // SETL-NEXT:           "spelling": "length"
+  // SETL-NEXT:         }
+  // SETL-NEXT:       ],
+  // SETL-NEXT:       "name": "length"
+  // SETL-NEXT:     }
+  // SETL-NEXT:   ],
+  // SETL-NEXT:   "returns": [
+  // SETL-NEXT:     {
+  // SETL-NEXT:       "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+  // SETL-NEXT:       "preciseIdentifier": "c:v",
+  // SETL-NEXT:       "spelling": "void"
+  // SETL-NEXT:     }
+  // SETL-NEXT:   ]
+  // SETL-NEXT: },
+  // RUN: FileCheck %s --input-file %t/output.symbols.json --check-prefix GETFOO
   static double getFoo();
+  // GETFOO: "!testRelLabel": "memberOf $ c:@S@Foo@F@getFoo#S $ c:@S@Foo"
+  // GETFOO-LABEL: "!testLabel": "c:@S@Foo@F@getFoo#S"
+  // GETFOO: "accessLevel": "public",
+  // GETFOO:      "declarationFragments": [
+  // GETFOO-NEXT:   {
+  // GETFOO-NEXT:     "kind": "keyword",
+  // GETFOO-NEXT:     "spelling": "static"
+  // GETFOO-NEXT:   },
+  // GETFOO-NEXT:   {
+  // GETFOO-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+  // GETFOO-NEXT:     "spelling": " "
+  // GETFOO-NEXT:   },
+  // GETFOO-NEXT:   {
+  // GETFOO-NEXT:     "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+  // GETFOO-NEXT:     "preciseIdentifier": "c:d",
+  // GETFOO-NEXT:     "spelling": "double"
+  // GETFOO-NEXT:   },
+  // GETFOO-NEXT:   {
+  // GETFOO-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+  // GETFOO-NEXT:     "spelling": " "
+  // GETFOO-NEXT:   },
+  // GETFOO-NEXT:   {
+  // GETFOO-NEXT:     "kind": "identifier",
+  // GETFOO-NEXT:     "spelling": "getFoo"
+  // GETFOO-NEXT:   },
+  // GETFOO-NEXT:   {
+  // GETFOO-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+  // GETFOO-NEXT:     "spelling": "();"
+  // GETFOO-NEXT:   }
+  // GETFOO-NEXT: ],
+  // GETFOO:      "functionSignature": {
+  // GETFOO-NEXT:   "returns": [
+  // GETFOO-NEXT:     {
+  // GETFOO-NEXT:       "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+  // GETFOO-NEXT:       "preciseIdentifier": "c:d",
+  // GETFOO-NEXT:       "spelling": "double"
+  // GETFOO-NEXT:     }
+  // GETFOO-NEXT:   ]
+  // GETFOO-NEXT: },
+  // GETFOO:      "kind": {
+  // GETFOO-NEXT:   "displayName": "Static Method",
+  // GETFOO-NEXT:   "identifier": "c++.type.method"
+  // GETFOO-NEXT: },
+  // RUN: FileCheck %s --input-file %t/output.symbols.json --check-prefix GETBAR
   constexpr int getBar() const;
+  // GETBAR: "!testRelLabel": "memberOf $ c:@S@Foo@F@getBar#1 $ c:@S@Foo"
+  // GETBAR-LABEL: "!testLabel": "c:@S@Foo@F@getBar#1"
+  // GETBAR: "accessLevel": "protected"
+  // GETBAR:      "declarationFragments": [
+  // GETBAR-NEXT:   {
+  // GETBAR-NEXT:     "kind": "keyword",
+  // GETBAR-NEXT:     "spelling": "constexpr"
+  // GETBAR-NEXT:   },
+  // GETBAR-NEXT:   {
+  // GETBAR-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+  // GETBAR-NEXT:     "spelling": " "
+  // GETBAR-NEXT:   },
+  // GETBAR-NEXT:   {
+  // GETBAR-NEXT:     "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+  // GETBAR-NEXT:     "preciseIdentifier": "c:I",
+  // GETBAR-NEXT:     "spelling": "int"
+  // GETBAR-NEXT:   },
+  // GETBAR-NEXT:   {
+  // GETBAR-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+  // GETBAR-NEXT:     "spelling": " "
+  // GETBAR-NEXT:   },
+  // GETBAR-NEXT:   {
+  // GETBAR-NEXT:     "kind": "identifier",
+  // GETBAR-NEXT:     "spelling": "getBar"
+  // GETBAR-NEXT:   },
+  // GETBAR-NEXT:   {
+  // GETBAR-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+  // GETBAR-NEXT:     "spelling": "() "
+  // GETBAR-NEXT:   },
+  // GETBAR-NEXT:   {
+  // GETBAR-NEXT:     "kind": "keyword",
+  // GETBAR-NEXT:     "spelling": "const"
+  // GETBAR-NEXT:   },
+  // GETBAR-NEXT:   {
+  // GETBAR-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+  // GETBAR-NEXT:     "spelling": ";"
+  // GETBAR-NEXT:   }
+  // GETBAR-NEXT: ],
-/// expected-no-diagnostics
-//--- reference.output.json.in
-  "metadata": {
-    "formatVersion": {
-      "major": 0,
-      "minor": 5,
-      "patch": 3
-    },
-    "generator": "?"
-  },
-  "module": {
-    "name": "",
-    "platform": {
-      "architecture": "arm64",
-      "operatingSystem": {
-        "minimumVersion": {
-          "major": 11,
-          "minor": 0,
-          "patch": 0
-        },
-        "name": "macosx"
-      },
-      "vendor": "apple"
-    }
-  },
-  "relationships": [
-    {
-      "kind": "memberOf",
-      "source": "c:@S@Foo@F@getCount#",
-      "target": "c:@S@Foo",
-      "targetFallback": "Foo"
-    },
-    {
-      "kind": "memberOf",
-      "source": "c:@S@Foo@F@setLength#I#",
-      "target": "c:@S@Foo",
-      "targetFallback": "Foo"
-    },
-    {
-      "kind": "memberOf",
-      "source": "c:@S@Foo@F@getBar#1",
-      "target": "c:@S@Foo",
-      "targetFallback": "Foo"
-    },
-    {
-      "kind": "memberOf",
-      "source": "c:@S@Foo@F@getFoo#S",
-      "target": "c:@S@Foo",
-      "targetFallback": "Foo"
-    }
-  ],
-  "symbols": [
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "keyword",
-          "spelling": "class"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "Foo"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ";"
-        }
-      ],
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "c++",
-        "precise": "c:@S@Foo"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Class",
-        "identifier": "c++.class"
-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 6,
-          "line": 0
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "Foo"
-          }
-        ],
-        "subHeading": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "Foo"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "Foo"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "Foo"
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "private",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-          "preciseIdentifier": "c:I",
-          "spelling": "int"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "getCount"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": "();"
-        }
-      ],
-      "functionSignature": {
-        "returns": [
-          {
-            "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-            "preciseIdentifier": "c:I",
-            "spelling": "int"
-          }
-        ]
-      },
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "c++",
-        "precise": "c:@S@Foo@F@getCount#"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Instance Method",
-        "identifier": "c++.method"
-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 6,
-          "line": 1
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "getCount"
-          }
-        ],
-        "subHeading": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "getCount"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "getCount"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "Foo",
-        "getCount"
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "private",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-          "preciseIdentifier": "c:v",
-          "spelling": "void"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "setLength"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": "("
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-          "preciseIdentifier": "c:I",
-          "spelling": "int"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "internalParam",
-          "spelling": "length"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ")"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "keyword",
-          "spelling": "noexcept"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ";"
-        }
-      ],
-      "functionSignature": {
-        "parameters": [
-          {
-            "declarationFragments": [
-              {
-                "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-                "preciseIdentifier": "c:I",
-                "spelling": "int"
-              },
-              {
-                "kind": "text",
-                "spelling": " "
-              },
-              {
-                "kind": "internalParam",
-                "spelling": "length"
-              }
-            ],
-            "name": "length"
-          }
-        ],
-        "returns": [
-          {
-            "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-            "preciseIdentifier": "c:v",
-            "spelling": "void"
-          }
-        ]
-      },
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "c++",
-        "precise": "c:@S@Foo@F@setLength#I#"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Instance Method",
-        "identifier": "c++.method"
-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 7,
-          "line": 3
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "setLength"
-          }
-        ],
-        "subHeading": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "setLength"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "setLength"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "Foo",
-        "setLength"
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "protected",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "keyword",
-          "spelling": "constexpr"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-          "preciseIdentifier": "c:I",
-          "spelling": "int"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "getBar"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": "() "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "keyword",
-          "spelling": "const"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ";"
-        }
-      ],
-      "functionSignature": {
-        "returns": [
-          {
-            "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-            "preciseIdentifier": "c:I",
-            "spelling": "int"
-          }
-        ]
-      },
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "c++",
-        "precise": "c:@S@Foo@F@getBar#1"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Instance Method",
-        "identifier": "c++.method"
-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 16,
-          "line": 9
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "getBar"
-          }
-        ],
-        "subHeading": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "getBar"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "getBar"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "Foo",
-        "getBar"
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "keyword",
-          "spelling": "static"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-          "preciseIdentifier": "c:d",
-          "spelling": "double"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "getFoo"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": "();"
-        }
-      ],
-      "functionSignature": {
-        "returns": [
-          {
-            "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-            "preciseIdentifier": "c:d",
-            "spelling": "double"
-          }
-        ]
-      },
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "c++",
-        "precise": "c:@S@Foo@F@getFoo#S"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Static Method",
-        "identifier": "c++.type.method"
-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 16,
-          "line": 6
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "getFoo"
-          }
-        ],
-        "subHeading": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "getFoo"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "getFoo"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "Foo",
-        "getFoo"
-      ]
-    }
-  ]
+// expected-no-diagnostics
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/multiple_inheritance.cpp b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/multiple_inheritance.cpp
index a1f069be0de61..7d49cf4326465 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/multiple_inheritance.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/multiple_inheritance.cpp
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 // RUN: split-file %s %t
 // RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
 // RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --pretty-sgf -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
 // RUN:   -x c++-header %t/input.h -o %t/output.json -verify
 // Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/namespace.cpp b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/namespace.cpp
index e0c36dd3d60fe..73e0728b9a441 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/namespace.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/namespace.cpp
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // RUN: split-file %s %t
 // RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
 // RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++20 -extract-api -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --pretty-sgf -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
 // RUN:   -x c++-header %t/input.h -o %t/output.json -verify
 // Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/nested_namespaces.cpp b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/nested_namespaces.cpp
index bd13ef93807c0..c6912cfb46312 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/nested_namespaces.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/nested_namespaces.cpp
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // RUN: split-file %s %t
 // RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
 // RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++20 -extract-api -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --pretty-sgf -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
 // RUN:   -x c++-header %t/input.h -o %t/output.json -verify
 // Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/objc_block.m b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/objc_block.m
index a7a4f5696333c..4a4335ec09832 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/objc_block.m
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/objc_block.m
@@ -1,965 +1,630 @@
 // RUN: rm -rf %t
-// RUN: split-file %s %t
-// RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
-// RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api -fblocks -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
-// RUN: -x objective-c-header %t/input.h -o %t/output.json -verify
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --pretty-sgf --emit-sgf-symbol-labels-for-testing \
+// RUN:   -fblocks -triple arm64-apple-macosx -x objective-c-header %s -o %t/output.symbols.json -verify
-// Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
-// RUN: sed -e "s@\"generator\": \".*\"@\"generator\": \"?\"@g" \
-// RUN: %t/output.json >> %t/output-normalized.json
-// RUN: diff %t/reference.output.json %t/output-normalized.json
-//--- input.h
 @interface Foo
+// RUN: FileCheck %s --input-file %t/output.symbols.json --check-prefix NOPARAM
 -(void)methodBlockNoParam:(void (^)())block;
+// NOPARAM-LABEL: "!testLabel": "c:objc(cs)Foo(im)methodBlockNoParam:"
+// NOPARAM:      "declarationFragments": [
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:     "spelling": "- ("
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:   },
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:     "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:     "preciseIdentifier": "c:v",
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:     "spelling": "void"
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:   },
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:     "spelling": ") "
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:   },
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:     "kind": "identifier",
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:     "spelling": "methodBlockNoParam:"
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:   },
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:     "spelling": "("
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:   },
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:     "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:     "preciseIdentifier": "c:v",
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:     "spelling": "void"
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:   },
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:     "spelling": " (^"
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:   },
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:     "spelling": ")()) "
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:   },
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:     "kind": "internalParam",
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:     "spelling": "block"
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:   },
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:     "spelling": ";"
+// NOPARAM:      "functionSignature": {
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:   "parameters": [
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:     {
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:       "declarationFragments": [
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:         {
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:           "kind": "text",
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:           "spelling": "("
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:         },
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:         {
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:           "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:           "preciseIdentifier": "c:v",
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:           "spelling": "void"
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:         },
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:         {
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:           "kind": "text",
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:           "spelling": " (^"
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:         },
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:         {
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:           "kind": "text",
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:           "spelling": ")()) "
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:         },
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:         {
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:           "kind": "internalParam",
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:           "spelling": "block"
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:         }
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:       ],
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:       "name": "block"
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:     }
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:   ],
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:   "returns": [
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:     {
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:       "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:       "preciseIdentifier": "c:v",
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:       "spelling": "void"
+// NOPARAM-NEXT:     }
+// RUN: FileCheck %s --input-file %t/output.symbols.json --check-prefix PARAM
 -(void)methodBlockWithParam:(int (^)(int foo))block;
+// PARAM-LABEL: "!testLabel": "c:objc(cs)Foo(im)methodBlockWithParam:"
+// PARAM:      "declarationFragments": [
+// PARAM-NEXT:   {
+// PARAM-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// PARAM-NEXT:     "spelling": "- ("
+// PARAM-NEXT:   },
+// PARAM-NEXT:   {
+// PARAM-NEXT:     "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// PARAM-NEXT:     "preciseIdentifier": "c:v",
+// PARAM-NEXT:     "spelling": "void"
+// PARAM-NEXT:   },
+// PARAM-NEXT:   {
+// PARAM-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// PARAM-NEXT:     "spelling": ") "
+// PARAM-NEXT:   },
+// PARAM-NEXT:   {
+// PARAM-NEXT:     "kind": "identifier",
+// PARAM-NEXT:     "spelling": "methodBlockWithParam:"
+// PARAM-NEXT:   },
+// PARAM-NEXT:   {
+// PARAM-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// PARAM-NEXT:     "spelling": "("
+// PARAM-NEXT:   },
+// PARAM-NEXT:   {
+// PARAM-NEXT:     "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// PARAM-NEXT:     "preciseIdentifier": "c:I",
+// PARAM-NEXT:     "spelling": "int"
+// PARAM-NEXT:   },
+// PARAM-NEXT:   {
+// PARAM-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// PARAM-NEXT:     "spelling": " (^"
+// PARAM-NEXT:   },
+// PARAM-NEXT:   {
+// PARAM-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// PARAM-NEXT:     "spelling": ")("
+// PARAM-NEXT:   },
+// PARAM-NEXT:   {
+// PARAM-NEXT:     "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// PARAM-NEXT:     "preciseIdentifier": "c:I",
+// PARAM-NEXT:     "spelling": "int"
+// PARAM-NEXT:   },
+// PARAM-NEXT:   {
+// PARAM-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// PARAM-NEXT:     "spelling": " "
+// PARAM-NEXT:   },
+// PARAM-NEXT:   {
+// PARAM-NEXT:     "kind": "internalParam",
+// PARAM-NEXT:     "spelling": "foo"
+// PARAM-NEXT:   },
+// PARAM-NEXT:   {
+// PARAM-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// PARAM-NEXT:     "spelling": ")) "
+// PARAM-NEXT:   },
+// PARAM-NEXT:   {
+// PARAM-NEXT:     "kind": "internalParam",
+// PARAM-NEXT:     "spelling": "block"
+// PARAM-NEXT:   },
+// PARAM-NEXT:   {
+// PARAM-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// PARAM-NEXT:     "spelling": ";"
+// PARAM-NEXT:   }
+// PARAM-NEXT: ],
+// PARAM:      "functionSignature": {
+// PARAM-NEXT:   "parameters": [
+// PARAM-NEXT:     {
+// PARAM-NEXT:       "declarationFragments": [
+// PARAM-NEXT:         {
+// PARAM-NEXT:           "kind": "text",
+// PARAM-NEXT:           "spelling": "("
+// PARAM-NEXT:         },
+// PARAM-NEXT:         {
+// PARAM-NEXT:           "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// PARAM-NEXT:           "preciseIdentifier": "c:I",
+// PARAM-NEXT:           "spelling": "int"
+// PARAM-NEXT:         },
+// PARAM-NEXT:         {
+// PARAM-NEXT:           "kind": "text",
+// PARAM-NEXT:           "spelling": " (^"
+// PARAM-NEXT:         },
+// PARAM-NEXT:         {
+// PARAM-NEXT:           "kind": "text",
+// PARAM-NEXT:           "spelling": ")("
+// PARAM-NEXT:         },
+// PARAM-NEXT:         {
+// PARAM-NEXT:           "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// PARAM-NEXT:           "preciseIdentifier": "c:I",
+// PARAM-NEXT:           "spelling": "int"
+// PARAM-NEXT:         },
+// PARAM-NEXT:         {
+// PARAM-NEXT:           "kind": "text",
+// PARAM-NEXT:           "spelling": " "
+// PARAM-NEXT:         },
+// PARAM-NEXT:         {
+// PARAM-NEXT:           "kind": "internalParam",
+// PARAM-NEXT:           "spelling": "foo"
+// PARAM-NEXT:         },
+// PARAM-NEXT:         {
+// PARAM-NEXT:           "kind": "text",
+// PARAM-NEXT:           "spelling": ")) "
+// PARAM-NEXT:         },
+// PARAM-NEXT:         {
+// PARAM-NEXT:           "kind": "internalParam",
+// PARAM-NEXT:           "spelling": "block"
+// PARAM-NEXT:         }
+// PARAM-NEXT:       ],
+// PARAM-NEXT:       "name": "block"
+// PARAM-NEXT:     }
+// PARAM-NEXT:   ],
+// PARAM-NEXT:   "returns": [
+// PARAM-NEXT:     {
+// PARAM-NEXT:       "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// PARAM-NEXT:       "preciseIdentifier": "c:v",
+// PARAM-NEXT:       "spelling": "void"
+// PARAM-NEXT:     }
+// PARAM-NEXT:   ]
+// RUN: FileCheck %s --input-file %t/output.symbols.json --check-prefix MULTIPARAM
 -(void)methodBlockWithMultipleParam:(int (^)(int foo, unsigned baz))block;
+// MULTIPARAM-LABEL: "!testLabel": "c:objc(cs)Foo(im)methodBlockWithMultipleParam:"
+// MULTIPARAM:      "declarationFragments": [
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:     "spelling": "- ("
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:     "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:     "preciseIdentifier": "c:v",
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:     "spelling": "void"
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:     "spelling": ") "
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:     "kind": "identifier",
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:     "spelling": "methodBlockWithMultipleParam:"
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:     "spelling": "("
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:     "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:     "preciseIdentifier": "c:I",
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:     "spelling": "int"
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:     "spelling": " (^"
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:     "spelling": ")("
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:     "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:     "preciseIdentifier": "c:I",
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:     "spelling": "int"
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:     "spelling": " "
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:     "kind": "internalParam",
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:     "spelling": "foo"
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:     "spelling": ", "
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:     "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:     "preciseIdentifier": "c:i",
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:     "spelling": "unsigned int"
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:     "spelling": " "
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:     "kind": "internalParam",
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:     "spelling": "baz"
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:     "spelling": ")) "
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:     "kind": "internalParam",
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:     "spelling": "block"
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:     "spelling": ";"
+// MULTIPARAM:      "functionSignature": {
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:   "parameters": [
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:       "declarationFragments": [
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:         {
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:           "kind": "text",
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:           "spelling": "("
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:         },
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:         {
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:           "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:           "preciseIdentifier": "c:I",
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:           "spelling": "int"
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:         },
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:         {
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:           "kind": "text",
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:           "spelling": " (^"
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:         },
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:         {
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:           "kind": "text",
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:           "spelling": ")("
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:         },
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:         {
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:           "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:           "preciseIdentifier": "c:I",
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:           "spelling": "int"
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:         },
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:         {
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:           "kind": "text",
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:           "spelling": " "
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:         },
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:         {
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:           "kind": "internalParam",
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:           "spelling": "foo"
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:         },
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:         {
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:           "kind": "text",
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:           "spelling": ", "
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:         },
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:         {
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:           "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:           "preciseIdentifier": "c:i",
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:           "spelling": "unsigned int"
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:         },
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:         {
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:           "kind": "text",
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:           "spelling": " "
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:         },
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:         {
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:           "kind": "internalParam",
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:           "spelling": "baz"
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:         },
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:         {
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:           "kind": "text",
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:           "spelling": ")) "
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:         },
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:         {
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:           "kind": "internalParam",
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:           "spelling": "block"
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:         }
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:       ],
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:       "name": "block"
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:   "returns": [
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:       "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:       "preciseIdentifier": "c:v",
+// MULTIPARAM-NEXT:       "spelling": "void"
+// RUN: FileCheck %s --input-file %t/output.symbols.json --check-prefix VARIADIC
 -(void)methodBlockVariadic:(int (^)(int foo, ...))block;
+// VARIADIC-LABEL: "!testLabel": "c:objc(cs)Foo(im)methodBlockVariadic:"
+// VARIADIC:      "declarationFragments": [
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:     "spelling": "- ("
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:     "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:     "preciseIdentifier": "c:v",
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:     "spelling": "void"
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:     "spelling": ") "
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:     "kind": "identifier",
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:     "spelling": "methodBlockVariadic:"
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:     "spelling": "("
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:     "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:     "preciseIdentifier": "c:I",
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:     "spelling": "int"
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:     "spelling": " (^"
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:     "spelling": ")("
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:     "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:     "preciseIdentifier": "c:I",
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:     "spelling": "int"
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:     "spelling": " "
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:     "kind": "internalParam",
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:     "spelling": "foo"
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:     "spelling": ", ...)) "
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:     "kind": "internalParam",
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:     "spelling": "block"
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:     "spelling": ";"
+// VARIADIC:      "functionSignature": {
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:   "parameters": [
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:     {
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:       "declarationFragments": [
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:         {
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:           "kind": "text",
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:           "spelling": "("
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:         },
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:         {
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:           "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:           "preciseIdentifier": "c:I",
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:           "spelling": "int"
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:         },
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:         {
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:           "kind": "text",
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:           "spelling": " (^"
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:         },
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:         {
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:           "kind": "text",
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:           "spelling": ")("
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:         },
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:         {
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:           "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:           "preciseIdentifier": "c:I",
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:           "spelling": "int"
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:         },
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:         {
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:           "kind": "text",
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:           "spelling": " "
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:         },
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:         {
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:           "kind": "internalParam",
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:           "spelling": "foo"
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:         },
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:         {
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:           "kind": "text",
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:           "spelling": ", ...)) "
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:         },
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:         {
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:           "kind": "internalParam",
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:           "spelling": "block"
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:         }
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:       ],
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:       "name": "block"
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:     }
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:   "returns": [
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:     {
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:       "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:       "preciseIdentifier": "c:v",
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:       "spelling": "void"
+// VARIADIC-NEXT:     }
+// RUN: FileCheck %s --input-file %t/output.symbols.json --check-prefix FUNC
 void func(int (^arg)(int foo));
+// FUNC-LABEL: "!testLabel": "c:@F@func"
+// FUNC:      "declarationFragments": [
+// FUNC-NEXT:   {
+// FUNC-NEXT:     "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// FUNC-NEXT:     "preciseIdentifier": "c:v",
+// FUNC-NEXT:     "spelling": "void"
+// FUNC-NEXT:   },
+// FUNC-NEXT:   {
+// FUNC-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// FUNC-NEXT:     "spelling": " "
+// FUNC-NEXT:   },
+// FUNC-NEXT:   {
+// FUNC-NEXT:     "kind": "identifier",
+// FUNC-NEXT:     "spelling": "func"
+// FUNC-NEXT:   },
+// FUNC-NEXT:   {
+// FUNC-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// FUNC-NEXT:     "spelling": "("
+// FUNC-NEXT:   },
+// FUNC-NEXT:   {
+// FUNC-NEXT:     "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// FUNC-NEXT:     "preciseIdentifier": "c:I",
+// FUNC-NEXT:     "spelling": "int"
+// FUNC-NEXT:   },
+// FUNC-NEXT:   {
+// FUNC-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// FUNC-NEXT:     "spelling": " (^"
+// FUNC-NEXT:   },
+// FUNC-NEXT:   {
+// FUNC-NEXT:     "kind": "internalParam",
+// FUNC-NEXT:     "spelling": "arg"
+// FUNC-NEXT:   },
+// FUNC-NEXT:   {
+// FUNC-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// FUNC-NEXT:     "spelling": ")("
+// FUNC-NEXT:   },
+// FUNC-NEXT:   {
+// FUNC-NEXT:     "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// FUNC-NEXT:     "preciseIdentifier": "c:I",
+// FUNC-NEXT:     "spelling": "int"
+// FUNC-NEXT:   },
+// FUNC-NEXT:   {
+// FUNC-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// FUNC-NEXT:     "spelling": " "
+// FUNC-NEXT:   },
+// FUNC-NEXT:   {
+// FUNC-NEXT:     "kind": "internalParam",
+// FUNC-NEXT:     "spelling": "foo"
+// FUNC-NEXT:   },
+// FUNC-NEXT:   {
+// FUNC-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// FUNC-NEXT:     "spelling": "));"
+// FUNC-NEXT:   }
+// FUNC-NEXT: ],
+// FUNC:      "functionSignature": {
+// FUNC-NEXT:   "parameters": [
+// FUNC-NEXT:     {
+// FUNC-NEXT:       "declarationFragments": [
+// FUNC-NEXT:         {
+// FUNC-NEXT:           "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// FUNC-NEXT:           "preciseIdentifier": "c:I",
+// FUNC-NEXT:           "spelling": "int"
+// FUNC-NEXT:         },
+// FUNC-NEXT:         {
+// FUNC-NEXT:           "kind": "text",
+// FUNC-NEXT:           "spelling": " (^"
+// FUNC-NEXT:         },
+// FUNC-NEXT:         {
+// FUNC-NEXT:           "kind": "internalParam",
+// FUNC-NEXT:           "spelling": "arg"
+// FUNC-NEXT:         },
+// FUNC-NEXT:         {
+// FUNC-NEXT:           "kind": "text",
+// FUNC-NEXT:           "spelling": ")("
+// FUNC-NEXT:         },
+// FUNC-NEXT:         {
+// FUNC-NEXT:           "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// FUNC-NEXT:           "preciseIdentifier": "c:I",
+// FUNC-NEXT:           "spelling": "int"
+// FUNC-NEXT:         },
+// FUNC-NEXT:         {
+// FUNC-NEXT:           "kind": "text",
+// FUNC-NEXT:           "spelling": " "
+// FUNC-NEXT:         },
+// FUNC-NEXT:         {
+// FUNC-NEXT:           "kind": "internalParam",
+// FUNC-NEXT:           "spelling": "foo"
+// FUNC-NEXT:         },
+// FUNC-NEXT:         {
+// FUNC-NEXT:           "kind": "text",
+// FUNC-NEXT:           "spelling": ")"
+// FUNC-NEXT:         }
+// FUNC-NEXT:       ],
+// FUNC-NEXT:       "name": "arg"
+// FUNC-NEXT:     }
+// FUNC-NEXT:   ],
+// FUNC-NEXT:   "returns": [
+// FUNC-NEXT:     {
+// FUNC-NEXT:       "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// FUNC-NEXT:       "preciseIdentifier": "c:v",
+// FUNC-NEXT:       "spelling": "void"
+// FUNC-NEXT:     }
+// FUNC-NEXT:   ]
+// FUNC-NEXT: },
+// RUN: FileCheck %s --input-file %t/output.symbols.json --check-prefix GLOBAL
 int (^global)(int foo);
+// GLOBAL-LABEL: "!testLabel": "c:@global"
+// GLOBAL:      "declarationFragments": [
+// GLOBAL-NEXT:   {
+// GLOBAL-NEXT:     "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// GLOBAL-NEXT:     "preciseIdentifier": "c:I",
+// GLOBAL-NEXT:     "spelling": "int"
+// GLOBAL-NEXT:   },
+// GLOBAL-NEXT:   {
+// GLOBAL-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// GLOBAL-NEXT:     "spelling": " (^"
+// GLOBAL-NEXT:   },
+// GLOBAL-NEXT:   {
+// GLOBAL-NEXT:     "kind": "identifier",
+// GLOBAL-NEXT:     "spelling": "global"
+// GLOBAL-NEXT:   },
+// GLOBAL-NEXT:   {
+// GLOBAL-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// GLOBAL-NEXT:     "spelling": ")("
+// GLOBAL-NEXT:   },
+// GLOBAL-NEXT:   {
+// GLOBAL-NEXT:     "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// GLOBAL-NEXT:     "preciseIdentifier": "c:I",
+// GLOBAL-NEXT:     "spelling": "int"
+// GLOBAL-NEXT:   },
+// GLOBAL-NEXT:   {
+// GLOBAL-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// GLOBAL-NEXT:     "spelling": " "
+// GLOBAL-NEXT:   },
+// GLOBAL-NEXT:   {
+// GLOBAL-NEXT:     "kind": "internalParam",
+// GLOBAL-NEXT:     "spelling": "foo"
+// GLOBAL-NEXT:   },
+// GLOBAL-NEXT:   {
+// GLOBAL-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// GLOBAL-NEXT:     "spelling": ");"
+// GLOBAL-NEXT:   }
-//--- reference.output.json.in
-  "metadata": {
-    "formatVersion": {
-      "major": 0,
-      "minor": 5,
-      "patch": 3
-    },
-    "generator": "?"
-  },
-  "module": {
-    "name": "",
-    "platform": {
-      "architecture": "arm64",
-      "operatingSystem": {
-        "minimumVersion": {
-          "major": 11,
-          "minor": 0,
-          "patch": 0
-        },
-        "name": "macosx"
-      },
-      "vendor": "apple"
-    }
-  },
-  "relationships": [
-    {
-      "kind": "memberOf",
-      "source": "c:objc(cs)Foo(im)methodBlockNoParam:",
-      "target": "c:objc(cs)Foo",
-      "targetFallback": "Foo"
-    },
-    {
-      "kind": "memberOf",
-      "source": "c:objc(cs)Foo(im)methodBlockWithParam:",
-      "target": "c:objc(cs)Foo",
-      "targetFallback": "Foo"
-    },
-    {
-      "kind": "memberOf",
-      "source": "c:objc(cs)Foo(im)methodBlockWithMultipleParam:",
-      "target": "c:objc(cs)Foo",
-      "targetFallback": "Foo"
-    },
-    {
-      "kind": "memberOf",
-      "source": "c:objc(cs)Foo(im)methodBlockVariadic:",
-      "target": "c:objc(cs)Foo",
-      "targetFallback": "Foo"
-    }
-  ],
-  "symbols": [
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "declarationFragments": [
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-                "kind": "text",
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-          }
-        ]
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-              {
-                "kind": "internalParam",
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-              {
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-                "spelling": ")) "
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-              {
-                "kind": "internalParam",
-                "spelling": "block"
-              }
-            ],
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-          }
-        ],
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-          {
-            "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-            "preciseIdentifier": "c:v",
-            "spelling": "void"
-          }
-        ]
-      },
-      "identifier": {
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-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 0,
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-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
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-        "Foo",
-        "methodBlockWithMultipleParam:"
-      ]
-    },
-    {
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-        {
-          "kind": "text",
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-        {
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-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ";"
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-          {
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-                "kind": "text",
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-              {
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-              {
-                "kind": "text",
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-              {
-                "kind": "internalParam",
-                "spelling": "foo"
-              },
-              {
-                "kind": "text",
-                "spelling": ", ...)) "
-              },
-              {
-                "kind": "internalParam",
-                "spelling": "block"
-              }
-            ],
-            "name": "block"
-          }
-        ],
-        "returns": [
-          {
-            "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-            "preciseIdentifier": "c:v",
-            "spelling": "void"
-          }
-        ]
-      },
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "objective-c",
-        "precise": "c:objc(cs)Foo(im)methodBlockVariadic:"
-      },
-      "kind": {
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-        "identifier": "objective-c.method"
-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 0,
-          "line": 4
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
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-        ],
-        "subHeading": [
-          {
-            "kind": "text",
-            "spelling": "- "
-          },
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "methodBlockVariadic:"
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-        ],
-        "title": "methodBlockVariadic:"
-      },
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-        "Foo",
-        "methodBlockVariadic:"
-      ]
-    }
-  ]
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/objc_category.m b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/objc_category.m
index 34b0a9e31f553..9177d40b82644 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/objc_category.m
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/objc_category.m
@@ -1,341 +1,21 @@
 // RUN: rm -rf %t
-// RUN: split-file %s %t
-// RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
-// RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang -extract-api -x objective-c-header -target arm64-apple-macosx \
-// RUN: %t/input.h -o %t/output.json | FileCheck -allow-empty %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --pretty-sgf --emit-sgf-symbol-labels-for-testing \
+// RUN:   -triple arm64-apple-macosx -x objective-c-header %s -o - -verify | FileCheck %s
-// Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
-// RUN: sed -e "s@\"generator\": \".*\"@\"generator\": \"?\"@g" \
-// RUN: %t/output.json >> %t/output-normalized.json
-// RUN: diff %t/reference.output.json %t/output-normalized.json
-// CHECK-NOT: error:
-// CHECK-NOT: warning:
-//--- input.h
-@protocol Protocol;
+@protocol Protocol
 @interface Interface
 @interface Interface (Category) <Protocol>
+// CHECK-DAG: "!testRelLabel": "conformsTo $ c:objc(cs)Interface $ c:objc(pl)Protocol"
 @property int Property;
+// CHECK-DAG: "!testRelLabel": "memberOf $ c:objc(cs)Interface(py)Property $ c:objc(cs)Interface"
 - (void)InstanceMethod;
+// CHECK-DAG: "!testRelLabel": "memberOf $ c:objc(cs)Interface(im)InstanceMethod $ c:objc(cs)Interface"
 + (void)ClassMethod;
+// CHECK-DAG: "!testRelLabel": "memberOf $ c:objc(cs)Interface(cm)ClassMethod $ c:objc(cs)Interface"
-//--- reference.output.json.in
-  "metadata": {
-    "formatVersion": {
-      "major": 0,
-      "minor": 5,
-      "patch": 3
-    },
-    "generator": "?"
-  },
-  "module": {
-    "name": "",
-    "platform": {
-      "architecture": "arm64",
-      "operatingSystem": {
-        "minimumVersion": {
-          "major": 11,
-          "minor": 0,
-          "patch": 0
-        },
-        "name": "macosx"
-      },
-      "vendor": "apple"
-    }
-  },
-  "relationships": [
-    {
-      "kind": "memberOf",
-      "source": "c:objc(cs)Interface(im)InstanceMethod",
-      "target": "c:objc(cs)Interface",
-      "targetFallback": "Interface"
-    },
-    {
-      "kind": "memberOf",
-      "source": "c:objc(cs)Interface(cm)ClassMethod",
-      "target": "c:objc(cs)Interface",
-      "targetFallback": "Interface"
-    },
-    {
-      "kind": "memberOf",
-      "source": "c:objc(cs)Interface(py)Property",
-      "target": "c:objc(cs)Interface",
-      "targetFallback": "Interface"
-    },
-    {
-      "kind": "conformsTo",
-      "source": "c:objc(cs)Interface",
-      "target": "c:objc(pl)Protocol",
-      "targetFallback": "Protocol"
-    }
-  ],
-  "symbols": [
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "keyword",
-          "spelling": "@interface"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "Interface"
-        }
-      ],
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "objective-c",
-        "precise": "c:objc(cs)Interface"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Class",
-        "identifier": "objective-c.class"
-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 11,
-          "line": 2
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "Interface"
-          }
-        ],
-        "subHeading": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "Interface"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "Interface"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "Interface"
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": "- ("
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-          "preciseIdentifier": "c:v",
-          "spelling": "void"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ") "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "InstanceMethod"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ";"
-        }
-      ],
-      "functionSignature": {
-        "returns": [
-          {
-            "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-            "preciseIdentifier": "c:v",
-            "spelling": "void"
-          }
-        ]
-      },
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "objective-c",
-        "precise": "c:objc(cs)Interface(im)InstanceMethod"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Instance Method",
-        "identifier": "objective-c.method"
-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 0,
-          "line": 7
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "InstanceMethod"
-          }
-        ],
-        "subHeading": [
-          {
-            "kind": "text",
-            "spelling": "- "
-          },
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "InstanceMethod"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "InstanceMethod"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "Interface",
-        "InstanceMethod"
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": "+ ("
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-          "preciseIdentifier": "c:v",
-          "spelling": "void"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ") "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "ClassMethod"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ";"
-        }
-      ],
-      "functionSignature": {
-        "returns": [
-          {
-            "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-            "preciseIdentifier": "c:v",
-            "spelling": "void"
-          }
-        ]
-      },
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "objective-c",
-        "precise": "c:objc(cs)Interface(cm)ClassMethod"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Type Method",
-        "identifier": "objective-c.type.method"
-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 0,
-          "line": 8
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "ClassMethod"
-          }
-        ],
-        "subHeading": [
-          {
-            "kind": "text",
-            "spelling": "+ "
-          },
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "ClassMethod"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "ClassMethod"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "Interface",
-        "ClassMethod"
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "keyword",
-          "spelling": "@property"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-          "preciseIdentifier": "c:I",
-          "spelling": "int"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "Property"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ";"
-        }
-      ],
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "objective-c",
-        "precise": "c:objc(cs)Interface(py)Property"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Instance Property",
-        "identifier": "objective-c.property"
-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 14,
-          "line": 6
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "Property"
-          }
-        ],
-        "subHeading": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "Property"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "Property"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "Interface",
-        "Property"
-      ]
-    }
-  ]
+// expected-no-diagnostics
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/objc_external_category.m b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/objc_external_category.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..47e699cb91c0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/objc_external_category.m
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+// RUN: rm -rf %t
+// RUN: split-file %s %t
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --pretty-sgf --emit-sgf-symbol-labels-for-testing \
+// RUN:   --emit-extension-symbol-graphs --symbol-graph-dir=%t/symbols \
+// RUN:   --product-name=Module -fmodules -fimplicit-module-maps -fmodules-cache-path=%t/modules-cache \
+// RUN:   -triple arm64-apple-macosx -x objective-c-header %t/input.h -verify
+//--- input.h
+#include "ExternalModule.h"
+@interface ExtInterface (Category)
+@property int Property;
+- (void)InstanceMethod;
++ (void)ClassMethod;
+@interface ModInterface
+// expected-no-diagnostics
+//--- ExternalModule.h
+@interface ExtInterface
+//--- module.modulemap
+module ExternalModule {
+    header "ExternalModule.h"
+// RUN: FileCheck %s --input-file  %t/symbols/Module.symbols.json --check-prefix MOD
+// MOD-NOT: "!testRelLabel": "memberOf $ c:objc(cs)ExtInterface(py)Property $ c:objc(cs)ExtInterface"
+// MOD-NOT: "!testRelLabel": "memberOf $ c:objc(cs)ExtInterface(im)InstanceMethod $ c:objc(cs)ExtInterface"
+// MOD-NOT: "!testRelLabel": "memberOf $ c:objc(cs)ExtInterface(cm)ClassMethod $ c:objc(cs)ExtInterface"
+// MOD-NOT: "!testLabel": "c:objc(cs)ExtInterface(py)Property"
+// MOD-NOT: "!testLabel": "c:objc(cs)ExtInterface(im)InstanceMethod"
+// MOD-NOT: "!testLabel": "c:objc(cs)ExtInterface(cm)ClassMethod"
+// MOD-NOT: "!testLabel": "c:objc(cs)ExtInterface"
+// MOD-DAG: "!testLabel": "c:objc(cs)ModInterface"
+// RUN: FileCheck %s --input-file %t/symbols/ExternalModule@Module.symbols.json --check-prefix EXT
+// EXT-DAG: "!testRelLabel": "memberOf $ c:objc(cs)ExtInterface(py)Property $ c:objc(cs)ExtInterface"
+// EXT-DAG: "!testRelLabel": "memberOf $ c:objc(cs)ExtInterface(im)InstanceMethod $ c:objc(cs)ExtInterface"
+// EXT-DAG: "!testRelLabel": "memberOf $ c:objc(cs)ExtInterface(cm)ClassMethod $ c:objc(cs)ExtInterface"
+// EXT-DAG: "!testLabel": "c:objc(cs)ExtInterface(py)Property"
+// EXT-DAG: "!testLabel": "c:objc(cs)ExtInterface(im)InstanceMethod"
+// EXT-DAG: "!testLabel": "c:objc(cs)ExtInterface(cm)ClassMethod"
+// EXT-NOT: "!testLabel": "c:objc(cs)ExtInterface"
+// EXT-NOT: "!testLabel": "c:objc(cs)ModInterface"
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/objc_id_protocol.m b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/objc_id_protocol.m
index 0b0f1b39d2bd6..f2a03a9c57585 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/objc_id_protocol.m
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/objc_id_protocol.m
@@ -1,317 +1,56 @@
 // RUN: rm -rf %t
-// RUN: split-file %s %t
-// RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
-// RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang -extract-api -x objective-c-header -target arm64-apple-macosx \
-// RUN: %t/input.h -o %t/output.json | FileCheck -allow-empty %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --pretty-sgf --emit-sgf-symbol-labels-for-testing \
+// RUN:   -x objective-c-header -triple arm64-apple-macosx %s -o - -verify | FileCheck %s
-// Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
-// RUN: sed -e "s@\"generator\": \".*\"@\"generator\": \"?\"@g" \
-// RUN: %t/output.json >> %t/output-normalized.json
-// RUN: diff %t/reference.output.json %t/output-normalized.json
-// CHECK-NOT: error:
-// CHECK-NOT: warning:
-//--- input.h
 @protocol MyProtocol
 @interface MyInterface
 @property(copy, readwrite) id<MyProtocol> obj1;
-@property(readwrite) id<MyProtocol> *obj2;
+// CHECK-LABEL: "!testLabel": "c:objc(cs)MyInterface(py)obj1"
+// CHECK:      "declarationFragments": [
+// CHECK-NEXT:   {
+// CHECK-NEXT:     "kind": "keyword",
+// CHECK-NEXT:     "spelling": "@property"
+// CHECK-NEXT:   },
+// CHECK-NEXT:   {
+// CHECK-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// CHECK-NEXT:     "spelling": " ("
+// CHECK-NEXT:   },
+// CHECK-NEXT:   {
+// CHECK-NEXT:     "kind": "keyword",
+// CHECK-NEXT:     "spelling": "copy"
+// CHECK-NEXT:   },
+// CHECK-NEXT:   {
+// CHECK-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// CHECK-NEXT:     "spelling": ", "
+// CHECK-NEXT:   },
+// CHECK-NEXT:   {
+// CHECK-NEXT:     "kind": "keyword",
+// CHECK-NEXT:     "spelling": "readwrite"
+// CHECK-NEXT:   },
+// CHECK-NEXT:   {
+// CHECK-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// CHECK-NEXT:     "spelling": ") "
+// CHECK-NEXT:   },
+// CHECK-NEXT:   {
+// CHECK-NEXT:     "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// CHECK-NEXT:     "preciseIdentifier": "c:Qoobjc(pl)MyProtocol",
+// CHECK-NEXT:     "spelling": "id<MyProtocol>"
+// CHECK-NEXT:   },
+// CHECK-NEXT:   {
+// CHECK-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// CHECK-NEXT:     "spelling": " "
+// CHECK-NEXT:   },
+// CHECK-NEXT:   {
+// CHECK-NEXT:     "kind": "identifier",
+// CHECK-NEXT:     "spelling": "obj1"
+// CHECK-NEXT:   },
+// CHECK-NEXT:   {
+// CHECK-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// CHECK-NEXT:     "spelling": ";"
+// CHECK-NEXT:   }
+// CHECK-NEXT: ],
-//--- reference.output.json.in
-  "metadata": {
-    "formatVersion": {
-      "major": 0,
-      "minor": 5,
-      "patch": 3
-    },
-    "generator": "?"
-  },
-  "module": {
-    "name": "",
-    "platform": {
-      "architecture": "arm64",
-      "operatingSystem": {
-        "minimumVersion": {
-          "major": 11,
-          "minor": 0,
-          "patch": 0
-        },
-        "name": "macosx"
-      },
-      "vendor": "apple"
-    }
-  },
-  "relationships": [
-    {
-      "kind": "memberOf",
-      "source": "c:objc(cs)MyInterface(py)obj1",
-      "target": "c:objc(cs)MyInterface",
-      "targetFallback": "MyInterface"
-    },
-    {
-      "kind": "memberOf",
-      "source": "c:objc(cs)MyInterface(py)obj2",
-      "target": "c:objc(cs)MyInterface",
-      "targetFallback": "MyInterface"
-    }
-  ],
-  "symbols": [
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "keyword",
-          "spelling": "@interface"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "MyInterface"
-        }
-      ],
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "objective-c",
-        "precise": "c:objc(cs)MyInterface"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Class",
-        "identifier": "objective-c.class"
-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 11,
-          "line": 3
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "MyInterface"
-          }
-        ],
-        "subHeading": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "MyInterface"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "MyInterface"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "MyInterface"
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "keyword",
-          "spelling": "@property"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " ("
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "keyword",
-          "spelling": "copy"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ", "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "keyword",
-          "spelling": "readwrite"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ") "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-          "preciseIdentifier": "c:Qoobjc(pl)MyProtocol",
-          "spelling": "id<MyProtocol>"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "obj1"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ";"
-        }
-      ],
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "objective-c",
-        "precise": "c:objc(cs)MyInterface(py)obj1"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Instance Property",
-        "identifier": "objective-c.property"
-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 42,
-          "line": 4
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "obj1"
-          }
-        ],
-        "subHeading": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "obj1"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "obj1"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "MyInterface",
-        "obj1"
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "keyword",
-          "spelling": "@property"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " ("
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "keyword",
-          "spelling": "readwrite"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ") "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-          "preciseIdentifier": "c:Qoobjc(pl)MyProtocol",
-          "spelling": "id<MyProtocol>"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " * "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "obj2"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ";"
-        }
-      ],
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "objective-c",
-        "precise": "c:objc(cs)MyInterface(py)obj2"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Instance Property",
-        "identifier": "objective-c.property"
-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 37,
-          "line": 5
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "obj2"
-          }
-        ],
-        "subHeading": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "obj2"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "obj2"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "MyInterface",
-        "obj2"
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "keyword",
-          "spelling": "@protocol"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "MyProtocol"
-        }
-      ],
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "objective-c",
-        "precise": "c:objc(pl)MyProtocol"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Protocol",
-        "identifier": "objective-c.protocol"
-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 10,
-          "line": 0
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "MyProtocol"
-          }
-        ],
-        "subHeading": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "MyProtocol"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "MyProtocol"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "MyProtocol"
-      ]
-    }
-  ]
+// expected-no-diagnostics
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/objc_instancetype.m b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/objc_instancetype.m
index d9d259f2d5602..071ebe440918a 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/objc_instancetype.m
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/objc_instancetype.m
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 // RUN: rm -rf %t
 // RUN: split-file %s %t
 // RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
-             // RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api -triple arm64-apple-macosx -x objective-c-header %t/input.h -o %t/output.json -verify
+// RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --pretty-sgf -triple arm64-apple-macosx -x objective-c-header %t/input.h -o %t/output.json -verify
 // Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
 // RUN: sed -e "s@\"generator\": \".*\"@\"generator\": \"?\"@g" \
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/objc_interface.m b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/objc_interface.m
index ab1772a0c529b..4abccddc3b5c8 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/objc_interface.m
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/objc_interface.m
@@ -1,701 +1,360 @@
 // RUN: rm -rf %t
-// RUN: split-file %s %t
-// RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
-// RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang -extract-api -x objective-c-header -target arm64-apple-macosx \
-// RUN: %t/input.h -o %t/output.json | FileCheck -allow-empty %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --pretty-sgf --emit-sgf-symbol-labels-for-testing \
+// RUN:   -x objective-c-header -triple arm64-apple-macosx %s -o %t/output.symbols.json -verify
-// Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
-// RUN: sed -e "s@\"generator\": \".*\"@\"generator\": \"?\"@g" \
-// RUN: %t/output.json >> %t/output-normalized.json
-// RUN: diff %t/reference.output.json %t/output-normalized.json
-// CHECK-NOT: error:
-// CHECK-NOT: warning:
-//--- input.h
-@protocol Protocol;
+@protocol Protocol
+// RUN: FileCheck %s --input-file %t/output.symbols.json --check-prefix SUPER
 @interface Super <Protocol>
+// SUPER: "!testRelLabel": "conformsTo $ c:objc(cs)Super $ c:objc(pl)Protocol"
+// SUPER-LABEL: "!testLabel": "c:objc(cs)Super"
+// SUPER: "accessLevel": "public",
+// SUPER:      "declarationFragments": [
+// SUPER-NEXT:   {
+// SUPER-NEXT:     "kind": "keyword",
+// SUPER-NEXT:     "spelling": "@interface"
+// SUPER-NEXT:   },
+// SUPER-NEXT:   {
+// SUPER-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// SUPER-NEXT:     "spelling": " "
+// SUPER-NEXT:   },
+// SUPER-NEXT:   {
+// SUPER-NEXT:     "kind": "identifier",
+// SUPER-NEXT:     "spelling": "Super"
+// SUPER-NEXT:   }
+// SUPER-NEXT: ],
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+// SUPER-NEXT: },
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+// SUPER-NEXT:   "Super"
+// RUN: FileCheck %s --input-file %t/output.symbols.json --check-prefix PROP
 @property(readonly, getter=getProperty) unsigned Property;
+// PROP: "!testRelLabel": "memberOf $ c:objc(cs)Super(py)Property $ c:objc(cs)Super"
+// PROP: "!testLabel": "c:objc(cs)Super(py)Property"
+// PROP: "accessLevel": "public",
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+// PROP-NEXT:     "kind": "keyword",
+// PROP-NEXT:     "spelling": "@property"
+// PROP-NEXT:   },
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+// PROP-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// PROP-NEXT:     "spelling": " ("
+// PROP-NEXT:   },
+// PROP-NEXT:   {
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+// PROP-NEXT:     "spelling": "readonly"
+// PROP-NEXT:   },
+// PROP-NEXT:   {
+// PROP-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// PROP-NEXT:     "spelling": ", "
+// PROP-NEXT:   },
+// PROP-NEXT:   {
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+// PROP-NEXT:   },
+// PROP-NEXT:   {
+// PROP-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// PROP-NEXT:     "spelling": "="
+// PROP-NEXT:   },
+// PROP-NEXT:   {
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+// PROP-NEXT:     "spelling": "getProperty"
+// PROP-NEXT:   },
+// PROP-NEXT:   {
+// PROP-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// PROP-NEXT:     "spelling": ") "
+// PROP-NEXT:   },
+// PROP-NEXT:   {
+// PROP-NEXT:     "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// PROP-NEXT:     "preciseIdentifier": "c:i",
+// PROP-NEXT:     "spelling": "unsigned int"
+// PROP-NEXT:   },
+// PROP-NEXT:   {
+// PROP-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// PROP-NEXT:     "spelling": " "
+// PROP-NEXT:   },
+// PROP-NEXT:   {
+// PROP-NEXT:     "kind": "identifier",
+// PROP-NEXT:     "spelling": "Property"
+// PROP-NEXT:   },
+// PROP-NEXT:   {
+// PROP-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
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+// PROP-NEXT:   "identifier": "objective-c.property"
+// PROP-NEXT: },
+// PROP:   "title": "Property"
+// PROP:      "pathComponents": [
+// PROP-NEXT:   "Super",
+// PROP-NEXT:   "Property"
+// PROP-NEXT: ]
+// RUN: FileCheck %s --input-file %t/output.symbols.json --check-prefix GET
 + (id)getWithProperty:(unsigned) Property;
+// GET: "!testRelLabel": "memberOf $ c:objc(cs)Super(cm)getWithProperty: $ c:objc(cs)Super"
+// GET-LABEL: "!testLabel": "c:objc(cs)Super(cm)getWithProperty:"
+// GET: "accessLevel": "public",
+// GET:      "declarationFragments": [
+// GET-NEXT:   {
+// GET-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// GET-NEXT:     "spelling": "+ ("
+// GET-NEXT:   },
+// GET-NEXT:   {
+// GET-NEXT:     "kind": "keyword",
+// GET-NEXT:     "spelling": "id"
+// GET-NEXT:   },
+// GET-NEXT:   {
+// GET-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// GET-NEXT:     "spelling": ") "
+// GET-NEXT:   },
+// GET-NEXT:   {
+// GET-NEXT:     "kind": "identifier",
+// GET-NEXT:     "spelling": "getWithProperty:"
+// GET-NEXT:   },
+// GET-NEXT:   {
+// GET-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// GET-NEXT:     "spelling": "("
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+// GET-NEXT:   {
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+// GET-NEXT:     "spelling": "unsigned int"
+// GET-NEXT:   },
+// GET-NEXT:   {
+// GET-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// GET-NEXT:     "spelling": ") "
+// GET-NEXT:   },
+// GET-NEXT:   {
+// GET-NEXT:     "kind": "internalParam",
+// GET-NEXT:     "spelling": "Property"
+// GET-NEXT:   },
+// GET-NEXT:   {
+// GET-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// GET-NEXT:     "spelling": ";"
+// GET-NEXT:   }
+// GET-NEXT: ],
+// GET:      "functionSignature": {
+// GET-NEXT:   "parameters": [
+// GET-NEXT:     {
+// GET-NEXT:       "declarationFragments": [
+// GET-NEXT:         {
+// GET-NEXT:           "kind": "text",
+// GET-NEXT:           "spelling": "("
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+// GET-NEXT:         {
+// GET-NEXT:           "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// GET-NEXT:           "preciseIdentifier": "c:i",
+// GET-NEXT:           "spelling": "unsigned int"
+// GET-NEXT:         },
+// GET-NEXT:         {
+// GET-NEXT:           "kind": "text",
+// GET-NEXT:           "spelling": ") "
+// GET-NEXT:         },
+// GET-NEXT:         {
+// GET-NEXT:           "kind": "internalParam",
+// GET-NEXT:           "spelling": "Property"
+// GET-NEXT:         }
+// GET-NEXT:       ],
+// GET-NEXT:       "name": "Property"
+// GET-NEXT:     }
+// GET-NEXT:   ],
+// GET-NEXT:   "returns": [
+// GET-NEXT:     {
+// GET-NEXT:       "kind": "keyword",
+// GET-NEXT:       "spelling": "id"
+// GET-NEXT:     }
+// GET-NEXT:   ]
+// GET-NEXT: },
+// GET:      "kind": {
+// GET-NEXT:   "displayName": "Type Method",
+// GET-NEXT:   "identifier": "objective-c.type.method"
+// GET-NEXT: },
+// GET:   "title": "getWithProperty:"
+// GET:      "pathComponents": [
+// GET-NEXT:   "Super",
+// GET-NEXT:   "getWithProperty:"
+// GET-NEXT: ]
+// RUN: FileCheck %s --input-file %t/output.symbols.json --check-prefix SET
 - (void)setProperty:(unsigned) Property andOtherThing: (unsigned) Thing;
+// SET: "!testRelLabel": "memberOf $ c:objc(cs)Super(im)setProperty:andOtherThing: $ c:objc(cs)Super"
+// SET-LABEL: "!testLabel": "c:objc(cs)Super(im)setProperty:andOtherThing:"
+// SET: "accessLevel": "public",
+// SET:      "declarationFragments": [
+// SET-NEXT:   {
+// SET-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// SET-NEXT:     "spelling": "- ("
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+// SET-NEXT:     "preciseIdentifier": "c:v",
+// SET-NEXT:     "spelling": "void"
+// SET-NEXT:   },
+// SET-NEXT:   {
+// SET-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
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+// SET-NEXT:   },
+// SET-NEXT:   {
+// SET-NEXT:     "kind": "identifier",
+// SET-NEXT:     "spelling": "setProperty:"
+// SET-NEXT:   },
+// SET-NEXT:   {
+// SET-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// SET-NEXT:     "spelling": "("
+// SET-NEXT:   },
+// SET-NEXT:   {
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+// SET-NEXT:     "spelling": "unsigned int"
+// SET-NEXT:   },
+// SET-NEXT:   {
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+// SET-NEXT:     "spelling": ") "
+// SET-NEXT:   },
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+// SET-NEXT:   },
+// SET-NEXT:   {
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+// SET-NEXT:   },
+// SET-NEXT:   {
+// SET-NEXT:     "kind": "identifier",
+// SET-NEXT:     "spelling": "andOtherThing:"
+// SET-NEXT:   },
+// SET-NEXT:   {
+// SET-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// SET-NEXT:     "spelling": "("
+// SET-NEXT:   },
+// SET-NEXT:   {
+// SET-NEXT:     "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// SET-NEXT:     "preciseIdentifier": "c:i",
+// SET-NEXT:     "spelling": "unsigned int"
+// SET-NEXT:   },
+// SET-NEXT:   {
+// SET-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// SET-NEXT:     "spelling": ") "
+// SET-NEXT:   },
+// SET-NEXT:   {
+// SET-NEXT:     "kind": "internalParam",
+// SET-NEXT:     "spelling": "Thing"
+// SET-NEXT:   },
+// SET-NEXT:   {
+// SET-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// SET-NEXT:     "spelling": ";"
+// SET-NEXT:   }
+// SET-NEXT: ],
+// SET:      "functionSignature": {
+// SET-NEXT:   "parameters": [
+// SET-NEXT:     {
+// SET-NEXT:       "declarationFragments": [
+// SET-NEXT:         {
+// SET-NEXT:           "kind": "text",
+// SET-NEXT:           "spelling": "("
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+// SET-NEXT:           "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// SET-NEXT:           "preciseIdentifier": "c:i",
+// SET-NEXT:           "spelling": "unsigned int"
+// SET-NEXT:         },
+// SET-NEXT:         {
+// SET-NEXT:           "kind": "text",
+// SET-NEXT:           "spelling": ") "
+// SET-NEXT:         },
+// SET-NEXT:         {
+// SET-NEXT:           "kind": "internalParam",
+// SET-NEXT:           "spelling": "Property"
+// SET-NEXT:         }
+// SET-NEXT:       ],
+// SET-NEXT:       "name": "Property"
+// SET-NEXT:     },
+// SET-NEXT:     {
+// SET-NEXT:       "declarationFragments": [
+// SET-NEXT:         {
+// SET-NEXT:           "kind": "text",
+// SET-NEXT:           "spelling": "("
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+// SET-NEXT:         {
+// SET-NEXT:           "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// SET-NEXT:           "preciseIdentifier": "c:i",
+// SET-NEXT:           "spelling": "unsigned int"
+// SET-NEXT:         },
+// SET-NEXT:         {
+// SET-NEXT:           "kind": "text",
+// SET-NEXT:           "spelling": ") "
+// SET-NEXT:         },
+// SET-NEXT:         {
+// SET-NEXT:           "kind": "internalParam",
+// SET-NEXT:           "spelling": "Thing"
+// SET-NEXT:         }
+// SET-NEXT:       ],
+// SET-NEXT:       "name": "Thing"
+// SET-NEXT:     }
+// SET-NEXT:   ],
+// SET-NEXT:   "returns": [
+// SET-NEXT:     {
+// SET-NEXT:       "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// SET-NEXT:       "preciseIdentifier": "c:v",
+// SET-NEXT:       "spelling": "void"
+// SET-NEXT:     }
+// SET-NEXT:   ]
+// SET-NEXT: },
+// SET:      "kind": {
+// SET-NEXT:   "displayName": "Instance Method",
+// SET-NEXT:   "identifier": "objective-c.method"
+// SET-NEXT: },
+// SET:   "title": "setProperty:andOtherThing:"
+// RUN: FileCheck %s --input-file %t/output.symbols.json --check-prefix DERIVED
 @interface Derived : Super {
+// DERIVED: "!testRelLabel": "inheritsFrom $ c:objc(cs)Derived $ c:objc(cs)Super"
+// RUN: FileCheck %s --input-file %t/output.symbols.json --check-prefix IVAR
   char Ivar;
+// IVAR: "!testRelLabel": "memberOf $ c:objc(cs)Derived@Ivar $ c:objc(cs)Derived"
+// IVAR-LABEL: "!testLabel": "c:objc(cs)Derived@Ivar"
+// IVAR: "accessLevel": "public",
+// IVAR:      "declarationFragments": [
+// IVAR-NEXT:   {
+// IVAR-NEXT:     "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// IVAR-NEXT:     "preciseIdentifier": "c:C",
+// IVAR-NEXT:     "spelling": "char"
+// IVAR-NEXT:   },
+// IVAR-NEXT:   {
+// IVAR-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// IVAR-NEXT:     "spelling": " "
+// IVAR-NEXT:   },
+// IVAR-NEXT:   {
+// IVAR-NEXT:     "kind": "identifier",
+// IVAR-NEXT:     "spelling": "Ivar"
+// IVAR-NEXT:   },
+// IVAR-NEXT:   {
+// IVAR-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// IVAR-NEXT:     "spelling": ";"
+// IVAR-NEXT:   }
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+// IVAR:      "kind": {
+// IVAR-NEXT:   "displayName": "Instance Variable",
+// IVAR-NEXT:   "identifier": "objective-c.ivar"
+// IVAR-NEXT: },
+// IVAR: "title": "Ivar"
+// IVAR:      "pathComponents": [
+// IVAR-NEXT:   "Derived",
+// IVAR-NEXT:   "Ivar"
+// IVAR-NEXT: ]
-- (char)getIvar;
-//--- reference.output.json.in
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-      "vendor": "apple"
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-      "source": "c:objc(cs)Super(cm)getWithProperty:",
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-      "targetFallback": "Super"
-    },
-    {
-      "kind": "memberOf",
-      "source": "c:objc(cs)Super(im)setProperty:andOtherThing:",
-      "target": "c:objc(cs)Super",
-      "targetFallback": "Super"
-    },
-    {
-      "kind": "memberOf",
-      "source": "c:objc(cs)Super(py)Property",
-      "target": "c:objc(cs)Super",
-      "targetFallback": "Super"
-    },
-    {
-      "kind": "conformsTo",
-      "source": "c:objc(cs)Super",
-      "target": "c:objc(pl)Protocol",
-      "targetFallback": "Protocol"
-    },
-    {
-      "kind": "memberOf",
-      "source": "c:objc(cs)Derived@Ivar",
-      "target": "c:objc(cs)Derived",
-      "targetFallback": "Derived"
-    },
-    {
-      "kind": "memberOf",
-      "source": "c:objc(cs)Derived(im)getIvar",
-      "target": "c:objc(cs)Derived",
-      "targetFallback": "Derived"
-    },
-    {
-      "kind": "inheritsFrom",
-      "source": "c:objc(cs)Derived",
-      "target": "c:objc(cs)Super",
-      "targetFallback": "Super"
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-              {
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-              {
-                "kind": "internalParam",
-                "spelling": "Property"
-              }
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-            "name": "Property"
-          }
-        ],
-        "returns": [
-          {
-            "kind": "keyword",
-            "spelling": "id"
-          }
-        ]
-      },
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "objective-c",
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-          {
-            "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-            "preciseIdentifier": "c:v",
-            "spelling": "void"
-          }
-        ]
-      },
-      "identifier": {
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-        "setProperty:andOtherThing:"
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-        {
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-          "spelling": "getProperty"
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-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ") "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-          "preciseIdentifier": "c:i",
-          "spelling": "unsigned int"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "Property"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ";"
-        }
-      ],
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "objective-c",
-        "precise": "c:objc(cs)Super(py)Property"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Instance Property",
-        "identifier": "objective-c.property"
-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 49,
-          "line": 3
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "Property"
-          }
-        ],
-        "subHeading": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "Property"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "Property"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "Super",
-        "Property"
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "keyword",
-          "spelling": "@interface"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "Derived"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " : "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-          "preciseIdentifier": "c:objc(cs)Super",
-          "spelling": "Super"
-        }
-      ],
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "objective-c",
-        "precise": "c:objc(cs)Derived"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Class",
-        "identifier": "objective-c.class"
-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 11,
-          "line": 8
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "Derived"
-          }
-        ],
-        "subHeading": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "Derived"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "Derived"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "Derived"
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-          "preciseIdentifier": "c:C",
-          "spelling": "char"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "Ivar"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ";"
-        }
-      ],
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "objective-c",
-        "precise": "c:objc(cs)Derived@Ivar"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Instance Variable",
-        "identifier": "objective-c.ivar"
-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 7,
-          "line": 9
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "Ivar"
-          }
-        ],
-        "subHeading": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "Ivar"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "Ivar"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "Derived",
-        "Ivar"
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": "- ("
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-          "preciseIdentifier": "c:C",
-          "spelling": "char"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ") "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "getIvar"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ";"
-        }
-      ],
-      "functionSignature": {
-        "returns": [
-          {
-            "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-            "preciseIdentifier": "c:C",
-            "spelling": "char"
-          }
-        ]
-      },
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "objective-c",
-        "precise": "c:objc(cs)Derived(im)getIvar"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Instance Method",
-        "identifier": "objective-c.method"
-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 0,
-          "line": 11
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "getIvar"
-          }
-        ],
-        "subHeading": [
-          {
-            "kind": "text",
-            "spelling": "- "
-          },
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "getIvar"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "getIvar"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "Derived",
-        "getIvar"
-      ]
-    }
-  ]
+// expected-no-diagnostics
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/objc_module_category.m b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/objc_module_category.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 708ed10be821d..0000000000000
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/objc_module_category.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,404 +0,0 @@
-// RUN: rm -rf %t
-// RUN: split-file %s %t
-// RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
-// RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang -extract-api -x objective-c-header \
-// RUN: -target arm64-apple-macosx \
-// RUN: %t/input.h -o %t/output.json | FileCheck -allow-empty %s
-// Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
-// RUN: sed -e "s@\"generator\": \".*\"@\"generator\": \"?\"@g" \
-// RUN: %t/output.json >> %t/output-normalized.json
-// RUN: diff %t/reference.output.json %t/output-normalized.json
-// CHECK-NOT: error:
-// CHECK-NOT: warning:
-//--- input.h
-#import "Foundation.h"
-/// Doc comment 1
-@interface NSString (Category1)
-/// Doc comment 2
-@interface NSString (Category2)
-//--- Foundation.h
-@interface NSString
-//--- reference.output.json.in
-  "metadata": {
-    "formatVersion": {
-      "major": 0,
-      "minor": 5,
-      "patch": 3
-    },
-    "generator": "?"
-  },
-  "module": {
-    "name": "",
-    "platform": {
-      "architecture": "arm64",
-      "operatingSystem": {
-        "minimumVersion": {
-          "major": 11,
-          "minor": 0,
-          "patch": 0
-        },
-        "name": "macosx"
-      },
-      "vendor": "apple"
-    }
-  },
-  "relationships": [
-    {
-      "kind": "extensionTo",
-      "source": "c:objc(cy)NSString@Category1",
-      "target": "c:objc(cs)NSString",
-      "targetFallback": "NSString"
-    },
-    {
-      "kind": "memberOf",
-      "source": "c:objc(cs)NSString(im)method1",
-      "target": "c:objc(cy)NSString@Category1",
-      "targetFallback": "Category1"
-    },
-    {
-      "kind": "extensionTo",
-      "source": "c:objc(cy)NSString@Category2",
-      "target": "c:objc(cs)NSString",
-      "targetFallback": "NSString"
-    },
-    {
-      "kind": "memberOf",
-      "source": "c:objc(cs)NSString(im)method2",
-      "target": "c:objc(cy)NSString@Category2",
-      "targetFallback": "Category2"
-    }
-  ],
-  "symbols": [
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "objective-c",
-        "precise": "c:objc(cy)NSString@Category1"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Module Extension",
-        "identifier": "objective-c.module.extension"
-      }
-    },
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "keyword",
-          "spelling": "@interface"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-          "preciseIdentifier": "c:objc(cs)NSString",
-          "spelling": "NSString"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " ("
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "Category1"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ")"
-        }
-      ],
-      "docComment": {
-        "lines": [
-          {
-            "range": {
-              "end": {
-                "character": 17,
-                "line": 2
-              },
-              "start": {
-                "character": 4,
-                "line": 2
-              }
-            },
-            "text": "Doc comment 1"
-          }
-        ]
-      },
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "objective-c",
-        "precise": "c:objc(cy)NSString@Category1"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Class Extension",
-        "identifier": "objective-c.class.extension"
-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 11,
-          "line": 3
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "Category1"
-          }
-        ],
-        "subHeading": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "Category1"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "NSString (Category1)"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "Category1"
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": "- ("
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-          "preciseIdentifier": "c:v",
-          "spelling": "void"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ") "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "method1"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ";"
-        }
-      ],
-      "functionSignature": {
-        "returns": [
-          {
-            "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-            "preciseIdentifier": "c:v",
-            "spelling": "void"
-          }
-        ]
-      },
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "objective-c",
-        "precise": "c:objc(cs)NSString(im)method1"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Instance Method",
-        "identifier": "objective-c.method"
-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 0,
-          "line": 4
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "method1"
-          }
-        ],
-        "subHeading": [
-          {
-            "kind": "text",
-            "spelling": "- "
-          },
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "method1"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "method1"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "Category1",
-        "method1"
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "keyword",
-          "spelling": "@interface"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-          "preciseIdentifier": "c:objc(cs)NSString",
-          "spelling": "NSString"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " ("
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "Category2"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ")"
-        }
-      ],
-      "docComment": {
-        "lines": [
-          {
-            "range": {
-              "end": {
-                "character": 17,
-                "line": 7
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-              "start": {
-                "character": 4,
-                "line": 7
-              }
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-            "text": "Doc comment 2"
-          }
-        ]
-      },
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "objective-c",
-        "precise": "c:objc(cy)NSString@Category2"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Class Extension",
-        "identifier": "objective-c.class.extension"
-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 11,
-          "line": 8
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "Category2"
-          }
-        ],
-        "subHeading": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "Category2"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "NSString (Category2)"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "Category2"
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": "- ("
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-          "preciseIdentifier": "c:v",
-          "spelling": "void"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ") "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "method2"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ";"
-        }
-      ],
-      "functionSignature": {
-        "returns": [
-          {
-            "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-            "preciseIdentifier": "c:v",
-            "spelling": "void"
-          }
-        ]
-      },
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "objective-c",
-        "precise": "c:objc(cs)NSString(im)method2"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Instance Method",
-        "identifier": "objective-c.method"
-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 0,
-          "line": 9
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "method2"
-          }
-        ],
-        "subHeading": [
-          {
-            "kind": "text",
-            "spelling": "- "
-          },
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "method2"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "method2"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "Category2",
-        "method2"
-      ]
-    }
-  ]
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/objc_property.m b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/objc_property.m
index 5712abc15393b..f05584c885d91 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/objc_property.m
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/objc_property.m
@@ -1,608 +1,26 @@
 // RUN: rm -rf %t
-// RUN: split-file %s %t
-// RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
-// RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api -triple arm64-apple-macosx -x objective-c-header %t/input.h -o %t/output.json -verify
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --pretty-sgf --emit-sgf-symbol-labels-for-testing \
+// RUN:   -triple arm64-apple-macosx -x objective-c-header %s -o - -verify | FileCheck %s
-// Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
-// RUN: sed -e "s@\"generator\": \".*\"@\"generator\": \"?\"@g" \
-// RUN: %t/output.json >> %t/output-normalized.json
-// RUN: diff %t/reference.output.json %t/output-normalized.json
-//--- input.h
 @protocol Protocol
 @property(class) int myProtocolTypeProp;
+// CHECK-DAG: "!testRelLabel": "memberOf $ c:objc(pl)Protocol(cpy)myProtocolTypeProp $ c:objc(pl)Protocol"
 @property int myProtocolInstanceProp;
+// CHECK-DAG: "!testRelLabel": "memberOf $ c:objc(pl)Protocol(py)myProtocolInstanceProp $ c:objc(pl)Protocol"
 @interface Interface
 @property(class) int myInterfaceTypeProp;
+// CHECk-DAG: "!testRelLabel": "memberOf $ c:objc(cs)Interface(cpy)myInterfaceTypeProp $ c:objc(cs)Interface"
 @property int myInterfaceInstanceProp;
+// CHECK-DAG: "!testRelLabel": "memberOf $ c:objc(cs)Interface(py)myInterfaceInstanceProp $ c:objc(cs)Interface"
 @interface Interface (Category) <Protocol>
 @property(class) int myCategoryTypeProp;
+// CHECK-DAG: "!testRelLabel": "memberOf $ c:objc(cs)Interface(cpy)myCategoryTypeProp $ c:objc(cs)Interface"
 @property int myCategoryInstanceProp;
+// CHECK-DAG "!testRelLabel": "memberOf $ c:objc(cs)Interface(py)myCategoryInstanceProp $ c:objc(cs)Interface"
-// expected-no-diagnostics
-//--- reference.output.json.in
-  "metadata": {
-    "formatVersion": {
-      "major": 0,
-      "minor": 5,
-      "patch": 3
-    },
-    "generator": "?"
-  },
-  "module": {
-    "name": "",
-    "platform": {
-      "architecture": "arm64",
-      "operatingSystem": {
-        "minimumVersion": {
-          "major": 11,
-          "minor": 0,
-          "patch": 0
-        },
-        "name": "macosx"
-      },
-      "vendor": "apple"
-    }
-  },
-  "relationships": [
-    {
-      "kind": "memberOf",
-      "source": "c:objc(cs)Interface(cpy)myInterfaceTypeProp",
-      "target": "c:objc(cs)Interface",
-      "targetFallback": "Interface"
-    },
-    {
-      "kind": "memberOf",
-      "source": "c:objc(cs)Interface(py)myInterfaceInstanceProp",
-      "target": "c:objc(cs)Interface",
-      "targetFallback": "Interface"
-    },
-    {
-      "kind": "memberOf",
-      "source": "c:objc(cs)Interface(cpy)myCategoryTypeProp",
-      "target": "c:objc(cs)Interface",
-      "targetFallback": "Interface"
-    },
-    {
-      "kind": "memberOf",
-      "source": "c:objc(cs)Interface(py)myCategoryInstanceProp",
-      "target": "c:objc(cs)Interface",
-      "targetFallback": "Interface"
-    },
-    {
-      "kind": "conformsTo",
-      "source": "c:objc(cs)Interface",
-      "target": "c:objc(pl)Protocol",
-      "targetFallback": "Protocol"
-    },
-    {
-      "kind": "memberOf",
-      "source": "c:objc(pl)Protocol(cpy)myProtocolTypeProp",
-      "target": "c:objc(pl)Protocol",
-      "targetFallback": "Protocol"
-    },
-    {
-      "kind": "memberOf",
-      "source": "c:objc(pl)Protocol(py)myProtocolInstanceProp",
-      "target": "c:objc(pl)Protocol",
-      "targetFallback": "Protocol"
-    }
-  ],
-  "symbols": [
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "keyword",
-          "spelling": "@interface"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "Interface"
-        }
-      ],
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "objective-c",
-        "precise": "c:objc(cs)Interface"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Class",
-        "identifier": "objective-c.class"
-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 11,
-          "line": 5
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "Interface"
-          }
-        ],
-        "subHeading": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "Interface"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "Interface"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "Interface"
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "keyword",
-          "spelling": "@property"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " ("
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "keyword",
-          "spelling": "class"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ") "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-          "preciseIdentifier": "c:I",
-          "spelling": "int"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "myInterfaceTypeProp"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ";"
-        }
-      ],
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "objective-c",
-        "precise": "c:objc(cs)Interface(cpy)myInterfaceTypeProp"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Type Property",
-        "identifier": "objective-c.type.property"
-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 21,
-          "line": 6
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "myInterfaceTypeProp"
-          }
-        ],
-        "subHeading": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "myInterfaceTypeProp"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "myInterfaceTypeProp"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "Interface",
-        "myInterfaceTypeProp"
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
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-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
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-          }
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-        "title": "myProtocolTypeProp"
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-        "Protocol",
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-      ]
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-    {
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-      "declarationFragments": [
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-          "kind": "keyword",
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-      "identifier": {
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-          "character": 14,
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-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
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-            "kind": "identifier",
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-          }
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-        "title": "myProtocolInstanceProp"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "Protocol",
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-      ]
-    }
-  ]
+// expected-no-diagnostics
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/objc_protocol.m b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/objc_protocol.m
index a04936fe04123..06f7ee3d20363 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/objc_protocol.m
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/objc_protocol.m
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // RUN: split-file %s %t
 // RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
 // RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang -extract-api -x objective-c-header -target arm64-apple-macosx \
+// RUN: %clang -extract-api --pretty-sgf -x objective-c-header -target arm64-apple-macosx \
 // RUN: %t/input.h -o %t/output.json | FileCheck -allow-empty %s
 // Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/objc_various_categories.m b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/objc_various_categories.m
deleted file mode 100644
index adaef5a7b31a9..0000000000000
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/objc_various_categories.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,507 +0,0 @@
-// RUN: rm -rf %t
-// RUN: split-file %s %t
-// RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
-// RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang -extract-api -x objective-c-header \
-// RUN: -target arm64-apple-macosx \
-// RUN: %t/myclass_1.h \
-// RUN: %t/input.h -o %t/output.json | FileCheck -allow-empty %s
-// Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
-// RUN: sed -e "s@\"generator\": \".*\"@\"generator\": \"?\"@g" \
-// RUN: %t/output.json >> %t/output-normalized.json
-// RUN: diff %t/reference.output.json %t/output-normalized.json
-// CHECK-NOT: error:
-// CHECK-NOT: warning:
-//--- input.h
-#import "myclass_1.h"
-#import "Foundation.h"
-@interface MyClass1 (MyCategory1)
-- (int) SomeMethod;
-@interface NSString (Category1)
--(void) StringMethod;
-@interface NSString (Category2)
--(void) StringMethod2;
-//--- myclass_1.h
-@interface MyClass1
-//--- Foundation.h
-@interface NSString
-//--- reference.output.json.in
-  "metadata": {
-    "formatVersion": {
-      "major": 0,
-      "minor": 5,
-      "patch": 3
-    },
-    "generator": "?"
-  },
-  "module": {
-    "name": "",
-    "platform": {
-      "architecture": "arm64",
-      "operatingSystem": {
-        "minimumVersion": {
-          "major": 11,
-          "minor": 0,
-          "patch": 0
-        },
-        "name": "macosx"
-      },
-      "vendor": "apple"
-    }
-  },
-  "relationships": [
-    {
-      "kind": "memberOf",
-      "source": "c:objc(cs)MyClass1(im)SomeMethod",
-      "target": "c:objc(cs)MyClass1",
-      "targetFallback": "MyClass1"
-    },
-    {
-      "kind": "extensionTo",
-      "source": "c:objc(cy)NSString@Category1",
-      "target": "c:objc(cs)NSString",
-      "targetFallback": "NSString"
-    },
-    {
-      "kind": "memberOf",
-      "source": "c:objc(cs)NSString(im)StringMethod",
-      "target": "c:objc(cy)NSString@Category1",
-      "targetFallback": "Category1"
-    },
-    {
-      "kind": "extensionTo",
-      "source": "c:objc(cy)NSString@Category2",
-      "target": "c:objc(cs)NSString",
-      "targetFallback": "NSString"
-    },
-    {
-      "kind": "memberOf",
-      "source": "c:objc(cs)NSString(im)StringMethod2",
-      "target": "c:objc(cy)NSString@Category2",
-      "targetFallback": "Category2"
-    }
-  ],
-  "symbols": [
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "keyword",
-          "spelling": "@interface"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "MyClass1"
-        }
-      ],
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "objective-c",
-        "precise": "c:objc(cs)MyClass1"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Class",
-        "identifier": "objective-c.class"
-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 11,
-          "line": 0
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-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/myclass_1.h"
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-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
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-          }
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-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "MyClass1"
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-        "MyClass1"
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-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
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-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
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-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "SomeMethod"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ";"
-        }
-      ],
-      "functionSignature": {
-        "returns": [
-          {
-            "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-            "preciseIdentifier": "c:I",
-            "spelling": "int"
-          }
-        ]
-      },
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "objective-c",
-        "precise": "c:objc(cs)MyClass1(im)SomeMethod"
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-        "displayName": "Instance Method",
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-        "position": {
-          "character": 0,
-          "line": 4
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-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
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-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
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-        "MyClass1",
-        "SomeMethod"
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
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-        "interfaceLanguage": "objective-c",
-        "precise": "c:objc(cy)NSString@Category1"
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-        "displayName": "Module Extension",
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-        {
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-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "Category1"
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-        {
-          "kind": "text",
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-        ],
-        "title": "NSString (Category1)"
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-    {
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-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ";"
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-      ],
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-          {
-            "kind": "typeIdentifier",
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-          }
-        ]
-      },
-      "identifier": {
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-        {
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-        ],
-        "title": "NSString (Category2)"
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-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
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-        {
-          "kind": "text",
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-          "kind": "identifier",
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-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ";"
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-      "functionSignature": {
-        "returns": [
-          {
-            "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-            "preciseIdentifier": "c:v",
-            "spelling": "void"
-          }
-        ]
-      },
-      "identifier": {
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-        "precise": "c:objc(cs)NSString(im)StringMethod2"
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-      "names": {
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-            "kind": "identifier",
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-        "Category2",
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-      ]
-    }
-  ]
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/operator_overload.cpp b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/operator_overload.cpp
index 511a5a7ae8fdf..9430c58a991e1 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/operator_overload.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/operator_overload.cpp
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // RUN: split-file %s %t
 // RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
 // RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --pretty-sgf -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
 // RUN:   -x c++-header %t/input.h -o %t/output.json -verify
 // Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/relative_include.m b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/relative_include.m
index 46cbdaeeb280c..e5a02683cbd81 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/relative_include.m
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/relative_include.m
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 // RUN: %hmaptool write %t/headermap.hmap.json %t/headermap.hmap
 // Input headers use paths to the framework root/DSTROOT
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api -v --product-name=MyFramework \
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --pretty-sgf -v --product-name=MyFramework \
 // RUN: -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
 // RUN: -iquote%t -I%t/headermap.hmap -F%t/Frameworks \
 // RUN: -x objective-c-header \
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/simple_inheritance.cpp b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/simple_inheritance.cpp
index 5fe99afe08763..58c3c4e1e5cb8 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/simple_inheritance.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/simple_inheritance.cpp
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // RUN: split-file %s %t
 // RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
 // RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --pretty-sgf -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
 // RUN:   -x c++-header %t/input.h -o %t/output.json -verify
 // Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/struct.c b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/struct.c
index 4284b734cd059..1995a6aedbfd3 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/struct.c
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/struct.c
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // RUN: split-file %s %t
 // RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
 // RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang -extract-api -target arm64-apple-macosx \
+// RUN: %clang -extract-api --pretty-sgf -target arm64-apple-macosx \
 // RUN: %t/input.h -o %t/output.json | FileCheck -allow-empty %s
 // Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/typedef.c b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/typedef.c
index c30e65549f2b7..a4c3619bfd210 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/typedef.c
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/typedef.c
@@ -1,391 +1,93 @@
 // RUN: rm -rf %t
-// RUN: split-file %s %t
-// RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
-// RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang -extract-api --product-name=Typedef -target arm64-apple-macosx \
-// RUN: -x objective-c-header %t/input.h -o %t/output.json | FileCheck -allow-empty %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --pretty-sgf --emit-sgf-symbol-labels-for-testing \
+// RUN:   -triple arm64-apple-macosx -x objective-c-header %s -o %t/output.symbols.json -verify
-// Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
-// RUN: sed -e "s@\"generator\": \".*\"@\"generator\": \"?\"@g" \
-// RUN: %t/output.json >> %t/output-normalized.json
-// RUN: diff %t/reference.output.json %t/output-normalized.json
-// CHECK-NOT: error:
-// CHECK-NOT: warning:
-//--- input.h
+// RUN: FileCheck %s --input-file %t/output.symbols.json --check-prefix MYINT
 typedef int MyInt;
+// MYINT-LABEL: "!testLabel": "c:typedef.c@T@MyInt"
+// MYINT: "accessLevel": "public",
+// MYINT:      "declarationFragments": [
+// MYINT-NEXT:   {
+// MYINT-NEXT:     "kind": "keyword",
+// MYINT-NEXT:     "spelling": "typedef"
+// MYINT-NEXT:   },
+// MYINT-NEXT:   {
+// MYINT-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// MYINT-NEXT:     "spelling": " "
+// MYINT-NEXT:   },
+// MYINT-NEXT:   {
+// MYINT-NEXT:     "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// MYINT-NEXT:     "preciseIdentifier": "c:I",
+// MYINT-NEXT:     "spelling": "int"
+// MYINT-NEXT:   },
+// MYINT-NEXT:   {
+// MYINT-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// MYINT-NEXT:     "spelling": " "
+// MYINT-NEXT:   },
+// MYINT-NEXT:   {
+// MYINT-NEXT:     "kind": "identifier",
+// MYINT-NEXT:     "spelling": "MyInt"
+// MYINT-NEXT:   },
+// MYINT-NEXT:   {
+// MYINT-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// MYINT-NEXT:     "spelling": ";"
+// MYINT-NEXT:   }
+// MYINT-NEXT: ],
+// MYINT:      "kind": {
+// MYINT-NEXT:   "displayName": "Type Alias",
+// MYINT-NEXT:   "identifier": "objective-c.typealias"
+// MYINT-NEXT: },
+// MYINT: "title": "MyInt"
+// MYINT:      "pathComponents": [
+// MYINT-NEXT:   "MyInt"
+// MYINT-NEXT: ],
+// MYINT: "type": "c:I"
+// RUN: FileCheck %s --input-file %t/output.symbols.json --check-prefix BARPTR
 typedef struct Bar *BarPtr;
+// BARPTR-LABEL: "!testLabel": "c:typedef.c@T@BarPtr"
+// BARPTR: "accessLevel": "public",
+// BARPTR:      "declarationFragments": [
+// BARPTR-NEXT:   {
+// BARPTR-NEXT:     "kind": "keyword",
+// BARPTR-NEXT:     "spelling": "typedef"
+// BARPTR-NEXT:   },
+// BARPTR-NEXT:   {
+// BARPTR-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// BARPTR-NEXT:     "spelling": " "
+// BARPTR-NEXT:   },
+// BARPTR-NEXT:   {
+// BARPTR-NEXT:     "kind": "keyword",
+// BARPTR-NEXT:     "spelling": "struct"
+// BARPTR-NEXT:   },
+// BARPTR-NEXT:   {
+// BARPTR-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// BARPTR-NEXT:     "spelling": " "
+// BARPTR-NEXT:   },
+// BARPTR-NEXT:   {
+// BARPTR-NEXT:     "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// BARPTR-NEXT:     "preciseIdentifier": "c:@S@Bar",
+// BARPTR-NEXT:     "spelling": "Bar"
+// BARPTR-NEXT:   },
+// BARPTR-NEXT:   {
+// BARPTR-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// BARPTR-NEXT:     "spelling": " * "
+// BARPTR-NEXT:   },
+// BARPTR-NEXT:   {
+// BARPTR-NEXT:     "kind": "identifier",
+// BARPTR-NEXT:     "spelling": "BarPtr"
+// BARPTR-NEXT:   },
+// BARPTR-NEXT:   {
+// BARPTR-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// BARPTR-NEXT:     "spelling": ";"
+// BARPTR-NEXT:   }
+// BARPTR: "type": "c:*$@S@Bar"
+// RUN: FileCheck %s --input-file %t/output.symbols.json
 void foo(BarPtr value);
 void baz(BarPtr *value);
+// CHECK-NOT: struct Bar *
-//--- reference.output.json.in
-  "metadata": {
-    "formatVersion": {
-      "major": 0,
-      "minor": 5,
-      "patch": 3
-    },
-    "generator": "?"
-  },
-  "module": {
-    "name": "Typedef",
-    "platform": {
-      "architecture": "arm64",
-      "operatingSystem": {
-        "minimumVersion": {
-          "major": 11,
-          "minor": 0,
-          "patch": 0
-        },
-        "name": "macosx"
-      },
-      "vendor": "apple"
-    }
-  },
-  "relationships": [],
-  "symbols": [
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-          "preciseIdentifier": "c:v",
-          "spelling": "void"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "foo"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": "("
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-          "preciseIdentifier": "c:input.h@T@BarPtr",
-          "spelling": "BarPtr"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "internalParam",
-          "spelling": "value"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ");"
-        }
-      ],
-      "functionSignature": {
-        "parameters": [
-          {
-            "declarationFragments": [
-              {
-                "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-                "preciseIdentifier": "c:input.h@T@BarPtr",
-                "spelling": "BarPtr"
-              },
-              {
-                "kind": "text",
-                "spelling": " "
-              },
-              {
-                "kind": "internalParam",
-                "spelling": "value"
-              }
-            ],
-            "name": "value"
-          }
-        ],
-        "returns": [
-          {
-            "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-            "preciseIdentifier": "c:v",
-            "spelling": "void"
-          }
-        ]
-      },
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "objective-c",
-        "precise": "c:@F@foo"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Function",
-        "identifier": "objective-c.func"
-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 5,
-          "line": 4
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "foo"
-          }
-        ],
-        "subHeading": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "foo"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "foo"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "foo"
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-          "preciseIdentifier": "c:v",
-          "spelling": "void"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "baz"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": "("
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-          "preciseIdentifier": "c:input.h@T@BarPtr",
-          "spelling": "BarPtr"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " * "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "internalParam",
-          "spelling": "value"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ");"
-        }
-      ],
-      "functionSignature": {
-        "parameters": [
-          {
-            "declarationFragments": [
-              {
-                "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-                "preciseIdentifier": "c:input.h@T@BarPtr",
-                "spelling": "BarPtr"
-              },
-              {
-                "kind": "text",
-                "spelling": " * "
-              },
-              {
-                "kind": "internalParam",
-                "spelling": "value"
-              }
-            ],
-            "name": "value"
-          }
-        ],
-        "returns": [
-          {
-            "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-            "preciseIdentifier": "c:v",
-            "spelling": "void"
-          }
-        ]
-      },
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "objective-c",
-        "precise": "c:@F@baz"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Function",
-        "identifier": "objective-c.func"
-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 5,
-          "line": 6
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "baz"
-          }
-        ],
-        "subHeading": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "baz"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "baz"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "baz"
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "keyword",
-          "spelling": "typedef"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-          "preciseIdentifier": "c:I",
-          "spelling": "int"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "MyInt"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ";"
-        }
-      ],
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "objective-c",
-        "precise": "c:input.h@T@MyInt"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Type Alias",
-        "identifier": "objective-c.typealias"
-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 12,
-          "line": 0
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "MyInt"
-          }
-        ],
-        "subHeading": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "MyInt"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "MyInt"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "MyInt"
-      ],
-      "type": "c:I"
-    },
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "keyword",
-          "spelling": "typedef"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "keyword",
-          "spelling": "struct"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-          "preciseIdentifier": "c:@S@Bar",
-          "spelling": "Bar"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " * "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "BarPtr"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ";"
-        }
-      ],
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "objective-c",
-        "precise": "c:input.h@T@BarPtr"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Type Alias",
-        "identifier": "objective-c.typealias"
-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 20,
-          "line": 2
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "BarPtr"
-          }
-        ],
-        "subHeading": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "BarPtr"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "BarPtr"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "BarPtr"
-      ],
-      "type": "c:*$@S@Bar"
-    }
-  ]
+// expected-no-diagnostics
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/typedef_anonymous_record.c b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/typedef_anonymous_record.c
index 3e4c3e1dd60c4..9e00ff7525465 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/typedef_anonymous_record.c
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/typedef_anonymous_record.c
@@ -1,468 +1,158 @@
 // RUN: rm -rf %t
-// RUN: split-file %s %t
-// RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
-// RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --product-name=TypedefChain -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
-// RUN:   -x c-header %t/input.h -o %t/output.json -verify
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --pretty-sgf --emit-sgf-symbol-labels-for-testing \
+// RUN:   --product-name=TypedefChain -triple arm64-apple-macosx -x c-header %s -o %t/typedefchain.symbols.json -verify
-// Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
-// RUN: sed -e "s@\"generator\": \".*\"@\"generator\": \"?\"@g" \
-// RUN: %t/output.json >> %t/output-normalized.json
-// RUN: diff %t/reference.output.json %t/output-normalized.json
-//--- input.h
+// RUN: FileCheck %s --input-file %t/typedefchain.symbols.json --check-prefix MYSTRUCT
 typedef struct { } MyStruct;
+// MYSTRUCT-LABEL: "!testLabel": "c:@SA@MyStruct"
+// MYSTRUCT:      "accessLevel": "public",
+// MYSTRUCT:      "declarationFragments": [
+// MYSTRUCT-NEXT:     "kind": "keyword",
+// MYSTRUCT-NEXT:     "spelling": "typedef"
+// MYSTRUCT-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// MYSTRUCT-NEXT:     "spelling": " "
+// MYSTRUCT-NEXT:     "kind": "keyword",
+// MYSTRUCT-NEXT:     "spelling": "struct"
+// MYSTRUCT-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// MYSTRUCT-NEXT:     "spelling": " "
+// MYSTRUCT-NEXT:     "kind": "identifier",
+// MYSTRUCT-NEXT:     "spelling": "MyStruct"
+// MYSTRUCT-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// MYSTRUCT-NEXT:     "spelling": ";"
+// MYSTRUCT:      "kind": {
+// MYSTRUCT-NEXT:   "displayName": "Structure",
+// MYSTRUCT-NEXT:   "identifier": "c.struct"
+// MYSTRUCT: "title": "MyStruct"
+// MYSTRUCT:      "pathComponents": [
+// MYSTRUCT-NEXT:    "MyStruct"
+// RUN: FileCheck %s --input-file %t/typedefchain.symbols.json --check-prefix MYSTRUCTSTRUCT
 typedef MyStruct MyStructStruct;
-typedef MyStructStruct MyStructStructStruct;
+// MYSTRUCTSTRUCT-LABEL: "!testLabel": "c:typedef_anonymous_record.c@T@MyStructStruct"
+// MYSTRUCTSTRUCT: "accessLevel": "public",
+// MYSTRUCTSTRUCT:     "declarationFragments": [
+// MYSTRUCTSTRUCT-NEXT:    "kind": "keyword",
+// MYSTRUCTSTRUCT-NEXT:    "spelling": "typedef"
+// MYSTRUCTSTRUCT-NEXT:    "kind": "text",
+// MYSTRUCTSTRUCT-NEXT:    "spelling": " "
+// MYSTRUCTSTRUCT-NEXT:    "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// MYSTRUCTSTRUCT-NEXT:    "preciseIdentifier": "c:@SA@MyStruct",
+// MYSTRUCTSTRUCT-NEXT:    "spelling": "MyStruct"
+// MYSTRUCTSTRUCT-NEXT:    "kind": "text",
+// MYSTRUCTSTRUCT-NEXT:    "spelling": " "
+// MYSTRUCTSTRUCT-NEXT:    "kind": "identifier",
+// MYSTRUCTSTRUCT-NEXT:    "spelling": "MyStructStruct"
+// MYSTRUCTSTRUCT-NEXT:    "kind": "text",
+// MYSTRUCTSTRUCT-NEXT:    "spelling": ";"
+// MYSTRUCTSTRUCT:     "kind": {
+// MYSTRUCTSTRUCT-NEXT:  "displayName": "Type Alias",
+// MYSTRUCTSTRUCT-NEXT:  "identifier": "c.typealias"
+// RUN: FileCheck %s --input-file %t/typedefchain.symbols.json --check-prefix MYENUM
+// RUN: FileCheck %s --input-file %t/typedefchain.symbols.json --check-prefix CASE
 typedef enum { Case } MyEnum;
+// MYENUM: "source": "c:@EA@MyEnum@Case",
+// MYENUM-NEXT: "target": "c:@EA@MyEnum",
+// MYENUM-NEXT: "targetFallback": "MyEnum"
+// MYENUM-LABEL: "!testLabel": "c:@EA@MyEnum"
+// MYENUM:     "declarationFragments": [
+// MYENUM-NEXT:    "kind": "keyword",
+// MYENUM-NEXT:    "spelling": "typedef"
+// MYENUM-NEXT:  },
+// MYENUM-NEXT:    "kind": "text",
+// MYENUM-NEXT:    "spelling": " "
+// MYENUM-NEXT:  },
+// MYENUM-NEXT:    "kind": "keyword",
+// MYENUM-NEXT:    "spelling": "enum"
+// MYENUM-NEXT:  },
+// MYENUM-NEXT:    "kind": "text",
+// MYENUM-NEXT:    "spelling": " "
+// MYENUM-NEXT:  },
+// MYENUM-NEXT:    "kind": "identifier",
+// MYENUM-NEXT:    "spelling": "MyEnum"
+// MYENUM-NEXT:  },
+// MYENUM-NEXT:    "kind": "text",
+// MYENUM-NEXT:    "spelling": ";"
+// MYENUM:     "kind": {
+// MYENUM-NEXT:  "displayName": "Enumeration",
+// MYENUM-NEXT:  "identifier": "c.enum"
+// MYENUM: "title": "MyEnum"
+// CASE-LABEL: "!testLabel": "c:@EA@MyEnum@Case"
+// CASE:      "pathComponents": [
+// CASE-NEXT:   "MyEnum",
+// CASE-NEXT:   "Case"
+// CASE-NEXT: ]
+// RUN: FileCheck %s --input-file %t/typedefchain.symbols.json --check-prefix MYENUMENUM
 typedef MyEnum MyEnumEnum;
-typedef MyEnumEnum MyEnumEnumEnum;
-// expected-no-diagnostics
+// MYENUMENUM-LABEL: "!testLabel": "c:typedef_anonymous_record.c@T@MyEnumEnum"
+// MYENUMENUM:      "declarationFragments": [
+// MYENUMENUM-NEXT:     "kind": "keyword",
+// MYENUMENUM-NEXT:     "spelling": "typedef"
+// MYENUMENUM-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// MYENUMENUM-NEXT:     "spelling": " "
+// MYENUMENUM-NEXT:     "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// MYENUMENUM-NEXT:     "preciseIdentifier": "c:@EA@MyEnum",
+// MYENUMENUM-NEXT:     "spelling": "MyEnum"
+// MYENUMENUM-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// MYENUMENUM-NEXT:     "spelling": " "
+// MYENUMENUM-NEXT:     "kind": "identifier",
+// MYENUMENUM-NEXT:     "spelling": "MyEnumEnum"
+// MYENUMENUM-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// MYENUMENUM-NEXT:     "spelling": ";"
+// MYENUMENUM:      "kind": {
+// MYENUMENUM-NEXT:   "displayName": "Type Alias",
+// MYENUMENUM-NEXT:   "identifier": "c.typealias"
+// MYENUMENUM: "title": "MyEnumEnum"
-//--- reference.output.json.in
-  "metadata": {
-    "formatVersion": {
-      "major": 0,
-      "minor": 5,
-      "patch": 3
-    },
-    "generator": "?"
-  },
-  "module": {
-    "name": "TypedefChain",
-    "platform": {
-      "architecture": "arm64",
-      "operatingSystem": {
-        "minimumVersion": {
-          "major": 11,
-          "minor": 0,
-          "patch": 0
-        },
-        "name": "macosx"
-      },
-      "vendor": "apple"
-    }
-  },
-  "relationships": [
-    {
-      "kind": "memberOf",
-      "source": "c:@EA@MyEnum@Case",
-      "target": "c:@EA@MyEnum",
-      "targetFallback": "MyEnum"
-    }
-  ],
-  "symbols": [
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "keyword",
-          "spelling": "typedef"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
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-        {
-          "kind": "keyword",
-          "spelling": "enum"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
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-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "MyEnum"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ";"
-        }
-      ],
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "c",
-        "precise": "c:@EA@MyEnum"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Enumeration",
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-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 8,
-          "line": 3
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "MyEnum"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "MyEnum"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "MyEnum"
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "Case"
-        }
-      ],
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "c",
-        "precise": "c:@EA@MyEnum@Case"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Enumeration Case",
-        "identifier": "c.enum.case"
-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 15,
-          "line": 3
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
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-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
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-          }
-        ],
-        "subHeading": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "Case"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "Case"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "MyEnum",
-        "Case"
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "keyword",
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-        {
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-        {
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-        {
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-        {
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-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ";"
-        }
-      ],
-      "identifier": {
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-        "precise": "c:@SA@MyStruct"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Structure",
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-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 8,
-          "line": 0
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "MyStruct"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "MyStruct"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "MyStruct"
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "keyword",
-          "spelling": "typedef"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
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-        {
-          "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-          "preciseIdentifier": "c:@SA@MyStruct",
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-        },
-        {
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-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
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-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ";"
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-      ],
-      "identifier": {
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-        "precise": "c:input.h@T@MyStructStruct"
-      },
-      "kind": {
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-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 17,
-          "line": 1
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
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-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
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-          }
-        ],
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-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "MyStructStruct"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "MyStructStruct"
-      },
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-        "MyStructStruct"
-      ],
-      "type": "c:@SA@MyStruct"
-    },
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "keyword",
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-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
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-        {
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-          "spelling": "MyStructStruct"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
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-          "spelling": "MyStructStructStruct"
-        },
-        {
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-          "spelling": ";"
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-      ],
-      "identifier": {
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-        "precise": "c:input.h@T@MyStructStructStruct"
-      },
-      "kind": {
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-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 23,
-          "line": 2
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "MyStructStructStruct"
-          }
-        ],
-        "subHeading": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "MyStructStructStruct"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "MyStructStructStruct"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "MyStructStructStruct"
-      ],
-      "type": "c:input.h@T@MyStructStruct"
-    },
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "keyword",
-          "spelling": "typedef"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-          "preciseIdentifier": "c:@EA@MyEnum",
-          "spelling": "MyEnum"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "MyEnumEnum"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ";"
-        }
-      ],
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "c",
-        "precise": "c:input.h@T@MyEnumEnum"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Type Alias",
-        "identifier": "c.typealias"
-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 15,
-          "line": 4
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "MyEnumEnum"
-          }
-        ],
-        "subHeading": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "MyEnumEnum"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "MyEnumEnum"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "MyEnumEnum"
-      ],
-      "type": "c:@EA@MyEnum"
-    },
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "keyword",
-          "spelling": "typedef"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-          "preciseIdentifier": "c:input.h@T@MyEnumEnum",
-          "spelling": "MyEnumEnum"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "MyEnumEnumEnum"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ";"
-        }
-      ],
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "c",
-        "precise": "c:input.h@T@MyEnumEnumEnum"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Type Alias",
-        "identifier": "c.typealias"
-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 19,
-          "line": 5
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "MyEnumEnumEnum"
-          }
-        ],
-        "subHeading": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "MyEnumEnumEnum"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "MyEnumEnumEnum"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "MyEnumEnumEnum"
-      ],
-      "type": "c:input.h@T@MyEnumEnum"
-    }
-  ]
+// expected-no-diagnostics
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/typedef_chain.c b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/typedef_chain.c
index 9e6151c8ebd90..05d4eb52cef36 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/typedef_chain.c
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/typedef_chain.c
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // RUN: split-file %s %t
 // RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
 // RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang -extract-api --product-name=TypedefChain -target arm64-apple-macosx \
+// RUN: %clang -extract-api --pretty-sgf --product-name=TypedefChain -target arm64-apple-macosx \
 // RUN: -x objective-c-header %t/input.h -o %t/output.json | FileCheck -allow-empty %s
 // Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/typedef_struct_enum.c b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/typedef_struct_enum.c
index 15357d5b055fb..fb6fbe987624f 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/typedef_struct_enum.c
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/typedef_struct_enum.c
@@ -1,445 +1,146 @@
 // RUN: rm -rf %t
-// RUN: split-file %s %t
-// RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
-// RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang -extract-api -target arm64-apple-macosx \
-// RUN: %t/input.h -o %t/output.json | FileCheck -allow-empty %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --pretty-sgf --emit-sgf-symbol-labels-for-testing \
+// RUN:   -x c-header %s -triple arm64-apple-macos -o %t/output.symbols.json -verify
-// Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
-// RUN: sed -e "s@\"generator\": \".*\"@\"generator\": \"?\"@g" \
-// RUN: %t/output.json >> %t/output-normalized.json
-// RUN: diff %t/reference.output.json %t/output-normalized.json
-// CHECK-NOT: error:
-// CHECK-NOT: warning:
-//--- input.h
+// RUN: FileCheck %s --input-file %t/output.symbols.json --check-prefix TEST
 typedef struct Test {
 } Test;
+// TEST-LABEL: "!testLabel": "c:@S@Test"
+// TEST:      "declarationFragments": [
+// TEST-NEXT:   {
+// TEST-NEXT:     "kind": "keyword",
+// TEST-NEXT:     "spelling": "typedef"
+// TEST-NEXT:   },
+// TEST-NEXT:   {
+// TEST-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// TEST-NEXT:     "spelling": " "
+// TEST-NEXT:   },
+// TEST-NEXT:   {
+// TEST-NEXT:     "kind": "keyword",
+// TEST-NEXT:     "spelling": "struct"
+// TEST-NEXT:   },
+// TEST-NEXT:   {
+// TEST-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// TEST-NEXT:     "spelling": " "
+// TEST-NEXT:   },
+// TEST-NEXT:   {
+// TEST-NEXT:     "kind": "identifier",
+// TEST-NEXT:     "spelling": "Test"
+// TEST-NEXT:   },
+// TEST-NEXT:   {
+// TEST-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// TEST-NEXT:     "spelling": " { ... } "
+// TEST-NEXT:   },
+// TEST-NEXT:   {
+// TEST-NEXT:     "kind": "identifier",
+// TEST-NEXT:     "spelling": "Test"
+// TEST-NEXT:   },
+// TEST-NEXT:   {
+// TEST-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// TEST-NEXT:     "spelling": ";"
+// TEST-NEXT:   }
+// TEST-NEXT: ],
+// TEST: "displayName": "Structure",
+// TEST: "title": "Test"
+// RUN: FileCheck %s --input-file %t/output.symbols.json --check-prefix TEST2
 typedef enum Test2 {
 } Test2;
+// TEST2-LABEL: "!testLabel": "c:@E@Test2"
+// TEST2:      "declarationFragments": [
+// TEST2-NEXT:   {
+// TEST2-NEXT:     "kind": "keyword",
+// TEST2-NEXT:     "spelling": "typedef"
+// TEST2-NEXT:   },
+// TEST2-NEXT:   {
+// TEST2-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// TEST2-NEXT:     "spelling": " "
+// TEST2-NEXT:   },
+// TEST2-NEXT:   {
+// TEST2-NEXT:     "kind": "keyword",
+// TEST2-NEXT:     "spelling": "enum"
+// TEST2-NEXT:   },
+// TEST2-NEXT:   {
+// TEST2-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// TEST2-NEXT:     "spelling": " "
+// TEST2-NEXT:   },
+// TEST2-NEXT:   {
+// TEST2-NEXT:     "kind": "identifier",
+// TEST2-NEXT:     "spelling": "Test2"
+// TEST2-NEXT:   },
+// TEST2-NEXT:   {
+// TEST2-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// TEST2-NEXT:     "spelling": ": "
+// TEST2-NEXT:   },
+// TEST2-NEXT:   {
+// TEST2-NEXT:     "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// TEST2-NEXT:     "preciseIdentifier": "c:i",
+// TEST2-NEXT:     "spelling": "unsigned int"
+// TEST2-NEXT:   },
+// TEST2-NEXT:   {
+// TEST2-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// TEST2-NEXT:     "spelling": " { ... } "
+// TEST2-NEXT:   },
+// TEST2-NEXT:   {
+// TEST2-NEXT:     "kind": "identifier",
+// TEST2-NEXT:     "spelling": "Test2"
+// TEST2-NEXT:   },
+// TEST2-NEXT:   {
+// TEST2-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// TEST2-NEXT:     "spelling": ";"
+// TEST2-NEXT:   }
+// TEST2-NEXT: ],
+// TEST2: "displayName": "Enumeration",
+// TEST2: "title": "Test2"
 struct Foo;
+// RUN: FileCheck %s --input-file %t/output.symbols.json --check-prefix TYPEDEF
 typedef struct Foo TypedefedFoo;
+// TYPEDEF-LABEL: "!testLabel": "c:typedef_struct_enum.c@T@TypedefedFoo"
+// TYPEDEF:      "declarationFragments": [
+// TYPEDEF-NEXT:     "kind": "keyword",
+// TYPEDEF-NEXT:     "spelling": "typedef"
+// TYPEDEF-NEXT:   },
+// TYPEDEF-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// TYPEDEF-NEXT:     "spelling": " "
+// TYPEDEF-NEXT:   },
+// TYPEDEF-NEXT:     "kind": "keyword",
+// TYPEDEF-NEXT:     "spelling": "struct"
+// TYPEDEF-NEXT:   },
+// TYPEDEF-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// TYPEDEF-NEXT:     "spelling": " "
+// TYPEDEF-NEXT:   },
+// TYPEDEF-NEXT:     "kind": "typeIdentifier",
+// TYPEDEF-NEXT:     "preciseIdentifier": "c:@S@Foo",
+// TYPEDEF-NEXT:     "spelling": "Foo"
+// TYPEDEF-NEXT:   },
+// TYPEDEF-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// TYPEDEF-NEXT:     "spelling": " "
+// TYPEDEF-NEXT:   },
+// TYPEDEF-NEXT:     "kind": "identifier",
+// TYPEDEF-NEXT:     "spelling": "TypedefedFoo"
+// TYPEDEF-NEXT:   },
+// TYPEDEF-NEXT:     "kind": "text",
+// TYPEDEF-NEXT:     "spelling": ";"
+// TYPEDEF: "displayName": "Type Alias",
+// TYPEDEF: "title": "TypedefedFoo"
+// TYPEDEF: "type": "c:@S@Foo"
 struct Foo {
     int bar;
-//--- reference.output.json.in
-  "metadata": {
-    "formatVersion": {
-      "major": 0,
-      "minor": 5,
-      "patch": 3
-    },
-    "generator": "?"
-  },
-  "module": {
-    "name": "",
-    "platform": {
-      "architecture": "arm64",
-      "operatingSystem": {
-        "minimumVersion": {
-          "major": 11,
-          "minor": 0,
-          "patch": 0
-        },
-        "name": "macosx"
-      },
-      "vendor": "apple"
-    }
-  },
-  "relationships": [
-    {
-      "kind": "memberOf",
-      "source": "c:@E@Test2@simple",
-      "target": "c:@E@Test2",
-      "targetFallback": "Test2"
-    },
-    {
-      "kind": "memberOf",
-      "source": "c:@S@Foo@FI@bar",
-      "target": "c:@S@Foo",
-      "targetFallback": "Foo"
-    }
-  ],
-  "symbols": [
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "keyword",
-          "spelling": "typedef"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "keyword",
-          "spelling": "enum"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "Test2"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ": "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-          "preciseIdentifier": "c:i",
-          "spelling": "unsigned int"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " { ... } "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "Test2"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ";"
-        }
-      ],
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "c",
-        "precise": "c:@E@Test2"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Enumeration",
-        "identifier": "c.enum"
-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 13,
-          "line": 3
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "Test2"
-          }
-        ],
-        "subHeading": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "Test2"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "Test2"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "Test2"
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "simple"
-        }
-      ],
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "c",
-        "precise": "c:@E@Test2@simple"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Enumeration Case",
-        "identifier": "c.enum.case"
-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 2,
-          "line": 4
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "simple"
-          }
-        ],
-        "subHeading": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "simple"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "simple"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "Test2",
-        "simple"
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "keyword",
-          "spelling": "typedef"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
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-        {
-          "kind": "keyword",
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-        },
-        {
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-          "spelling": " "
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-        {
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-          "spelling": "Test"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " { ... } "
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-        {
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-          "spelling": "Test"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ";"
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-      ],
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "c",
-        "precise": "c:@S@Test"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Structure",
-        "identifier": "c.struct"
-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 15,
-          "line": 0
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
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-            "kind": "identifier",
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-          }
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-        "subHeading": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "Test"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "Test"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "Test"
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "keyword",
-          "spelling": "struct"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "Foo"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ";"
-        }
-      ],
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "c",
-        "precise": "c:@S@Foo"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Structure",
-        "identifier": "c.struct"
-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 7,
-          "line": 9
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "Foo"
-          }
-        ],
-        "subHeading": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "Foo"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "Foo"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "Foo"
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-          "preciseIdentifier": "c:I",
-          "spelling": "int"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "bar"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ";"
-        }
-      ],
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "c",
-        "precise": "c:@S@Foo@FI@bar"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Instance Property",
-        "identifier": "c.property"
-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 8,
-          "line": 10
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "bar"
-          }
-        ],
-        "subHeading": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "bar"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "bar"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "Foo",
-        "bar"
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "keyword",
-          "spelling": "typedef"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "keyword",
-          "spelling": "struct"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-          "preciseIdentifier": "c:@S@Foo",
-          "spelling": "Foo"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "TypedefedFoo"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ";"
-        }
-      ],
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "c",
-        "precise": "c:input.h@T@TypedefedFoo"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Type Alias",
-        "identifier": "c.typealias"
-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 19,
-          "line": 8
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "TypedefedFoo"
-          }
-        ],
-        "subHeading": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "TypedefedFoo"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "TypedefedFoo"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "TypedefedFoo"
-      ],
-      "type": "c:@S@Foo"
-    }
-  ]
+// expected-no-diagnostics
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/underscored.c b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/underscored.c
index 30d2b63f763ef..204ec36f1fab1 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/underscored.c
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/underscored.c
@@ -1,17 +1,5 @@
-// RUN: rm -rf %t
-// RUN: split-file %s %t
-// RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
-// RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
-// RUN:   -x c-header %t/input.h -o %t/output.json -verify
-// Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
-// RUN: sed -e "s@\"generator\": \".*\"@\"generator\": \"?\"@g" \
-// RUN: %t/output.json >> %t/output-normalized.json
-// RUN: diff %t/reference.output.json %t/output-normalized.json
-//--- input.h
-// expected-no-diagnostics
+// RUN:   -x c-header %s -o - -verify | FileCheck %s
 // Global record
 int _HiddenGlobal;
@@ -19,399 +7,22 @@ int exposed_global;
 // Record type
 struct _HiddenRecord {
-  int a;
+  int HiddenRecordMember;
 struct ExposedRecord {
-  int a;
+  int ExposedRecordMember;
-// Typedef
-typedef struct {} _HiddenTypedef;
-typedef int ExposedTypedef;
-typedef _HiddenTypedef ExposedTypedefToHidden;
 // Macros
 #define _HIDDEN_MACRO 5
 #define EXPOSED_MACRO 5
-// Symbols that start with '_' should not appear in the reference output
-//--- reference.output.json.in
-  "metadata": {
-    "formatVersion": {
-      "major": 0,
-      "minor": 5,
-      "patch": 3
-    },
-    "generator": "?"
-  },
-  "module": {
-    "name": "",
-    "platform": {
-      "architecture": "arm64",
-      "operatingSystem": {
-        "minimumVersion": {
-          "major": 11,
-          "minor": 0,
-          "patch": 0
-        },
-        "name": "macosx"
-      },
-      "vendor": "apple"
-    }
-  },
-  "relationships": [
-    {
-      "kind": "memberOf",
-      "source": "c:@S@ExposedRecord@FI@a",
-      "target": "c:@S@ExposedRecord",
-      "targetFallback": "ExposedRecord"
-    }
-  ],
-  "symbols": [
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-          "preciseIdentifier": "c:I",
-          "spelling": "int"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "exposed_global"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ";"
-        }
-      ],
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "c",
-        "precise": "c:@exposed_global"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Global Variable",
-        "identifier": "c.var"
-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 4,
-          "line": 4
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "exposed_global"
-          }
-        ],
-        "subHeading": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "exposed_global"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "exposed_global"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "exposed_global"
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "keyword",
-          "spelling": "struct"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "ExposedRecord"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ";"
-        }
-      ],
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "c",
-        "precise": "c:@S@ExposedRecord"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Structure",
-        "identifier": "c.struct"
-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 7,
-          "line": 11
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "ExposedRecord"
-          }
-        ],
-        "subHeading": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "ExposedRecord"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "ExposedRecord"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "ExposedRecord"
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-          "preciseIdentifier": "c:I",
-          "spelling": "int"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "a"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ";"
-        }
-      ],
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "c",
-        "precise": "c:@S@ExposedRecord@FI@a"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Instance Property",
-        "identifier": "c.property"
-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 6,
-          "line": 12
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "a"
-          }
-        ],
-        "subHeading": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "a"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "a"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "ExposedRecord",
-        "a"
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "keyword",
-          "spelling": "#define"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "EXPOSED_MACRO"
-        }
-      ],
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "c",
-        "precise": "c:input.h@335@macro@EXPOSED_MACRO"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Macro",
-        "identifier": "c.macro"
-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 8,
-          "line": 22
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "EXPOSED_MACRO"
-          }
-        ],
-        "subHeading": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "EXPOSED_MACRO"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "EXPOSED_MACRO"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "EXPOSED_MACRO"
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "keyword",
-          "spelling": "typedef"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-          "preciseIdentifier": "c:I",
-          "spelling": "int"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "ExposedTypedef"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ";"
-        }
-      ],
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "c",
-        "precise": "c:input.h@T@ExposedTypedef"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Type Alias",
-        "identifier": "c.typealias"
-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 12,
-          "line": 17
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "ExposedTypedef"
-          }
-        ],
-        "subHeading": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "ExposedTypedef"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "ExposedTypedef"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "ExposedTypedef"
-      ],
-      "type": "c:I"
-    },
-    {
-      "accessLevel": "public",
-      "declarationFragments": [
-        {
-          "kind": "keyword",
-          "spelling": "typedef"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "typeIdentifier",
-          "preciseIdentifier": "c:@SA@_HiddenTypedef",
-          "spelling": "_HiddenTypedef"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": " "
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "identifier",
-          "spelling": "ExposedTypedefToHidden"
-        },
-        {
-          "kind": "text",
-          "spelling": ";"
-        }
-      ],
-      "identifier": {
-        "interfaceLanguage": "c",
-        "precise": "c:input.h@T@ExposedTypedefToHidden"
-      },
-      "kind": {
-        "displayName": "Type Alias",
-        "identifier": "c.typealias"
-      },
-      "location": {
-        "position": {
-          "character": 23,
-          "line": 18
-        },
-        "uri": "file://INPUT_DIR/input.h"
-      },
-      "names": {
-        "navigator": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "ExposedTypedefToHidden"
-          }
-        ],
-        "subHeading": [
-          {
-            "kind": "identifier",
-            "spelling": "ExposedTypedefToHidden"
-          }
-        ],
-        "title": "ExposedTypedefToHidden"
-      },
-      "pathComponents": [
-        "ExposedTypedefToHidden"
-      ],
-      "type": "c:@SA@_HiddenTypedef"
-    }
-  ]
+// expected-no-diagnostics
+// CHECK-NOT: _HiddenRecord
+// CHECK-NOT: HiddenRecordMember
+// CHECK: ExposedRecord
+// CHECK: ExposedRecordMember
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/union.c b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/union.c
index 6ec9fd3ddf6e9..8f8300b2c9a52 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/union.c
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/union.c
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // RUN: split-file %s %t
 // RUN: sed -e "s@INPUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" \
 // RUN: %t/reference.output.json.in >> %t/reference.output.json
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api -triple arm64-apple-macosx -x c-header\
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --pretty-sgf -triple arm64-apple-macosx -x c-header\
 // RUN:   %t/input.h -o %t/output.json -verify
 // Generator version is not consistent across test runs, normalize it.
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 //--- input.h
 /// My Union
-union Union{
+union Union {
     /// the a option
     int a;
     /// the b option
diff --git a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/vfs_redirected_include.m b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/vfs_redirected_include.m
index 9ba7e1dedb601..db0382052ba3e 100644
--- a/clang/test/ExtractAPI/vfs_redirected_include.m
+++ b/clang/test/ExtractAPI/vfs_redirected_include.m
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 // RUN: %t/vfsoverlay.yaml.in >> %t/vfsoverlay.yaml
 // Input headers use paths to the framework root/DSTROOT
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api -v --product-name=MyFramework \
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -extract-api --pretty-sgf -v --product-name=MyFramework \
 // RUN: -triple arm64-apple-macosx \
 // RUN: -iquote%t -ivfsoverlay %t/vfsoverlay.yaml -F%t/Frameworks \
 // RUN: -x objective-c-header \
diff --git a/clang/test/Index/extract-api-cursor.m b/clang/test/Index/extract-api-cursor.m
index 1b27b6f61437b..9d9d3a1e40f14 100644
--- a/clang/test/Index/extract-api-cursor.m
+++ b/clang/test/Index/extract-api-cursor.m
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ @implementation Derived
 - (void)derivedMethodWithValue:(id<Protocol>)value {
     int a = 5;
+/// Impl only docs
+- (void)implOnlyMethod { }
 // RUN: c-index-test -single-symbol-sgf-at=%s:4:9 local %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-FOO %s
@@ -118,3 +120,10 @@ - (void)derivedMethodWithValue:(id<Protocol>)value {
 // CHECK-DERIVED-METHOD-IMPL: "text":"Derived method docs"
 // CHECK-DERIVED-METHOD-IMPL: "kind":{"displayName":"Instance Method","identifier":"objective-c.method"}
 // CHECK-DERIVED-METHOD-IMPL: "title":"derivedMethodWithValue:"
+// RUN: c-index-test -single-symbol-sgf-at=%s:35:11 local %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-IMPL-ONLY %s
+// CHECK-IMPL-ONLY: "relatedSymbols":[]
+// CHECK-IMPL-ONLY: "relationships":[{"kind":"memberOf","source":"c:objc(cs)Derived(im)implOnlyMethod","target":"c:objc(cs)Derived"
+// CHECK-IMPL-ONLY: "text":"Impl only docs"
+// CHECK-IMPL-ONLY: "kind":{"displayName":"Instance Method","identifier":"objective-c.method"}
+// CHECK-IMPL-ONLY: "title":"implOnlyMethod"
diff --git a/clang/tools/libclang/CXExtractAPI.cpp b/clang/tools/libclang/CXExtractAPI.cpp
index 05098c96829fc..d74f3740406c5 100644
--- a/clang/tools/libclang/CXExtractAPI.cpp
+++ b/clang/tools/libclang/CXExtractAPI.cpp
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 #include "clang-c/Index.h"
 #include "clang-c/Platform.h"
 #include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
+#include "clang/AST/DeclBase.h"
 #include "clang/AST/DeclObjC.h"
 #include "clang/Basic/TargetInfo.h"
 #include "clang/ExtractAPI/API.h"
@@ -54,41 +55,20 @@ struct LibClangExtractAPIVisitor
     if (!shouldDeclBeIncluded(Decl))
       return true;
-    const ObjCInterfaceDecl *Interface = Decl->getClassInterface();
-    StringRef Name = Interface->getName();
-    StringRef USR = API.recordUSR(Decl);
-    PresumedLoc Loc =
-        Context.getSourceManager().getPresumedLoc(Decl->getLocation());
-    LinkageInfo Linkage = Decl->getLinkageAndVisibility();
-    DocComment Comment;
-    if (auto *RawComment = fetchRawCommentForDecl(Interface))
-      Comment = RawComment->getFormattedLines(Context.getSourceManager(),
-                                              Context.getDiagnostics());
-    // Build declaration fragments and sub-heading by generating them for the
-    // interface.
-    DeclarationFragments Declaration =
-        DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getFragmentsForObjCInterface(Interface);
-    DeclarationFragments SubHeading =
-        DeclarationFragmentsBuilder::getSubHeading(Decl);
-    // Collect super class information.
-    SymbolReference SuperClass;
-    if (const auto *SuperClassDecl = Decl->getSuperClass()) {
-      SuperClass.Name = SuperClassDecl->getObjCRuntimeNameAsString();
-      SuperClass.USR = API.recordUSR(SuperClassDecl);
-    }
+    auto *Interface = Decl->getClassInterface();
-    ObjCInterfaceRecord *ObjCInterfaceRecord = API.addObjCInterface(
-        Name, USR, Loc, AvailabilityInfo::createFromDecl(Decl), Linkage,
-        Comment, Declaration, SubHeading, SuperClass, isInSystemHeader(Decl));
+    if (!VisitObjCInterfaceDecl(Interface))
+      return false;
-    // Record all methods (selectors). This doesn't include automatically
-    // synthesized property methods.
-    recordObjCMethods(ObjCInterfaceRecord, Decl->methods());
-    recordObjCProperties(ObjCInterfaceRecord, Decl->properties());
-    recordObjCInstanceVariables(ObjCInterfaceRecord, Decl->ivars());
+    SmallString<128> USR;
+    index::generateUSRForDecl(Interface, USR);
+    if (auto *InterfaceRecord = dyn_cast_if_present<ObjCInterfaceRecord>(
+            API.findRecordForUSR(USR))) {
+      recordObjCMethods(InterfaceRecord, Decl->methods());
+      recordObjCProperties(InterfaceRecord, Decl->properties());
+      recordObjCInstanceVariables(InterfaceRecord, Decl->ivars());
+    }
     return true;
@@ -96,21 +76,14 @@ struct LibClangExtractAPIVisitor
-static void WalkupFromMostDerivedType(LibClangExtractAPIVisitor &Visitor,
-                                      Decl *D);
-template <typename DeclTy>
-static bool WalkupParentContext(DeclContext *Parent,
-                                LibClangExtractAPIVisitor &Visitor) {
-  if (auto *D = dyn_cast<DeclTy>(Parent)) {
-    WalkupFromMostDerivedType(Visitor, D);
-    return true;
-  }
-  return false;
+// Visits the Decl D and it's transitive DeclContexts recursively, starting from
+// the outer-most context. This is guaranteed to visit every Decl we need in the
+// right order to generate symbol graph information for D.
 static void WalkupFromMostDerivedType(LibClangExtractAPIVisitor &Visitor,
                                       Decl *D) {
+  if (auto *Parent = D->getDeclContext())
+    WalkupFromMostDerivedType(Visitor, cast<Decl>(Parent));
   switch (D->getKind()) {
 #define DECL(CLASS, BASE)                                                      \
@@ -119,20 +92,12 @@ static void WalkupFromMostDerivedType(LibClangExtractAPIVisitor &Visitor,
 #include "clang/AST/DeclNodes.inc"
-  for (auto *Parent = D->getDeclContext(); Parent != nullptr;
-       Parent = Parent->getParent()) {
-    if (WalkupParentContext<ObjCContainerDecl>(Parent, Visitor))
-      return;
-    if (WalkupParentContext<TagDecl>(Parent, Visitor))
-      return;
-  }
 static CXString GenerateCXStringFromSymbolGraphData(llvm::json::Object Obj) {
   llvm::SmallString<0> BackingString;
   llvm::raw_svector_ostream OS(BackingString);
-  OS << Value(std::move(Obj));
+  OS << llvm::formatv("{0}", Value(std::move(Obj)));
   return cxstring::createDup(BackingString.str());