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Getting Started Guide

To begin with, we provide a few starting points:

Import with simple bundle

Add three.js and to your html and create a canvas with an id map:

         body, html { border: 0; margin: 0; padding: 0; }
         #map { height: 100vh; width: 100vw; }
      <script src=""></script>
      <script src=""></script>
      <canvas id="map"></canvas>
      <script src="index.js"></script>

Initialize the map:

const map = new harp.MapView({
   canvas: document.getElementById("map"),
   theme: "",
   target: new harp.GeoCoordinates(37.773972, -122.431297), //San Francisco,
   zoomLevel: 13
const controls = new harp.MapControls(map);

window.onresize = () => map.resize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);

const omvDataSource = new harp.OmvDataSource({
   baseUrl: "",
   apiFormat: harp.APIFormat.XYZOMV,
   styleSetName: "tilezen",
   authenticationCode: "YOUR-APIKEY",
   authenticationMethod: {
         method: harp.AuthenticationMethod.QueryString,
         name: "apikey"

You need to obtain an apikey to replace YOUR-APIKEY and use the service to download vector tiles.

For more information on the simple bundle, please visit the @here/ module directory.

For an in depth tutorial on getting started with, please visit the HERE Developer portal.

Create Typescript app using npm

You can create simple app using the package initializer @here/

npm init @here/

Integrate into your existing Webpack based project

Introduction is distributed as CommonJS modules conatined in npm packages. Modules in CommonJS format require us to use some javascript code bundler - this example will faciliate webpack.


Install them into your project:

npm install --save @here/harp-mapview @here/harp-omv-datasource @here/harp-map-theme

You have installed 3 key components needed to render basic map:

  • @here/harp-mapview - map renderer itself
  • @here/harp-omv-datasource - tile provider based on OMV/MVT vector tile format
  • @here/harp-map-theme - default theme and font resources required to render map in OMV/tilezen scheme

Since Three.js is a peer dependency of it has to be installed as well. To get the version that you should install you can use npm view.

THREE=`npm view @here/harp-mapview peerDependencies.three`
npm install --save three@$THREE

Decoder bundle

Our example will decode OMV/MVT tiles in Web Workers, so we can achieve high performance because creating geometry from vector tiles is CPU intensive. For this, we need to create separate bundle with code that will run in Web Workers dedicated to decoding.

Create a file named ./harp-gl-decoders.js to initialize the decoding service:

import { OmvTileDecoderService } from "@here/harp-omv-datasource/index-worker";


Create DOM container renders map on HTML canvas element. Add it to your HTML document:

<!-- index.html -->
<canvas id="mapCanvas"></canvas>
    #mapCanvas {
        width: 500px;
        height: 300px;
        padding: 0;
        border: 0;

Webpack configuration

Install the webpack utilities into your project:

npm install --save-dev @here/harp-webpack-utils

Add the following lines to your webpack.config.js:

const { addHarpWebpackConfig } = require("@here/harp-webpack-utils/scripts/HarpWebpackConfig");
const myConfig = {};
module.exports = addHarpWebpackConfig(
    { mainEntry: "./index.js", decoderEntry: "./harp-gl-decoders.js", htmlTemplate: "./index.html" }

myConfig is your existing Webpack configuration. Configuration values in myConfig will override any values generated by addHarpWebpackConfig. ./index.js is the path to your main application code. Will be used as the entry point for the main application bundle. May be omitted if Webpack entry configuration is included in myConfig. ./harp-gl-decoders.js is the path to your decoder service. Will be used as the entry point for the web worker decoder bundle. If omitted no decoder bundle will be created. ./index.html is the path to your HTML template index page. May be omitted if HTML configuration is included in myConfig.


Then, you have to create MapView that is will render map on mapCanvas:

// index.js
import { MapView } from "@here/harp-mapview";

const mapCanvas = document.getElementById("mapCanvas");
const mapView = new MapView({
    canvas: mapCanvas,
    theme: "node_modules/@here/harp-map-theme/resources/berlin_tilezen_base.json",
    // note, this URL may vary depending on configuration of webpack
    // for this example, it is assumed that app is server from project root
    decoderUrl: "harp-gl-decoders.bundle.js"
    // note, this URL may vary depending on configuration of webpack
    // for this example, it is assumed that webpack emits bundles to project root

Next, you have to initialize default view settings like camera height over ground and location of map center:

// index.js
import { GeoCoordinates } from "@here/harp-geoutils";

// ..., 0, 800);
mapView.geoCenter = new GeoCoordinates(40.70398928, -74.01319808, 0);
mapView.resize(mapCanvas.clientWidth, mapCanvas.clientHeight);

Attach data source

Last step is adding some OmvDataSource to our MapView instance:

import { APIFormat, AuthenticationTypeMapboxV4, OmvDataSource } from "@here/harp-omv-datasource";

const dataSource = new OmvDataSource({
   baseUrl: "",
   apiFormat: harp.APIFormat.XYZOMV,
   styleSetName: "tilezen",
   authenticationCode: "YOUR-APIKEY",
   authenticationMethod: {
         method: harp.AuthenticationMethod.QueryString,
         name: "apikey"

You need to obtain an apikey to replace YOUR-APIKEY and use the service to download vector tiles.

Enable user interaction with map

What we've achieved so far is basic, static non-interactive. If you want to enable control of map like panning, rotating use MapControls

Note, this requires additional module: npm install --save @here/harp-map-controls.

import { MapControls } from "@here/harp-map-controls";

Examine examples

To begin with, we suggest taking a look at our most basic example, the equivalent of a hello_world in the examples package

HERE Credentials

In order to use some of the HERE Services, you would need to register and generate credentials.

First, you need to become a HERE Developer.

Afterwards, please read the Authentication and Authorization Guide.

For Map Tile API, which is needed for the webtile examples, you need to generate an apikey.

For Vector Tiles, you need to generate an apikey.

These credentials need to be passed to the Service in order to retrieve tiles, please see the examples to check how it is done.