This is perfect for packages that are not meant to be consumed by other packages, like a website or a mobile app, where semantic versioning is not required and is continuously deployed.
This will automatically increment the version on every run of your github action pipeline.
- name: calculate version autopilot
id: version-autopilot
uses: leblancmeneses/actions/apps/version-autopilot@main
major: 0
minor: 0
shift: 50 # remove if this is a brand new application. Otherwise, use this to match your current version.
- name: example in output
run: |
echo "github.run_number: ${{ github.run_number }}"
# useful for container image and package names
echo "version_autopilot_string_recommended: ${{ steps.version-autopilot.outputs.version_autopilot_string_recommended }}"
# base to derive your own versioning naming scheme
echo "version_autopilot_string: ${{ steps.version-autopilot.outputs.version_autopilot_string }}"
# android and ios version codes
echo "version_autopilot_code: ${{ steps.version-autopilot.outputs.version_autopilot_code }}"
# json object with all fields
echo '${{ steps.version-autopilot.outputs.version_autopilot }}' | jq .
If you have an existing application you can modify the major
and shift
inputs to match the current version of your application.
See our .github/workflows/tests.version-autopilot.yml for how rollover works. We leverage ${{github.run_number}}
internally to increment the version.
If you are looking for semantic versioning research git tags
and release pipelines.
This task should be placed in the pipeline job that builds the binary. If you have a single job pipeline, the above configuration is sufficient. However, if you have multiple jobs, place this task in the job that builds the binary. The version_offsets
input allows each instance of the template to adjust the version independently.
# ./.github/workflows/template.job.npm-pkg.yml
- id: version-autopilot
uses: leblancmeneses/actions/apps/version-autopilot@main
major: ${{ fromJson(inputs.version_offsets).MAJOR }}
minor: ${{ fromJson(inputs.version_offsets).MINOR }}
shift: ${{ fromJson(inputs.version_offsets).SHIFT }}
# ./.github/workflows/build.yml
needs: [vars]
if: >
!failure() && !cancelled() && fromJson(needs.vars.outputs.affected).rhngx.changes
uses: ./.github/workflows/template.job.npm-pkg.yml
app_name: 'rhngx'
app_directory: ./nx-workspace
version_offsets: '{"MAJOR":0, "MINOR": 1, "SHIFT": 0}'
- For Docker image tagging
- name: myapp containerize and push
uses: docker/build-push-action@v5
platforms: linux/amd64
push: true
tags: ${{ env.ARTIFACT_REGISTRY }}/myapp:${{ steps.version-autopilot.outputs.version_autopilot_string_recommended }}
context: ./apps/myapp
file: ./apps/myapp/Dockerfile-myapp
- For Android APK generation:
- name: apk generation for PR
if: github.event_name == 'pull_request'
run: bash ./gradlew assembleDebug --stacktrace
APP_VERSION_CODE: ${{ steps.version-autopilot.outputs.version_autopilot_code }}
APP_VERSION_STRING: ${{ steps.version-autopilot.outputs.version_autopilot_string_recommended }}
BASE_URL: https://xyz-${{github.event.number}}-api.<project>
- For IOS IPA build
- name: archive and export IPA
run: |
xcodebuild \
-workspace MyApp.xcworkspace \
-scheme MyApp \
-configuration Release \
-destination 'generic/platform=iOS' \
CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION=${{ steps.version-autopilot.outputs.version_autopilot_code }} \
MARKETING_VERSION=${{ steps.version-autopilot.outputs.version_autopilot_string }} \
PROVISIONING_PROFILE_SPECIFIER=${{ github.ref_name == 'prod' && 'distribution-profile' || 'adhoc-profile' }} \
-archivePath ./build/MyApp.xcarchive \
archive | xcpretty --simple --color
- For a chrome extension:
- name: update manifest version
run: |
jq --arg version "${{ steps.version-autopilot.outputs.version_autopilot_string }}" '.version = $version' $manifest > tmp.json && mv tmp.json $manifest