This task is designed to help you cache jobs or tasks completed to speed up your pipeline. It consumes outputs from the Affected Action to identify the project targets and their corresponding SHA revision. Additionally, it leverages the Pragma Action to handle scenarios where caching should be bypassed, such as when a pull request requires skipping the cache. x__skip-cache=true
or x__target-cache='skip'
By using this Cache Action in conjunction with the Affected Action, you can significantly reduce build times and enhance the efficiency of your pipelines.
Here is a basic scaffold of how DIY caching might look like in a GitHub Action.
EXPECTED_GS_FILE: "gs://github-integration/mobile-android/${{inputs.CACHE_KEY}}"
- name: set up gcloud auth
uses: 'google-github-actions/auth@v2'
credentials_json: '${{ secrets.GCP_GITHUB_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_DEV }}'
- name: set up gcloud cli with gsutil
uses: 'google-github-actions/setup-gcloud@v2'
- name: calculated variables
shell: bash
run: |
if gsutil -D stat "$EXPECTED_GS_FILE"; then
echo "RUN_BUILD=false" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "RUN_BUILD=true" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: expensive work here
if: |
!failure() && !cancelled() && env.RUN_BUILD == 'true'
run: bash ./gradlew assembleDebug --stacktrace
- name: cache results
if: |
!failure() && !cancelled() && env.RUN_BUILD == 'true'
run: |
touch "file.txt" && gsutil -D cp "file.txt" $EXPECTED_GS_FILE
This sample shows that consideration is required in constructing your cache keys. You need to set environment variables for your cache-hit outputs and ensure the cache write step is placed at the end of the job. The more tasks and targets you want to cache within the same job, the more complex and code-intensive it becomes.
In a multi-job pipeline, this job would still need to be executed to determine if the expensive work should be skipped. If the cache-hits could be effeciently pre calculated upfront, the pipeline would be faster and shave minutes by pruning jobs that have a cache-hit and not needed.
Using the Affected GCP Build Cache Action simplifies this process, efficiently handling caching in both single and multi-job pipelines, and reducing the amount of manual work required.
This task depends on google-github-actions/auth@v2
. Ensure you have the Google Cloud SDK authenticated in your runner.
Whenever you use leblancmeneses/actions/apps/gcp-build-cache@main
in a job, you should include the following dependencies in your workflow:
- name: set up gcloud auth
uses: 'google-github-actions/auth@v2'
# choose your style: workload identity, or json file. @see:
credentials_json: '${{ secrets.GCP_GITHUB_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_DEV_FILE }}'
See the single job pipeline in this repo that shows how we use the cache task internally.
By setting the optional additional-keys
, we get additional keys projected to the cache object in the form of <target>-<key>
# The following calculates the cache key, path, and hit status. It will not write to the cache.
- name: calculate gcp cache
id: cache
uses: ./apps/gcp-build-cache
affected: ${{steps.affected.outputs.affected}}
pragma: ${{steps.pragma.outputs.pragma}}
gcs-root-path: gs://opensource-github-integration/build-cache
additional-keys: |
{ "affected": ["build", "docker"] }
By binding affected
output we get all the original targets in the project.
fromJson(steps.cache.outputs.cache).affected.cache-hit == false
with additional-keys
projects more fields to the cache object.
That can be read using: fromJson(steps.cache.outputs.cache).affected-build.cache-hit == false
and fromJson(steps.cache.outputs.cache).affected-docker.cache-hit == false
By binding pragma
output we grant developers the ability to override the cache through a pull request.
Globally using x__skip-cache=true
or on a per target basis, x__affected-docker='skip'
# The following writes to the cache immediately when the pipeline reaches this step. (useful in single job pipelines)
# The default is multi-job pipelines with write-on: 'post' which only writes on success of the entire job and can be placed anywhere in the job but after the gcp dependencies.
- name: write pragma cache
uses: ./apps/gcp-build-cache
write-on: immediate
cache_key_path: ${{fromJson(steps.cache.outputs.cache).pragma.path}}
The key to this is described in the with scaffold of an init phase.
The init phase is used to precomute the cache keys and cache hit status for all targets in the project. Using this we can prune jobs where we have a cache-hit and pass the specific cache object to the job so that it can write to the cache on post
is useful if you have a target that is split across multiple jobs and you want to cache each job separately.
This is useful for parallel jobs that build different parts of the same target. It works the same way as described above
in how the keys are projected into the cache object.
# .github/workflows/build.yml
uses: ./.github/workflows/template.job.init.yml
# task uses affected and cache-hit to determine whether the job should be pruned from execution.
needs: [vars]
uses: ./.github/workflows/template.job.docker.yml
if: |
!failure() && !cancelled() && (
inputs.MANUAL_FORCE_BUILD == 'true' || (
fromJson(needs.vars.outputs.affected).build-api.changes == true &&
fromJson(needs.vars.outputs.cache).build-api.cache-hit == false
CACHE: ${{toJson(fromJson(needs.vars.outputs.cache).build-api)}}
DOCKER_FILE: "./build-api/Dockerfile"
DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS: "IS_PULL_REQUEST=${{github.event_name == 'pull_request'}}"
DOCKER_CONTEXT: "./build-api"
DOCKER_LABELS: ${{needs.vars.outputs.IMAGE_LABELS}}
DOCKER_IMAGE_TAGS: ${{ fromJson(needs.vars.outputs.affected).build-api.recommended_imagetags &&
toJson(fromJson(needs.vars.outputs.affected).build-api.recommended_imagetags) || '[]' }}
version_offsets: '{"MAJOR":5, "MINOR": 1, "SHIFT": 0}'
# .github/workflows/template.job.docker.yml
name: template.job.docker
description: "Required gcp iam service account to artifact registery and k8s"
required: true
description: "Optional input for caching."
required: false
type: string
default: '{}'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
persist-credentials: false
- name: set up gcloud auth
uses: 'google-github-actions/auth@v2'
credentials_json: '${{ secrets.GCP_GITHUB_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_DEV }}'
# can be put anywhere in the job but after the gcp dependencies.
# cache will be written on success of the entire job.
- name: write cache
uses: leblancmeneses/actions/apps/gcp-build-cache@main
cache_key_path: ${{fromJson(inputs.CACHE).path}}
- name: apk generation for prod
if: |
!failure() && !cancelled() && github.ref_name == 'prod' && fromJson(inputs.CACHE).cache-hit == false
run: |
./gradlew bundleRelease --stacktrace