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792 lines (586 loc) · 39.6 KB

Consensus Rules

System Parameters


name SI value description
1u 1u 10**0 1 unit.
2u k1u 10**3 1000 units.
3u M1u 10**6 1000000 units.
4u G1u 10**9 1000000000 units.


name type value unit description
AVAILABLE_DATA_ORIGINAL_SQUARE_MAX uint64 share Maximum number of rows/columns of the original data shares in square layout.
AVAILABLE_DATA_ORIGINAL_SQUARE_TARGET uint64 share Target number of rows/columns of the original data shares in square layout.
BASE_FEE_CHANGE_RATE uint64 8 Inverse of rate at which the base fee changes.
BLOCK_TIME uint64 second Block time, in seconds.
CHAIN_ID uint64 1 Chain ID. Each chain assigns itself a (unique) ID.
GENESIS_COIN_COUNT uint64 10**8 4u (= 100000000) Number of coins at genesis.
MAX_GRAFFITI_BYTES uint64 32 byte Maximum size of transaction graffiti, in bytes.
MAX_VALIDATORS uint16 64 Maximum number of active validators.
NAMESPACE_ID_BYTES uint64 8 byte Size of namespace ID, in bytes.
NAMESPACE_ID_MAX_RESERVED uint64 255 Value of maximum reserved namespace ID (inclusive). 1 byte worth of IDs.
SHARE_RESERVED_BYTES uint64 1 byte Bytes reserved at the beginning of each share. Must be sufficient to represent SHARE_SIZE.
SHARE_SIZE uint64 256 byte Size of transaction and message shares, in bytes.
STATE_SUBTREE_RESERVED_BYTES uint64 1 byte Number of bytes reserved to identify state subtrees.
UNBONDING_DURATION uint32 block Duration, in blocks, for unbonding a validator or delegation.
VERSION uint64 1 Version of the LazyLedger chain. Breaking changes (hard forks) must update this parameter.

Reserved Namespace IDs

name type value description
TRANSACTION_NAMESPACE_ID NamespaceID 0x0000000000000001 Transactions: requests that modify the state.
INTERMEDIATE_STATE_ROOT_NAMESPACE_ID NamespaceID 0x0000000000000002 Intermediate state roots, committed after every transaction.
EVIDENCE_NAMESPACE_ID NamespaceID 0x0000000000000003 Evidence: fraud proofs or other proof of slashable action.
TAIL_TRANSACTION_PADDING_NAMESPACE_ID NamespaceID 0x00000000000000FF Tail padding for transactions: padding after all transactions but before messages.
TAIL_PADDING_NAMESPACE_ID NamespaceID 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE Tail padding for messages: padding after all messages to fill up the original data square.
PARITY_SHARE_NAMESPACE_ID NamespaceID 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Parity shares: extended shares in the available data matrix.

Reserved State Subtree IDs

name type value

Rewards and Penalties

name type value unit description
SECONDS_PER_YEAR uint64 31536000 second Seconds per year. Omit leap seconds.
TARGET_ANNUAL_ISSUANCE uint64 2 * 10**6 4u (= 2000000) Target number of coins to issue per year.

Leader Selection


Fork Choice


Block Validity

The validity of a newly-seen block, block, is determined by two components, detailed in subsequent sections:

  1. Block structure: whether the block header is valid, and data in a block is arranged into a valid and matching data root (i.e. syntax).
  2. State transition: whether the application of transactions in the block produces a matching and valid state root (i.e. semantics).

Pseudocode in this section is not in any specific language and should be interpreted as being in a neutral and sane language.

Block Structure

Before executing state transitions, the structure of the block must be verified.

The following block fields are acquired from the network and parsed (i.e. deserialized). If they cannot be parsed, the block is ignored but is not explicitly considered invalid by consensus rules. Further implications of ignoring a block are found in the networking spec.

  1. block.header
  2. block.availableDataHeader
  3. block.lastCommit

If the above fields are parsed successfully, the available data block.availableData is acquired in erasure-coded form as a list of share rows, then parsed. If it cannot be parsed, the block is ignored but not explicitly invalid, as above.


The block header block.header (header for short) is the first thing that is downloaded from the new block, and commits to everything inside the block in some way. For previous block prev (if prev is not known, then the block is ignored), and previous block header prev.header, the following checks must be true:

availableDataOriginalSquareSize is computed as described here.

  1. header.height == prev.header.height + 1.
  2. header.timestamp > prev.header.timestamp.
  3. header.lastHeaderHash == the header hash of prev.
  4. header.lastCommitHash == the hash of lastCommit.
  5. header.consensusRoot == the value computed here.
  6. header.feeHeader.baseRate == prev.header.feeHeader.baseRate * floor(1 + (prev.header.availableDataOriginalSharesUsed - AVAILABLE_DATA_ORIGINAL_SQUARE_TARGET) / (BASE_FEE_CHANGE_RATE * AVAILABLE_DATA_ORIGINAL_SQUARE_TARGET)).
  7. header.stateCommitment == the root of the state, computed with the application of all state transitions in this block.
  8. availableDataOriginalSquareSize <= AVAILABLE_DATA_ORIGINAL_SQUARE_MAX.
  9. header.availableDataRoot == the Merkle root of the tree with the row and column roots of block.availableDataHeader as leaves.
  10. header.proposerAddress == the leader for header.height.


The available data header) block.availableDataHeader (availableDataHeader for short) is then processed. This commits to the available data, which is only downloaded after the consensus commit is processed. The following checks must be true:

  1. Length of availableDataHeader.rowRoots == availableDataOriginalSquareSize * 2.
  2. Length of availableDataHeader.colRoots == availableDataOriginalSquareSize * 2.
  3. The length of each element in availableDataHeader.rowRoots and availableDataHeader.colRoots must be 32.


The last commit block.lastCommit (lastCommit for short) is processed next. This is the Tendermint commit (i.e. polka of votes) for the previous block. For previous block prev and previous block header prev.header, the following checks must be true:

  1. lastCommit.height == prev.header.height.
  2. lastCommit.round >= 1.
  3. lastCommit.headerHash == the header hash of prev.
  4. Length of lastCommit.signatures <= MAX_VALIDATORS.
  5. Each of lastCommit.signatures must be a valid CommitSig
  6. The sum of the votes for prev in lastCommit must be at least 2/3 (rounded up) of the voting power of prev's next validator set.


The block's available data (analogous to transactions in contemporary blockchain designs) block.availableData (availableData for short) is finally processed. The list of share rows is parsed into the actual data structures using the reverse of the process to encode available data into shares; if parsing fails here, the block is invalid.

Once parsed, the following checks must be true:

  1. The commitments of the erasure-coded extended availableData must match those in header.availableDataHeader. Implicitly, this means that both rows and columns must be ordered lexicographically by namespace ID since they are committed to in a Namespace Merkle Tree.
  2. Length of availableData.intermediateStateRootData == length of availableData.transactionData + length of availableData.evidenceData + 2. (Two additional state transitions are the begin and end block implicit transitions.)

State Transitions

Once the basic structure of the block has been validated, state transitions must be applied to compute the new state and state root.

For this section, the variable state represents the state tree, with state.accounts[k], state.inactiveValidatorSet[k], state.activeValidatorSet[k], and state.delegationSet[k] being shorthand for the leaf in the state tree in the accounts, inactive validator set, active validator set, and delegation set subtrees with pre-hashed key k. E.g. state.accounts[a] is shorthand for state[(ACCOUNTS_SUBTREE_ID << 8*(32-STATE_SUBTREE_RESERVED_BYTES)) | ((-1 >> 8*STATE_SUBTREE_RESERVED_BYTES) & hash(a))].

State transitions are applied in the following order:

  1. Begin block.
  2. Evidence.
  3. Transactions.
  4. End block.


Evidence is the second set of state transitions that are applied, ahead of transactions. Each evidence represents proof of validator misbehavior, and causes a penalty against the validator(s).


Once evidence has been processed, transactions are applied to the state. Note that transactions mutate the state (essentially, the validator set and minimal balances), while messages do not. See the architecture documentation for more info.

block.availableData.transactionData is simply a list of WrappedTransactions. For each wrapped transaction in this list, wrappedTransaction, with index i (starting from 0), the following checks must be true:

  1. wrappedTransaction.index == i.

For wrappedTransaction's transaction transaction, the following checks must be true:

  1. transaction.signature must be a valid signature over transaction.signedTransactionData.

Finally, each wrappedTransaction is processed depending on its transaction type. These are specified in the next subsections, where tx is short for transaction.signedTransactionData, and sender is the recovered signing address. We will define a few helper functions:

baseCost(y) = block.header.feeHeader.baseRate * y
tipCost(y) = block.header.feeHeader.tipRate * y
totalCost(x, y) = x + baseCost(y) + tipCost(y)

, where x above represents the amount of coins sent by the transaction authorizer and y above represents the a measure of the block space used by the transaction (i.e. size in bytes).

Four additional helper functions are defined to manage the validator queue:

  1. findFromQueue(power), which returns the address of the last validator in the validator queue with voting power greater than or equal to power, or 0 if the queue is empty or no validators in the queue have at least power voting power.
  2. parentFromQueue(address), which returns the address of the parent in the validator queue of the validator with address address, or 0 if address is not in the queue or is the head of the queue.
  3. validatorQueueInsert, defined as
function validatorQueueInsert(validator)
    # Insert the new validator into the linked list
    parent = findFromQueue(validator.votingPower)
    if parent != 0
        if state.accounts[parent].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorBonded
   = state.activeValidatorSet[parent].next
            state.activeValidatorSet[parent].next = sender
   = state.inactiveValidatorSet[parent].next
            state.inactiveValidatorSet[parent].next = sender
    else = state.validatorQueueHead
        state.validatorQueueHead = sender
  1. validatorQueueRemove, defined as
function validatorQueueRemove(validator, sender)
    # Remove existing validator from the linked list
    parent = parentFromQueue(sender)
    if parent != 0
        if state.accounts[parent].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorBonded
            state.activeValidatorSet[parent].next =
   = 0
            state.inactiveValidatorSet[parent].next =
   = 0
        state.validatorQueueHead = = 0

Note that light clients cannot perform a linear search through a linked list, and are instead provided logarithmic proofs (e.g. in the case of parentFromQueue, a proof to the parent is provided, which should have address as its next validator).

In addition, three helper functions to manage the message paid list:

  1. findFromMessagePaidList(start), which returns the transaction ID of the last transaction in the message paid list with finish greater than start, or 0 if the list is empty or no transactions in the list have at least start finish.
  2. parentFromMessagePaidList(txid), which returns the transaction ID of the parent in the message paid list of the transaction with ID txid, or 0 if txid is not in the list or is the head of the list.
  3. messagePaidListInsert, defined as
function messagePaidListInsert(tx, txid)
    # Insert the new transaction into the linked list
    parent = findFromMessagePaidList(tx.messageStartIndex)
    state.messagesPaid[txid].start = tx.messageStartIndex
    numShares = ceil(tx.messageSize / SHARE_SIZE)
    state.messagesPaid[txid].finish = tx.messageStartIndex + numShares - 1
    if parent != 0
        state.messagesPaid[txid].next = state.messagesPaid[parent].next
        state.messagesPaid[parent].next = txid
        state.messagesPaid[txid].next = state.messagePaidHead
        state.messagePaidHead = txid

We define a helper function to compute F1 entries:

function compute_new_entry(reward, power)
    if power == 0
        return 0
    return reward // power

After applying a transaction, the new state state root is computed.


bytesPaid = len(tx)

The following checks must be true:

  1. tx.type == TransactionType.Transfer.
  2. tx.fee.baseRateMax >= block.header.feeHeader.baseRate.
  3. tx.fee.tipRateMax >= block.header.feeHeader.tipRate.
  4. totalCost(tx.amount, bytesPaid) <= state.accounts[sender].balance.
  5. tx.nonce == state.accounts[sender].nonce + 1.

Apply the following to the state:

state.accounts[sender].nonce += 1

state.accounts[sender].balance -= totalCost(tx.amount, bytesPaid)
state.accounts[].balance += tx.amount

state.activeValidatorSet.proposerBlockReward += tipCost(bytesPaid)


bytesPaid = len(tx) + tx.messageSize
currentStartFinish = state.messagesPaid[findFromMessagePaidList(tx.messageStartIndex)]
parentStartFinish = state.messagesPaid[parentFromMessagePaidList(findFromMessagePaidList(tx.messageStartIndex))]

The following checks must be true:

  1. tx.type == TransactionType.PayForMessage.
  2. tx.fee.baseRateMax >= block.header.feeHeader.baseRate.
  3. tx.fee.tipRateMax >= block.header.feeHeader.tipRate.
  4. totalCost(0, bytesPaid) <= state.accounts[sender].balance.
  5. tx.nonce == state.accounts[sender].nonce + 1.
  6. The ceil(tx.messageSize / SHARE_SIZE) shares starting at index tx.messageStartIndex must:
    1. Have namespace ID tx.messageNamespaceID.
  7. tx.messageShareCommitment == computed as described here.
  8. parentStartFinish.finish < tx.messageStartIndex.
  9. currentStartFinish.start == 0 or currentStartFinish.start > tx.messageStartIndex + ceil(tx.messageSize / SHARE_SIZE).

Apply the following to the state:

state.accounts[sender].nonce += 1
state.accounts[sender].balance -= totalCost(tx.amount, bytesPaid)

messagePaidListInsert(tx, id(tx))

state.activeValidatorSet.proposerBlockReward += tipCost(bytesPaid)


bytesPaid = len(tx)

The following checks must be true:

  1. tx.type == TransactionType.CreateValidator.
  2. tx.fee.baseRateMax >= block.header.feeHeader.baseRate.
  3. tx.fee.tipRateMax >= block.header.feeHeader.tipRate.
  4. totalCost(0, bytesPaid) <= state.accounts[sender].balance.
  5. tx.nonce == state.accounts[sender].nonce + 1.
  6. tx.commissionRate.denominator > 0.
  7. tx.commissionRate.numerator <= tx.commissionRate.denominator.
  8. state.accounts[sender].status == AccountStatus.None.

Apply the following to the state:

state.accounts[sender].nonce += 1
state.accounts[sender].balance -= totalCost(0, bytesPaid)
state.accounts[sender].status = AccountStatus.ValidatorQueued

validator = new Validator
validator.commissionRate = tx.commissionRate
validator.delegatedCount = 0
validator.votingPower = 0
validator.pendingRewards = 0
validator.latestEntry = PeriodEntry(0)
validator.unbondingHeight = 0
validator.isSlashed = false


state.inactiveValidatorSet[sender] = validator

state.activeValidatorSet.proposerBlockReward += tipCost(bytesPaid)


bytesPaid = len(tx)

The following checks must be true:

  1. tx.type == TransactionType.BeginUnbondingValidator.
  2. tx.fee.baseRateMax >= block.header.feeHeader.baseRate.
  3. tx.fee.tipRateMax >= block.header.feeHeader.tipRate.
  4. totalCost(0, bytesPaid) <= state.accounts[sender].balance.
  5. tx.nonce == state.accounts[sender].nonce + 1.
  6. state.accounts[sender].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorQueued or state.accounts[sender].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorBonded.

Apply the following to the state:

state.accounts[sender].nonce += 1
state.accounts[sender].balance -= totalCost(0, bytesPaid)
state.accounts[sender].status = ValidatorStatus.Unbonding

if state.accounts[sender].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorQueued
    validator = state.inactiveValidatorSet[sender]
else if state.accounts[sender].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorBonded
    validator = state.activeValidatorSet[sender]
    delete state.activeValidatorSet[sender]

validator.unbondingHeight = block.height + 1
validator.latestEntry += compute_new_entry(validator.pendingRewards, validator.votingPower)
validator.pendingRewards = 0

validatorQueueRemove(validator, sender)

state.inactiveValidatorSet[sender] = validator

state.activeValidatorSet.activeVotingPower -= validator.votingPower

state.activeValidatorSet.proposerBlockReward += tipCost(bytesPaid)


bytesPaid = len(tx)

The following checks must be true:

  1. tx.type == TransactionType.UnbondValidator.
  2. tx.fee.baseRateMax >= block.header.feeHeader.baseRate.
  3. tx.fee.tipRateMax >= block.header.feeHeader.tipRate.
  4. totalCost(0, bytesPaid) <= state.accounts[sender].balance.
  5. tx.nonce == state.accounts[sender].nonce + 1.
  6. state.accounts[sender].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorUnbonding.
  7. state.inactiveValidatorSet[sender].unbondingHeight + UNBONDING_DURATION < block.height.

Apply the following to the state:

validator = state.inactiveValidatorSet[sender]

state.accounts[sender].nonce += 1
state.accounts[sender].balance -= totalCost(0, bytesPaid)
state.accounts[sender].status = AccountStatus.ValidatorUnbonded

state.accounts[sender].balance += validator.commissionRewards

state.inactiveValidatorSet[sender] = validator

if validator.delegatedCount == 0
    state.accounts[sender].status = AccountStatus.None
    delete state.inactiveValidatorSet[sender]

state.activeValidatorSet.proposerBlockReward += tipCost(bytesPaid)


bytesPaid = len(tx)

The following checks must be true:

  1. tx.type == TransactionType.CreateDelegation.
  2. tx.fee.baseRateMax >= block.header.feeHeader.baseRate.
  3. tx.fee.tipRateMax >= block.header.feeHeader.tipRate.
  4. totalCost(tx.amount, bytesPaid) <= state.accounts[sender].balance.
  5. state.accounts[].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorQueued or state.accounts[].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorBonded.
  6. tx.nonce == state.accounts[sender].nonce + 1.
  7. state.accounts[sender].status == AccountStatus.None.

Apply the following to the state:

state.accounts[sender].nonce += 1
state.accounts[sender].balance -= totalCost(tx.amount, bytesPaid)
state.accounts[sender].status = AccountStatus.DelegationBonded

if state.accounts[].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorQueued
    validator = state.inactiveValidatorSet[]
else if state.accounts[].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorBonded
    validator = state.activeValidatorSet[]

delegation = new Delegation
delegation.status = DelegationStatus.Bonded
delegation.validator =
delegation.stakedBalance = tx.amount
delegation.beginEntry = validator.latestEntry
delegation.endEntry = PeriodEntry(0)
delegation.unbondingHeight = 0

validator.latestEntry += compute_new_entry(validator.pendingRewards, validator.votingPower)
validator.pendingRewards = 0
validator.delegatedCount += 1
validator.votingPower += tx.amount

# Update the validator in the linked list by first removing then inserting
validatorQueueRemove(validator, delegation.validator)

state.delegationSet[sender] = delegation

if state.accounts[].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorQueued
    state.inactiveValidatorSet[] = validator
else if state.accounts[].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorBonded
    state.activeValidatorSet[] = validator
    state.activeValidatorSet.activeVotingPower += tx.amount

state.activeValidatorSet.proposerBlockReward += tipCost(bytesPaid)


bytesPaid = len(tx)

The following checks must be true:

  1. tx.type == TransactionType.BeginUnbondingDelegation.
  2. tx.fee.baseRateMax >= block.header.feeHeader.baseRate.
  3. tx.fee.tipRateMax >= block.header.feeHeader.tipRate.
  4. totalCost(0, bytesPaid) <= state.accounts[sender].balance.
  5. tx.nonce == state.accounts[sender].nonce + 1.
  6. state.accounts[sender].status == AccountStatus.DelegationBonded.

Apply the following to the state:

state.accounts[sender].nonce += 1
state.accounts[sender].balance -= totalCost(0, bytesPaid)
state.accounts[sender].status = AccountStatus.DelegationUnbonding

delegation = state.delegationSet[sender]

if state.accounts[delegation.validator].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorQueued ||
      state.accounts[delegation.validator].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorUnbonding ||
      state.accounts[delegation.validator].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorUnbonded
    validator = state.inactiveValidatorSet[delegation.validator]
else if state.accounts[delegation.validator].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorBonded
    validator = state.activeValidatorSet[delegation.validator]

delegation.status = DelegationStatus.Unbonding
delegation.endEntry = validator.latestEntry
delegation.unbondingHeight = block.height + 1

validator.latestEntry += compute_new_entry(validator.pendingRewards, validator.votingPower)
validator.pendingRewards = 0
validator.delegatedCount -= 1
validator.votingPower -= delegation.stakedBalance

# Update the validator in the linked list by first removing then inserting
# Only do this if the validator is actually in the queue (i.e. bonded or queued)
if state.accounts[delegation.validator].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorBonded ||
      state.accounts[delegation.validator].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorQueued
    validatorQueueRemove(validator, delegation.validator)

state.delegationSet[sender] = delegation

if state.accounts[delegation.validator].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorQueued ||
      state.accounts[delegation.validator].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorUnbonding ||
      state.accounts[delegation.validator].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorUnbonded
    state.inactiveValidatorSet[delegation.validator] = validator
else if state.accounts[delegation.validator].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorBonded
    state.activeValidatorSet[delegation.validator] = validator
    state.activeValidatorSet.activeVotingPower -= delegation.stakedBalance

state.activeValidatorSet.proposerBlockReward += tipCost(bytesPaid)


bytesPaid = len(tx)

The following checks must be true:

  1. tx.type == TransactionType.UnbondDelegation.
  2. tx.fee.baseRateMax >= block.header.feeHeader.baseRate.
  3. tx.fee.tipRateMax >= block.header.feeHeader.tipRate.
  4. totalCost(0, bytesPaid) <= state.accounts[sender].balance.
  5. tx.nonce == state.accounts[sender].nonce + 1.
  6. state.accounts[sender].status == AccountStatus.DelegationUnbonding.
  7. state.delegationSet[sender].unbondingHeight + UNBONDING_DURATION < block.height.

Apply the following to the state:

delegation = state.accounts[sender].delegationInfo

state.accounts[sender].nonce += 1
state.accounts[sender].balance -= totalCost(0, bytesPaid)
state.accounts[sender].status = None

# Return the delegated stake
state.accounts[sender].balance += delegation.stakedBalance
# Also disperse rewards (commission has already been levied)
state.accounts[sender].balance += delegation.stakedBalance * (delegation.endEntry - delegation.beginEntry)

if state.accounts[delegation.validator].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorQueued ||
      state.accounts[delegation.validator].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorUnbonding
      state.accounts[delegation.validator].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorUnbonded
    validator = state.inactiveValidatorSet[delegation.validator]
else if state.accounts[delegation.validator].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorBonded
    validator = state.activeValidatorSet[delegation.validator]

if validator.delegatedCount == 0 &&
      state.accounts[delegation.validator].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorUnbonded
    state.accounts[delegation.validator].status = AccountStatus.None
    delete state.inactiveValidatorSet[delegation.validator]

delete state.accounts[sender].delegationInfo

state.activeValidatorSet.proposerBlockReward += tipCost(bytesPaid)


bytesPaid = len(tx)

The following checks must be true:

  1. tx.type == TransactionType.Burn.
  2. tx.fee.baseRateMax >= block.header.feeHeader.baseRate.
  3. tx.fee.tipRateMax >= block.header.feeHeader.tipRate.
  4. totalCost(tx.amount, bytesPaid) <= state.accounts[sender].balance.
  5. tx.nonce == state.accounts[sender].nonce + 1.

Apply the following to the state:

state.accounts[sender].nonce += 1
state.accounts[sender].balance -= totalCost(tx.amount, bytesPaid)

state.activeValidatorSet.proposerBlockReward += tipCost(bytesPaid)


bytesPaid = len(tx)

The following checks must be true:

  1. tx.type == TransactionType.RedelegateCommission.
  2. tx.fee.baseRateMax >= block.header.feeHeader.baseRate.
  3. tx.fee.tipRateMax >= block.header.feeHeader.tipRate.
  4. totalCost(0, bytesPaid) <= state.accounts[sender].balance.
  5. tx.nonce == state.accounts[sender].nonce + 1.
  6. state.accounts[].status == AccountStatus.DelegationBonded.
  7. state.accounts[sender].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorBonded.

Apply the following to the state:

state.accounts[sender].nonce += 1
state.accounts[sender].balance -= totalCost(0, bytesPaid)

delegation = state.delegationSet[]
validator = state.activeValidatorSet[delegation.validator]

# Force-redelegate pending rewards for delegation
pendingRewards = delegation.stakedBalance * (validator.latestEntry - delegation.beginEntry)
delegation.stakedBalance += pendingRewards
delegation.beginEntry = validator.latestEntry

validator.latestEntry += compute_new_entry(validator.pendingRewards, validator.votingPower)
validator.pendingRewards = 0

# Assign pending commission rewards to delegation
commissionRewards = validator.commissionRewards
delegation.stakedBalance += commissionRewards
validator.commissionRewards = 0

# Update voting power
validator.votingPower += pendingRewards + commissionRewards
state.activeValidatorSet.activeVotingPower += pendingRewards + commissionRewards

state.delegationSet[] = delegation
state.activeValidatorSet[delegation.validator] = validator

state.activeValidatorSet.proposerBlockReward += tipCost(bytesPaid)


bytesPaid = len(tx)

The following checks must be true:

  1. tx.type == TransactionType.RedelegateReward.
  2. tx.fee.baseRateMax >= block.header.feeHeader.baseRate.
  3. tx.fee.tipRateMax >= block.header.feeHeader.tipRate.
  4. totalCost(0, bytesPaid) <= state.accounts[sender].balance.
  5. tx.nonce == state.accounts[sender].nonce + 1.
  6. state.accounts[sender].status == AccountStatus.DelegationBonded.
  7. state.accounts[state.delegationSet[sender].validator].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorBonded.

Apply the following to the state:

state.accounts[sender].nonce += 1
state.accounts[sender].balance -= totalCost(0, bytesPaid)

delegation = state.delegationSet[sender]
validator = state.activeValidatorSet[delegation.validator]

# Redelegate pending rewards for delegation
pendingRewards = delegation.stakedBalance * (validator.latestEntry - delegation.beginEntry)
delegation.stakedBalance += pendingRewards
delegation.beginEntry = validator.latestEntry

validator.latestEntry += compute_new_entry(validator.pendingRewards, validator.votingPower)
validator.pendingRewards = 0

# Update voting power
validator.votingPower += pendingRewards
state.activeValidatorSet.activeVotingPower += pendingRewards

state.delegationSet[sender] = delegation
state.activeValidatorSet[delegation.validator] = validator

state.activeValidatorSet.proposerBlockReward += tipCost(bytesPaid)

Begin Block

At the beginning of the block, rewards are distributed to the block proposer.

Apply the following to the state:

proposer = state.activeValidatorSet[block.header.proposerAddress]

# Compute block subsidy and save to state for use in end block.
blockReward = rewardFactor * sqrt(state.activeValidatorSet.activeVotingPower)
state.activeValidatorSet.proposerBlockReward = blockReward

# Save proposer's initial voting power to state for use in end block.
state.activeValidatorSet.proposerInitialVotingPower = proposer.votingPower

state.activeValidatorSet[block.header.proposerAddress] = proposer

End Block

Apply the following to the state:

account = state.accounts[block.header.proposerAddress]

if account.status == AccountStatus.ValidatorUnbonding
      account.status == AccountStatus.ValidatorUnbonded
    proposer = state.inactiveValidatorSet[block.header.proposerAddress]
else if account.status == AccountStatus.ValidatorBonded
    proposer = state.activeValidatorSet[block.header.proposerAddress]

# Flush the outstanding pending rewards.
proposer.latestEntry += compute_new_entry(proposer.pendingRewards, proposer.votingPower)
proposer.pendingRewards = 0

blockReward = state.activeValidatorSet.proposerBlockReward
commissionReward = proposer.commissionRate.numerator * blockReward // proposer.commissionRate.denominator
proposer.commissionRewards += commissionReward
proposer.pendingRewards += blockReward - commissionReward

# Even though the voting power hasn't changed yet, we consider this a period change.
proposer.latestEntry += compute_new_entry(proposer.pendingRewards, state.activeValidatorSet.proposerInitialVotingPower)
proposer.pendingRewards = 0

if account.status == AccountStatus.ValidatorUnbonding
      account.status == AccountStatus.ValidatorUnbonded
    state.inactiveValidatorSet[block.header.proposerAddress] = proposer
else if account.status == AccountStatus.ValidatorBonded
    state.activeValidatorSet[block.header.proposerAddress] = proposer

At the end of a block, the top MAX_VALIDATORS validators by voting power with voting power greater than zero are or become active (bonded). For newly-bonded validators, the entire validator object is moved to the active validators subtree and their status is changed to bonded. For previously-bonded validators that are no longer in the top MAX_VALIDATORS validators begin unbonding.

Bonding validators is simply setting their status to AccountStatus.ValidatorBonded. The logic for validator unbonding is found here, minus transaction sender updates (nonce, balance, and fee).

Finally, the state subtree with ID MESSAGE_PAID_SUBTREE_ID is deleted.

This end block implicit state transition is a single state transition, and only has a single intermediate state root associated with it.