This is a wrapper written in Golang for Stack Exchange API 2.0.
Let's have a look how to get started with Stack on Go.
Stack on Go fully supports Go1.
To install the package, run:
go get
Once installed, you can use Stack on Go by importing it in your source.
import ""
By default, package will be named as stackongo
. If you want, you can give an alternate name at the import.
Stack Exchange API contains global and site specific methods. Global methods can be directly called like this:
sites, err := stackongo.AllSites(params)
Before calling site specific methods, you need to create a new session. A site identifier should be passed as a string (usually, it's the domain of the site).
session := stackongo.NewSession("stackoverflow")
Then call the methods in scope of the created session.
info, err := session.Info()
Most methods accept a map of parameters. There's a special Params
type that you can use to create a parameter map.
//set the params
params := make(stackongo.Params)
params.Add("filter", "total")
params.AddVectorized("tagged", []string("go", "ruby", "java"))
questions, err := session.AllQuestions(params)
If you prefer, you can pass your parameters directly in a map[string]string
questions, err := session.AllQuestions(map[string]string{"filter": "total", "tagged": "go;ruby;java"})
Most methods returns a struct
containing a collection of items and meta information (more details available in StackExchange docs ). You can traverse through the results to create an output:
for _, question := range questions.Items {
fmt.Printf("%v\n", question.Title)
fmt.Printf("Asked By: %v on %v\n", question.Owner.Display_name, time.SecondsToUTC(question.Creation_date))
fmt.Printf("Link: %v\n\n", question.Link)
You can use the returned meta information to make run-time decisions. For example, you can check whether there are more results and load them progressively.
if questions.Has_more {
params.Page(page + 1)
questions, err = session.AllQuestions(params)
Stack Exchange follows the OAuth 2.0 workflow for user authentication. Stack on Go includes two helper functions tailored for authentication offered by the Stack Exchange API.
returns you a URL to redirect the user for authentication and ObtainAcessToken
should be called from the handler of redirected URI to obtain the access token.
Check the following code sample, which explains the authentication flow:
func init() {
http.HandleFunc("/", authorize)
http.HandleFunc("/profile", profile)
func authorize(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
auth_url := stackongo.AuthURL(client_id, "", map[string]string{"scope": "read_inbox"})
header := w.Header()
header.Add("Location", auth_url)
func profile(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
code := r.URL.Query().Get("code")
access_token, err := stackongo.ObtainAccessToken(client_id, client_secret, code, "")
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%v", err.String())
} else {
//get authenticated user
session := stackongo.NewSession("stackoverflow")
user, err := session.AuthenticatedUser(map[string]string{}, map[string]string{"key": client_key, "access_token": access_token["access_token"]})
// do more with the authenticated user
If you plan to deploy your app on Google AppEngine, remember to do a one slight modification in your code. Since AppEngine has a special package to fetch external URLs you have to set it as the transport method for Stack on Go.
Here's how to do it:
import (
func main(){
c := appengine.NewContext(r)
ut := &urlfetch.Transport{Context: c}
stackongo.SetTransport(ut) //set urlfetch as the transport
session := stackongo.NewSession("stackoverflow")
info, err := session.Info()
Methods are organized into files by their return types. You can see how to use a method by checking the relavant test file. There's 100% test coverage for all methods.
Stack on Go implements all methods defined in the Stack Exchange API 2.0. You can use its documentation to learn more about parameters available parameters to a method, available filters and fields you can expect in a response.
Please check the /examples
directory to learn various ways you can use Stack on Go.
Please report any bugs or feature requests here: