Built with RedwoodJS, an interactive visualization of the COVID-19 pandemic, charted country-to-country. Made by @lachlanjc + @zachlatta (while in isolation, of course).
Check it out live: predictcovid.netlify.app
git clone https://github.com/lachlanjc/predictcovid
cd covid19
We use Yarn as our package manager. To get the dependencies installed, just do this in the root directory:
yarn redwood dev
Your browser should open automatically to http://localhost:8910
to see the web app. Lambda functions run on
and are also proxied to http://localhost:8910/api/functions/*
But we don’t have any data, or even a database!
We’re using Prisma2, a modern DB toolkit to query, migrate and model your database.
Prisma2 is not ready for production at the moment.
To create a development database:
yarn redwood db up
This will read the schema definition in api/prisma/schema.prisma
and generate a SQLite database in api/prisma/dev.db
(If you’ve made changes to the schema run yarn redwood db save
to generate a migration, and yarn redwood db up
to apply the migration/generate a new ORM client.)
First, seed the database:
yarn redwood db seed
Now, run the scraper. In one terminal, start the server (yarn rw dev
), and in another, make this request:
curl http://localhost:8911/scrape
(Note: it will eventually hang, first on your curl request, & then the scraper doesn’t currently print a success message.)
You should be good to go now! Open localhost:8910 & enjoy development.
MIT License