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Sample advancedsettings.xml

classicjazz edited this page Jun 7, 2016 · 13 revisions


The following sample advancedsettings.xml showcases a number of advanced SPMC capabilities.

You should only use the settings appropriate for your needs. All of these settings are optional!

Sample settings include:

  • hiding the splash screen
  • disabling the double back on home to minimize
  • using UHD (4K) resolution jacket art (thumbnails) and wallpaper (only valuable if also running GUI in 4K resolution)
  • auto-removing a video from "in progress" after it's 90% complete
  • hiding references to DVDs
  • enabling high quality scalers for higher quality video output
  • using regular expressions to hide certain files (e.g. NAS indexing files) from SPMC
  • using advanced networking settings for a larger local buffer
  • using multi-room video playback (including SQL settings and resume points)
  • tweaking certain UX settings such as "all items" and "empty series"
  • automatically cleaning the library after every library update
  • silently ignoring scanner errors

SPMC Settings

Create a text file called advancedsettings.xml and place it in your userdata folder.

Replace the host, user and pass field sample information below with your personal configuration.

		<excludefromscan> <!-- Excludes Synology index files from scan  -->
		<excludefromlisting> <!-- Excludes Synology index files from listing  -->
		<excludefromscan> <!-- Excludes Synology index files from scan  -->
		<excludefromlisting> <!-- Excludes Synology index files from listing  -->
   		<buffermode>1</buffermode> <!-- Buffer all filesystems (including local)  -->
   		<cachemembuffersize>209715200</cachemembuffersize> --> <!-- 200MB buffer  -->
  		<cleanonupdate>true</cleanonupdate> <!-- Also clean library during library update -->
		<hideallitems>true</hideallitems> <!-- removes the "*All" items from the video library -->
   		<hideemptyseries>true</hideemptyseries>  <!-- hide empty series in the video library -->
   		<ignoreerrors>true</ignoreerrors> <!-- Silently ignore errors while scanning videos. -->