diff --git a/packages/cozy-konnector-libs/package.json b/packages/cozy-konnector-libs/package.json
index 0a9eed96c..37bcfcec3 100644
--- a/packages/cozy-konnector-libs/package.json
+++ b/packages/cozy-konnector-libs/package.json
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
     "date-fns": "^2.22.1",
     "file-type": "^16.5.0",
     "geco": "git+https://github.com/konnectors/geco.git#0.11.2",
+    "lodash": "^4.17.21",
     "lodash-id": "^0.14.0",
     "lowdb": "^1.0.0",
     "mime-types": "^2.1.31",
diff --git a/packages/cozy-konnector-libs/src/libs/BaseKonnector.spec.js b/packages/cozy-konnector-libs/src/libs/BaseKonnector.spec.js
index 721c1e443..5df024ba0 100644
--- a/packages/cozy-konnector-libs/src/libs/BaseKonnector.spec.js
+++ b/packages/cozy-konnector-libs/src/libs/BaseKonnector.spec.js
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ jest.mock('./cozyclient', () => ({
 jest.mock('fs', () => ({
   existsSync: jest.fn(),
+  access: jest.fn(),
+  readFile: jest.fn(),
   promises: {
     readFile: jest.fn()
diff --git a/packages/cozy-konnector-libs/src/libs/saveFiles.js b/packages/cozy-konnector-libs/src/libs/saveFiles.js
index 79e5cf784..01b1806c0 100644
--- a/packages/cozy-konnector-libs/src/libs/saveFiles.js
+++ b/packages/cozy-konnector-libs/src/libs/saveFiles.js
@@ -10,11 +10,15 @@ const path = require('path')
 const requestFactory = require('./request')
 const omit = require('lodash/omit')
 const get = require('lodash/get')
+const isEqual = require('lodash/isEqual')
 const log = require('cozy-logger').namespace('saveFiles')
 const manifest = require('./manifest')
 const cozy = require('./cozyclient')
 const client = cozy.new
 const { Q } = require('cozy-client/dist/queries/dsl')
+const { models } = require('cozy-client')
+//const  models = cozy.new.models
+const { Qualification } = models.document
 const errors = require('../helpers/errors')
 const stream = require('stream')
 const fileType = require('file-type')
@@ -502,10 +506,45 @@ const shouldReplaceFile = async function (file, entry, options) {
   const defaultShouldReplaceFile = (file, entry) => {
     const shouldForceMetadataAttr = attr => {
-      const result =
-        getAttribute(file, `metadata.${attr}`) !==
-        get(entry, `fileAttributes.metadata.${attr}`)
-      if (result) log('debug', `filereplacement: adding ${attr} metadata`)
+      let entryQualif = get(entry, `fileAttributes.metadata.${attr}`)
+      if (attr === 'qualification' && (entryQualif instanceof Qualification)) {
+        // If the entry come with a qualification type object we convert it before compare
+        entryQualif = entryQualif.toQualification()
+      }
+      const result = !isEqual(
+        getAttribute(file, `metadata.${attr}`),
+        entryQualif
+      )
+      log('warn', `Result for ${attr} is ${result}`)
+      console.log('warn', `Result for ${attr} is ${result}`)
+      if (result) {
+        log('debug', `filereplacement: adding ${attr} metadata`)
+      log('warn',  'isequal ' + isEqual(
+        getAttribute(file, `metadata.${attr}`),
+        get(entry,`fileAttributes.metadata.${attr}`)))
+      log('warn', 'not isEqual(should be false) ' + !isEqual(
+        getAttribute(file, `metadata.${attr}`),
+        get(entry, `fileAttributes.metadata.${attr}`)))
+        log('warn', 'Stringify equal(should be True) ' + `${JSON.stringify(getAttribute(file, `metadata.${attr}`))==JSON.stringify(get(entry, `fileAttributes.metadata.${attr}`))}`)
+        log('warn', 'file ' + JSON.stringify(getAttribute(file, `metadata.${attr}`)))
+        log('warn', 'entry ' + JSON.stringify(get(entry, `fileAttributes.metadata.${attr}`)))
+        log('warn', 'file ' + typeof(JSON.stringify(getAttribute(file, `metadata.${attr}`))))
+        log('warn', 'entry ' + typeof(JSON.stringify(get(entry, `fileAttributes.metadata.${attr}`))))
+        log('warn', 'file ' + typeof(getAttribute(file, `metadata.${attr}`)))
+        log('warn', 'entry ' + typeof(get(entry, `fileAttributes.metadata.${attr}`)))
+        log('warn', 'file ' + Object.getOwnPropertyNames(getAttribute(file, `metadata.${attr}`)))
+        log('warn', 'entry ' + Object.getOwnPropertyNames(get(entry, `fileAttributes.metadata.${attr}`)))
+        console.log('AA')
+        console.dir(getAttribute(file, `metadata.${attr}`))
+        console.dir(get(entry,`fileAttributes.metadata.${attr}`))
+        console.log(result)
+        console.log('BBB')
+        const D = get(entry,`fileAttributes.metadata.${attr}`)
+        console.dir(D)
+        console.dir(D instanceof Qualification)
+      }
       return result
     // replace all files with meta if there is file metadata to add
diff --git a/packages/cozy-konnector-libs/src/libs/saveFiles.spec.js b/packages/cozy-konnector-libs/src/libs/saveFiles.spec.js
index e64f2f6e5..80c13c7d8 100644
--- a/packages/cozy-konnector-libs/src/libs/saveFiles.spec.js
+++ b/packages/cozy-konnector-libs/src/libs/saveFiles.spec.js
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ cozyClient.new = {
 const client = cozyClient.new
+const { models } = require('cozy-client')
+client.models = models
 const manifest = require('./manifest')
 const logger = require('cozy-logger')
@@ -377,7 +379,6 @@ describe('saveFiles', function () {
               data: makeFile('existingFileId', {
                 name: 'bill.pdf',
                 metadata: {
-                  carbonCopy: true,
                   qualification: {
                     item1: true,
                     item2: 'toto'
@@ -394,7 +395,6 @@ describe('saveFiles', function () {
             filename: 'bill.pdf',
             fileAttributes: {
               metadata: {
-                carbonCopy: true,
                 qualification: {
                   item1: true,
                   item2: 'tata'
@@ -410,7 +410,6 @@ describe('saveFiles', function () {
           metadata: {
-            carbonCopy: true,
             qualification: {
               item1: true,
               item2: 'tata'
@@ -420,6 +419,94 @@ describe('saveFiles', function () {
+  describe('when a qualification V2 do not need to be updated', () => {
+    it('should not update the file', async () => {
+      expect.assertions(1)
+      statByPath.mockImplementation(async path => {
+        // Must check if we are stating on the folder or on the file
+        return path === FOLDER_PATH
+          ? { data: { _id: 'folderId' } }
+          : {
+              data: makeFile('existingFileId', {
+                name: 'bill.pdf',
+                metadata: {
+                  qualification: {
+                    item1: true,
+                    item2: 'tata'
+                  }
+                }
+              })
+            }
+      })
+      await saveFiles(
+        [
+          {
+            fileurl: 'https://coucou.com/filetodownload.pdf',
+            filename: 'bill.pdf',
+            fileAttributes: {
+              metadata: {
+                qualification: {
+                  item1: true,
+                  item2: 'tata'
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        ],
+        {
+          folderPath: 'mainPath'
+        }
+      )
+      expect(client.save).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
+    })
+  })
+  describe('when a qualification is received', () => {
+    it('should convert qualification to a json', async () => {
+      expect.assertions(1)
+      const qualif = models.document.Qualification.getByLabel('tax_return')
+      statByPath.mockImplementation(async path => {
+        // Must check if we are stating on the folder or on the file
+        return path === FOLDER_PATH
+          ? { data: { _id: 'folderId' } }
+          : {
+              data: makeFile('existingFileId', {
+                name: 'bill.pdf',
+                metadata: {
+                  qualification: {
+                    label: 'tax_return',
+                    purpose: 'report',
+                    sourceCategory: 'gov',
+                    sourceSubCategory: 'tax',
+                    subjects: [ 'tax' ]
+                  }
+                }
+              })
+            }
+      })
+      await saveFiles(
+        [
+          {
+            fileurl: 'https://coucou.com/filetodownload.pdf',
+            filename: 'bill.pdf',
+            fileAttributes: {
+              metadata: {
+                qualification: qualif
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        ],
+        {
+          folderPath: 'mainPath'
+        }
+      )
+      expect(client.save).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
+    })
+  })
 describe('subPath handling', () => {