helm repo add komodorio https://helm-charts.komodor.io
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install helm-dashboard komodorio/helm-dashboard
This chart bootstraps a Helm Dashboard deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.
While installed inside cluster, Helm Dashboard will run some additional background actions, for example, will automatically update Helm repositories. To enable that behavior locally, set HD_CLUSTER_MODE
env variable.
- Kubernetes 1.16+
To install the chart with the release name helm-dashboard
helm install helm-dashboard .
The command deploys Helm Dashboard on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration. The Parameters section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation.
Tip: List all releases using
helm list
To uninstall/delete the helm-dashboard
helm uninstall helm-dashboard
The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.
The task of authentication and user control is out of scope for Helm Dashboard. Luckily, there are third-party solutions which are dedicated to provide that functionality.
For instance, you can place authentication proxy in front of Helm Dashboard, like this one: https://github.com/oauth2-proxy/oauth2-proxy
The following table lists the configurable parameters of the chart and their default values.
Parameter | Description | Default |
global.imageRegistry |
Registry for all images, useful for private registry | "" |
global.imagePullSecrets |
Specify Docker-registry secret names as an array | [] |
image.repository |
Image registry/name | komodorio/helm-dashboard |
image.tag |
Image tag | |
image.imagePullSecrets |
Specify Docker-registry secret names as an array | [] |
image.pullPolicy |
Image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
replicaCount |
Number of dashboard Pods to run | 1 |
dashboard.allowWriteActions |
Enables write actions. Allow modifying, deleting and creating charts and kubernetes resources. | true |
resources.requests.cpu |
CPU resource requests | 200m |
resources.limits.cpu |
CPU resource limits | 1 |
resources.requests.memory |
Memory resource requests | 256Mi |
resources.limits.memory |
Memory resource limits | 1Gi |
service.type |
Kubernetes service type | ClusterIP |
service.port |
Kubernetes service port | 8080 |
serviceAccount.create |
Creates a service account | true |
serviceAccount.name |
Optional name for the service account | {RELEASE_FULLNAME} |
nodeSelector |
Node labels for pod assignment | |
affinity |
Affinity settings for pod assignment | |
tolerations |
Tolerations for pod assignment | |
dashboard.persistence.enabled |
Enable helm data persistene using PVC | true |
dashboard.persistence.accessModes |
Persistent Volume access modes | ["ReadWriteOnce"] |
dashboard.persistence.storageClass |
Persistent Volume storage class | "" |
dashboard.persistence.size |
Persistent Volume size | 100M |
dashboard.persistence.hostPath |
Set path in case you want to use local host path volumes (not recommended in production) | "" |
updateStrategy.type |
Set up update strategy for helm-dashboard installation. | RollingUpdate |
extraArgs |
Set the arguments to be supplied to the helm-dashboard binary | [--no-browser, --bind=] |
testImage.repository |
Test image registry/name | busybox |
testImage.tag |
Test image tag | lastest |
testImage.imagePullSecrets |
Specify Docker-registry secret names as an array | [] |
testImage.pullPolicy |
Test image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install . |
helm upgrade --install helm-dashboard komodorio/helm-dashboard --set dashboard.allowWriteActions=true --set service.port=9090
Tip: You can use the default values.yaml