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sqlf Build Status GoDoc

Generate parameterized SQL statements in Go, sprintf Style.

q := sqlf.Sprintf("SELECT * FROM users WHERE country = %s AND age > %d", "US", 27);
rows, err := db.Query(q.Query(sqlf.SimpleBindVar), q.Args()...) // db is a database/sql.DB

sqlf.Sprintf does not return a string. It returns *sqlf.Query which has methods for a parameterized SQL query and arguments. You then pass that to db.Query, db.Exec, etc. This is not like using fmt.Sprintf, which could expose you to malformed SQL or SQL injection attacks.

sqlf.Query can be passed as an argument to sqlf.Sprintf. It will "flatten" the query string, while preserving the correct variable binding. This allows you to easily compose and build SQL queries. See the below examples to find out more.

// This is an example which shows off embedding SQL, which simplifies building
// complicated SQL queries
name := "John"
age, offset := 27, 100
where := sqlf.Sprintf("name=%s AND age=%d", name, age)
limit := sqlf.Sprintf("%d OFFSET %d", 10, offset)
q := sqlf.Sprintf("SELECT name FROM users WHERE %s LIMIT %s", where, limit)
// Output: SELECT name FROM users WHERE name=$1 AND age=$2 LIMIT $3 OFFSET $4
// [John 27 10 100]

Another common task is joining conditionals with AND or OR. sqlf simplifies this task with sqlf.Join:

// Our inputs
minQuantity := 100
nameFilters := []string{"apple", "orange", "coffee"}

var conds []*sqlf.Query
for _, filter := range nameFilters {
	conds = append(conds, sqlf.Sprintf("name LIKE %s", "%"+filter+"%"))
subQuery := sqlf.Sprintf("SELECT product_id FROM order_item WHERE quantity > %d", minQuantity)
q := sqlf.Sprintf("SELECT name FROM product WHERE id IN (%s) AND (%s)", subQuery, sqlf.Join(conds, "OR"))

// Output: SELECT name FROM product WHERE id IN (SELECT product_id FROM order_item WHERE quantity > $1) AND (name LIKE $2 OR name LIKE $3 OR name LIKE $4)
// [100 %apple% %orange% %coffee%]

See for more information.