Releases: jobobby04/TachiyomiSYPreview
Releases · jobobby04/TachiyomiSYPreview
TachiyomiSY Dev Build 567
- [skip ci] Update i18n readme (#1328) (@FlaminSarge)
- Update dependency androidx.activity:activity-compose to v1.9.3 (#1333) (@renovate-bot)
- Update dependency androidx.benchmark:benchmark-macro-junit4 to v1.3.3 (#1334) (@renovate-bot)
- Update dependency androidx.glance:glance-appwidget to v1.1.1 (#1335) (@renovate-bot)
- Update dependency androidx.annotation:annotation to v1.9.0 (#1336) (@renovate-bot)
- Change "Invalidate downloads index" to "Reindex downloads" (@AntsyLich)
- Update xml.serialization.version to v0.90.2 (#1331) (@renovate-bot)
- Update dependency androidx.compose:compose-bom to v2024.10.00 (#1338) (@renovate-bot)
- Revert "Tweak Preference.collectAsState" (@AntsyLich)
- Address deprecation, suggestion and spotless (@AntsyLich)
- Rework Firebase setup (@AntsyLich)
- Pass uncaught exception to default handler in GlobalExceptionHandler (@AntsyLich)
- Fix build (@jobobby04)
Variant | SHA-256 |
Universal | 39a146a131ba31417fe00824a5d434010da324f3b9eab2602d4c54438c7bf214 |
arm64-v8a | 430f44d127a8f0bec46055317c2bac620ba20f0d8225fb471cc07a6101d3c77e |
armeabi-v7a | c415a9b195dd722c8c5562202ba56f02a179d57c16e331e7516ba4dc4cd8b867 |
x86 | 2e2e3c885d6ad6b95279e9b133434bc34aafd332409c30a9ee3c41a06d4cbf89 |
x86_64 | f31626c1e50c5f64879d5ff01c731b93049e2928767118e7dd2689d31d3aa72e |
TachiyomiSY Dev Build 566
- Switch Injekt to Koin-Injekt bridge and implement InjektRegistrar bridge (@jobobby04)
- PagerPageHolder: lazy init loading indicator (@AntsyLich)
- Collect MangaScreen state with lifecycle (@AntsyLich)
- Add stable marker to Manga data class (@AntsyLich)
my beloved (@AntsyLich)- Use DTOs to parse tracking API responses (#1103) (@MajorTanya)
- Enable 'Split Tall Images' by default (#1185) (@Smol-Ame)
- Option to update trackers when chapter marked as read (#1177) (@Animeboynz)
- Migrate some classpaths to gradle plugins (@AntsyLich)
- Add crashlytics to standard builds (@AntsyLich)
- Remove more unnecessary permissions from Firebase dependency (@AntsyLich)
- Fix mishap in 02af9b1acf9f590d29560bc3fc90d206e8e6e1af (@AntsyLich)
- fix(deps): update dependency to v2.1.2 (#1188) (@renovate[bot])
- Fix Kitsu
being typed as String (#1191) (@MajorTanya) - Rename LocalesConfigPlugin file to LocalesConfigTask (@AntsyLich)
- Switch to stable compose (@AntsyLich)
- Bump compose version (@AntsyLich)
- fix(deps): update dependency dev.chrisbanes.compose:compose-bom to v2024.05.00-alpha03 (#843) (@renovate[bot])
- Fix disappearance items when fast scrolling (#1035) (@cuong-tran)
- fix(deps): update lifecycle.version to v2.8.5 (#1190) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency to v0.36.0 (#1192) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.activity:activity-compose to v1.9.2 (#1189) (@renovate[bot])
- Ignore "intent://" urls on webview (#1193) (@bapeey)
- SpotlessApply (@jobobby04)
- Use TextFieldState in BasicTextField where applicable (#1201) (@AntsyLich)
- Reduce ChapterNavigator horizontal padding on small ui (#1202) (@AntsyLich)
- Bump NDK version (#1203) (@AntsyLich)
- Show toast for app restart when User-Agent is changed (#1204) (@NGB-Was-Taken)
- fix(deps): update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-collections-immutable to v0.3.8 (#1198) (@renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update dependency gradle to v8.10.1 (#1211) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-bom to v1.9.0 (#1222) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency com.squareup.okio:okio to v3.9.1 (#1217) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency to v33.3.0 (#1216) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.compose:compose-bom to v2024.09.01 (#1214) (@renovate[bot])
- Fix: wrong calculation of nextUpdate when setting custom fetchInterval (#1206) (@cuong-tran)
- Fix WheelPicker Manual Input (#1209) (@Animeboynz)
- Fix Kitsu
nullability (#1233) (@MajorTanya) - Re-enable fetching chapters list for entries with licenced status (#1230) (@Animeboynz)
- fix(deps): update dependency to v1.1.1 (#1229) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency to v8.6.1 (#1235) (@renovate[bot])
- Change casing for Extention Repos String (#1248) (@Animeboynz)
- fix(deps): update serialization.version to v1.7.3 (#1246) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.benchmark:benchmark-macro-junit4 to v1.3.1 (#1238) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update lifecycle.version to v2.8.6 (#1241) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.profileinstaller:profileinstaller to v1.4.0 (#1242) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency to v1.1.2 (#1255) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter to v5.11.1 (#1262) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.compose:compose-bom to v2024.09.02 (#1239) (@renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update dependency gradle to v8.10.2 (#1254) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency to v8.7.0 (#1284) (@renovate-bot)
- fix(deps): update dependency to v33.4.0 (#1285) (@renovate-bot)
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.benchmark:benchmark-macro-junit4 to v1.3.2 (#1287) (@renovate-bot)
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.profileinstaller:profileinstaller to v1.4.1 (#1289) (@renovate-bot)
- fix(deps): update dependency org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter to v5.11.2 (#1294) (@renovate-bot)
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.compose:compose-bom to v2024.09.03 (#1288) (@renovate-bot)
- Fix AniList
nullibility (#1297) (@Secozzi) - fix(deps): update dependency io.coil-kt.coil3:coil-bom to v3.0.0-rc01 (#1308) (@renovate-bot)
- Update renovate configuration (@AntsyLich)
- Update dependency io.mockk:mockk to v1.13.13 (#1313) (@renovate-bot)
- Retain remote last chapter read if it's higher than the local one for EnhancedTracker (#1301) (@brewkunz)
- Update kotlin monorepo to v2.0.21 (#1314) (@renovate-bot)
- Cleanup
and some more (@AntsyLich) - Tweak Preference.collectAsState (@AntsyLich)
- Adjust distinct checker in WidgetManager and run on default dispatcher (@AntsyLich)
- Update resources exclusion rules (@AntsyLich)
- Bump compile sdk to 35 (@AntsyLich)
- ChapterNavigator: dispatch page change only when needed (@AntsyLich)
- Remove usage of deprecated accompanist SystemUiController (@AntsyLich)
- Add option to opt out of Analytics and Crashlytics (#1237) (@Animeboynz)
- Add Quantity Badge to Upcoming Screen (#1250) (@Animeboynz)
- Added random library sort (#1317) (@jackhamilton)
- Update dependency to v1.1.3 (#1321) (@renovate-bot)
- Confirmation dialog when removing privately installed extensions (#1320) (@Animeboynz)
- Fix EnhancedTracker not auto binding when adding manga to library (#1298) (@brewkunz)
- Refrain from running spotless on weblate files (@AntsyLich)
- Adjust expandable fab animation (@AntsyLich)
- Add option to backup non-library read entries (#1324) (@Animeboynz)
- Show download state and progress on reader chapter list. (#1263) (@NGB-Was-Taken)
- fix(deps): update dependency net.zetetic:sqlcipher-android to v4.6.1 (#1255) (@renovate[bot])
- honor downloadChapters (#1270) (@cuong-tran)
- SpotlessApply (@jobobby04)
- Translations update from Hosted Weblate (#1268) (@weblate)
- Respect the
preference (MD) (#1283) (@NGB-Was-Taken) - Allow adding multiple tags separated by commas (#1282) (@NGB-Was-Taken)
- Hide sync library option when sync is disabled (#1275) (@FuSan21)
- Fix issue with not showing source names in merged manga sometimes (@jobobby04)
- Cleanup .gitignore files (@AntsyLich)
- Reorder reader menu overflow items (@AntsyLich)
- Make sure random library sort is at the bottom (@AntsyLich)
- Update dependency to v8.7.1 (#1326) (@renovate-bot)
Variant | SHA-256 |
Universal | a1cdb6e2867951adf94f4d927a78091f08b13960e0597397e79f404cd9c29674 |
arm64-v8a | e4e9a5d0b3d805dd502d491bda3dcbc7e22ffc305d95e95cf9e3e233e6c4e26f |
armeabi-v7a | 7f0604b71b9262032aa70e7aa2719f08f9b3a11b811f1a9525240aad3d626df2 |
x86 | d5027de396c007771c77d1cd62633d891ad307fc5cd796fe9e19a15040450558 |
x86_64 | 0e47cdff77156611c3f63f33736d838ac85812f24ece999ddb4989beb5258ba9 |
TachiyomiSY Dev Build 565
- Switch Injekt to Koin-Injekt bridge and implement InjektRegistrar bridge (@jobobby04)
- PagerPageHolder: lazy init loading indicator (@AntsyLich)
- Collect MangaScreen state with lifecycle (@AntsyLich)
- Add stable marker to Manga data class (@AntsyLich)
my beloved (@AntsyLich)- Use DTOs to parse tracking API responses (#1103) (@MajorTanya)
- Enable 'Split Tall Images' by default (#1185) (@Smol-Ame)
- Option to update trackers when chapter marked as read (#1177) (@Animeboynz)
- Migrate some classpaths to gradle plugins (@AntsyLich)
- Add crashlytics to standard builds (@AntsyLich)
- Remove more unnecessary permissions from Firebase dependency (@AntsyLich)
- Fix mishap in 02af9b1acf9f590d29560bc3fc90d206e8e6e1af (@AntsyLich)
- fix(deps): update dependency to v2.1.2 (#1188) (@renovate[bot])
- Fix Kitsu
being typed as String (#1191) (@MajorTanya) - Rename LocalesConfigPlugin file to LocalesConfigTask (@AntsyLich)
- Switch to stable compose (@AntsyLich)
- Bump compose version (@AntsyLich)
- fix(deps): update dependency dev.chrisbanes.compose:compose-bom to v2024.05.00-alpha03 (#843) (@renovate[bot])
- Fix disappearance items when fast scrolling (#1035) (@cuong-tran)
- fix(deps): update lifecycle.version to v2.8.5 (#1190) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency to v0.36.0 (#1192) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.activity:activity-compose to v1.9.2 (#1189) (@renovate[bot])
- Ignore "intent://" urls on webview (#1193) (@bapeey)
- SpotlessApply (@jobobby04)
- Use TextFieldState in BasicTextField where applicable (#1201) (@AntsyLich)
- Reduce ChapterNavigator horizontal padding on small ui (#1202) (@AntsyLich)
- Bump NDK version (#1203) (@AntsyLich)
- Show toast for app restart when User-Agent is changed (#1204) (@NGB-Was-Taken)
- fix(deps): update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-collections-immutable to v0.3.8 (#1198) (@renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update dependency gradle to v8.10.1 (#1211) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-bom to v1.9.0 (#1222) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency com.squareup.okio:okio to v3.9.1 (#1217) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency to v33.3.0 (#1216) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.compose:compose-bom to v2024.09.01 (#1214) (@renovate[bot])
- Fix: wrong calculation of nextUpdate when setting custom fetchInterval (#1206) (@cuong-tran)
- Fix WheelPicker Manual Input (#1209) (@Animeboynz)
- Fix Kitsu
nullability (#1233) (@MajorTanya) - Re-enable fetching chapters list for entries with licenced status (#1230) (@Animeboynz)
- fix(deps): update dependency to v1.1.1 (#1229) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency to v8.6.1 (#1235) (@renovate[bot])
- Change casing for Extention Repos String (#1248) (@Animeboynz)
- fix(deps): update serialization.version to v1.7.3 (#1246) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.benchmark:benchmark-macro-junit4 to v1.3.1 (#1238) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update lifecycle.version to v2.8.6 (#1241) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.profileinstaller:profileinstaller to v1.4.0 (#1242) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency to v1.1.2 (#1255) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter to v5.11.1 (#1262) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.compose:compose-bom to v2024.09.02 (#1239) (@renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update dependency gradle to v8.10.2 (#1254) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency to v8.7.0 (#1284) (@renovate-bot)
- fix(deps): update dependency to v33.4.0 (#1285) (@renovate-bot)
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.benchmark:benchmark-macro-junit4 to v1.3.2 (#1287) (@renovate-bot)
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.profileinstaller:profileinstaller to v1.4.1 (#1289) (@renovate-bot)
- fix(deps): update dependency org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter to v5.11.2 (#1294) (@renovate-bot)
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.compose:compose-bom to v2024.09.03 (#1288) (@renovate-bot)
- Fix AniList
nullibility (#1297) (@Secozzi) - fix(deps): update dependency io.coil-kt.coil3:coil-bom to v3.0.0-rc01 (#1308) (@renovate-bot)
- Update renovate configuration (@AntsyLich)
- Update dependency io.mockk:mockk to v1.13.13 (#1313) (@renovate-bot)
- Retain remote last chapter read if it's higher than the local one for EnhancedTracker (#1301) (@brewkunz)
- Update kotlin monorepo to v2.0.21 (#1314) (@renovate-bot)
- Cleanup
and some more (@AntsyLich) - Tweak Preference.collectAsState (@AntsyLich)
- Adjust distinct checker in WidgetManager and run on default dispatcher (@AntsyLich)
- Update resources exclusion rules (@AntsyLich)
- Bump compile sdk to 35 (@AntsyLich)
- ChapterNavigator: dispatch page change only when needed (@AntsyLich)
- Remove usage of deprecated accompanist SystemUiController (@AntsyLich)
- Add option to opt out of Analytics and Crashlytics (#1237) (@Animeboynz)
- Add Quantity Badge to Upcoming Screen (#1250) (@Animeboynz)
- Added random library sort (#1317) (@jackhamilton)
- Update dependency to v1.1.3 (#1321) (@renovate-bot)
- Confirmation dialog when removing privately installed extensions (#1320) (@Animeboynz)
- Fix EnhancedTracker not auto binding when adding manga to library (#1298) (@brewkunz)
- Refrain from running spotless on weblate files (@AntsyLich)
- Adjust expandable fab animation (@AntsyLich)
- Add option to backup non-library read entries (#1324) (@Animeboynz)
- Show download state and progress on reader chapter list. (#1263) (@NGB-Was-Taken)
- fix(deps): update dependency net.zetetic:sqlcipher-android to v4.6.1 (#1255) (@renovate[bot])
- honor downloadChapters (#1270) (@cuong-tran)
- SpotlessApply (@jobobby04)
- Translations update from Hosted Weblate (#1268) (@weblate)
- Respect the
preference (MD) (#1283) (@NGB-Was-Taken) - Allow adding multiple tags separated by commas (#1282) (@NGB-Was-Taken)
- Hide sync library option when sync is disabled (#1275) (@FuSan21)
- Fix issue with not showing source names in merged manga sometimes (@jobobby04)
Variant | SHA-256 |
Universal | bd04723f18c4b31b1bfc56dc5c17b930317854018100b391f118ae70222d8722 |
arm64-v8a | 8efcbf2a359b642b251979ac65a2e036f3a7fb2ab7136a299b5940c8b913bad4 |
armeabi-v7a | 7b801616d9cd9bc4c2b197655e6353141590e4735405e18be1c4892c0f63ee16 |
x86 | ce311cae6d9b8e441a1b2ce01cab7980f68f9ec30363bcd5372f36e5756d5c5a |
x86_64 | 4d1d465cfc4da41b15451d00f9f23f497c81b1fe7f95e769942887c5e6046a78 |
TachiyomiSY Dev Build 564
- Implement Mihon's spotless PR (#1257) (@cuong-tran)
- Translations update from Hosted Weblate (#1253) (@weblate)
- Fix spotless error caused by #1253 being created before apply spotless (#1258) (@cuong-tran)
- Exclude weblate strings (@jobobby04)
- Test to auto-add translations label (@jobobby04)
- Translations update from Hosted Weblate (#1259) (@weblate)
- Respect
preferences. (MD) (#1260) (@NGB-Was-Taken) - Update links. (#1261) (@NGB-Was-Taken)
- Show local chapters as downloaded on merged entries. (#1262) (@NGB-Was-Taken)
- Move "Choose what to sync" out of "Sync now" (#1264) (@NGB-Was-Taken)
- fix(deps): update dependency org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter to v5.11.0 (#1121) (@renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update dependency gradle to v8.10 (#1122) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency org.conscrypt:conscrypt-android to v2.5.3 (#1135) (@renovate[bot])
- Translations update from Hosted Weblate (@weblate)
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.benchmark:benchmark-macro-junit4 to v1.3.0 (#1142) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency to v22.1.0 (#1146) (@renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update kotlin monorepo to v2.0.20 (#1144) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update moko to v0.24.2 (#1148) (@renovate[bot])
- Add option to skip downloading duplicate read chapters (#1125) (@shabnix)
- fix(deps): update aboutlib.version to v11.2.3 (#1151) (@renovate[bot])
- Respect privacy settings in extension update notification (#1156) (@Animeboynz)
- Add confirmation when adding repo via URI (#1158) (@Animeboynz)
- Add "show entry" action to download notifications (#1159) (@mm12)
- fix(deps): update dependency to v2.1.0 (#1162) (@renovate[bot])
- Hide keyboard when a Tracker SearchResultItem is clicked (#1168) (@Animeboynz)
- Remove legacy broken source and history backup (@AntsyLich)
- fix(deps): update serialization.version to v1.7.2 (#1173) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency to v2.1.1 (#1172) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency to v8.6.0 (#1178) (@renovate[bot])
- Use feature flags in compose compiler plugin (@AntsyLich)
Variant | SHA-256 |
Universal | 2b21699da52d33de96cdf7c80236f67e427bf8378cdd96e46c1a348378166211 |
arm64-v8a | 4ac0dd972fde7c043a925b861927d3e2944d65a4b02dd6b88be8b9efbf021d34 |
armeabi-v7a | c2d89d1d325d7b9ca69018c3295d054e3e8773454769c329594b5dbdbdbf9b81 |
x86 | 48b909e203035b18738e3c136d1c098a2a2b66fb508f0ddaa9155916a41d7c3d |
x86_64 | a3549c0e1f5f2a0b3263d477bbae68c04071e75074a0a5f5438577523c70f4da |
TachiyomiSY Dev Build 563
- Delete duplicate downloaded chapters when they are automatically marked as read (#1252) (@NGB-Was-Taken)
- Libarchive refactor (#1249) (@Shamicen)
- Add japanese Translation (#1248) (@akir45)
- Translations update from Hosted Weblate (#1247) (@weblate)
- Sync compose theme with MDC theme (@AntsyLich)
- Add comment about RecyclerView cache size (#1119) (@FooIbar)
- Follow previous comment (@jobobby04)
Variant | SHA-256 |
Universal | d99e7ca93fc3a3fd36922985a5df8ad29dd921eebf93697a6ea05ddfc5e1e300 |
arm64-v8a | a226426ab8a29886813a5797be1b836b751e5097b93c2980dcaa046daada9685 |
armeabi-v7a | 288c9330dbd7d9e7c947e8da069028826d27f9d559fb332b659d38001d9f732b |
x86 | c4a2a9fa06f7933687ff3b6d3c0f51f8ab772ba9e2d7dea27ca5a15095f31c1f |
x86_64 | a0d619938281d6d58ae17e9d8124cb08aa96fdfcdbf4e05719fe51dfc193db24 |
TachiyomiSY Dev Build 562
- Update TW strings.xml (#1202) (@NeKoOuO)
- chore: improve google drive sync. (#1200) (@kaiserbh)
- Update LewdMangaChecker.kt (#1204) (@gelionexists)
- Codestral(ChatGPT) cleanup of some double pages code (@jobobby04)
- Fix some MDLang issues (@jobobby04)
- fix: storage permission request for non-conforming devices (#726) (@mainrs)
- fix(deps): update dependency io.github.fornewid:material-motion-compose-core to v1.2.1 (#858) (@renovate[bot])
- Fix MigratorTest after update to io.mockk v1.13.11 (#814) (@cuong-tran)
- fix(deps): update dependency io.kotest:kotest-assertions-core to v5.9.1 (#869) (@renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update kotlin and compose compiler to v2 (major) (#819) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update serialization.version to v1.7.0 (#870) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update okhttp monorepo to v5.0.0-alpha.14 (#688) (@renovate[bot])
- MangaChapterListItem: Don't use alpha modifier (@AntsyLich)
- fix(deps): update dependency io.github.fornewid:material-motion-compose-core to v2 (#873) (@renovate[bot])
- Translations update from Hosted Weblate (#611) (@weblate)
- Check category order before restoring from backup (@AntsyLich)
- Fix chapter number parsing when number is after unwanted tag (@AntsyLich)
- fix(deps): update dependency to v8.4.2 (#883) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update lifecycle.version to v2.8.2 (#889) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.glance:glance-appwidget to v1.1.0 (#890) (@renovate[bot])
- Fix issue with creating and restoring backup (@AntsyLich)
- Translations update from Hosted Weblate (#878) (@weblate)
- fix(deps): update dependency to v8.5.0 (#901) (@renovate[bot])
- Update R8 to fix
crash (#914) (@FooIbar) - Fix R8 version configuration not working (#916) (@FooIbar)
- Translations update from Hosted Weblate (#904) (@weblate)
- fix(deps): update moko to v0.24.1 (#933) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency to v22.0.2 (#936) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency io.github.fornewid:material-motion-compose-core to v2.0.1 (#945) (@renovate[bot])
- Fix unexpected skips in strong skipping mode (#940) (@FooIbar)
- Fix Migrator test and also add the test to build script (#896) (@cuong-tran)
- Cleanup in
(@AntsyLich) - fix(deps): update dependency androidx.test.espresso:espresso-core to v3.6.0 (#947) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.test.ext:junit-ktx to v1.2.0 (#948) (@renovate[bot])
- Added configuration options to e-ink page flashes (#625) (@sirlag)
- fix(deps): update serialization.version to v1.7.1 (#951) (@renovate[bot])
- chore: Configure Renovate (#1215) (@renovate[bot])
- Move some libs to sylibs (@jobobby04)
- Update baseline (@jobobby04)
- Preview branch makes preview (@jobobby04)
- Actual baseline (@jobobby04)
- Update wrapper validation (@jobobby04)
- Fix build errors (@jobobby04)
- Another (@jobobby04)
- chore(deps): update damianreeves/write-file-action action to v1.3 (#1216) (@renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update actions/setup-java action to v4 (#1217) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency to v1.36.0 (#1220) (@renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update softprops/action-gh-release action to v2 (#1223) (@renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update actions/upload-artifact action to v4 (#1222) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency net.zetetic:sqlcipher-android to v4.6.0 (#1221) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.test.ext:junit-ktx to v1.2.1 (#959) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.test.espresso:espresso-core to v3.6.1 (#958) (@renovate[bot])
- buildSrc: Fix strange warning in ci build (#952) (@Caio99BR)
- Theme fixes (#963) (@CrepeTF)
- fix(deps): update dependency org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter to v5.10.3 (#962) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update aboutlib.version to v11.2.2 (#965) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency io.coil-kt.coil3:coil-bom to v3.0.0-alpha07 (#960) (@renovate[bot])
- Update image-decoder revision (#971) (@WerctFourth)
- fix(deps): update lifecycle.version to v2.8.3 (#972) (@renovate[bot])
- Correct tako variable colours (#976) (@CrepeTF)
- Smart Update Dialog Tweak (#977) (@Animeboynz)
- Make global search "Has result" sticky (@AntsyLich)
- Observe tracker login state instead of fetching once (#987) (@AntsyLich)
- Fix login prompts despite being logged in to trackers in Manga screen (@AntsyLich)
- Fix some issues when reading/saving images (#993) (@FooIbar)
- Bump coil version and some cleanup (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency to v8.5.1 (#1010) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency org.jsoup:jsoup to v1.18.1 (#999) (@renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update dependency gradle to v8.9 (#1007) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency io.mockk:mockk to v1.13.12 (#1016) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency io.coil-kt.coil3:coil-bom to v3.0.0-alpha09 (#1039) (@renovate[bot])
- Remove obsolete workaround (#1021) (@FooIbar)
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.activity:activity-compose to v1.9.1 (#1042) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.annotation:annotation to v1.8.1 (#1043) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update lifecycle.version to v2.8.4 (#1045) (@renovate[bot])
- Format Category String on Subtitle Display (#1030) (@Animeboynz)
- fix(deps): update paging.version to v3.3.1 (#1046) (@renovate[bot])
- Adds Option to Copy Panel to Clipboard (#1003) (@Animeboynz)
- Fix library is backed up when disabled and make categories backup/restore independent (@AntsyLich)
- Cleanup backup/restore related code (@AntsyLich)
- Bump default user agent string (@AntsyLich)
- Improve error message if restoring from JSON file (#1056) (@vetleledaal)
- Match extra layout space with scroll distance (#1076) (@FooIbar)
- fix: drawScrollbar crash on list with 0 item but only sticky header (#1083) (@cuong-tran)
- Don't crash on ill-formed URLs (#1084) (@FooIbar)
- chore(deps): update kotlin monorepo to v2.0.10 (#1085) (@renovate[bot])
- Rename backup restore error log file (@AntsyLich)
- Add Backup and Restore of Extension Repos (#1057) (@Animeboynz)
- ExpandableMangaDescription: Adjust size transform anim spec (@AntsyLich)
- fix(deps): update paging.version to v3.3.2 (#1093) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.annotation:annotation to v1.8.2 (#1090) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency to v2.9.1 (#1091) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency io.coil-kt.coil3:coil-bom to v3.0.0-alpha10 (#1092) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency to v8.5.2 (#1099) (@renovate[bot])
- Contributing: ktLintFormat -> detekt (#1102) (@mm12)
- Translations readme (@jobobby04)
- Change Kitsu to domain (#1106) (@MajorTanya)
- Fix MAL search results not showing start dates (#1098) (@MajorTanya)
- Translations update from Hosted Weblate (#939) (@weblate)
- Add Copy Tracker URL on icon long press (#1101) (@mm12)
- Add a button to select all scanlators (@AntsyLich)
- Fix UI freeze after migration (@AntsyLich)
- chore(deps): update gradle/actions action to v4 (#1243) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency com.elvishew:xlog to v1.11.1 (#1239) (@renovate[bot])
- feat(migration): add option to only show entries with new chapters (#1238) (@timschneeb)
- Translations update from Hosted Weblate (#1228) (@weblate)
- Fix SY migrations (@jobobby04)
- Update version code (@jobobby04)
- Handle Android SDK 35 API collision (@AntsyLich)
- Fix preview (@jobobby04)
Variant | SHA-256 |
Universal | 6e3e45d11b925c638c6d6ab82150bcd464bfa5479c42ed17bbe33f9a3f36b709 |
arm64-v8a | f28b9af8029a7653c5283ea0732a516d20ba139f9e3a95b7354fa3c49bd27747 |
armeabi-v7a | 1cf76e575a72eca98b3970553e01e54b7d3e926a813f9a0919eb557da43756a6 |
x86 | 794a5e938d6129fec74088f6547efc044c12d033efb0bce7d180104179efcf4e |
x86_64 | 7cebb68e77ee5eb46346414aa7e310c6f69818827ce37b6f362627f2400479b2 |
TachiyomiSY Dev Build 561
- Fix search bar style (@AntsyLich)
- Use new SurfaceContainer color roles (@AntsyLich)
- Fix tap control area shifting after zooming out (#767) (@FooIbar)
- Remove dependency on compose material 2 components (@AntsyLich)
- update r8 rules for
in extensions (#783) (@AwkwardPeak7) - Update themes to follow new compose update changes (#766) (@CrepeTF)
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.test.espresso:espresso-core to v3.6.0-beta01 (#797) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency to v1.12.0 (#754) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.test.ext:junit-ktx to v1.2.0-beta01 (#801) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency io.mockk:mockk to v1.13.11 (#803) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.annotation:annotation to v1.8.0 (#808) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update lifecycle.version to v2.8.0 (#809) (@renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update kotlin and compose compiler (#800) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency to v8.4.1 (#818) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update aboutlib.version to v11.2.0 (#823) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency org.apache.commons:commons-compress to v1.26.2 (#826) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update paging.version to v3.3.0 (#810) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update lifecycle.version to v2.8.1 (#844) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.appcompat:appcompat to v1.7.0 (#845) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.test.espresso:espresso-core to v3.6.0-rc01 (#851) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency to v4.4.2 (#849) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency to v22.0.1 (#848) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update aboutlib.version to v11.2.1 (#846) (@renovate[bot])
- Cleanup some build warnings (@jobobby04)
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.test.ext:junit-ktx to v1.2.0-rc01 (#855) (@renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update dependency gradle to v8.8 (#856) (@renovate[bot])
- Fix WorkManager cancellation issues (@jobobby04)
- Update (#1174) (@TimoNotThy)
- Fix build warning: remove non-default string resources (#1180) (@cuong-tran)
- Add Namicomi support for external chapters on MD (#1188) (@timschneeb)
Variant | SHA-256 |
Universal | 0c8283f05c639d4dd3c3b647279ad2f68dee49a938e8cd0ce1d6dbf5ead7d59a |
arm64-v8a | dd3a39d533dc0cf339463166adbcd6d9e16dcba88dc9629f89e35ef476fa6950 |
armeabi-v7a | c11ad35891d16f2a40c919c581cfb262f87bcd59c1975b813e3ef69a56c78ab4 |
x86 | 553669d5f82b1aab7f4b1777c0e147472c6ee3e7f3ef7fe517022d71df553f9e |
x86_64 | bc0294c66a70ea59830b2a864dd89f49946df73c142fed0faf5a37bfdf92b5bb |
TachiyomiSY Dev Build 560
- Change keyboard type in extension repo dialog (#764) (@xbjfk)
- Revert "Bump compose version" (@jobobby04)
- Possibly fix extension obsolete bug (@jobobby04)
Variant | SHA-256 |
Universal | c1d2857b928bce4c7218c69720a07348e2d35ee4402e60fcf958845456f0e039 |
arm64-v8a | 07ae06259963e011c943c600f08a7493a12e1bfb3a3a2ab097d4775cbd861d61 |
armeabi-v7a | b0340d09401ea90077ddc5e0d9ed02e6791fce02cd57fc756e5e10744f3e0c3d |
x86 | 5008d03292919634769ce3a9569df1446bd11d24361c57c61037af77c1540836 |
x86_64 | d34fbb982825109fba6b562e9134c7596c0d6b8a6298f4f84f323660e7a04707 |
TachiyomiSY Dev Build 559
- Update dependency to v8.3.2 (#655) (@renovate[bot])
- Update aboutlib.version to v11.1.3 (#654) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency to v21.6.2 (#656) (@renovate[bot])
- Update compose bom and fix renovate config for it (#674) (@FooIbar)
- Use m3 ripple and clean up interactionSource usage (#675) (@FooIbar)
- Use Okio instead of
for image processing (#691) (@FooIbar) - fix(deps): update dependency androidx.core:core-ktx to v1.13.0 (#690) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.activity:activity-compose to v1.9.0 (#689) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.benchmark:benchmark-macro-junit4 to v1.2.4 (#684) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.compose.compiler:compiler to v1.5.12 (#685) (@renovate[bot])
- Add MyAnimeList issue autoclose (#703) (@MajorTanya)
- Use Coil pipeline instead of SSIV for image decode (#692) (@FooIbar)
- Update subsampling-scale-image-view (#687) (@wwww-wwww)
- Log app crash exceptions in dumped crash logs (#742) (@FooIbar)
- fix(deps): update aboutlib.version to v11.1.4 (#744) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.test.ext:junit-ktx to v1.2.0-alpha04 (#751) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.core:core-ktx to v1.13.1 (#748) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.test.espresso:espresso-core to v3.6.0-alpha04 (#749) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency to v8.4.0 (#753) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update leakcanary to v2.14 (#715) (@renovate[bot])
- Fix some extension related issue and cleanups (@AntsyLich)
- Trust extension by repo (#570) (@AntsyLich)
- Address firebase ktx module deprecation (@AntsyLich)
- Massively improve findFile performance (#728) (@raxod502)
- Fix badge count getting cut off on tab title (@AntsyLich)
- Bump compose version (@AntsyLich)
- Revert "Fix badge count getting cut off on tab title" (@jobobby04)
- Update dependencies and cleanup (@jobobby04)
- Fix Local Manga details edit (@jobobby04)
- Include lewd filter in filter highlight (@jobobby04)
- Add getImageUrl override to EHentai (@jobobby04)
- Get new page url on image fetch failure for EHentai (@jobobby04)
- Minor cleanup (@jobobby04)
- [RU] Translations (#1161) (@Dexroneum)
- Downgrade crashlytics plugin (@jobobby04)
Variant | SHA-256 |
Universal | 006d8f2f2effc9b056d5c914b2e7293b733c5544a80972c9f67478cfc0184bf3 |
arm64-v8a | b03ecbb7c990c8a317742434b7e2c518001dcaf7d2007f267d9deb3fb1f38539 |
armeabi-v7a | 3f75af7e20593fc843f2a402a38f793527bf954395de56cb5002eb105c997f42 |
x86 | 020648922ecea2203d0f792da692eccdd200edf94ecbddf45e2687f4590a78c6 |
x86_64 | c1f38c83611083b86e22a3a9b15e245d954a18bf3ff63e9bef0658dc9f9e5459 |
TachiyomiSY Dev Build 557
- Fix sync stalled (@jobobby04)
- Disable
detekt rule (@AntsyLich) - fix(deps): update dependency com.squareup.okio:okio to v3.9.0 (#529) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency io.kotest:kotest-assertions-core to v5.8.1 (#528) (@renovate[bot])
- Fix regression from coil3 migration (@AntsyLich)
- Switch to seconds for DATE_MODIFIED of saved pages (#552) (@MajorTanya)
- fix(deps): update dependency to v8.3.1 (#543) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency org.apache.commons:commons-compress to v1.26.1 (#502) (@renovate[bot])
- Update image-decoder, color management (#523) (@wwww-wwww)
- Address detekt issues (@AntsyLich)
- Fix recycled item's height being 0 in webtoon mode (#563) (@FooIbar)
- fix(deps): update dependency to v21.6.1 (#561) (@renovate[bot])
- Fix webtoon last visible item position calculation (#562) (@FooIbar)
- Rework Duplicate Dialog and Allow Migration (#492) (@sirlag)
- Add reference to compose compiler in
so renovate can catch it (@AntsyLich) - chore(deps): update kotlin (#499) (@renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update dependency gradle to v8.7 (#567) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update aboutlib.version to v11 (major) (#473) (@renovate[bot])
- Grab extension repo detail from
and include in DB (#506) (@sirlag) - Migrated from Accompanist Webview to KevinZou WebView (#569) (@sirlag)
- Refactor the ExtensionRepoService to use DTOs (#573) (@MajorTanya)
- Fix repo name used for URL instead of baseUrl (#572) (@MajorTanya)
- Fix extension repo crash with TypeReference issue (#574) (@MajorTanya)
- Fix more TypeReference issues and cleanup (@AntsyLich)
- Fix mishap in e020ae5ed558e80742ef0ad8bfa0f69af0959d5a (@AntsyLich)
- Revert "Migrated from Accompanist Webview to KevinZou WebView (#569)" (@jobobby04)
- Fix build (@jobobby04)
- Rewrite Migrations (#577) (@ghostbear)
- Migrated from Accompanist Webview to KevinZou WebView (#569) (@sirlag)
- Update WebView to support lower minSDK (@jobobby04)
- Update Dependencies (@jobobby04)
- Fix build (@jobobby04)
- Reduce build warnings (@jobobby04)
- Migrator improvements (#588) (@ghostbear)
- New Feature: Introduce Upcoming page to Mihon (#420) (@sirlag)
- fix(deps): update aboutlib.version to v11.1.1 (#592) (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update detekt to v1.23.6 (#595) (@renovate[bot])
- Fix Migrator not doing work (#604) (@ghostbear)
- Add ProGuard rule to keep mihon namespace classes (#605) (@MajorTanya)
- Moves upcoming requirement from existence to current day or later. (#606) (@sirlag)
- Translations update from Hosted Weblate (#508) (@weblate)
- Translations update from Hosted Weblate (#609) (@weblate)
- Disable mpp and agp compability warning (@AntsyLich)
- fix(deps): update sqldelight to v2.0.2 (#544) (@renovate[bot])
- Fix build time zone in about screen (@AntsyLich)
- Rework buildSrc and remove usage of subprojects (@AntsyLich)
- Remove unused imports (@AntsyLich)
- MangaCoverFetcher: Small cleanups (@AntsyLich)
- Revert "Update Scaffold fork (#10143)" + Cleanup (@AntsyLich)
- Move sync strings to SY files (@jobobby04)
- Update Simplified Chinese Translation (#1126) (@Howard20181)
- [RU] Translations (#1129) (@Dexroneum)
- Safer password handling (#1146) (@Shamicen)
- feat: syncing etag and overall improvement. (#1155) (@kaiserbh)
- fix: check order before restore from backup (#1156) (@Cologler)
Variant | SHA-256 |
Universal | a33eab033a4e4115c7bc4afa81f46dc65bd48beeb2ee6ffdb5d6bad3b447d7ba |
arm64-v8a | f0c5b99465958f26cf5712cc0cdd811bfc7c5a17bc46d2a99990f6121e9aa280 |
armeabi-v7a | 99aac3bc38b99b011491b0cced475f8714f5b7b7c3315d060112a352fdf02cf0 |
x86 | e3bc0bf0cd90ac7bf022ad89add6cb89c84de3cced4a698c83dd7bad950fd844 |
x86_64 | 4312edeeb5cb87a96f9fec9787edc2c82293c7453e9460a8cd771ccbc9ffc92a |