// Generates the files settings.json and translations.json, stored in src/genfiles

const child_process = require('child_process');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');

function getAllTranslations() {
  const pathToTranslationsDir = path.resolve('src/locales');
  const translations = {};
  let translationDir = '';

  const dirs = fs.readdirSync(pathToTranslationsDir);
  dirs.forEach((lang) => {
    const localeDir = path.join(pathToTranslationsDir, lang);
    if (lang.length === 2 && fs.statSync(localeDir).isDirectory()) {
      translationDir = path.resolve(path.join(pathToTranslationsDir, lang));

      const files = fs.readdirSync(translationDir);
      files.forEach((file) => {
        if ( file === undefined || ! file.endsWith('.json')) return;

        const dataJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(translationDir, file), 'utf8'));

        for (const phrase in dataJson) {
          if (dataJson.hasOwnProperty(phrase)) {
            if (translations[phrase] === undefined) {
              translations[phrase] = {};
            translations[phrase][lang] = dataJson[phrase];

  return translations;

function generateAppVersion() {
  // assumes SOURCE_VERSION is git hash
  if (process.env.SOURCE_VERSION) {
    return process.env.SOURCE_VERSION.substring(0, 7) + ' ' + new Date().toUTCString().replace(/ \(.+\)/, '');
  try {
    return child_process.execSync(`git log -1 --pretty=format:"%h %cD"`).toString();
  } catch (error) {
    console.warn('unable to generate app version', error);
    return 'unknown version';

function getWaitingForTimeout() {
  if (process.env.WAITING_FOR_TIMEOUT) {
    return Number(process.env.WAITING_FOR_TIMEOUT);
  return 5000;

function getLogLength() {
  if (process.env.LOG_LENGTH) {
    return Number(process.env.LOG_LENGTH);
  return 50;

if (!fs.existsSync('src/genfiles')) {

fs.writeFileSync('src/genfiles/settings.json', JSON.stringify({
  version: generateAppVersion(),
  waitingForTimeout: getWaitingForTimeout(),
  logLength: getLogLength(),

fs.writeFileSync('src/genfiles/translations.json', JSON.stringify(

 * Generate translation files in `/assets/locales/*.json` to load them async by the client
function generateTranslations() {
  const localesDir = path.join(__dirname, 'src/locales');
  const localesCodes = fs.readdirSync(localesDir);
  const destinationPath = path.join(__dirname, 'assets/locales');

  if (!fs.existsSync(destinationPath)) {

  const isJSONExt = (fileName) => fileName.endsWith('.json');

  localesCodes.forEach((localeCode) => {
    const localeDir = path.join(localesDir, localeCode);
    const localeFiles = fs.readdirSync(localeDir).filter(isJSONExt);

    const localeObject = localeFiles.reduce((localeObject, localeFile) => {
      const filePath = path.join(localeDir, localeFile);
      Object.assign(localeObject, require(filePath));
      return localeObject;
    }, {});

    const destinationFile = path.join(destinationPath, `${localeCode}.json`);
    fs.writeFileSync(destinationFile, JSON.stringify(localeObject));
