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Make your React app work in IE8

It's really a dispiriting news that [Starting with React v15, we're discontinuing React DOM's support for IE 8][Discontinuing IE 8 Support in React DOM]. There are still [more than 18% people who are using IE8 in China][IE8-in-China].

Anyway, react-ie8 will continuously provide a series of [Examples] for people who are facing the same compatible problems, as well as collecting issues.

Have fun with react-ie8 [Examples], and feel free to [Open an issue].

How to

First you shouldn't use React v15 or higher version anymore. Just use React v0.14 which still support IE8.

If you need docs for React v0.14, go to

Using CommonJS

I highly recommend to use CommonJS style to include required packages.

First install these packages:

npm install --save es5-shim console-polyfill

Then insert the code into the beginning of your entry file:


See [React IE8 Hello World Example][Hello World] for a real example.

Other Problems

Some problems are actually not the problem of React, but I also list them below:

Error Message Reason Solution Related Issue Example
Expected identifier Reserved words such as default are used in your code or in third party packages Use [es3ify] or [es3ify-loader] to transform your code [#1] [Fetch IE8]
Exception thrown and not caught Babel transforms your export * from 'xxx' to Object.defineProperty which doesn't support accessor property in IE8 Insert require('es5-shim') require('es5-shim/es5-sham') in the top of your entry file, and DONOT use export * from 'xxx' in your code [#2][#2] [#32][#32] [Hello World]
Object expected Perhaps you are using fetch without polyfilled Use es6-promise and fetch-ie8 to polyfill fetch [#4] [Fetch IE8]
'Promise' is undefined Promise need to be polyfilled in IE8 Use es6-promise to polyfill Promise [#5] [Fetch IE8]
Object doesn't support this property or method Perhaps you are using Object.assign Use core-js to polyfill [#7] [Object Assign]
'JSON' is undefined Need to use IE8 Standards Mode Add <!DOCTYPE html> and <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EDGE"/> [#8] [Hello World]

使你的 React 应用兼容 IE8

一个令人失望的消息:[从 React v15 开始,React DOM 将不会再支持 IE8 了][Discontinuing IE 8 Support in React DOM]。而[中国还有超过 18% 的人在使用 IE8][IE8-in-China]。

无论如何,react-ie8 仍会提供一系列的[示例][Examples],还会收集 issues,以便于给遇到兼容性问题的人一个参考。

快去查看 react-ie8 [示例][Examples]吧,也欢迎[提交 issue][Open an issue]。

如何兼容 IE8

首先,你不应该使用 React v15 或更高版本。使用仍然支持 IE8 的 React v0.14 即可。

如果你需要查看 React v0.14 的文档,请访问:

使用 CommonJS

强烈推荐使用 CommonJS 风格来引入需要的模块。


npm install --save es5-shim console-polyfill



参考一个真实的例子:[React IE8 Hello World Example][Hello World]。

使用 React Static Boilerplate

React Static Boilerplate 一个创建好的支持 IE8 的 React 静态模板,可以查看演示


一些问题其实并不是 React 的问题,不过我也把他们列出来了:

错误信息 原因 解决方案 相关 Issue 示例
Expected identifier 代码中或者第三方模块中使用了保留字,比如 default 使用 [es3ify] 或者 [es3ify-loader] [#1] [Fetch IE8]
Exception thrown and not caught babel 把 export * from 'xxx' 编译成了 Object.defineProperty,而 IE8 中不支持 accessor property require('es5-shim') require('es5-shim/es5-sham') 插入到入口文件的最上方,并且在代码中不要使用 export * from 'xxx' [#2][#2] [#32][#32] [Hello World]
Object expected 可能你使用了 fetch es6-promisefetch-ie8 polyfill [#4] [Fetch IE8]
'Promise' is undefined Promise 需要 polyfill es6-promise polyfill [#5] [Fetch IE8]
Object doesn't support this property or method 可能你使用了 Object.assign core-js polyfill [#7] [Object Assign]
'JSON' is undefined 需要使用 IE8 Standards Mode 添加 <!DOCTYPE html><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EDGE"/> [#8] [Hello World]

如果你遇到了其他问题,可以[提交一个 issue][Open an issue]。