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Releases: ithaka/pharos

@ithaka/[email protected]

07 Mar 20:40
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Release Notes

Accessibility updates

A large focus on v14 was updating our components to be more accessible by default and provide helpful guardrails to prevent them from being used in inaccessible ways. This results in several new attributes in the format a11y-* which can be used to set the appropriate aria attributes within the component structure.

By specifying these new a11y attributes at the component level, the correct elements within the component will get the appropriate aria attribute to make it accessible. An example of this can be seen in the <pharos-icon> component. By adding an a11y-title attribute to the icon component, the <title> element within the rendered <svg> will be correctly populated.

Below is a list of the new attributes to make migration easier. You will also see that some elements now have guards for accessibility, and will throw errors if they are used in an inaccessible state. An example of this would be that a <pharos-icon> now must either be provided a label or be explicitly marked as decorative to render without throwing an error.

New pharos-button Attributes

  • a11y-label: Gives explicit an accessible name with an aria-label attribute
  • a11y-expanded - Conveys associated content’s state with aria-expanded
  • a11y-pressed: Conveys the current pressed state with aria-pressed
  • a11y-haspopup: Indicate an association with another widget via aria-haspopup
  • a11y-disabled: Conveys the disabled state via aria-disabled while keeping it in the focus order

New pharos-link Attributes

  • a11y-label: Gives an explicit accessible name via aria-label (overriding the content of the link)

New pharos-icon Attributes

  • a11y-title : Used to give the SVG an accessible name via a nested title element
  • a11y-hidden: Used to mark the icon as decorative to screen readers
  • New requirement that all icons have a title or are explicitly hidden using the new attribute
  • Updated with support for Windows High Contrast Mode

New is-on-background attribute

The on-background attribute was globally replaced with is-on-background to get around conflicts when using Pharos with Vue v3 or greater.

New Elevation Tokens

New design tokens for elevation have been added, standardizing component elevation across the design system.

Updated Pharos Tabs state management 

A new attribute of pharos-tabs will manage the selected tab. On initial render, the selected-tab attribute of pharos-tabs will be used (which defaults to 0) to set the correct pharos-tab as selected. When a pharos-tab is clicked it dispatches an event and lets the parent manage its state. When a pharos-tab is clicked and it is already selected it does not dispatch an event to the parent.

Pharos Tabs overflow setting removed

The overflow-y value has been removed from the panel of the tab component. This caused issues in some implementations when the child nodes of the panel were being confined. This will allow some flexibility and will let the consumer choose how/if to apply overflow.

Sidenav component restructures

The pharos-sidenav component was updated to remove the default responsive behavior and the built-in close button that appeared on mobile screens. This was replaced with the open and has-close-button attributes which can be customized for a wider range of use cases. An example of the previous behavior implemented with this new structure can be seen in the “Reports” storybook example.

Google Translate widget

The Google translate widget has been removed from the footer as it was deprecated by Google.

Major Changes

Minor Changes

Patch Changes

@ithaka/[email protected]

07 Mar 20:40
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Major Changes

  • #657 e89bcaf Thanks @daneah! - Use is-on-background in place of on-background

  • #472 eaa514f Thanks @chrisjbrown! - individual file exports are no longer supported, import files based on the exports defined in the package.json

  • #586 eb228d5 Thanks @daneah! - Remove deprecated Google Translate widget

Patch Changes

@ithaka/[email protected]

07 Mar 20:40
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Patch Changes

@ithaka/[email protected]

13 Feb 19:46
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Minor Changes

Patch Changes

  • #670 5b8510e Thanks @mtorres3! - Hotfix/dropdown-menu-nav: Add pharos-elevation-level-3 token to dropdown-menu-nav

@ithaka/[email protected]

19 Jan 16:38
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Minor Changes

Patch Changes

@ithaka/[email protected]

19 Jan 16:38
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Minor Changes

Patch Changes

@ithaka/[email protected]

19 Jan 16:38
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Minor Changes

  • #630 ff057f1 Thanks @satya-achanta-venkata! - Add newly created components to init components files so that developer can start using the components without any manual changes

Patch Changes

@ithaka/[email protected]

23 Oct 15:14
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Patch Changes

@ithaka/[email protected]

23 Oct 15:14
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Patch Changes

@ithaka/[email protected]

13 Oct 14:30
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Patch Changes