A powerful and easy to use WPF library for drawing Sankey diagram.
- in xaml `
<kantCharts:SankeyDiagram Height="355"
HighlightBrush="{StaticResource SankeyHighlightBrush}"
LabelStyle="{StaticResource SankeyLabelStyle}"
HighlightLabelStyle="{StaticResource SankeyHighlightLabelStyle}"
Datas="{Binding SankeyDatas}"
SankeyFlowDirection="{Binding SankeyFlowDirection}"
ShowLabels="{Binding SankeyShowLabels}"
HighlightMode="{Binding SankeyHighlightMode}"
NodeBrushes="{Binding SankeyNodeBrushes}"
HighlightNode="{Binding HighlightSankeyNode}"
HighlightLink="{Binding HighlightSankeyLink}" />
- in view model
var datas = new List<SankeyDataRow>()
new SankeyDataRow("A", "C", 255),
new SankeyDataRow("A", "D", 355),
new SankeyDataRow("B", "C", 555),
new SankeyDataRow("B", "D", 255),
new SankeyDataRow("B", "E", 1555),
new SankeyDataRow("C", "H", 155),
new SankeyDataRow("D", "F", 25),
new SankeyDataRow("D", "G", 155),
new SankeyDataRow("D", "H", 15),
new SankeyDataRow("D", "I", 55),
new SankeyDataRow("E", "H", 1555),
new SankeyDataRow("B", "G", 255),
new SankeyDataRow("A", "E", 95),
new SankeyDataRow("E", "I", 1555),
new SankeyDataRow("C", "G", 755),
new SankeyDataRow("C", "F", 455),
For style or other settings, please see https://github.com/iou90/SankeyDiagram/wiki/Supported-features
For upcoming features, please see https://github.com/iou90/SankeyDiagram/wiki/What-features-are-being-developed
Demo applications included in the source project.
Contact: [email protected]