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Releases: iotexproject/iotex-core


08 Jul 00:03
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Note that v1.3.0 has a hardfork, which will be activated at block height 12,289,321 (7/22/2021 ~2pm PDT) on IoTeX mainnet.

  1. v1.3 has upgraded to latest EVM version so user can confidently deploy their DApps to IoTeX blockchain. This EVM upgrade supports the ChainID opcode to prevent relay attacks and enable cross-chain transparency, and has optimized gas costs of certain opcodes, especially privacy and zk computations. Click here for details
  2. Optimized block sync strategy to make it more robust
  3. Fixed a bug that API query needs to wait a little while to return the latest committed block
  4. Fixed a bug that node stops working after network connectivity is lost. Now the node can detect the network loss/reconnect event, and automatically resume working after network connectivity is restored

better block sync strategy & fix read contract bug

08 Jun 03:59
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  1. Try out new block sync strategy
  2. Fix a read contract bug, with this fix, user is able to specify the account reading the contract


12 May 22:46
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  1. web3js compatibility. With v1.2 user can connect their favorite tools in the
    Ethereum eco-system (such as Metamask, Subgraph) to IoTeX blockchain simply by
    setting up RPC endpoint to IoTeX endpoint
  2. Support multiple chain DB files. v1.2 will now generate 1 db file for every
    1,000,000 accumulated blocks added to the blockchain. This prevents one single
    overly large db file in the long run, and opens up possibility for faster and
    incremental download (only need to download new latest db files)
  3. Reduced DB file size. Together with the multiple DB files feature, the DB file
    itself has been overhaualed by using an improved block storage with better
    compression. The estimated storage saving is about 30~40% when enabling v1.2
  4. Added EVM revert message in transaction receipt. For contract calls that get
    reverted in the middle, we can now see the actual revert error message from the
    transaction receipt
  5. Improved transaction indexing scheme. As a result, certain API queries (for
    example, pull all transactions from an address within a block range) now get a
    much faster response
  6. Improved p2p connection reliability and network robustness
  7. Fix ioctl crashes in Ubuntu when creating an action

v1.1.3 release

01 Dec 01:42
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  • support of getAllLogs and GetActPoolActions APIs
  • ioctl support HD wallet, ioctl contract improvement
  • bug fixes and test coverage improved

v1.1.2 release

21 Oct 23:52
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v1.1.1 release

21 Aug 22:55
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  • improve node stability on poor blocksync request handling #2411
  • fix a panic on blockmeta api #2413

v1.1.0 release

10 Aug 17:59
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  • add bucket reclaim flow
  • add transaction log api

v1.0.0 release

14 May 23:03
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native staking on IoTeX mainnet


14 Apr 22:10
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  • fix a concurrent write issue in block indexer


13 Apr 18:18
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Introduce delegate probation based on delegate productivities. More details: