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GUI testing

Antti Kervinen edited this page Mar 21, 2014 · 22 revisions

fMBT provides utilities for GUI testing:

  • Python libraries that implement similar GUI test interface for multiple platforms
    • fmbtandroid for Android phones, tablets and emulator
    • fmbttizen for Tizen mobile (X server) and Tizen IVI (Wayland + Weston)
    • fmbtvnc for anything that runs a VNC server
    • fmbtwindows for Windows desktops, laptops and tablets
    • fmbtx11 for an X server
  • fmbt-scripter - a tool for
    • capturing reference bitmaps from screenshots from Android, Tizen, VNC, Windows and X
    • editing and debugging for Python GUI test scripts.

GUI test interface

GUI test interfaces for multiple platforms have a lot in common, but also some platform-specific extensions.

While this document gives only an overview, you get full parameter and return value documentation for each GUI test interfaces with Python:

  • python -c 'import fmbtandroid; help(fmbtandroid.Device)'
  • python -c 'import fmbttizen; help(fmbttizen.Device)'
  • python -c 'import fmbtvnc; help(fmbtvnc.Screen)'
  • python -c 'import fmbtwindows; help(fmbtwindows.Device)'
  • python -c 'import fmbtx11; help(fmbtx11.Screen)'

If you want help from a single method, use python -c 'import fmbtandroid; help(fmbtandroid.Device.refreshScreenshot)', for instance.

Receiving screen contents

  • refreshScreenshot fetches the latest screenshot from the device under test. <act>Bitmap and <act>OcrText methods (like tapBitmap, swipeOcrText) use most recently with fetched screenshot.
  • refreshView fetches UI elements currently on the screen. <act>Text methods (like tapText) use most recently fetched UI element information.
  fmbtandroid fmbttizen fmbtvnc fmbtwindows fmbtx11
refreshScreenshot Y Y Y Y Y
refreshView Y        

Verifying screen contents

  • verifyBitmap and verifyOcrText return True if a bitmap or a text is recognized from latest screenshot.
  • verifyText returns True if a UI element with a text is found from latest UI element information.
  fmbtandroid fmbttizen fmbtvnc fmbtwindows fmbtx11
verifyBitmap verifyOcrText Y Y Y Y Y
verifyText Y        

Sending touch screen or mouse input

  • tap<what> sends touch down and touch up (or mouse button down, mouse button up) on given location. The location can be given in coordinates or unity coordinates, or it can be based on a bitmap, text recognized by OCR, or a text from UI elements.
  • platforms that support both touch and mouse events will get a touch event by default. When called with optional argument button=X, a mouse event with button X is sent. If button=0, then only mouse move is sent, resulting in hoovering over given location.
  fmbtandroid fmbttizen fmbtvnc fmbtwindows fmbtx11
drag touch touch mouse mouse touch mouse mouse
swipe, swipeBitmap, swipeOcrText touch touch mouse mouse touch mouse mouse
swipeText touch        
tap, tapBitmap, tapOcrText touch touch mouse mouse touch mouse mouse
tapText touch        

Sending keyboard input

  • pressKey sends a key press and release.
  • type types given text.
  fmbtandroid fmbttizen fmbtvnc fmbtwindows fmbtx11
pressKey Y Y Y Y Y
type Y Y Y Y Y

Executing commands remotely

  • shellSOE executes given shell command and returns triplet: (Status, Output, Error), that is 1) child process exit status 2) what was printed to standard output 3) what was printed to standard error
  fmbtandroid fmbttizen fmbtvnc fmbtwindows fmbtx11
shellSOE Y Y   Y  

Logging test runs

  • enableVisualLog starts tracing all GUI test interface method calls, return values, exceptions, captured screenshots and reference bitmaps to given HTML file.
  • fmbtlogger.text and fmbtlogger.csv log method calls, return values and exceptions of any Python object, including GUI test interfaces. The log format is plain text or CSV. See python -c 'import fmbtlogger; help(fmbtlogger.text)' for more information.
  fmbtandroid fmbttizen fmbtvnc fmbtwindows fmbtx11
enableVisualLog Y Y Y Y Y



  • adb from Android SDK, Platform tools
  • Enable USB debugging from device settings.


import fmbtandroid
d = fmbtandroid.Device()
d.swipe((0.5, 0.85), "east") # open lock screen



  • sdb from Tizen SDK for testing a Tizen mobile device
  • ssh for testing Tizen IVI

Tizen mobile example:

import fmbttizen
d = fmbttizen.Device()

Tizen IVI example:

import fmbttizen
d = fmbttizen.Device(loginCommand="ssh root@ivi")




import fmbtvnc
d = fmbtvnc.Screen("IP-ADDRESS-OF-VNC-SERVER")
d.tap((0.5, 0.5), button=0) # hoover mouse on the middle of the screen


Prerequisites for Windows device:

  • Install Python 2.X.
  • Copy fMBT's pythonshare directory to Windows.
  • In the pythonshare directory, run c:\python27\python.exe install
  • Launch pythonshare-server to which fmbtwindows can connect to:
cd \python27\scripts
python pythonshare-server --interface=all --password=xxxxxxxx


import fmbtwindows
d = fmbtwindows.Device("IP-ADDRESS-OF-THE-DEVICE", password="xxxxxxxx")
d.type("Hello Windows")



import fmbtx11
d = fmbtx11.Screen(":2")
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