var path = require('path');
const CopyPlugin = require("copy-webpack-plugin");

module.exports = {
	css: {
		extract: {
			filename: '../styles/build.css'
	chainWebpack: config => {
		// Don't create an index.html file

		// Don't copy the /public dir
	configureWebpack: {
		// Don't create a map file for the js package
		devtool: false,
		entry: [
		optimization: {
			// Don't split vendor and app into separate JS files
			splitChunks: false
		output: {
			filename: 'build.js',
			// Prevent lots of files from being created when running npm run dev
			hotUpdateChunkFilename: 'hot-updates/hot-update.js',
			hotUpdateMainFilename: 'hot-updates/hot-update.json'
		plugins: [
			new CopyPlugin({
				patterns: [
						from: 'lib/ui-library/public/styles/tinymce',
						to: '../lib/pkp/styles/tinymce'
		resolve: {
			alias: {
				'@': path.resolve(__dirname, 'lib/ui-library/src')
		watch: false
	outputDir: path.resolve(__dirname, 'js'),
	runtimeCompiler: true,
	// Part of the vue2-dropzone library is not transpiled
	// as part of the normal build process, which results
	// in errors in < IE 11. This directive makes sure the
	// dependencies are included when babel transpiles code
	// See:
	// See:
	transpileDependencies: ['vue2-dropzone']