- Free, open source Bootstrap templates and themes for Twitter Bootstrap.
- App written on Node.js
- Complete HTML, CSS and JavaScript
- Demo and downloads: http://www.bootstrapzero.com
- reusable
- responsive (suitable for mobile devices)
- follow best practices
- maximize use of the Bootstrap baseline
- aren't extensively customized
- don't look to Bootstrap-y
Basic, sidebar, affix, off-canvas, carousel, gallery, fixed width, fixed navbar, blog, portal, app and others.
Facebook style, Google+ style, Android Holo-style, Mashable-style, TheNextWeb style, off-canvas, one page app, long scrolling, full screen carousel and others.
MIT for this project. Individual licenses apply to templates and themes.
If you author open source Bootstrap templates or themes you can submit your works for inclusion on BootstrapZero. Template should meet this criteria:
- free, open source
- no use of LESS or custom Bootstrap builds
- 100% responsive for multiple device widths
While a database is in the works, here is how you can submit your project(s)..
Construct a JSON object for each template/theme you want to submit. Here is an example:
{ name:"Darkside", title:"Darkside", short:"Dark with off-canvas sidebar", full:"The deep gray layout features a sidebar drawer menu that responsively collapses off-canvas on smaller devices such as tablets and smartphones.<br>When the sidebar is collapsed, it can be toggled on so that it slides in from the left and consumes 40% of the screen width.<br>This template also includes a sticky bottom footer that stays at the bottom regardless of content height.", tags:["theme","fixed","dark","collapse","off-canvas"], imgUrl:"http://www.bootply.com/assets/templates/88105.png", downloadUrl:"http://bootply.com/download/88105", sourceUrl:"http://bootply.com/88105", previewUrl:"http://bootply.com/render/88105", author:"Bootply.com", authorUrl:"http://www.bootply.com/templates", bootstrapVersion:"3.0.3", avatar:"https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/3663020003/d09fae59ab68605a7973043e0267b905.jpeg", license:"MIT", licenseUrl:"https://github.com/iatek/bootstrap-zero/blob/master/LICENSE" }
Fork this project
Append your template/theme info the 'templates.js' file found in the project
Submit a pull request so that we can review your submission