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File metadata and controls

87 lines (82 loc) · 6.83 KB

Provider Plugins

These are the manifest files and/or scripts needed to utilize backend providers. Every plugin needs to be a completely self-contained tool which can be installed into any arbitrary directory on a target system. These plugins must also take a single JSON file as input, with a format specified below.

Plugin Input API

  "text" : {
    "html" : "<html encoding=Utf-8><p>Html Form of the alert</p></html>",
    "plaintext" : "Plaintext form of the alert"
  "settings" : {
    "<custom_API_field>" : <value>

Plugin Manifest

Each plugin provides a single JSON manifest file with all the necessary information about the plugin itself (name, version, etc).

Manifest Field Details

  • name (string) : Name of the plugin
  • summary (string) : Short summary of what the plugin does
  • description (string) : Longer description of what the plugin does
  • icon_url (string) : [optional] URL to fetch the icon that represents the plugin (*.jpg or *.png only)
  • version (string) : Version string for the plugin (informational only)
  • date_released (string) : Timestamp in the format "yyyy-MM-dd" or "yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss" (all times in UTC)
    • Example: "2019-01-02" or "2019-01-02T05:30:00" for January 2, 2019 at 5:30 AM
    • This date/time stamp is used to determine if the plugin has any updates available. This value should always increase, and never go backwards between releases of a plugin.
  • tags (Json Array of strings) : [optional] Additional tags to aid in plugin searches
  • maintainer (Json Array of Objects) : List of maintainers for the plugin. Object format for each maintainer is listed below:
  • depends (Json Array of Objects) : This object lists the pieces of the plugin itself. Everything listed here will get extracted into the same directory. The location of the install directory is not consistent between systems, nor is it fixed for a single system, so that a plugin could be installed multiple times on the same system as needed. Object format for each dependency is listed below
    • url (string) : URL for where to fetch the file from (always use HTTPS if possible)
    • sha256_checksum (string) : Checksum of the file for post-download verification.
    • extract (boolean) : [optional] Flag whether the downloaded file needs to be extracted (such as when downloading an archive of files). False by default.
    • decompress (boolean) : [optional] Flag whether the downloaded file needs to be decompressed. For compressed archives, use the "extract" flag instead. False by default.
    • filename (string) : [optional] If extraction and decompression are not needed, this can be provided to change the name of the resulting file in the plugin directory.
  • exec (string) : Name of the binary from the plugin directory to execute. Must be installed via a "depends" entry.
  • api (Json Array of Objects) : List of API fields which the plugin supports or needs in order to function. Object format for a single api entry is listed below:
    • fieldname (string) : Name of the JSON field for this API input.
    • is_required (boolean) : [optional] Indicate whether this field is required or not. False by default.
    • summary (string) : Short summary of how this field is used.
    • is_array (boolean) : [optional] Indicate whether this field should be an array of values. False by default.
      • Note that this flag may not be used with the special "select" type of values.
    • value (Json Object) : This defines any rules/checks for validating the input(s)
      • type (string) : Type of value. Must be one of the following options: "integer", "float", "string", "bool", or "select"
      • is_secret (boolean) : Is the value a secret entry (not shown in listings, treated as a password entry, or similar behavior). "false" by default.
      • default (anything - see examples) : [optional] Default value for this field if nothing is provided
        • Any valid JSON can be placed here. "strings", numbers (5.5), booleans (true/false), or even arrays of values.
        • It is recommended to avoid using Json Objects as values, as these are not enforcable via the API check mechanisms.
      • min (number) : [optional] Minimum value for an "integer" or "float" type of value.
      • max (number) : [optional] Maximum value for an "integer" or "float" type of value.
      • regex (string) : [optional] Regular expression to use for validating input. Works for "integer", "float", and "string" types of values.
      • select (Json Array) : List of possible values which the user must select from. Required for the "select" type of value.
      • summary (Json Array of strings) : [optional] List of information text about each of the "select" options. This array MUST be the same length as the "select" array if this option is provided (1-to-1 matching of array index between the two arrays).

Manifest Example

  "name" : "example",
  "summary" : "Example manifest",
  "description" : "Example manifest for learning purposes. This can be copied as a template for future plugins as well.",
  "icon_url" : "",
  "version" : "1.0",
  "date_released" : "2019-07-16",
  "tags" : ["example","plugin","manifest"],
  "maintainer" : [
    {"name" : "John Doe", "email" : "[email protected]", "site_url" : "" }
  "depends" : [
    { "url" : "", "filename" : "example_binary", "sha256_checksum" : "ABCDEFGHIJ123456789" }
  "exec" : "example_binary",
  "api" : [
    {"fieldname" : "booltest", "summary" : "Example of a true/false input", "value" : { "type" : "bool", "default" : false } },
    {"fieldname" : "stringtest", "summary" : "Example of a string input", "value" : {"type" : "string", "default" : "default text" } },
    {"fieldname" : "integertest", "summary" : "Example of an integer input from 0-100", "value" : { "type" : "integer", "default" : 50, "min" :0, "max" : 100 } },
    {"fieldname" : "selecttest", "summary" : "Example of a list selection input", "value" : { "type" : "select", "default" : "A", "select" : ["A","B","C"], "summary" : ["", "B Details, "Option C Summary"] } }