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File metadata and controls

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Configuration Reference

{: .no_toc }


Key Description Type Default Value
chainId Optionally set the Chain ID of the blockchain. Otherwise the Network ID will be queried, and used as the Chain ID in signing number -1
connectionTimeout The maximum amount of time that a connection is allowed to remain with no data transmitted time.Duration 30s
expectContinueTimeout See ExpectContinueTimeout in the Go docs time.Duration 1s
headers Adds custom headers to HTTP requests map[string]string <nil>
idleTimeout The max duration to hold a HTTP keepalive connection between calls time.Duration 475ms
maxConnsPerHost The max number of connections, per unique hostname. Zero means no limit int 0
maxIdleConns The max number of idle connections to hold pooled int 100
passthroughHeadersEnabled Enable passing through the set of allowed HTTP request headers boolean false
requestTimeout The maximum amount of time that a request is allowed to remain open time.Duration 30s
tlsHandshakeTimeout The maximum amount of time to wait for a successful TLS handshake time.Duration 10s
url URL for the backend JSON/RPC server / blockchain node url <nil>


Key Description Type Default Value
password Password string <nil>
username Username string <nil>


Key Description Type Default Value
url Optional HTTP proxy URL url <nil>


Key Description Type Default Value
count The maximum number of times to retry int 5
enabled Enables retries boolean false
errorStatusCodeRegex The regex that the error response status code must match to trigger retry string <nil>
initWaitTime The initial retry delay time.Duration 250ms
maxWaitTime The maximum retry delay time.Duration 30s


Key Description Type Default Value
burst The maximum number of requests that can be made in a short period of time before the throttling kicks in. int <nil>
requestsPerSecond The average rate at which requests are allowed to pass through over time. int <nil>


Key Description Type Default Value
ca The TLS certificate authority in PEM format (this option is ignored if caFile is also set) string <nil>
caFile The path to the CA file for TLS on this API string <nil>
cert The TLS certificate in PEM format (this option is ignored if certFile is also set) string <nil>
certFile The path to the certificate file for TLS on this API string <nil>
clientAuth Enables or disables client auth for TLS on this API string <nil>
enabled Enables or disables TLS on this API boolean false
insecureSkipHostVerify When to true in unit test development environments to disable TLS verification. Use with extreme caution boolean <nil>
key The TLS certificate key in PEM format (this option is ignored if keyFile is also set) string <nil>
keyFile The path to the private key file for TLS on this API string <nil>
requiredDNAttributes A set of required subject DN attributes. Each entry is a regular expression, and the subject certificate must have a matching attribute of the specified type (CN, C, O, OU, ST, L, STREET, POSTALCODE, SERIALNUMBER are valid attributes) map[string]string <nil>

Key Description Type Default Value
connectionTimeout The amount of time to wait while establishing a connection (or auto-reconnection) time.Duration 45s
heartbeatInterval The amount of time to wait between heartbeat signals on the WebSocket connection time.Duration 30s
initialConnectAttempts The number of attempts FireFly will make to connect to the WebSocket when starting up, before failing int 5
path The WebSocket sever URL to which FireFly should connect WebSocket URL string <nil>
readBufferSize The size in bytes of the read buffer for the WebSocket connection BytesSize 16Kb
url URL to use for WebSocket - overrides url one level up (in the HTTP config) string <nil>
writeBufferSize The size in bytes of the write buffer for the WebSocket connection BytesSize 16Kb


Key Description Type Default Value
credentials CORS setting to control whether a browser allows credentials to be sent to this API boolean true
debug Whether debug is enabled for the CORS implementation boolean false
enabled Whether CORS is enabled boolean true
headers CORS setting to control the allowed headers []string [*]
maxAge The maximum age a browser should rely on CORS checks time.Duration 600
methods CORS setting to control the allowed methods []string [GET POST PUT PATCH DELETE]
origins CORS setting to control the allowed origins []string [*]


Key Description Type Default Value
defaultPasswordFile Optional default password file to use, if one is not specified individually for the key (via metadata, or file extension) string <nil>
disableListener Disable the filesystem listener that automatically detects the creation of new keystore files boolean <nil>
enabled Whether the Keystore V3 filesystem wallet is enabled boolean true
path Path on the filesystem where the metadata files (and/or key files) are located string <nil>
signerCacheSize Maximum of signing keys to hold in memory number 250
signerCacheTTL How long ot leave an unused signing key in memory duration 24h


Key Description Type Default Value
passwordExt Optional to use to look up password files, that sit next to the key files directly. Alternative to metadata when you have a password per keystore string <nil>
passwordPath Optional directory in which to look for the password files, when passwordExt is configured. Default is the wallet directory string <nil>
passwordTrimSpace Whether to trim leading/trailing whitespace (such as a newline) from the password when loaded from file boolean true
primaryExt Extension for key/metadata files named by . string <nil>
primaryMatchRegex Regular expression run against key/metadata filenames to extract the address (takes precedence over primaryExt) regexp <nil>
with0xPrefix When true and passwordExt is used, password filenames will be generated with an 0x prefix boolean <nil>


Key Description Type Default Value
format Set this if the primary key file is a metadata file. Supported formats: auto (from extension) / filename / toml / yaml / json (please quote "0x..." strings in YAML) string auto
keyFileProperty Go template to look up the key-file path from the metadata. Example: '{{ index .signing "key-file" }}' go-template <nil>
passwordFileProperty Go template to look up the password-file path from the metadata go-template <nil>


Key Description Type Default Value
compress Determines if the rotated log files should be compressed using gzip boolean <nil>
filename Filename is the file to write logs to. Backup log files will be retained in the same directory string <nil>
filesize MaxSize is the maximum size the log file before it gets rotated BytesSize 100m
forceColor Force color to be enabled, even when a non-TTY output is detected boolean <nil>
includeCodeInfo Enables the report caller for including the calling file and line number, and the calling function. If using text logs, it uses the logrus text format rather than the default prefix format. boolean false
level The log level - error, warn, info, debug, trace string info
maxAge The maximum time to retain old log files based on the timestamp encoded in their filename. time.Duration 24h
maxBackups Maximum number of old log files to retain int 2
noColor Force color to be disabled, event when TTY output is detected boolean <nil>
timeFormat Custom time format for logs Time format string 2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z07:00
utc Use UTC timestamps for logs boolean false


Key Description Type Default Value
enabled Enables JSON formatted logs rather than text. All log color settings are ignored when enabled. boolean false


Key Description Type Default Value
file configures the JSON key containing the calling file string file
func Configures the JSON key containing the calling function string func
level Configures the JSON key containing the log level string level
message Configures the JSON key containing the log message string message
timestamp Configures the JSON key containing the timestamp of the log string @timestamp


Key Description Type Default Value
address Local address for the JSON/RPC server to listen on string
port Port for the JSON/RPC server to listen on number 8545
publicURL External address callers should access API over string <nil>
readTimeout The maximum time to wait when reading from an HTTP connection duration 15s
shutdownTimeout The maximum amount of time to wait for any open HTTP requests to finish before shutting down the HTTP server time.Duration 10s
writeTimeout The maximum time to wait when writing to a HTTP connection duration 15s


Key Description Type Default Value
type The auth plugin to use for server side authentication of requests string <nil>


Key Description Type Default Value
passwordfile The path to a .htpasswd file to use for authenticating requests. Passwords should be hashed with bcrypt. string <nil>


Key Description Type Default Value
ca The TLS certificate authority in PEM format (this option is ignored if caFile is also set) string <nil>
caFile The path to the CA file for TLS on this API string <nil>
cert The TLS certificate in PEM format (this option is ignored if certFile is also set) string <nil>
certFile The path to the certificate file for TLS on this API string <nil>
clientAuth Enables or disables client auth for TLS on this API string <nil>
enabled Enables or disables TLS on this API boolean false
insecureSkipHostVerify When to true in unit test development environments to disable TLS verification. Use with extreme caution boolean <nil>
key The TLS certificate key in PEM format (this option is ignored if keyFile is also set) string <nil>
keyFile The path to the private key file for TLS on this API string <nil>
requiredDNAttributes A set of required subject DN attributes. Each entry is a regular expression, and the subject certificate must have a matching attribute of the specified type (CN, C, O, OU, ST, L, STREET, POSTALCODE, SERIALNUMBER are valid attributes) map[string]string <nil>