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if struggl exam dont take class steve difficult understand veri grade semest if do badli exam hard recov think hilari professor understand mix reaction need actual listen sai becau slide normal just term go over actual applic term lectur if dont go lectur youll probabl veri lost class ha lot busi work recit involv paper group project test pretti difficult chan not veri good lectur either also 1215 page paper steve chan veri intellig knowledg within theori realm polit scienc class difficult lot inform keep track interest class not favorit put decent amount effort get abov c chan hard understand well had small lectur definit need review term put syllabu dure lectur kept call stupid think meant joke annoi tough grader doesnt give extra credit also didnt follow definit book like make up were wrong took 5week cour insan pace assign read 1 chapterdai take quiz offer 3 discuss extra credit two mandatori paper two exam final midterm offer almost no flexibl class defeat purpo onlin class accent heavi so rewind lectur lot professor chan great gui enthusiast about class intern behavior veri funni come down easi follow class so long attend class make yourself known take care long run enjoi listen read discuss class had small seminar class about 15 peopl definit best class ever taken iv come out class feel 100x smarter yet 100x more stupid make rethink everyth read long not essenti read everi piec becau we talk about class materi not test would onli recommend dr chan small seminar we focu exclu journal articl free longwind talk more than should discuss veri inform approach question if do read make sure understand can write strong logic paper fine main fault class variat recit leader so import talk other student also test veri comprehen introduct iaf chan notibl intelleg interest not veri help person veri fair clearli knowledg go lectur prof chan veri confu hard understand ha minim visual aid hard pai attent class do not recommend professor anyon visual learner bore test veri hard veri love hate lot interest analog sometim goe tangent lectur tend not go over book class leav own timerecit like mai bother other student veri eccentr class horribl we talk about lectur bare show up test if test word veri poorli give no studi guid materi class so no idea want test would not recommend class anyon class horribl chan jump around topic topic doesnt adequ tie concept togeth speak class if we complet idiot dai said dont know if know soviet union doesnt exist anymor class requir psci ia major try take someon el if can chan extrem captiv professor eccentr someon can hold attent 500 person lectur class realli nice approach professor if know term write board relat each other do fine exam great hilari mr chan sweet cover lot inform also repeat over over again try drill point can annoi over easi class ridicul terribl we talk about lectur bare show up test test word poorli give no studi guid materi extrem broad class so no idea want test dont think even know realli hard read seem sweet realiti rude arrog im polit scienc major class made want switch major veri nonspecif about studi materi anyth said lectur anyth read text jump around dure lectur make hard keep track thing good analog lot jargon make flashcard term goe long wai chan ha lot good info share classroom also sort eccentr over place lectur lot irrelev analog can make thing harder than need happen like eccentr if dont find anoth professor