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gui act like know talk about class more difficult than religion class need also made strang comment about taught fal doctrinetyp thing took new testament rub wrong wai made feel like wasnt learn someon author teach third class bro merril love great gui realli care about student daili attend quizz did show up pai attent easi 1page paper complet midterm final honestli wouldnt take class anyon el realli know talk about not great structur help wai learn so class were interest not realli import test noth do class studi guid mediocr best lot read not necessari if dont do well test noth can do improv grade brother merril awesom gui read first half book mormon first two week onli demand part if pai attent class go over studi guid befor test pretti easi take bom122 becau simpl cour structur lot peopl dont like bro merril think becau chasti often person realli appreci about though becau veri real isnt rainbow sunshin about gospel test were hard learn lot class realli enjoi love bro merril realli work learn so much care teacher realli bring spirit dure lectur pai attent youll fine brother merril told class multipl occa we would sent hell if we did not do ask did not appreci told professor test were base felt most import hard tell base lectur were no lectur tool onli speak wonder spiritu lectur doesnt slide anywh get note besid come class everi time veri knowledg care onli coupl thing make break grade so if do read studi quizz test grade alright paper super easi point love lectur thought were well present gave great insight problem test were set up wai trip up although great lectur make veri difficult get good grade class amount credit class feel like had spend far too much time class brother merril amaz know more about book mormon than anyon iv ever met doe talk realli fast though doesnt slide so kind take note everyth not lot homework hardest thing read whole first half book mormon three week brother merril love book mormon lot show lectur lectur base text itself expect studi often brother merril nice test kind ridicul more less memor specif word hundr ver studi guid vagu ta never avail sometim sai insensit thing teach nonoffici doctrin if test well youll fine if not look somewh el brother merril class breez student complain test too specif arent difficult especi if studi if decent knowledg book mormon should abl do well everi test lectur definit more focu spiritu side thing not so much scholarli brother merril bom class amaz howev test veri specif lot direct quot without refer expect know howev most spiritu class ever taken would take class spirit not grade enjoi class howev would sai class not everyon if want easi religion class dont take brother merril test quit specif can difficult if dont studi howev love lectur feel like know book mormon so much better now more like old friend than just book lectur ridicul disorgan jump around text time ha no slide so imposs follow also skim through info need test then talk about person life polit test do not reflect lectur either studi guid suck do not take favorit religion class ever taken left everi class feel uplift inspir not veri familiar subject befor class felt like rm had big advantag over test were fair if do read follow studi guid honestli if arent rm class bad idea lectur inspir veri inform dont relat test wai test brutal dont match studi guid howev if look realli deepen understand book mormon merril gui worst experi could had religion class lectur vagu scatter studi guid test often inaccur test not well written test question alwai veri specif were never mention class terribl class plea dont take class bro merril brother merril good teacher know talk about howev studi guid extrem vagu test veri hard averag grade never abov b test opinion ridicul religion class