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iv realli enjoi rege funni most importantli veri good explain concept we learn even though cse 143x fast cour ha made possibl keep up veri deci lectur also tell import thing need test homework havent realli had read textbook rege veri inspir professor learn admittedli had seminar class not 14x cour consist blew mind new concept also great gui talk over veri down earth despit legendari statu take 143 honor seminar if can chang life not hard get 35 do lot practiceit problem everydai relat gon na test also make sure practic everi singl type question test know do test arent bad long practic alot everyth homework just make sure read spec carefulli get good grade not too hard class test veri straightforward often recycl big portion question test nice thing took class 50 percent final point were question archiv if want do well class need studi everyth test rege lectur were hand down best lectur took educ career im current doctor student so had quit bit im glad laid down program fundament veri tough grader so gpa did ind took hit never would chang cour anyth el know famou professor ha good reput lectur not good lot distract unnecessari analog even whitak better than nice gui though goe lot tangent learn wai more ta quiz section than rege extrem difficult class grade also veri unforgiv actual lectur high qualiti if pai attent understand content textbook total not need basic if not go cs major requir cse 1423 dont take these class cau kill gpa so fast rege fine lectur wrote textbook so know stuff do well u need ac hw exam ac exam recommend practic over over again help get 90 everi time almost code iv written hw work correctli keep lose style point if question regard style just guess becau ta arent allow answer stuart good lectur wai class organ unfair penal student style even though we cant get help pretti pretenti know talk about sure excel lectur difficult talk outsid class onli ever attend first lectur panopto awesom stuart great lectur make cs enjoi grade veri heavili styleba also quit rude intimid person hinder ask question person exam reason long studi materi thoroughli should fine veri strict messag board polici can not post too can not ask concept textbookslectur can not ask gener question messag delet time receiv email stuart sever time so prepar go ipl decent lectur bit overr opinion pretti rude not veri access too grade mostli base seri arbitrari style deduct includ thing such advanc concept point deduct got pretti good grade truli believ 14x seri poorli design veri difficult prof even though had taken previou java class commun colleg thought teacher commun colleg were bad until met gui bare pass great teacher super base gui fact director libertarian parti if try get into cs realli need get high grade class 142143 do not skip discuss session learn most if dont go dont expect get good grade class homework purposefulli confu if need help ask ta person arent allow sai much ipl stuart rude not veri help test homework lot harder than 142 hard class stuart didnt fail deliv teach class funni veri interest person made lectur enjoi think thing about cour itself stuart made could revamp though exampl binari tree need introduc wai earlier chanc get good final grade iv taken lot class uni cse 142 143 were hardest bunch stuart doesnt want student succ much want fail lose point even if code work perfectli go lose around 45 point just comment so call style