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love professor class realli funni interest materi extrem gener grade curv liter imposs fail class do need come class sinc prelim materi cover class no textbook would recommend anyon peopl sai about lectur true came warn dont bother textbook mechan contradict textbook everi other onlin sourc matter dock point draw altern correct mechan basic live own world chemistri good luck class go class test base entir lectur note amp class grade entir off 2 prelim amp final over just show up class paid attent studi mayb 12hr each prelim amp got w curv professor ruttledg super passion amp realli realli nice doe best make materi less den fav prof love prai god not get professor ever again make 2 credit intro organ chemistri lab cour wai more work than need felt like lectur were alwai behind schedul huge discontinu between go dure lab section go class dont care did ghana pari care about learn materi omg love professor wish more professor had inten person reason wai teach boost confid lot make thing so clear straightforward dont feel dumb not arrog felt aliv happi class better experi than other chemistri professor did not enjoi class if not solid chem student professor rutledg make feel like idiot veri arrog person did not like teach style can funni full do not recommend first lectur tom pep talk do well class offic hour good amount peopl show up first onli hand end up go regularli those go consist great wai stai top materi nicest most sincer person make sure learn orgo had tom chem 2510 chem 3580 same semest teach materi veri clearli sometim digress tell about latest trip pari tell joke about mom howev think doe keep attent test conceptu knowledg not memor over great professor hard professor exam had littl do talk about class had teach myself everyth had littl no respect student enthusiast orgo professor love soap tell joke dure class should comedian side career over difficult class felt like learn lot despit mix review other student exam were design less memor more challeng student knowledg give novel problem tom doe not believ easi want student work hard grade show tri help student tough sometim backfir grade class rest ta mostli dont worri about practic becau review session lot extra help also help take 3580 final realli thought id last person like organ chemistri tom made love brilliant funni engag love teach so passion about thing love tangent about travel polit think wasnt capabl scienc until tom taught wai should taught difficult worth engag lectur practic final exam were veri difficult reason appreci focu understand rather than pure memor materi found offic hour help though make work answer feel like realli care about student success certainli want challeng give good exam actual test understand materi rather than regurgit exam past year realiti onli hand mechan can ask so shouldnt issu someon taken 2 semest orgo alreadi if youv onli taken 3570 then littl extra work pai off 3580 everyth fine until final isnt realli textbook so if skip lectur miss mechan screw like hear talk can pretti funni ta chill just frustrat tom student were offic hour were not too help didnt seem want give straight answer worst professor ever had absolut take cour after take 2510 otherwi suffer two lab period week more challeng lab still 3010 much more fun than 2510 less competit relax atmosph much more interest engag experi more skill ta less peopl lab annoi not necessari both lab practic final regardless neither were too difficult dr ruttledg extrem selfabsorb bother person level howev doe give engag lectur know stuff lab practic make poo yourself becau somewhat out control final not hard if actual studi lab mechan got im avgbelow avg chem student