- GitHub: Version Control, Cloning, Branching, Forking
- Unix primer: (cd, ls, ssh, emacs) (Google cloud instance)
- Coding programs: Textwrangler, PyCharm, or Atom.
- Github.com
- Google Drive (general gmail account)
- DropBox.com
- Overleaf.com
- Kaggle.com
- Papers and/or ADS experience (Building a library of papers)
- Piazza.com ( Course Q&A website)
- How to write a professional email.
- Make sure everyone has python installed.
- Effective Paper Reading
Exoplanets Review by Lee (2018). (link in Google Drive)
Pandas: (Leader: Ellie)
How to effectively read a Scientific Paper
Extras Numpy, Pandas, Gspread, reading in files, plotting (data discovery, bokeh), radvel,. Start planet fitting with fitting a sin wave, move to radvel Pandas: slicing datasets, SQL queries in python Plotting: linear vs log space
"Life Outside the Solar System" by Su-Shu Huang (Also in google drive https://www.nature.com/scientificamerican/journal/v202/n4/pdf/scientificamerican0460-55.pdf
- GAIA and SQL interface (online Astronomy Archives)
- Distances, Astronometry, Stellar Parameters
- NASA Exoplanet Archive
- Download all of the Kepler transiting planets
- Make histogram of planet radii
- Make Orbital period vs Planet Radius plot
- Download all of the Kepler transiting planets
The Role of Identity in Astronomy: Article: Whistling Vivaldi (link in google drive)
- Radvel:
- Beyond the radvel tutorial, do better to explain what is going on.
- Add more comments about basic python usage.
- Build a website using wix.com (Leader: Alma)
- What belongs on an academic website.
- make a CV using Overleaf.com
TESS tutorial (Leader: Ellie)
- Download TESS data
- Identify planet Transit period
Download Kepler photometric data Data: (optional)
- For a Kepler tutorial, please see Intro2Astro 2018
An Earth-sized Planet in the Habitable Zone of a Cool Star (Quintana et al. 2014) http://science.sciencemag.org/content/344/6181/277.full (Science Version) https://arxiv.org/pdf/1404.5667.pdf (ArXive Version, free)
- Statistics: median/mean/mode leading into outlier rejection and uncertainty (Leader: Ellie)
- Photon Statistics: Detector noise and how to measure the strength of your detection
- An Introduction to the programming language R in discussing habitability.
An Earth-sized Planet in the Habitable Zone of a Cool Star (Quintana et al. 2014) http://science.sciencemag.org/content/344/6181/277.full (Science Version) https://arxiv.org/pdf/1404.5667.pdf (ArXive Version, free)
High Resolution Spectra
- examine many Keck/APF spectra: determine resolution
- Give examples of low, medium and high resolution spectra.
- Cross Correlation: What is it and what does it tell us
- Determining Precise Radial Velocities.
- (plot resolution as a function of wavelength), Use Haynes tutorial as a guide
- examine many Keck/APF spectra: determine resolution
Continue discussion of Research topics.
- Begin Final Project: Research Proposal
- Article Databases: ADS, Google Scholar, arXiv.org
- Final Project: Research proposal discussion.
Papers: "Imaging Extrasolar Giant Planets" https://arxiv.org/pdf/1605.02731.pdf
Microlensing: Seager (in google drive).