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Releases: hortonworks/registry

Registry 0.6.0 release

21 Feb 04:22
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ISSUE-509: Provide a delete API for schema metadata (#510)
ISSUE-496: Kafka Streams and Schema Registry Integration Support
ISSUE-500: Changes related to enabling JWT based SSO along with SPNEGO/Kerberos
EAR-9794: SchemaRegistry UI is not getting rendered properly
ISSUE-513: Fix storage manager to correctly handle the types in queries
ISSUE-517 Fix concurrent schema version adds.
ISSUE-502: Field props stripped in deserialization
Update documentation: schema-registry.rst
ISSUE-506: Resolve reported CVEs

Security vulnerabilities addressed in this release are

Registry 0.5.4 release - RC1

26 Sep 05:59
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This is a release with the below features and the bug fixes.

ISSUE-477: De-serialize API without a reader schema
ISSUE-481 Fixed SQL injection for search queries
ISSUE-485 Fix adding large schema text for oracle
ISSUE-486 Fix deadlocks in storage layer during concurrent calls to SR
ISSUE-402 Registry 'Jar Storage HDFS URL' does not work for Namenode HA
ISSUE-87 Add support for Kafka Header Registry.
ISSUE-489 Add docs on supporting Kafka Message Header to save schemaVersionId
ISSUE-492 Updated spring-context to 5.0.7.RELEASE to resolve security vulnerabilities

Security vulnerabilities addressed in this release are

Registry 0.5.4 release

26 Sep 12:11
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This is a release with the below features and the bug fixes.

ISSUE-477 De-serialize API without a reader schema
ISSUE-481 Fixed SQL injection for search queries
ISSUE-485 Fix adding large schema text for oracle
ISSUE-486 Fix deadlocks in storage layer during concurrent calls to SR
ISSUE-402 Registry 'Jar Storage HDFS URL' does not work for Namenode HA
ISSUE-87 Add support for Kafka Header Registry.
ISSUE-489 Add docs on supporting Kafka Message Header to save schemaVersionId
ISSUE-492 Updated spring-context to 5.0.7.RELEASE to resolve security vulnerabilities
MINOR Fixed javadoc errors

Security vulnerabilities addressed in this release are

Registry 0.5.3 release

04 Aug 07:46
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This is a release with the below bug fixes.

MINOR Set revision as unknown when it fails to retrieve revision using SCM commands.
ISSUE-467: UI fails to load schemas without schema versions
ISSUE-470: Hibernate-validator updated with 5.4.2 which is in sync with drop-wizard-s dependency.
ISSUE-465: Replace ClientBuilder with JerseyClientBuilder.
MINOR: Fix flyway shell migration error.
MINOR: Addressed FlyWay lib dependencies which caused security vulnerabilities.

Security vulnerabilities that were addressed in this release are

Registry 0.5.3 release - RC1

03 Aug 04:35
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This is a release with the below bug fixes.

ISSUE-467: UI fails to load schemas without schema versions
ISSUE-470: Hibernate-validator updated with 5.4.2 which is in sync with drop-wizard-s dependency.
ISSUE-465: Replace ClientBuilder with JerseyClientBuilder.
MINOR: Fix flyway shell migration error.
MINOR: Addressed FlyWay lib dependencies which caused security vulnerabilities.

Registry 0.5.2 release

07 Jul 06:16
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This is a release with few bug fixes and minor enhancements as mentioned below.

ISSUE-397 Support for Docker added to run Schema Registry application inside the container
ISSUE-404 Support http proxy related configuration for registry server
ISSUE-397 Dockerized Schema Registry application with KDC server.
ISSUE-410 AvroFieldsGenerator produces Stackoverflow error when parsing a nested record schema.
ISSUE-418 Add JWT based SSO as alternative authentication to common-auth module.
ISSUE-420 Add migration to add extents for created tables to fix serializable as an isolation level for Oracle database
ISSUE-415 Client side schema validation - Disable or Customize
ISSUE-425 Provide tool to initialize database and user
ISSUE-428 Treat existence of database/user as success while initializing database
ISSUE-433 SR home page just spins with some errors on debugger console
ISSUE-441 Let addOrUpdate be compatible with PostgreSQL under 9.5
ISSUE-447 De-couple JWTAuthenticationHandler from Kerberos related base class
MINOR: Docker db hostnames are exposed to the user.
MINOR Added APIs to build schema registry version

Registry - 0.5.1 release

09 Feb 16:09
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This is a release with below minor enhancements.

ISSUE-394 Expose an API to get schema versions after filtering it with state id
ISSUE-398 Add an option to disable validation during schema migration in storage-tool

Registry - 0.5.0 release

24 Jan 08:31
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This is a release with feature enhancements and few bug fixes.

Bump up version to 0.5.0
MINOR Set respective logging levels in HAServerNotificationManager
ISSUE-391: Missing error notification on UI when there's any error thrown while adding a schema.
ISSUE-388 Invalidate cache in HA mode
ISSUE-381 Provide helper utility for manual transaction handling
ISSUE-389: Return the value removed from DB and not the cache
ISSUE-386 Return SchemaLifecycleException when deleting root version of an existing schema branch.
Minor: Refactor test cases for schema branching
ISSUE-380 Support schema branch deletion if it contains a schema version in 'Archived' state
ISSUE-374 Added tests for RewriteUriFilter for both redirect and forward paths.
ISSUE-356: Allow merge option only for schemas in enabled state.
ISSUE-370: Merging to master branch should lead to the merged/existing version
ISSUE-369: UI should refresh whenever state transition happens for a schema version.
ISSUE-378 Remove 401 page redirection as it can not handle non GET requests for now
Remove dependency on schema-registry-core test jar
ISSUE-365 Return merge result with message instead of SchemaVersionId for merge operations.
ISSUE-367 Added checks for empty or null schema text to throw invalid schema errors
ISSUE-361 Added Inreview state and finish review state transition to make reviewing state flow more intuitive.
ISSUE-328 Keep schema branch name unique within a schema metadata
ISSUE-353 354 355 Fix minor bugs related to schema branch merge
ISSUE-349 Fix TransactionEventListener to handle 404 errors properly.
ISSUE-346 Fixed time unit of schema expiry interval.
mysql-connector added to schema-lifecycle examples with provided scope.
ISSUE-311 Added required changes to TransactionEventListener to consider whether UnitOfWork should be applied for resources by default or not.
ISSUE-343 Provide example to demonstrate custom schema lifecycle
ISSUE-341: BAD Request is not shown in UI if a schema version transition is made to a custom state
ISSUE-336 Show error notification on BAD REQUEST for deleting a schema branch with enabled state
ISSUE-337 SchemaBranchNotFoundException is declared as RuntimeException to support backward compatible nature.
ISSUE-330 UI: Fixed UI loading issue (for development mode)
ISSUE-331 - Add adminConnector config with a specific port so that users know about the configuration from which SR server is running.
ISSUE-302 UI Provide branching feature for schema versions
ISSUE-325 Modify APIs to support rendering UI for schema branch
Added more details to ser/des protocol doc
ISSUE-302 Support schema version "branching" feature
ISSUE-284 Fix the build failure on Travis CI
Fixed react & react-router versions.
ISSUE-319 Let SchemaVersionInfoCache be less verbose
ISSUE-312: Schemametadata creation API should not be invoked when the schema version is corrected and submitted.
ISSUE-287: Change text mysql type to mediumtext to support large schema
Added more logging while creating/closing connections
ISSUE-298 Added a test to check whether the default values are preserved for types in a record containing union types
Added x permission to
ISSUE-308: Registry UI Exception. Fixed various react libraries version since auto-updating (via npm install) breaks the UI.
ISSUE-141 Add a static informative page for 401 error
ISSUE-298 Pass-thru the default field values for non-union field types so default values are properly maintained and unaffected by the processing of union field type default values.
ISSUE-306 Support default transaction isolation level
ISSUE-304 Provide support for schema migration through shell script versioning in storage tool.

Registry - 0.3.1 release

24 Jan 05:06
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This is a release with few enhancements and bug fixes as mentioned below.

ISSUE-213 POJOs are made to be backward compatible
ISSUE-222 Handle any valid number types and invalid values for serdes protocol versions in deserializer
Fixed postgres script and other minor changes in server config files
ISSUE-189 Sanitize mysql create_tables scripts
ISSUE-191 Fixed getSchemaVersionInfo according to API contract
ISSUE-196 Support forward/redirect filters
UI changes to load files under ui context path
ISSUE-182 Added checks for initialization/closures serializer/deserializer
Added enabling SSL doc.
Fixed Confluent API endpoint to register schema/versions
ISSUE 198: Support to delete a schema version
ISSUE-205 UI not able to display the right schema version number after deletion
ISSUE-211 Added more APIs for Confluent SR migration.
ISSUE-216 Fix registerSubjectVersion method name to lookupSubjectVersion in ConfluentSchemaRegistryCompatibleResource.
ISSUE-213 POJOs are changed to be backward compatible
ISSUE:195 Provide SSL support to SchemaRegistryClient
ISSUE-224 Return respective error messages for different subject and version not found cases.
ISSUE-249 Confluent SR incompatibility for versions/latest and versions/{versionId}
ISSUE-315 Fix connection leaks in storage layer
BUG-92674: Fix UI errors introduced by UI library updates
ISSUE-351 GET /favicon.ico throws error as it is not available.
ISSUE-291 Removed mariaddb and findbugs-annotations dependencies because of LGPL license

Registry - 0.4.0 release

22 Jan 07:06
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ISSUE-196 Support forward/redirect filters
ISSUE-182 Added checks for initialization/closures serializer/deserializer
Fixed Confluent API endpoint to register schema/versions
ISSUE 198: Support to delete a schema version
ISSUE-211 Added more APIs for Confluent SR migration
ISSUE-216 Fix registerSubjectVersion method name to lookupSubjectVersion in ConfluentSchemaRegistryCompatibleResource.
ISSUE-213 POJOs are changed to be backward compatible
ISSUE-222 Handle any valid number types and invalid values for serdes protocol versions in deserializer
ISSUE:195 Provide SSL support to SchemaRegistryClient
ISSUE-224 Return respective error messages for different subject and version not found cases.
Issue-220-UI Schema Version Diff UI
ISSUE-177 Schema version lifecycle state management implementation.
ISSUE:207 Support schema versioning and migration using flyway
ISSUE-242 Added schema version lifecycle statemachine APIs for users to add any custom states.
ISSUE-249 Confluent SR incompatibility for versions/latest and versions/{versionId}
ISSUE-269: Have a common storage module across streamline and registry
ISSUE-275: Fix a few maven dependencies for storage-core
ISSUE-271 Creating schema throws error in postgres due to wrong type assocaited with schema_version_state#details field
ISSUE-226 Add Oracle Migration Scripts
ISSUE-278 Fix flyway migration for an existing database
ISSUE-280 Add doc for ser/des protocol
ISSUE-291 Remove findbugs-annotations and mariadb modules because of LGPL license.
ISSUE-289 Throw more specific Exceptions
ISSUE-273: Transaction support in storage layer.
ISSUE-223 Removing unneeded dependencies for serdes/client modules
ISSUE-294 Enable seamless migration to HDF-3.1 from any of the previous versions
ISSUE-296 Creating connection if the current thread is not tied with any transaction earlier
ISSUE-299 Close connections appropriately when the task for given connection is finished

** Transactional support and schema version lifecycle APIs are evolving and it may have some changes. These APIs will be stable in next maint releases.