Code for doing realtime Fourier Domain Optical Coherence Tomography (FD-OCT). See usage.txt for keystroke list, also enumerated in the code as comments.
Release including a windows binary and a Linux binary as an AppImage -
Basic build instructions for GCC using cmake:
- Make sure the required USB and OpenCV libraries and camera SDKs are installed.
- Modify the CMakeLists.txt file as required - if compiling for webcam, without QHY camera support, please remove the -lqhy dependency in CMakeLists.txt by renaming as CMakeLists.txt, or, if using qhy support, rename CMakeLists.txt.qhy as CMakeLists.txt
- cd to the build directory
- cmake ..
- make BscanFFTwebcam.bin
Dependencies: The following dependencies for OpenCV need to be installed - on Ubuntu, this can be done by sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake git libgtk2.0-dev pkg-config libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev python-dev python-numpy libtbb2 libtbb-dev libjpeg-dev libpng-dev libtiff-dev libjasper-dev libdc1394-2 libusb-1.0-0-dev libusb-1.0-0 libopencv-dev
The .travis.yml file contains build instructions for Travis CI - - which can be replicated on the commandline for building.
File list:
BscanDark.cpp - a test version with dark-frame subtraction
BscanFFT.cpp - the main software, with QHYCCD camera support
BscanFFTpeak.cpp - variant of the main software, with QHYCCD camera support and peak intensity display
BscanFFTsim.cpp - simulation using saved files, for testing and validation
BscanFFTspin.cpp - the main software, with spinnaker SDK (Point Grey camera, support
BscanFFTspinj.cpp - the main software, with spinnaker SDK and offline capture code with triggered capture
BscanFFTspinjnt.cpp - the main software, with spinnaker SDK and offline capture code, non-triggered capture
BscanFFTwebcam.cpp - webcam demo version of the main software, which does not need a QHYCCD camera
BscanFFTxml2m.cpp - helper to convert output xml files to Matlab compatible m files
BscanFFTxml2mm.cpp - helper to convert output xml files to multiple Matlab compatible m files
BscanFFTxml2ms.cpp - helper to convert output xml files to multiple Matlab compatible m files, each with a single variable
CMakeLists.txt - configuration file for the cmake environment
CMakeLists.txt.qhy - rename this as CMakeLists.txt if building with qhy support - rename this as CMakeLists.txt if building without qhy, supporting only a webcam
CMakeLists.txt.spinnakermultithreaded - rename this as CMakeLists.txt if building for spinnaker SDK -
Displayspin.cpp - demo to see frame rate with spinnaker SDK
Displayspinmt.cpp - demo to see frame rate with spinnaker SDK, old multithreaded trial not optimized
ViewportSaver.cpp - a simple interface to display save viewport images, and save on receipt of s or <spacebar>.
ViewportSaverwebcam.cpp - as above, written to use a webcam driver instead of QHY driver.
multicamtest.cpp - an attempt to use multiple QHY cameras at once - does not work.
More documentation for basic compiling instructions etc is at
Documentation for cross platform compiling is at
Please also see the following:
Documentation for integrating Spinnaker SDK is at and